初三英语(人教版)Unit 2重难点解析

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  1. [原文]Have you ever watched someone surf? (L. 6)surf是动词,在这里怎么用原形?
  [精析] surf是省去to 的动词不定式,在这里作感官动词watch的宾语补足语。类似用法还有,感官动词look at, see, listen to, hear, 使役动词let, have,make等,后都可以接省去to的不定式作宾补。
  2. [原文] Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world. (L. 6) is enjoyed是什么谓语形式?all over是什么用法?
  [精析]is enjoyed是被动语态形式。当主语为动作的承受者时,谓语要用被动语态形式,即be + 过去分词形式。这部分内容在今后还要学到。
  all over是“全部、浑身、在各地”的意思,可单独使用,也可在其后接相应的词语。例如:
  People all over the world love peace.全世界的人民都热爱和平。
  He is wet all over.他全身都湿了。
  all over the world 也可以用all the world, the whole world 来表示,但一定要注意冠词的位置。用all 时,冠词放在all之后,用whole时,冠词放在whole之前。
  3. [原文] Every year...attract large numbers of tourists to the islands. (L. 6) large numbers of与a large number of 有区别吗?
  [精析]没有。这两个短语都表示“许多”的意思,可以互换。如:Large numbers of / A large number of people came to the meeting from all over the country. 许多来自全国各地的人参加了会议。但是a number of / numbers of 与the number of是有区别的。作主语时,前者后接复数名词,谓语用复数形式;后者意思是“为……的总数”,后接复数名词,但谓语要用单数。试比较:
  A number of students are playing in the playground.许多学生在操场上玩。
  The number of students in the playground is about one hundred.操场上的学生(数量)大约有一百人。
  4. [原文] For example, Jake Booth, a 21-year-old man, gave up his job in San Francisco a year ago. (L. 6) 21-year-old中的year怎么不加s?
  [精析] 21-year-old是由数词 + 名词 + 形容词构成的复合形容词,其中year不可以用复数形式,词与词之间用连字号。试比较:
  He is a 15-year-old boy.他是一个15岁的男孩。
  The boy is 15 years old.这个男孩15岁。
  另外,句中give up意思是“放弃”,作及物动词,后可以接动名词;也可以接代词,用宾格放于up之前。也可用作不及物动词。例如:
  You should give up smoking. I gave it up last year.你应该戒烟。我去年就戒掉了。
  She doesn't give up easily.她做任何事情都不会轻易放弃。
  5. [原文] Although I haven't got a very good job, surfing keeps me very fit.( L. 6) although与though用法相同吗?
  [精析] 有共同之处,也有不同点。两都可用来引导让步状语从句,表示汉语的“虽然……但是……”。但不能说although / though...but...。如:不能说:Although / Though he is very old, but he is still quite strong. 句中的but 应去掉。Although是较为正式的用语,引导的从句多位于主句前,though多用于非正式文体中,引导的从句位于主句前后都可。
  注意:though可用于倒装句中,although不可。如:Young though he is , he has worked for a few years.他虽然年轻但已经工作好几年了。
  6.[原文] He's gone to New Zealand on business. (L. 7) business前可以加定冠词the 吗?
  [精析] 不可以。on表示“处于……状态中”,与一些名词构成特定的词组,on business出差。再如:on duty值日,on fire着火了,on holiday在度假。这些固定词组中都不能加冠词。
  7. [原文] On May 17, 2001, on his 13th birthday, his dream came true.(L. 8) come true是“实现”的意思,realize也有这一意思,它们的用法一样吗?
  [精析] 不一样。这两个词语虽然可以表示同一个意思,但句法结构不同。come true的主语应是某事,而realize的主语应是某人。试比较:
  His dream has come true.他的梦想实现了。
  He has realized his dream.他实现了他的梦想。
  另外,表示某人几岁生日是:one's + 序数词 + birthday。如:Tom's 10th birthday.
  8. [原文] He went on cycling for another two hours before he finished his journey. (L. 8) 句中的journey与trip, travel均可表示“旅行”,有区别吗?
  [精析] 有区别。这三个词都表示“旅行”的意思。journey 一般指较远距离的旅行,指单程;trip用得比较广泛,可以是“旅行”,也可以是“去了一下”,但都指一个往返;travel一般指到国外或远方旅行,不着重某一个目的地,有到各地“游历”的意思。请看例句:
  He made a journey from Paris to Berlin.他作了一次从巴黎到柏林的旅行。
  I took several trips to Guilin.我去过桂林几次。
  He returned from his travels.他旅行结束回到家里。




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