At the doctor’s (在诊所)

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  I got a headache and a cough. 我有点头痛,还咳嗽。
  She got a cough. 她咳嗽了。
  I'm not feeling well. 我感到不舒服。
  I feel dizzy. 我头晕。
  注:英文中表示“患病”常用have / got +疾病的名词。如:have/got a headache(头痛); have/got a cough(咳嗽); have heart trouble(心脏病); have a pain in the chest(胸口疼)。
  What's the trouble with you? 你怎么了?
  What's wrong / the matter with you? 你怎么啦?
  What's your trouble? 您哪儿不舒服?
  How do you feel / How are you feeling now? 你现在有什么感觉?
  Let me take your temperature. 让我来给你量一下体温。
  Let me take your blood pressure. 让我来给你量一下血压。
  Let me take your heart beat. 让我来听一下你的心律。
  Let me feel your pulse. 让我来给你号一下脉。
  It's just a fever. 有点发烧。
  I don't think it's anything serious. 我看这并不严重。
  You'll get over it soon. / You'll be all right soon. 你很快就会好起来的。
  Drink a lot of water and have a good rest. 多喝些水,并好好休息一下。
  Don't smoke any more. 别再吸烟了。
  Cut down on your drinking. 你要减少饮酒。
  These tablets are to keep fever down. 这些药片是退热的。
  One tablet each time, three times a day after meal. 每日三次,每次一片,饭后服用。
  Take this medicine before sleeping. 睡前服用。
  1. 今天晚上我还要来吗?
   ________I come here tonight?
  2. 午饭后你得睡一会儿。
   You________sleep a while after lunch.
  3. 你不该在墙上画。
   You________draw on the wall.
  4. 他应该给汤姆写封信。
   He________write a letter to Tom.
  5. 你认为我们该做些什么?
   What do you think I________do?
   1. Shall 2. should 3. shouldn’t 4. should 5. should



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