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  本单元围绕“谈论未来活动”(Talking about future activities),学习了be going to这一结构。谈论将来的活动有讲究,同样,表达计划的句式也有讲究,在这里我为你整理了一些最常见的句型及用法,赶快看一下吧,还犹豫什么呢?
I. “陈述句”类句型
A) 1. We are going on our first field trip next Sunday. 下星期天我们打算进行第一次野外旅行。
2. They are going to climb the hill. 他们打算去爬山。
3. She is leaving for Shenzhen next week. 下周她将动身前往深圳。
4. I am leaving at six in the morning. 我准备早上六点出发。
B)1. He is going to see his brother tomorrow. 他明天准备去看他哥哥。
2. They're going to travel around the world. 他们计划周游世界。
3. They are going to hike to the top of the mountain. 他们打算爬到那座山顶。
II. “特殊疑问句”类句型
1. What are we going to do next Sunday?
2. Who is going to use it?
3. When is she going to buy a new house?
4. How are we going to get there?
5. Why are you going there?
6. How about climbing up the mountain tomorrow?



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