新目标英语八年级教学笔记 Unit10 I'm going to be a basketball player.

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Language goal
Talk about future intentions.
Talk about job.
Talk about future plan.
Language structure
1. Use "be going to do " to talk about future intentions and future events.
2. Use "want to be" to express intentions.
3. What , Where , When , How questions.
4. Some basic knowledge about Simple Future Tense.
Vocabulary and phrases
1. computer programmer 程序师 computer science 计算机科学
2. professional 职业的
3. engineer 工程师
4. pilot 飞行员
5. take lessons 上课
6. grades 成绩
7. dream job 理想的工作
8. grow up 长大
9. move to 搬到,移动到
10. exhibition 展览
11. resolutions 决心
12. get good grades 得到好成绩
13. part-time job兼职的工作
14. make more friends 交更多的朋友
15. computer science 计算机科学
16. sounds like 听起来像
17. fashion show 时装表演会
18. retire v. 退休,退职,退役
19. keep fit 保持健康
20. welcome party 迎新会
21. all over the world 全世界
22. save some money 储存一些钱
23. communicate with 与...交流

Target language
1. What are you going to be when you grow up ?
2. I am going to be a computer programmer .
3. How are you going to do that ?
4. I'm going to study computer science .
5. Where are you going to work ?
6. When are you going to do that ?

1."be going to" 结构
be going to +不定式,表示将来。表示"打算"、"准备、要"的意思,常指按计划或安排将要发生的动作。
  a. 主语的意图,即将做某事。
   What are you going to do tomorrow?
  b. 计划,安排要发生的事。
   The play is going to be produced next month。
  c. 有迹象要发生的事
   Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm.
2. 陈述句基本构成:
主语 + be (am , is , are) + going to + 动词原形
如:I am going to travel around the world .
They are going to meet outside the school gate .
He is going to play basketball tomorrow .
It is going to rain .
上边四句中am , is , are为助动词,根据主语不同而改变。"going to"每个句中都有。注意to 后边的动词:travel , meet , play , rain 都是原形。
3. 否定句:
主 + be + not + going to + 动词原形
如:We are not going to have any classes next week .
I am not going to be a teacher .
4. 疑问句:
将Am , Is , Are 提前大写即可。
B (Am , Is , Are ) + 主语 + going to + 动词原形
如:Are you going to be a doctor when you grow up ?
简略回答:Yes , I am . No , I am not .
Is he going to take the piano lesson tomorrow ?
Yes , he is . No , he isn't .
5. 由When , What , How , Where 引导的表将来的特殊疑问句,主要表现在:
(1)When are you going to do your homework ?
(2)What are you going to do next Sunday ?
(3)How are you going to do that ?
(4)Where is he going to move ?
6. 此外表示将来的一般将来时和"be going to "表将来的区别是什么呢。
一般将来时基本结构是主语 + will(或shall) + 动词原形 + ......
我们还没有学过这种用will / shall 表示的将来时态,但书上已经几次出现。在此只掌握它与be going to 的区别即可。
(1)当说话人在做一个预测时,(他或她认为将来会发生或出现某种情况),will 和 be going to ......都是可以用的。
(2)表达一种事先计划或打算时(说话人打算在将来做某事,因为他已制定了一个计划或决定去做这件事),只能用be going to .
如:He is going to change his job .
(3)而will , shall 则表示未经事先考虑的意图。
如:There is somebody at the door . I'll go and open it .
7. 我们说某处有某物用There is ....../ There are ......的句型。
它的原型是There be 句型,那么它的将来时怎么表达呢?怎么带入"be going to "的结构中去呢?
我们说:There is going to be a bridge over the river next year .
在这句中,我们看"is"是由"be going to "的be 来的。
"be"是"there be "句型中的动词原形"be"。
我们千万不能说: There is going to have ......(×)
8. 当动词为come , go , leave , start , begin , arrive 等表示短暂动作的词时,我们通常用现在进行时表将来。如:我明天将走。
I am going tomorrow .
此时我们不说:I am going to go tomorrow .
He is arriving tomorrow afternoon .

Other Notes:
1 when引导的时间状语从句
When I grow up, I'm going to do what I want to do.
如 somewhere interesting 
anything else
nothing much
3.Hold 的用法 
"hold art exhibitions""举行艺术展览"
"hold a sports meeting"意为"举行运动会",hold意思为"举行",这里hold可以用have来替换,因此可以表示为have a sports meeting.
hold on
The room could hold fifty people.
Hold on, please. Mrs. Li will speak to you.




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