Unit 9 It’s raining

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Chengdu Experimental School Song dandan
Period: 1st.
Content: Section A.
Properties: tape recorder、pictures
Teaching aims and demands:
1.Master the vocabulary: weather rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, how’s=how is
2.Describe the weather:
—How’s the weather?
—It’s windy/ cloudy/ …
3.Describe what you are doing.
Teaching steps:
Step 1. Organization
1.Organize the students by greeting each other
2.Duty report.
Step 2. Presentation.
1.Play a game “hot potatoes”: Show students some signs of weather, then ask the student who gets the picture will teach others the new words:
sunny, cloudy, windy, raining, snowing
Students read after the teacher.
Show them some other pictures. Have them match the pictures with the words.
2.Ask one student :
—How are you today?
—I’m fine. Thank you.
—How’s the weather today?
—It’s cloudy/ sunny/ …
Show the students some pictures and talk about the weather.
Teacher VS students
3.Practice the sentence pattern.
Group Ⅰ VS Group Ⅱ 、 Boys VS students
4. T: Whole class. How’s the weather today?
Ss: It’s cloudy.
Pretend to be reading a book, writing or cleaning the blackboard. Then ask the class
“What am I doing?”
Ss: You’re writing/ cleaning the blackboard
T: Whole class. What are you doing?
Ss: We are having English class.
Show them some photos, and talk about these photos
e.g. T: Look at this photo. How’s the weather?
Ss: It’s sunny.
T: What’s this girl doing?
Ss: She’s dancing.
Then practice in chains using Present Continuous Tense.
Step 3. Practice
1.Play a game in pairs.
Give them some word cards.
Student A: act out the word.
Student B: guess what he/ she is doing.
Student B can’t look at the words. Student B should use the sentence: Is he/ she doing…?
Student A only answers “Yes” or “No”.
They only have one minute. The pair with the most right words is the winner.
2.Make your own conversations.
T: Work in pairs to make your own conversation.
Make a phone call to talk about the weather and what you are doing.
I’ll give you some key words.
e.g.① Shanghai/ cloudy/ read a book/ boring
Ask two students to make a conversation.
Give them some other words to make conversations:
② Tokyo/ raining/ watch TV/ interesting
③ New York/ sunny/ do some shopping/ stores/ expensive
④ London/ windy/ play computer games/ exciting
⑤ Beijing/ snowing/ see a talk show/ boring
⑥ Seoul/ cloudy/ watch a thriller/ scary
Have several pairs to act out their own conversation.
Step 4 Summary
1. Teacher summarizes : the new words,phrases and sentence pattern.
2. Ask some student to tell us what they have learned this class.
Step 5 Homework
See today’ s weather forecast and write down“ how’s the weather tomorrow?”
Work in groups. Next time I’ll check your work.



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