Unit one The summer holidays

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Lesson 1
1).what’s your name?
2).which school were you at last year?
3).So was my friend Bob White.
4).I must be off.
So was my friend Bob White
was/were has/have did does
will can could should……
1) I was at No.54 Middle School last term. So was my friend Wang Tao.
2) I study in this school. So does my brother.
3) You can finish this work in time, so can we.
4) I shall/will go swimming tonight, so shall he.
5) I have finished the work on time. So has he.
1) Bob wasn’t at school last Friday, neither was Jack.
2) He isn’t wrong, nor are you.
3)-“I didn’t see the film last night.”
-Neither did I.
4) He will not do it tomorrow. Neither will I.
5) I haven’t finished it. Neither/nor has he.
倒装结构引申由 there be句式到 so+v.+主语
①There is a book on the table.
②There are fifty-six students in the classroom.
So+人称代词(同一主语)+连系v(情态动词或助动词)。这种结构中的主语是正常语序,用以重复前面的动作或情况, 以表示说话人对前面或对方所说情况的赞同或证实。
1)―Tom hopes to become a teacher.
―So he does.
2)-Jack is a hard-working boy.
-So he is.
如果两种情况适合于另一个人,句型用 so it is/was with+另一主语。
1) John likes Chinese but he is not good at it. So it is with Mary.
2) Marx was born in Germany and German was his native language. So it was with Engles.
Good morning everyone. First let me introduce myself to you.
My first/family name is Yao. I am your English teacher. What’s your name?
―What’s your name?
―Which school were you at last term?
―Who else was at ×× school last term?
―You are in the same class.



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