Unit 3 American English Lesson 9

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Step one: 交际用语:
1)So you are Yang Mei?
2) You are doing fine.
3) When do you take your next exams?
4) I’m sorry I don’t quite follow you?
only a little do fine take one’s next exam study medicine.
1.So you are Yang Mei?
So you’ve missed the important match.
2.You are doing fine.
fine是adv.=well 反义词是badly.
―How are the children studying English?
―They are doing quite fine.
The company always does badly at this time of year.
3.When do you take your next exams?
这是一般现在时表将来发生的动作。=when will you take your next exam?此用法表示按计划或时刻表将要发生的事,这样用的动词有begin, start, get, go, leave, arrive.
When does your summer holiday begin?
The train arrives at 8:30.
4.Would you please say that again more slowly?
I’d like to…
would please和would like表示想要什么或想干什么,常用于提出客气、委婉的请求或要求。would please后接动词原形。Would like后接动词不定式。
―would you please help me?
―sure, what’s the matter?
―would you like to go with me?
5.I’m sorry I don’t quite follow you
follow 动词,意为“听懂,领悟”=understand.
I didn’t quite follow you, could you explain it again?
6.take one’s next exam.
hold an exam 举行考试
pass the exam 考试及格
fail in the exam 考试不及格
prepare the exam 准备考试
7.I have some difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English.
have some difficulty in doing sth.“在做……方面有困难”
difficulty前可以用great, much, little, no. 此时difficulty是不可数n.
have some difficulties with sth.“在……方面有困难”
difficulty 在 some 后用作可数名词,接名词用with
I have some difficulties with pronunciation.
Lesson 10 & 11.
1.words and phrases:
know about…… spoken English
differences between…… most of the time
written English…… in the same way
more or less bring in
come about
the same as right away
a great many and so on
change from……into
二、design for the text.
The text can be divided into two parts.
Part 1(para,1-2)Differences between American English and British English.
Part 2(para,3-6)Reasons for the changes.
Para 3 English used in other countries changed
Para 4 English itself in Britain changed
Para 5-6 New words were brought in English.
三、for examples for American English and British English.
1) vocabulary
美国 英国
gas petrol
baggage luggage
mail post
expressway motorway
美国 英国
labor labour
center centre
traveler traveller
美 英
I have a pen.
I’ve got a pen.
1.more or less 或多或少,大体上
Our living condition has more or less improved
2 come about=happen一般用作不及物动词词组,后面不再接名词,例如:
How did this traffic accident come about?
3.stay link v.这里是系动词,“保持某种状态,维持”=remain, keep.后面常接adj. or n.作表语。
The weather has stayed warm all the week.
4.the same as……意思是“和……一样”same前的the不能省略,对应词组为be different from 和……不同,后常接介词in。
I’ve got the same book as yours.
The two desks are the same in size but different in color.
5.in the same way 同样地,用同样的方式
in the way 用这种方式
by the way 顺便问一下
on the way 在去……路上
On the way to school, he met an old friend of his.
On the way home.
5.a great many许多,大量的,后面接可数名词的复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。
There are a great many spelling mistakes in his letter.
A great many fresh vegetables are sent to the city in the morning.
6.bring in“引入,带来”、“获得利润”
They brought the experienced people in to help.
She brings in $250 a weak.
7.not…any more=no more
From now on, we won’t help you any more.
John still smoked, but he drank no more.
1.American still talks about“fail”just as people do in some parts of western England.
Just as作“正如,恰似”解。As用作连词,引导方式状语。
He loved painting just as his mother did.
Do just as you are told.
二、There are several reasons for this.
Do you know the reason for his anger?
=Do you know the reason why he is angry?
He gave up several reasons for his failure.
三、One of the reasons is that people traveled to America from all the European countries.
He was late for class this morning. The reason was that he got up late.
Lesson 12
1.design for the text.

They will choose ten in every one hundred to their school.
elder, older是old两种比较级形式,都有“年长的”意思。
My eldest aunt is three years older than my mother.
2 practise练习,实践v.
practise doing sth.或practise+n.
She has practised playing the piano for nearly two hours.
直接引语 间接引语

语 Now
this week
next week
three days ago then
that day
that night
the next day
the day before
that week
the next week
three days before
地点状语 Here There
指示代词 this/these that/those
动词 Come Go
1.“I received a letter yesterday.”she said.
2.Mr. Black said:“My daughter is doing her homework in her room now”.
3.John said:“The film has been on for ten minutes”.
4.Jack said:“I’ll be here tonight”.
5.He said:“Light travels much faster than sound”.




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