Unit 14 Mainly revision

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Lesson 56
Step 1 Revision
SB page 56, Part 1. Listening Cassette Lesson 56.Books closed! Dictate the last eight lines of the passage in Wb Lesson 55, Ex. 2. Note the use of capital letters and punctuation marks. Write down the words stocking, merry, Jesus Christ on the Bb if necessary.
Ss can check their own work by comparing it to the passage in Wb Lesson 55, Ex. 2. Go round the classroom as they are checking their work. Make a note of common mistakes and discuss them with the whole class.
Step 2 Practice
Revise the use of asked (someone) to (do something)on SB pages 50 and 51 (Jim's letter to Ling Feng).SB page 56, Part 2. Get the Ss to write four sentencesusing the phrases in the boxes. Ask individual Ss toread out their sentences.
Note that to ask somebody to do …sounds more polite than to tell somebody to do … So we usually say The parents tell / told the children to…, but The children ask / asked ( Not tell / told) their parents to…
Step 3 Read and act
SB page 56, Part 3. Speech Cassette Lesson 56.Discuss the picture: What can you see? Go through the dialogue with the Ss. Ask some questions to check their comprehension, e.g. Who's the letter from? What is it? What does it say? Then play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat.
Let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs.
Step 4 Speechwork
Wb Lesson 56, Ex. 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 56.Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat as often as necessary. Pay attention to pauses, stress and intonation.
Step 5 Workbook
Wb Ex. 1. Do the first three sentences orally
with the whole class, then let the Ss work alone or in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class.
The answers to Ex. 1 are: 1 that, 2 who,
3 whom / who, 4 where, 5 if / whether / when,
6 what, 7 how, 8 that, 9 if / whether, 10 how.
Step 6 Checkpoints
Revise Checkpoints 8-13. This is your chance to revise all the language points that cause your Ss problems and to help the Ss to prepare for their end of semester test.
If time allows, finish the workbook exercises. Homework
Prepare for the end of semester test.



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