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broad circle in space pull (n.) L.54 四会
carry out question (vt.) L.55
so/as far as personally exhibition L.53 三会
camera fold unfold connect object L.54
direction position
organization dozen dozens of dust dusty height L.55
pilot ballon mention model length attempt
signal orbit rocket panel L.54 二会
outer Sputnik L.55
What do you feel like doing ? I feel like……
Personally , I’d rather (not) do…… I’m ready to……
What would you like to do ? I’d like……
I’m planning to do……
What do you plan to do ? I want / intend / wish / plan to…
Have you decided…to … ? I haven’t decided what / where to…
1. I feel like going to a museum . 我想去参观博物馆。
此句中的短语动词feel like作“想(做某事)”、“愿意”、“感到象是……样子”解,它表示主观上的想法,后面跟名词或动名词形式。例如:
I’m hungry , I feel like eating something . 我饿了,我想吃点什么东西。
She didn’t feel like going to see a film that moment , for she had too much homework to do .
Do you feel like coffee or soft drink ? 你想喝咖啡还是饮料?
表示“想要做某事”的意思时,本课中还出现了 “would like to do sth” “plan to do sth”和would rather do sth .例如:
I’d like to visit the History Museum . 我想参观历史博物馆。
What are you planning to do this Sunday ? 你打算星期日做什么?
I’d rather stay at home . 我宁愿呆在家里。
2.So far as I know , it’s free . 据我所知,那个博物馆是不收门票的。
a)句中的so / as far as I know作插入语,与句子中的其它部分关系不密切,通常用逗号分开,其意思是“就我所知”。另外,so / as far as通常引出一个分句,意思为“就……而言”,“尽……”,“至于……”,“到某种程度”。例如:
So / As far as I know , we won’t be late , because we have plenty of time .
As far as he is concerned , he can’t offord such an expensive car .
He promised to help me as far as he could . 他答应要尽力地帮助我。
It’s free of charge and you don’t need to pay it .
Does everyone in this country enjoy free medical care ?
3.Personally , I’d rather go to the Science Museum .
此处的personally是副词,意思是“就自己而言”,“就个人来说”,相当于Speaking for myself或as far as I am concerned . 例如:
Personally , I agree with you . 就我个人来说,我还是赞同你的。
She said she disliked it , but personally I thought it was worth buying .
The headmaster personally showed the guests around the school .
4. They’ve got a special exhibition on this month .
在此句中,have got…on相当于have…on的意思,作“有(某项活动)在进行”解,这里的副词on有“(某事)在发生或展示”的意思。例如:
What’s on tonight ? 今晚有什么活动?
I’ve nothing on tonight ? 我今晚没什么活动。
I’m sorry I didn’t attend your party that night because I had a meeting on for that night .
1. To escape the pull of the earth , a rocket must reach a speed of 28.4400 km / h .
a)句中的To escape the pull of the earth是动词不定式结构,在句中作目的状语,其作用同于In order to escape the pull of the earth .例如:
To master / In order to master English , you must practise every day .
He worked day and night to finish his papers ahead of time .
It is reported that two of the prisoners have escaped . 据报道两个囚犯逃跑了。
A tiger escaped from the zoo . 一只老虎从动物园跑了出来。
How can we escape the crowds ? 我们如何避开人群?
Those who break the law will not escape being punished .
It’s not easy to break away from the pull of the earth .
Let’s go to the yard and pull up weeds . 咱们到院子里去拔草吧。
d)at a speed of表示“以……单位速度”,这时后面加速时的单位,speed一词前面加不定冠词。例如:
The car travels at a speed of 90 miles an hour .
又如:You’ll find it’s a beautiful painting if you enjoy it at a distance of 3 metres .
The plane is flying at a height of 10,000 metres .
2.First , it must be light , the lighter the better , because it has to be sent up into space by a rocket .
“the lighter the better” 在句中是插入语,而且这是一个省略结构,全句应是这样的,
The lighter the satellite is , the better it will be .这种结构为:the + adj / adv .的比较级 + the + adj / adv .的比较级,表示“越……,就越……”的意思。例如:
The more you read , the more you know . 你读得越多,就知道的越多。
The more the better . 越多越好。
The sooner the better . 越快越好。
The higher it flies . the smaller it appears .它飞得越高,就显得越小。
3.It has equipment for making electricity from sunshine , using very broad sun panels .
I made a table from this kind of material . (The table was made from this kind of material .)
My mother made me a shirt from the material I didn’t like .
A new factory with modern equipment will be built here .
Radar equipment helps us a lot in our daily life .
c)using very broad sun panels结构是~ing短语形式,其作用是在句中用作方式状语,修饰making electricity from sunshine。例如:
We Chinese eat our food , using chopsticks , while the westerners eat their food , using forks and Knives .
4.Once the satellite goes into its orbit round the earth , the panels are unfolded in order to catch the sunshine .
a)once在句中是连词,引导一个时间状语从句,相当于as soon as…,在这种从句中,也不用将来时态,而只用一般时或完成时。例如:
Once I decide to do something , I’ll try my best to do it well .
Once we have gathered enough proof , we can accuse him at the court .
A decision shouldn’t be changed once it is made .
I go to see my grandparents once a week . 我每星期去看我的祖父母一次。
The song was once very popular . 这首歌曾经一度很流行。
b)动词unfold (展开),它和fold (折叠)是一对反义词。例如:
She opened the letter , unfolded it and than read it .
After reading the letter , she folded it and put it in the envelope again .
在英语中,有不少动词可以用加前缀un- , dis- 的方法,构成词义相反的词。如:
lock (上锁) ¾®unlock (开锁) like (喜欢) ¾®dislike (厌恶)
dress (穿衣服)¾®undress (脱衣服) appear (出现)¾®disappear (消失)
5.They remain above the same place on the earth and travel round it in a very high circle .
The children were standing in a circle , playing games .
The teacher asked his students to use their compasses to draw circles .
He is well known in bussiness circle and has a large circle of friends .
The moon circles the earth every 28days . 月亮每28天绕地球一圈。
The plane circled the airport before landing . 飞机着陆前围绕机场盘旋。
The news circled round very quickly . 这消息很快就传开了。
6.It is possible to say not only what the weather is like at present , but also what is likely to happen in the next day or two .
a)It is possible to say…是一个由it作形式主语的句子,真正的主语是不定式to say…,随后的两个what-clause都是不定式to say的宾语从句,由not only…but also (不仅……而且……)连接。
b)What is likely to happen…中的likely为表语形容词,意思是“很可能的”,后面常跟不定式短语,其结构是:be likely to do sth。例如:
Tom is likely to win the game . 汤姆很可能会获胜。
The volcano is likely to break out . 这座火山可能会爆发。
He is not likely to do it by himself . 他不大可能独自做这件事。
c)句中的介词短语at present意思是“现在”,“目前”,相当于now一词。例如:
I don’t need any help at present . 我目前还不需要任何帮助。
We’re getting along quite well at present . 我们目前相处得还不错。
需要注意的是present一词,它既可作形容词(在场的,出席的),又可作名词(礼物)和动词(介绍,引见,赠予),但作动词时的读音则为 [pri’zent]。例如:
Were you present at the meeting yesterday ? 你出席昨天的会议了吗?
Most of the people present were for the decision . 大多数在场 的人都赞成这一决定。(当present一词作定语时,放在被修饰的名词之后,而不能放在其前面。)
I got a lot of presents on my birthday . 在我生日那天我收到了许多礼物。
The book was a present from my brother . 这本书是哥哥赠送给我的。
They presented a sum of money to the school where they studied years ago .
Allow me to present my friend to you . 请允许我把我的朋友介绍给你。
7.Ships and planes can be warned so that they can keep out of the path of the hurricane .
此句中的短语动词keep out of意为“不牵涉进去”,“不要惹事”,“避开”(stay away from something bad)。例如:
Children are warned to keep out of the water . 警告孩子们离开水域。
Do keep out of the rain if you haven’t a raincoat . 没带雨衣那就避一下雨。
Mother asked Bill to keep out of trouble while she was away .
1.Today there are more than 100 nations in this group and dozens of satellites have been put into space .
句中的dozen为名词,意为“一打”(相当于a set of twelve),常用作单复同形,尤其在基数词后。例如:
I bought two dozen pencils . 我买了两打铅笔。
I’d like to buy a dozen eggs . 我想买一打鸡蛋。
注意:在这二个句子中,dozen不加s,后面也不用of。但如果dozen后面有these , those , them , us等词时,dozen之后就要用of。例如:
Two dozen of them have passed the exam 他们中的二十四个人考试及格了。
另外,dozen表示不确切的多数时,其后加s,并用of,构成了词组dozens of…
Every morning several dozens of people gather in the park to do morning exercise .
I’ve been to the Great Wall dozens of times . 我去过长城许多次了。
2.They can tell the difference between healthy plants and plants that are diseased .
I can’t tell the difference between margarine and butter .
Can you tell Tom from his twin brother ?
Colour-blind people can’t tell red from green .
The twins are so much alike that it’s impossible to tell one from the other .
b)在这个句子中,that are diseased是定语从句,修饰先行词plants。而这个定语从句中的diseased是形容词,在从句中作表语,其意为“有病的”,“病态的”。例如:
The tree in front of the house is diseased and it must be cut down .
She is not only diseased in body but also in mind . 她身心都有毛病。
3.The problem with looking into space from the earth is that there is a lot of dust in the earth’s air .
a)句中的介词短语looking into space from the earth在句中作定语,修饰名词problem,介词with在句中的意思是“就……来说。”例如:
But with them the situation is quite different . 就他们来说,情况就大不一样了。
The chief difficulty with these men was that they were old .
b)look into这一短语动词是“观察”,“窥视”的意思。例如:
He looked into the room , but saw nothing .
另外,look into还有“调查”,“了解”,“研究”的意思。例如:
We’ll look into the matter together . 我们将一起调查这件事。
Perhaps you wouldn’t mind looking into it for me ?
He said he was looking into the possibility of buying a house .
4.The dusty air makes it difficult to get a clear picture of space .
在这个句子中含有一个带有it作为形式宾语的复合结构,这就是make it difficult to get a clear picture,而真正的宾语则是动词不定式短语to get a clear picture .
英语中有些及物动词,其后要求跟复合宾语时,都可以跟一个带形式宾语it的复合结构;这些动词有find , suppose , think , make , consider等。而在这种复合结构中,往往有一个形容词或名词作宾语补足语。例如:
I. consider it great honour to have been invited to such an important meeting .
He found it rather difficult to work the problem out without any help .
Children should make it a rule to wash hands before meals .
He’s such a strange person that we all find it hard to get along with him .
II. Grammar语法
The attributive Clause定语从句
这里着重复习一下关于“介语+关系代词”引导的定语从句。指人用关系代词whom , 指物用关系代词which。whom和which都是介词的宾语。例如:
This is the room in which he lives .= This is the room where he lives .
第二句中的where是关系副词,而第一句中的in which = where,介词in在前时,关系代词which不能省略,也不能用that代替。上面的句子也可以改写成:
This is the room (which / that) he / lives in .
1)The earth on where we live is a big ball .
The earth where we live on is a big ball . 我们所居住生活的地球是球状的。
The earth on that we live is a big ball .
2)The earth on which we live is a big ball .
The earth which we live on is a big ball .
The earth that we live on is a big ball .
The earth we live on is a big ball .
The earth where we live is a big ball .
1. “Have you been to Canada ?” “Yes , I’ve been there .”
A. once , ever B. even , once C. ever , once D. already , once
2. All the agreed to the plan .
A. people at present B. present people C. at present people D. people present
3. It’s hard for me to the difference between the two .
A. say B. tack C. tell D. speak
4. The beautiful dress Miss Black went to the party was borrowed from a friend of hers .
A. worn by B. wearing which C. that D. in which
5. Scientists built a telescope they could study the skies .
A. in which B. with that C. through which D. by it
6. Nothing can travel light .
A. at a speed of B. with a speed of C. with the speed of D. at the speed of
7. Do you feel like to the cinema ?
A. go B. going C. to go D. went
8. I’ll look the book before I buy it .
A. through B. into C. up D. at
9. I still remember the day she first wore that pink dress .
A. in which B. which C. on which D. on that
10. I’ve bought two new pens , writes well .
A. none of which B. neither of which C. none of them D. neither of them
11.Someone says to you “Would you like to come with us for an outing tomorrow ?”
You wish to accept so you say ?
A. I want to very much B. Yes , I like . C. Yes , I like to D. Yes , I’d like to
12.The students went out of the hall , .
A. talked and laughed B. to talk and laugh
C. being talked and laughed D. talking and laughing
13. placstics , the machine is light in weight .
A. To make B. Having made of C. Making of D. Made of
14. Please wait . The coins from your savings-box by that machine .
A. were counted B. were being counted
C. are being counted D. have counted
15. “ your good work ,” she says .
A. Keep on B. Keep up C. Keep out D. Keep off
16. The authorities are your complaints .
A. looking over B. looking into C. looking out D. looking down
17. The boss was dissatisfied with the office early last week-end .
A. his leave B. he left C. his leaving D. he leaving
18. She has a beautiful face she takes great pride .
A. which B. in which C. of which D. to wich
19. At first Jane found .
A. Chinese difficult to be spoken B. Chinese difficult to speak
C. it difficulty to speak Chinese D. her difficult to speak Chinese
20. The tiger is still very cruel though it has been shut in the cage for two years . We must .
A. Keep to it B. Keep it up C. Keep it out D. Keep off it
II. 完型填空
Life was beginning to make Linda feel 1 . London sometimes seemed too noisy and dirty . At times she felt very lonely . But now there was something 2 . There were words going
3 that the EBC was in money trouble , and would have to 4 the number of jobs . Linda knew that since she had been one of the 5 hired , she would probably be one of the first 6 . Then , one Friday afternoon , she was told that Wilson wanted to see her . Her heart 7 . People always got 8 just before the weekend .
Wilson looked quit 9 . He said he had meant to tell her 10 earlier but had forgotten . Linda 11 cried out . She turned very pale . She could feel her 12 beating loudly . Wilson asked her if she was 13 . He found her unusually excited . She 14 her courage and asked him to 15 . Then he said that the department had certain difficulties and that he would like to
16 them to her . She sat 17 and waited for the 18 to come . “We’re enlarging the department , 19 new members . But we are in need of 20 . I wonder if you’d 21
sharing your office with two new reporters . It won’t 22 long ,” he said . Linda was so 23
that she hardly knew what to say . Then Wilson said that he would like to put her in 24 of training the new reporters . “There’ll be a rise for you , 25 ,” he added .
1. A. bad B. well C. shy D. proud
2. A. wrong B. nice C. worse D. better
3. A. on B. up C. about D. over
4. A. work B. divide C. increase D. reduce
5. A. first B. last C. best D. worst
6. A. went B. gone C. to go D. going
7. A. sank B. broke C. fell D. rose
8. A. hired B. dismissed C. paid D. scolded
9. A. troubled B. silly C. ashamed D. pleased
10. A. that B. about it C. everything D. something
11. A. really B. never C. almost D. certainly
12. A. hard B. heart C. feet D. boss
13. A. mistaken B. fooled C. right D. all right
14. A. kept up B. hept on C. kept out D. kept off
15. A. sit down B. help C. stop D. go on
16. A. give B. explain C. solve D. apologize
17. A. down B. back C. up D. over
18. A. boss B. lesson C. difficulty D. blow
19. A. dismissing B. hiring C. driving D. showing
20. A. space B. money C. reporters D. time
21. A. think B. suggest C. mind D. keep
22. A. wait B. act C. last D. get
23. A. light heart B. light-heart C. light hearted D. light-hearted
24. A. need B. charge C. danger D. face
25. A. above all B. as usual C. of course D. in fact
III. 改错:
Joan was a college student . She had still a more year to 1.
do in the course . Her father and she often quarrelled about 2.
if it was the right thing for her to do at all . Her father 3.
did think that she would really be able to get a “proper job” at 4.
the end of the course . But he was willing to let her to go on if 5.
she didn’t wander about and what was the trouble . She has 6.
just given a good chance to go on a one-month trip abroad with a small 7.
folk music group . It could mean interrupting her studies for a 8.
few weeks since the trip was about to start at the beginning of 9.
The winter term . What could she tell her father about it ? 10.
I. 1──5 C D C D C 6──10 D B A C B 11──15 D D D C B
16──20 B C B B D
II. 1──5 A C C D B 6──10 C A B A B 11──15 C B D A D
16──20 B B D B A 21──25 C C D B C
III. 1.将more前加a改成one 2. √ 3.将if改成whether 4.将did改成didn’t
5.去掉go前的to 6.将what改成that 7.在given之前加been
8.将could改成would 9.去掉about 10.将What改成How




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