The sea

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本单元围绕海洋知识这一题材,让同学们通过阅读“The Sea”“Salt Lakes of the World”和“Life in the Oceans”来了解有关海洋及海洋生物的知识。
Ⅰ. 词汇学习
四会单词和词组:sailor , do well , make up one’s mind , bathe , time ( vt .) , spring , beg , beg one’s pardon , captain , depth , merely , huge , construction
三会单词和词组:seaside , beach , dive , navy , drown , come up , vast , surface , solid , various , variety , float , the Dead Sea , partly , on average , pole , the South Pole , huge , at a time , occur , treasure , voyage , load , cycle , kg = kilogram(me) , the Atlantic = the Atlantic Ocean
Ⅱ. 交际英语
一般来说,中国人喜欢反复强调自己的谦意,并喜欢用“非常抱歉”、“深表歉意”等表示程度倾向的语句,而英美人士则不同,对于因客观原因而造成的过失或差错,则不必主动工过分向对方表示歉意。如一定要向对方道歉,说声 sorry 即可,一般不用 very , terribly , truly 等表示程度的词。因为在美国,过分的道歉或自责反而显得不太诚恳,令人感到虚假或另有用心。
Some useful expressions:
1 . Sorry / Pardon / I‘m sorry .
2 . I’m sorry for/about…
3 . I‘m sorry to do sth . / I’m sorry to have done sth…
4 . Excuse me ( for… )
5 . be afraid that…
6 . What a pity/shame !
7 . It‘s a pity that…
8. That’s all right . /It doesn‘t matter . /That’s nothing .
9 . That‘s OK . /It’s quite all right . /Never mind . /No trouble at all . / That‘s not your fault .
( A is late for a birthday party ) .
A : Come in , Mr Smith . Nice to see you .
B : Nice to see you too . I’m very sorry to be late . ( I‘m sorry to have kept you waiting . )
A : It doesn’t matter . We‘re glad you could come .
B : I didn’t quite remember the number of your house , so it took me a long time to find your house .
A : I‘m sorry that I didn’t make myself clear .
B : Oh , that‘s nothing .
Ⅲ. 语法重点
1. sailor水手;海员
He will make a good sailor . 他将成为很好的水手。
〖点拨〗go to sea当船员。当sailor与形容词连用时表达“……于乘船的人”。如:a bad / poor sailor会晕船的人。
另外,sailer是“帆船”。go sailing去航海。
2. time vt . 测定……的时间;记录……的时间
I timed him the 5000 metre race at the sports meet .
〖点拨〗含 time 的高频介词短语
1) at a time 每次,一次
A whale may eat a ton of small fish at a time , and may enjoy four meals a day .
2) at the same time 同时
The two little boys reached the finish line at the same time .
The head of the whale contains a lot of oil , and this is probably cooled at the same time .
3) at one time 以前,曾经
At one time , there were long queues of people waiting outside the CAAC offices .
At one time I lived in Japan .
4) from time to time 间或,时常,不时地
I’ll see you from time to time .
She sent her pocket money to him from time to time for a year .
5) in time 及时
We were just in time to catch the bus .
Fortunately , I was in time for the interview .
6) on time 准时,按时;于指定时间
The train pulled in on time .
He seldom gets to work on time .
7) at all times 无论何时;一直
We should at all times be aware of our own shortcomings .
8) at no time 在任何时候都不,决不
At no time will China be the first to use unclear weapons .
9) at times 有时
I do feel a little nervous at times .
10) in no time 立刻,很快
I‘ll be back in no time .
I am sure that I can learn typing in no time .
3. drown溺死;淹死
An eight-year-old girl was drowned in the river .
〖点拨〗a drowning boy溺水的男孩。
4. various各种各样的;不同的
Of all the various methods of learning a foreign language , I think this is the best .
Various kinds of bicycles can be bought in this shop .
〖点拨〗variety是名词“多样化(不可数);种类(可数)”。a variety of各种各样的。如:Varieties of TV programmes are being broadcast on TV at present .
5. depth深度;深;厚度
Snow fell to a depth of over nine inches .
〖点拨〗in depth从深度上讲。What’s the depth of … ?……多深 ?
注意下列形容词与名词:wide → width , strong → strength , long → length, deep →depth , high →height 。
6. construction建设;建造
Women are playing an important part in China’s socialist construction .
The construction of the new railway took 3 years .
〖点拨〗under construction正在建设中。如:A new hotel is being built . = A new hotel is under construction .
7. occur发生
Such a thing hardly occurs .
It occurs more often in women than in men .
〖点拨〗 注意occur的现在分词、过去式和过去分词的拼写要双写 –r 。另外,该词不用被动语态。如:It was said that the traffic accident occurred at midnight .
occur to sb发生在某人身上……。It occurs to sb that …某人突然想到……。如:
An excellent idea occurred to me when I woke up this morning .
It occurred to me that I would travel Europe .
另外,happen , take place也表示“发生”,不用被动语态。
8. beg乞求;请求
She begged me to speak a word for her .
〖点拨〗beg sb to do恳求某人干…… 。beg for乞求得到……。
I beg your pardon. = Beg your pardon . = Pardon . (用声升) 请你再说一遍。
1. on the sand (s)在沙滩上。in the sand在沙里。
2. do well in在……做的好。do good to sb对……有好处。
Giving up smoking will do you good .
That meeting will do no good to them .
She has made up her mind to do better to learn Japanese .
3. make up one’s mind to do = decide to do下决心干……
They haven’t made up their minds what to do next .
4. take a deep breath = breathe deeply = draw a deep breath作深呼吸。
He took a deep breath and jumped into the river .
注意:take breath是“喘口气;歇一歇”。
5. go cycling骑自行车
6. make up构成;组成
The examination paper is made up of two parts .
7. by weight按重量计算
Air contains 23.1% oxygen by weight .
Most of the oceans contain 35% parts of salt oer thousand parts of water . That is 3.5% by weight .
注意:by可以用来表示标准、度量单位,作“以……计;按……计算”。又如:by the hour按小时计算。by the month按月算。
8. up to到达……数量;直到
The hall can hold up to 3000 people .
The price of this article has been reduced to 65 yuan .
Water will freeze if it is cooled to a low enough temperature .
9. a depth of有……的深度
The lake has a depth of 300 feet in the middle .
10. less than少于;小于
He finished his homework in less than half an hour .
11. the mouth of ……的出口
At the mouth of the river there are a lot of boats .
12. on the surface在表面;从表面上看
We can see lots of fallen leaves on the surface of the lake .
On the surface , she is clever .
13. by supplied by由……提供
Information will be supplied by him if necessary .
14. on average = on an / the average 平均起来;一般说来
The price of apples is about four yuan per kg on average .
On average the hottest place is the Red Sea and the coldest probably the South Pole .
15. in a group成群接队地
These fish swim together , often in a group .
注意:in groups成群接队地;分组地
Let’s discuss the question in groups of six . 我们六人一组分组讨论。
16. provide A for B为B提供A
These fish provide the main food for whales .
17. at a time一次;每次;一下子
18.feed on靠吃……维持生命
The sperm whale feeds on squid . 巨头鲸靠吃鱿鱼为生。
feed + 宾语 + on… 用……喂养……
19. leave out省略;忽略;遗漏
Please point out which words have been left out in the sentence .
20. for ages长时间;很久
21. take in接受;接纳
The company will take you in .
It’s good for you to go outside and take in fresh air .
22. in the direction of朝……方向。in the opposite direction朝相反的方向。
In which direction does the river run ?
23. have the shape of呈……的形状
Some of the living things are round and have the shape of a bell .
24. make a journey to到……旅行
1.Beautiful day, isn’t it?天气真好,是吗?
〖明晰〗 这是口语中谈论天气时经常使用的省略句型(=It‘s a .. . )。 回答时常用Yes, isn’t it?,答语中的isn‘t it?不是反意疑问,而是肯定的含义,相当于:Yes, it certainly is. 又如:
Raining hard, isn’t it?(=It‘s raining... )雨下得真大,是吗?Yes, isn’t it?的确如此。
2. I wish we could go to the seaside today. 但愿今天能去海边就行了。
〖明晰〗 I wish(that)...表示一种不可能实现的愿望,可译为“但愿……就好了”,定语从句中用虚拟语气,用过去式表示与现在或将来事实难以相同的愿望;用过去完成时表示与过去事实不一样的愿望;如果谓语动词是be , 则不论人称如何均用were。例如:
I wish I knew the way to Tom‘s house.
I wish I had joined the army five years ago.
I wish I were a king.
3. Take a deep breath and I’ll time you.深肖一口气,我来给你记时。
〖明晰〗(1)句中take a breath指“吸一口气”,注意breath前有冠词:take breath作“歇一歇,喘口气”解时,breath前没有不定冠词。 常用词组还有hold one‘s breath屏住呼吸,out of breath上气不接下气,lose one’s breath喘不过气。
(2)句中time是动词“给……记时”。He timed them while the students were reading the text.当学生在读课文时,他给他们记时。
He has been there for some time.
This room is three times as large as that one .
4. Seen from space, the earth looks blue.从太空看,地球是蓝色的。
〖明晰〗(1)seen from space是过去分词短语,与句子主语存在被动关系,相当于一个表示条件的状语从句(If it is see...)。 再如:Moved by his words, she couldn‘t keep back her tears.
(2)注意过去分词和现在分词作状语的区别。Seeing from space, we find the earth looks blue.(前后动作主语一致)
(3)表示天体、江、河、湖、海等的名词前要加the。如:the sun, the moon, the Atlantic Ocean
5.There is very little rain here, merely 60mm in a year on average. 这里的雨水极少,每年平均降雨量只有60毫米。
(2)average adj.平均的,常构成固定词组on average,作“平均起来”、 “一般来说”解,在句中作状语。例如:
The average temperature in Hong Kong during July is 28℃.
We hand in a composition on average each week.
6.This is because two thirds of the earth’s surface is made up of vast oceans.这是因为三分之二的地球表面是由巨大的海洋组成的。
〖明晰〗be made up of...作“由……组成的”解, 是被动形式。 其主动形式是makeup。本短语表示组成的各部分均保留自己的特点和属性,不发生任何变化。如:
The medical team is made up of 5 doctors and 2 nurses. 主动形式:Five doctors and two nurses make up the medical team.
Our class is made up of 42 boys and 15 girls. 主动形式:Forty two boys and fifteen girls make up our class.
它区别于be made of和be made from。虽也作“由……构成的”解,但它们强调构成的原料。原料看得出来的用of,原料看不出来的用from。
The wall is made of stone, while paper is made from wood.
7.There is only one narrow entrance where the Mediterranean meets the Atlantic.在地中海与大西洋相遇的地方只有一条狭窄的入口。
〖明晰〗句中的where...是个地点状语从句。由where 引导的地点状语从句可置于主句之后也可置于主句之前。如:
Put the book where it was.
Where there is a lot of water and sunlight, crops grow well.
8.That is 3.5% by weight.按重量计算为3.5%。
〖明晰〗by与weight(重量),height(高度),length(长度),width(宽度), depth(深度),volume(体积)连用时不用冠词。
by与表示时间的hour, day, month, year及pieces(件)连用时要加冠词。例如:
What time is it by your watch?
This bag of flour is fifty jin by weight.
The workers are given money by the day/month/year.
The boss gives the workers money by the pieces.
9. occur, happen, take place
occur是比较正式的用语,可用于具体或抽象的事物, 通常指按计划或规律在较为确定的时间“发生”的事,在表示具体的事物时,可与happen换用。此外, 还可表示“某想法”出现在人的头脑之中,这时不能用happen代替。
I‘m afraid that this would occur during my absence.
Something unexpected occurred/happened.
Dose it ever occur to you that I am sometimes thinking?
New things are happening all around us.
It happened that I had no money on me.
take place通常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生。”此外还有“举行”之意。如:
Great changes have taken place in China since
The meeting will take place next Friday.
10. merely, only
It it merely/only a matter of time.
I merely/only asked what her name was.。
It is a mere suggestion.
It is an only suggestion.
11. big, large, great, huge, vast
+〖明晰〗big指具体事物的大小,强调比正常形体的标准大,既可用在普通场合, 也可用在正式场合。它可用来指人的身材高大或“长大了”,还可表示“伟大”,“重要”之意。如:
Can you lift up this big stone?
Don’t be so easily frightened, you are a big boy now.
On the last day I made a big decision.
A whale is a large animal.
A large crowd collected at the gate of the theatre.
This coat is too large for me.
great除了表示数量体积之大外,又指抽象的程度,意味着伟大性,重要性, 优越性;常用于抽象或无形的东西;用于有形的东西时,常带有“伟大”,“大得令人吃惊”等意思,含有一定的感情色彩。如:
China is a great country with a long history. 中
He was one of the greatest scientists .
Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the Nor. Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted a lookout.启航四天后,泰坦尼克号在穿越大西洋多冰的海域时,了望员突然发现了一个巨大的冰山。
The meeting was a huge success.
The countryside is a vast world.
How vast China is!
12. different, various
different多用来指表面或状态的不同,可作定语,也可作表语,作定语时, 可接单数名词,也可接复数名词。如:
He is a different man from what he was ten years ago.
They came from different parts of the country.
various指同一范畴内的不同种类,着重于种类的“众多”或“多种多样”, 可作表语,也可作定语。作定语时,其后只能接复数名词,有时可和different 换用。如:
There are various types of bicycles in the market.
His reasons for leaving were many and various.
Advanced workers from various/different parts of the country have arrived in Beijing.




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