Unit 13 Where were you born |
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参考教案 教学建议 示例三 教学建议(Suggested teaching notes) 一、教学内容分析 本单元主要通过谈论过去的经验(Talking about past experience)这一功能愈念项组织教学。教学的重点如下: (一)教会学生掌握有关“出生时间和地点”的表达方法。为此,学生需要掌握的句型包括:. When were you born? I was born on(February 18, 1981) Where were you born? I was born in(England). (二)谈论过去的经验。这既包括某人过去一生的经验,如出生、居住、生活、工作、迁移等(如第49课的对话);也包括某人在过去某一段特定时间内所做的事(如第51课课文 Wei Hua's busy day)。需要学生熟悉和掌握的词语包括: 词组:be born enjoy sth./doing sth. have a little(short)rest all day on one's way home keep busy 句型:How long did you live there? We lived there for about… years. Why did you move to…/come here? Because… Where did you move? What did you do yesterday? (三)阅读课文“Wei Hua's busy day”,在理解的基础上完成有关的口笔头练习,并要求学生复述课文的主要内容。 (四)谈论过去的经验离不开过去时态。本单元的语法教学,是在学生学习第十一单元的动词be和第十二单元的动词have的一般过去时态后,继续学习实义动词的一般过去时态。内容包括: 1.一般过去时态的肯定式、否定式、疑问式(一般疑问句和特殊疑问句)及其答语。如: We came here about two years ago.(肯定式) He didn't find work here.(否定式) Did you get to school early yesterday morning?(疑问式) Yes, I did./No, I didn't.(答语) Where did you work?(特殊问句) I worked…(答语) 2.规则动词的过去式及其读音。如: wash-washed[t] move—moved[d] start—started[id] 3.不规则动词的过去式。如: go—went come—came do—did (五)学习与[r]、[w]、[kw]和[tw]四个辅音有关的辅音字母或字母组合的拼读规则。掌握不规则动词的过去式是本单元的一个教学难点。另一个难点是阅读理解本单元的课文内容。 二、教学方法建议 (一)教学过去时的一些方法 1.时间轴线 本单元第49课对话主要谈论过去的经验,在这种情况下,教师在黑板上画一条时间轴线(横的或竖的都行),标上过去某一时刻或年代Jim的有关情况,简明扼要。在画时间轴线时,教师最好边说边写上—些关键性的词语。 在教师描述了一遍对话的大致内容后,向学生就这段对话提问:When was Jim born? Where was he born? How long did he live in England? When did his family move to France? Why? When did he come to China? Why? Does he like living here? 或者学生以两人为一组,一人问一人答,然后交换角色。 2.看图教学 教师可以拿一幅世界地图,指出英国、法国和中国三个国家的位置及它们的首都伦敦、巴黎和北京。然后就以这些地名和国名为线索进行复述或提问: 3.根据实际简况回答 学生在掌握了一些必要的词语和表达法后,根据所学内容,两人或三人一组,根据实际情况互相提问: 1)A: When were you born? B: I was born on(Month/Date/Year) A: How old are you? B: I'm(fourteen). A: Where were you born? B: I was born in(Place). A: Do you like living here? B: Yes, I do. Very much. 2)A: How old is C? B: He is thirteen. A: When was he born? B: He was born on… A:Was he born in…? B: I'm sorry I don't know. You'd better ask himself. A: Where were you born, C? C: I was born in… A: How I long did you live there? C: For abotlt(five)years. Then my family moved to… A: Why did you move here? C: Because my father found work here. A: Are you enjoying living here? C: … 3)还可就前一天的经历提出下列问题:What day was it yesterday? What was the date? Did you get up early yesterday morning? How did you come to school? Did you work hard all day? What did you have for lunch? How long did you watch TV yesterday evening? What did you do then? 4.问卷调查 如练习册第49课练习3,学生可以就过去的经历提出问题,制作成表格,去调查两三位同学的情况。以下问题可作参考。 5.以时间关联词为线索描述过去某一天所做的事如练习册第52课练习3,利用表达时间先后次序的一些副词和介词短语把发生在过去某一天的事串联起来,也不失为一种描述过去经历的好方法: Yesterday I got up before 7 o'clock in the morning. After that… Then … In class… After school… On my way home… When… After supper… (二)动词过去式的教学方法 本单元生词较少,但动词过去式是一大难点,尤其是不规则动词的过去式好似生词。可以让学生找出本单元所出现的所有动词及其过去式,通过观察学生会发现每个动词的过去式的构成不尽相同。然后教师指出按动词过去式的变化可分为规则动词和不规则动词两种。他们不仅要注意规则动词过去式的构成方法(词尾加-ed或d),还要注意词尾发音的特点:在浊辅音和元音后面读[d];在清辅音后面读[t];在字母t,d后面读[id],如:Clean—Cleaned[d],help—helped [t],need—needed [id]。 不规则动词过去式没有什么规律,需要同学们背熟记牢。本单元出现的不规则动词有:come—came,find—found,get—got,buy—bought等。教科书的最后一页,附有一个不规则动词表,对于已学过的动词,可以让学生经常背诵记忆。 在教学一般过去时态时,应注意以下三点:1.一般过去时态与学生已学过的其他时态的区别;2.一般过去时态的肯定、否定、疑问式及其答语;3.规则动词和不规则动词过去式的构成。否则在教学过程中学生可能会造出这样的句子:Did you got to school early yesterday morning? 因此一定要让学生明白一般过去时态的概念。为让学生迅速掌握所学动词的过去式,练习册有计划地编配了有关练习,如练习册第50、51和52课的练习2以及第十四单元的动词过去式的练习。应带领学生学习和读记这些动词过去式。在课堂上争取每节课抽几分钟听写一些动词的过去式和过去时的句子。目的是通过这几个单元的学习,让学生尽快掌握这个时态。 (三)阅读课文的教学方法 第51课第二部分是一篇描述魏华昨天一天经历的短文,全文以过去时态为主。教学时可以按照教科书的建议先提一二个问题,然后让学生默读全文,找出答案。接着再读一遍,然后回答练习册第51课练习1的问题。有的生词(如when)可在学生默读前先教给他们。而大部分生词可以让学生通过上下文猜测其词义。在此基础上,教师可以结合课文本身有重点地讲解文中生词和难点,并让学生找出课文中所有的动词过去式。 在学生基本理解课文大意后,可放课文的录音,由学生边听边朗读。然后让他们再默读一遍,挑出其中有关表达时间的单词和词组,并以这些词组为线索,把整篇课文串联起来:Yesterday … before 7 o'clock…and quickly… …early.…after lunch…all day .…after school…and then…On her way home… When… After that… …quickly…After supper… Then… … at half past nine… before a quarter to ten。教师也可以在黑板上画一条时间线,标出morning,afternoon和evening三个时间段,然后边讲边按时间顺序写出 Wei Hua在昨天一天所做的每一件事。还可利用这一单元的教学挂图,上面共有十幅图,每幅图都有 Wei Hua所做的一件事,如果把这十幅图依次描述一遍,也就勾画出了课文的主要内容。如有时间,让学生看着黑板上的时间轴线或教学挂图复述课文内容。由于课文所反映的是学生熟悉的日常生活,因此在一节课内完成默读、理解、听读、口说、书写、复述等教学任务应该说是不难的。 教学参考资料(Reference for teaching) 补充注释(Additional notes) 1.When were you born? 你是什么时候出生的? I was born on February 18, 1981. 我出生于1981年2月18日。 was(were)born出生于。如果说某人出生于某一天,则用介词on;如果说出生于某一地,则用介词in。试比较: I was born on October 12, 1982. He was born in Beijing. 2.Are you enjoying living here?你(们)喜欢住在这儿(中国)吗? enjoy doing sth. =like doing sth. 喜欢做某事,享受做某事的乐趣。如: His father enjoys watching TV. 他父亲喜欢看电视。 动词finish也有类似的用法。如: I finished reading the book. Then I gave it to Xiao Ming. 另外,enjoy后还可直接跟名词作宾语,如课文中的: Do you enjoy work? 你喜欢工作(学习)吗? 3.the day before yesterday前天 如果是前年,则可说 the year before last。后天是 the day after tomorrow。 4.On her way home she bought a new pen at a shop. 在她回家的路上,她在一家商店里买了一支新钢笔。 on one's way home 在某人回家的路上。如果说“去某地的路上(途中)”,则要用介词to。如: On his way to school, Li Lei saw Uncle Wang. 在上学的路上,李雷看到了王叔叔。 On their way to the factory, the workers found a big truck. 在去工厂的路上,工人们发现一辆大卡车。 5.She had a little rest after lunch…午饭后她休息了一小会儿…… have a rest休息一会儿,have a short(little)rest休息一小会儿。注意have这个动词搭配不同的宾语可表达不同的意思: He has a book. 他有一本书。 We had a meeting the day before yesterday. 前天我们开了一个会。 Let's go and have a swim. 让我们去游泳吧。 Please have a look at this. 请看一看这个。 What did you have for lunch yesterday? 昨天中午你吃什么了? When she reached home, Wei Hua had a glass of water. 当魏华到家时,她喝了一杯水。 6.half an hour半小时,half a year半年,half a month半月。 7.When she reached home, …当她到家时…… 1)when conj.当……时,连接一个表示时间的状语从句。这里不必多谈语法,只告诉学生when的用法和意思即可。 When I do my homework, I can't help my parents. 当我做作业时,我不能帮我父母(干活)。 2)reach = get to到达 We reached(got to)that village at seven o'clock yesterday morning. 我们昨天早晨7点钟到达那个村庄。 8.all day全天 注意day前没有定冠词the。试比较: all the time一直,总是。 all day全天。 参考教案 Unit 13 Where were you born教学步骤 Lesson 49 示例三 教学步骤(Teaching steps) Lesson 49 Step 1 Revision 1 Revise the food vocabulary in Lesson 47.Ask What did you have for lunch yesterday? Did you have dumplings for supper? etc. 2 Revise How far/often/many/old…? etc, by asking randomly How old are you? How far is your home from school? How many brothers and sisters do you have? etc. Step 2 Presentation Draw d time line across the Bb and mark it like this: 1981 England 1986 France 1990 China Now Say these sentences, pointing to the correct places on the time line: Let me tell you about Jim. He lives in China now. In 1989, he lived in France. In 1985, he lived in England. Repeat, then get the Ss to listen and repeat. Make sure they use lives and lived correctly. Ask Where did he live in 1987/1990/ten years ago? Where does he live now? etc. Teach move by saying In 1986, Jim moved to France. In 1990, he moved to China. Get the Ss to listen and repeat. Ask Where did Jim move to in 1986/1990? Point out the-d form of live and move. Finally, say He was born in 1981. Get the Ss to guess the meaning of was born and to practise the sentence. Ask random questions about Jim: When was Jim born? Where did he move to in 1990? Where does he live now? Where did he live eight years ago? etc. If you think that the Ss need more practice, draw a time line for another character, with different dates and countries. Step 3 Listen and read SB page 49, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 49. Books closed! Tell the Ss Listen to Jim and Li Let. When was Jim born? When did he move to France? Play the tape for the Ss to find the answers(1981, 1986). Books open! Play the tape agajn. Ss listen and repeat. Get the Ss to guess the meaning of Because in the last line. Point out that found is the past form of find. Then Ss practise the first part of the dialogue in pairs. Play the tape for the Ss to listen to the second part of the dialogue in SB page 49, Part 1. Get the Ss to repeat after the recording. Explain the meaning of enjoy(=like)and the use of -ing forms after enjoy, More examples: asking/ singing/working/teaching. Then let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs. Then books closed! Ask the Ss about Jim, and use their answers to draw a time line on the Bb: When was Jim born? When did he move to France/China? Where did he live in 1988? Where does he live now? etc. step 4 Read and act Let the Ss practise reading and acting out the whole dialogue in SB Lesson 49, Part 1. Step 5 Ask and answer SB page 49, Part 2. Ask Why did Jim's family move to France/China? Help the Ss to answer, using because. Then the Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class. Note that a because clause may only stand alone when it answers a why question. Step 6 Workbook Wb Lesson 49, Exx. 1, 3 and 4. Do the first sentences of Ex. 1 orally with the whole class, then let the Ss work in pairs. Check the answers with the class. Sentences 4 and 7 are right. The rest are wrong. Get the Ss to give correct answers. Ex.3 is an oral exercise. Get some Ss to make a report about their friends. Ex.4 is optional. It is an oral pairwork exercise. Check the answers with the class. The answers can be found in SB Lesson 38, Part 2. The answer to the last question may be: I don't know or I think for a long time/many years. Homework Do Wb Lesson 49, Ex.2 in writing. Prepare to say something about Jim Green and Bill Smith. 参考教案 Unit 13 Where were you born教学步骤 Lesson 50 示例三 Lesson 50 Step 1 Revision Check the homework. Ask questions about Jim Green and Bill Smith and use the answers to draw their time lines on the Bb. Ask individual Ss Where were you born? When? etc. Find a student who has lived in different places. Ask questions and draw the student's time line on the Bb. Ask the class Where was he/she born? Where did he/she live five years ago? Why did he/she move? etc. Step 2 presentation Use gestures or pictures to revise everyday actions: e.g. What is Jim doing? Help the Ss to answer He's washing his face. Ask individual Ss Did you wash your face/hair yesterday? Help them to answer Yes, I did/No, I didn't. Repeat with watching TV, having lunch, playing basketball, doing his/her homework, helping his/her mother, etc. Step 3 Ask and answer SB page 50, Part 1. Ask individual Ss the questions, making sure that the Ss understand the meaning. Then let the Ss ask and answer in pairs. Finally, ask some Ss about their friends' answers: Did he/she get up before 7 o'clock? etc. Step 4 Listening Wb Lesson 50, Ex.1. Listening Cassette Lesson 50. Go through Wb Lesson 50, Ex.1. Play the tape. Ss write the answers in their Wb. Play the tape again, if necessary. Check the answers with the whole class. Listening text: Scores: Give 1 mark for every YES answer. Write the total number of marks in the box. What do the scores mean? Listen, and fill in the blanks on page 50 of the Workbook: more than 9 marks: He/ She is a very good student. 7-8: He/ She is quite good. 5-6: He/ She needs to do better. less than 5: He/ She must do better than this! The answers are: 9, 7-8, 5-6, better,5, better. Let the Ss discuss their scores with their friend. Ask individual Ss about the results: What was his/her score? Step 5 Presentation Talk about Jim's day. Use pictures or gestures. Say Jim got up before seven o'clock yesterday. Ss listen and repeat. Present Jim washed his hands and face/came to school/worked hard/had lunch/did some sport/went home/watched TV/went to bed yesterday in the same way. Point to the pictures or make the gestures and ask What did Jim do first/then/next yesterday? Help the Ss to answer with the correct form of the verb. Write verb pairs in two columns on the Bb: wash/washed | come/came work/worked | get/got Explain that some verbs have regular(-ed)past forms, but many verbs are irregular. Step 6 Practice Drill these forms, like this: T: Jim gets up early day. Ss: Jim got up early yesterday. T: Li Lei washes his hands every day. Ss: Li Lei washed his hands yesterday(etc). Step 7 Workbook Wb Lesson 50, Exx.2,3 and 4. Read through Ex.2 with the Ss. Make sure they pronounce the verb forms correctly. Ex.3 is a written exercise. The answers should be true. Ex.4 should be done orally in class. It is chain drill. Homework Learn the verb in Wb Lesson 50, Ex.2. 参考教案 Unit 13 Where were you born教学步骤 Lesson 51 示例三 Lesson 51 Step 1 Revision 1 Check the past form of the verbs in Wb Lesson 50, Ex.2. 2 Use the same gestures or pictures as in Lesson 50 to talk about Li Lei's day. Ask What did Li Lei do first/next/then/yesterday/the day before yesterday? Make sure the Ss use the correct form of the verbs: He got up/washed his face/had breakfast/came to school, etc. Step 2 Presentation Move around the class and ask individual Ss about yesterday: What time did you get up? How did you come to school? What did you have for lunch? How long did you watch TV? etc. Step 3 Ask and answer SB page 51, Part 1. Ask individual Ss the questions as a model. Then get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs: make sure they have a different partner from the one they questioned in the last lesson. Finally, ask more individual Ss the questions. Check the information with the friend: e.g. Really? You went to bed at eight o'clock yesterday! Why? Help the Ss to answer. Step 4 Reading SB page 51, Part 2. Let the Ss read the passage quickly to find the answer to the question in the introduction. Then they can read the passage more slowly. Ask one or two questions about the passage: What time did Wei Hua get up? How long did she watch TV? Help the Ss to answer. Explain the meaning of on her way home and reached home. Let the Ss guess the meaning of other new words, such as quickly, rest. Speech Cassette Lesson 51. Ss listen and practise reading aloud. Step 5 Ask and answer Wb Lesson 51, Ex.1. Ss ask and answer in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class. step 6 Workbook Wb Lesson 51, Exx.2 and 3. Do Ex.2, with the whole class, tell the Ss how to pronounce the endings -ed/-d and the irregular verb forms. Then the Ss can do the exercise alone or in pairs. For Ex.3, let the Ss go over the passage quickly and then do the exercise with the class. Call out one student to write the verb forms on the Bb. The answers are: was, got, washed, had, was, went, had, had, worked, played, went, bought, reached, had, helped, cooked, cleaned, watched, finished, went. Prepare Ex.3 orally by asking a student What time did you get up? What did you do next? etc. Write some sentences on the Bb as a model. Homework Finish off the Workbook exercises. Revise the new vocabulary and structures in this unit. If possible, tell the Ss to prepare a talk about one of their days in the past(yesterday/the day before yesterday/last Sunday). 参考教案 Unit 13 Where were you born教学步骤 Lesson 52 示例三 Lesson 52 Step 1 Revision 1 Review the passage in SB page 51, Part 2, by asking questions: Did Wei Hua have a busy day yesterday? What time did she get up? What did she do next? etc. 2 Ask Ss about themselves: What time did you get up this morning? What did you have for breakfast? How did you come to school? etc. Pay attention to the use of the Simple Past Tense. Ask a student to talk about one of his/her past days. Step 2 Word families SB page 52, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 52. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Practise the individual sounds, then show flashcards randomly and get the Ss to pronounce the words written on them. Do Wb Lesson 52, Ex.1. Step 3 Presentation Revise the dialogue in SB Lesson 49, Part 1. Ask about Jim: Where was Jim born? etc. Draw a time line on the Bb. Draw a time line for a girl called Betty, like this: ___________________________________ 1981 Australia 1986 Japan 1990 China Now ___________________________________ Ask When was Betty born? Where was she born? Where did she live in 1984? Where did she move to in 1990? Where is she living now? etc. If time permits, get the Ss to make up a time line for a person. They then work in pairs, asking and answering questions about the time lines. Step 4 Game SB page 52, Part 2 Play this game in groups. Give each group some pieces of paper(one for each group member), with an activity(e.g. You played basketball.)written on each piece.The group has to ask questions to find out what each member did yesterday. You could demonstrate the game in front of the class before playing it in groups. Step 5 Checkpoint 13 Go through Checkpoint 13 in the usual way. Get the Ss to make a list of regular and irregular past forms.(See Pages 136-138 of the SB.)Practise the pronunciation of the“useful expressions”. Step 6 Test Ask the following questions orally, but get the Ss to write down their answers in sentences. 1 When were you born? 2 Where were you born? 3 How long did you watch TV last night? 4 What time did you go to bed last night? 5 What time did you get up this morning? Step 7 Workbook Wb Lesson 52, Exx.2 and 3. In Ex.2, practise the words carefully, paying attention to the different pronunciations of -ed and the irregular past forms. Ex.3 is a written exercise. The Ss may start in class and finish it at home. Do Ex.4 if possible. Homework Learn the verbs in Wb Ex.2 and the irregular verb forms from the list in the Appendix of the SB. Do Ex.3 in the exercise books. Do Ex.4 in writing if possible. |
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