Unit 12 Which is your favourite |
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参考教案 教学建议 示例三 教学建议(Suggested teaching notes) 一、教学内容分析 本单元围绕“日期和月份”(Dates and months)和“吃饭”(Having meals)这两个话题开展教学活动。主要语言项目是序数词、月份的名称和以have为主的动词一般过去时。各课大致安排如下: 第45课主要教学12个月份的英语名称和从first到twelfth的12个序数词。通过两组问答复习表示时间的英语名词(minute, hour, day, week, month)和讨论月份,同时复习形容词比较级(worse, worst等)。本课出现了实义动词的过去时问句(When did you start…?),但不是重点语言项目,仅仅是下一课的伏笔,这里只要求用短语About…ago回答,不需要用完整的句子回答。 第46课在前一课基础上继续教学从1st到31st的序数词以及年月日的表达方法。通过对话介绍询问日期的方法 What is/was the date today/yesterday?复习动词be的过去时,并介绍实义动词的一般过去时When did you have a meeting?What time did you have it? We had it after school. When did you go home?等。 第47课围绕着“昨天三顿饭吃些什么”这样的主题,提供了书中主人公的情况,教学What did…have for breakfast/lunch/supper?Did…have…for…yesterday?Yes, he/she/they did. No, he/she/they didn't He/She/They had… 练习册中练习1是一个信息交流活动,要求学生用这些句型彼此提问,了解较为真实的情况,填入表内。 第48课复习要点归纳小结了动词have的过去时的陈述句、疑问句和答语。听力训练与第47课信息交流活动相同,通过听力练习进一步巩固所学句型。本课语音练习复习[tM,d{,]及有关字母和字母组合的拼读规则,并教学[tr, dr, ts, dz]四个辅音音标及有关字母和字母组合的拼读规则。 按照教学计划,本单元教学正值辞旧迎新之际,因此加上了新年祝贺语Happy New Year!及答语The same to you! 二、教学方法建议 (一)教学英语的月份名称 英语的12个月份名称集中教学是比较困难的。有经验的教师早在初一年级就在值日生报告中加上了日期和星期几的内容了。有的班级甚至每天让值日生在黑板上用英语写日期。本单元以前部分月份名称(September, October, November)已出现过。因此,到了本单元,教学难度不致很大,主要困难落到了发音和拼法上。启发学生仔细观察,让他们发现这些词的特点。12个词中March, April, May, June和July基本符合拼读规则。August和autumn的重读音节相同,au读作[&:]。January和February的后两个音节相似,都含有双元音[u+]加[ri]。最后四个月的名称结尾都是-ber,而且重音都落在第二个音节上。有趣的是,September. November和December的最后两个音节都是-ember['emb+]。而Sept., Nov. 和Dec.恰好是这几个月的缩略形式。通过这样的比较和联想,记忆这些词就会容易些。第二册(下)练习册的Additional revision exercises 中有个word puzzle,就是为练习12个月份词设计的。在教学中,除了问 Which is the fourth month of the year?这类的问题,还可以问Which month comes after/before April?也可以直接翻开挂历问月份:Which month is this? 要用英语说“年、月、日”,除了学说月份,还得学会用于表达日期的序数词和年代的读法。关于序数词的教法下一部分即将说明。在初中阶段,仅教给学生一种日期的表示方法,即先说月份后说日期—“月份+the+序数词”。例如:June the first, April the fourth, September the ninth等,而书写时则是June 1(st), April 4(th), September 9(th)。 年代是由基数词构成,如1997,通常读作nineteen ninety-seven, 2000读作twothousand,2001读作 two thousand and one或twenty oh one。用英语说“年、月、日”时,先说月、日,后说年代。写时年代之前有逗号。例如May 4,1919(读作May the fourth,nineteen nineteen);October 1,1998(读作October the first,nineteen ninety-eight)。 教学完日期的表达方法后,应要求值日生每天进行这样的问答:What's the date today?What was the date yesterday?等。这是复习巩固日期表达法的最好的途径。 (三)教学句型Which is your favourite…? 第45课第二部分问答所设计的情景是为了议论哪个月份好与不好的。而这些句型也适用于“喜好与厌恶”这一功能项目。如果有余力,可用一点时间进行这样的讨论: l)A:Which is your favourite sport? B:Football is.What about you? A:I think pingpong is the best. B:And the worst? A:Running.It's the hardest. B:No.I think jumping is harder than running. 2)A:What is your favourite colour? B:I think red is the nicest. A:And the worst? B:Brown. A:No. I think black is worse than brown. 学生还可以彼此就食品、饮料、水果等做类似的问答。 (四)学习序数词的方法 本册教科书每一个课次都有两种标法,如Lesson 1, The first lesson。其用意就是为了让学生不断接触序数词,自然地习得。否则,猛然在一两课内集中学几十个序数词必然感到困难。到了本单元教学时,一边结合第45、46课所提供的情景教学,一边可利用书后语法材料中的序数词表进行归纳。重点指出first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first, fortieth, eightieth, ninetieth, hundredth, one hundred and first等。因为这些都有一定的特殊性或典型性,其余序数词的构成有规律可循,不难掌握。当学生掌握规律时,还要经常复习。这里介绍四种复习的方法。 第一种最简便,基数词和序数词配对。如口说one-first, two-second, three-third等等。不必说一百对,可以重点练习上面列出的典型数词。也可由教师说基数词,学生说或写出序数词。这种对比练习,既练了序数词,又复习了基数词。第二种加上名词练习,如Lesson 5—the fifth lesson, Picture 6— the sixth picture, Room 11—the eleventh room。第三种是给学生编号,让学生彼此问答:What's your number?My number is 12—the twelfth等。第四种可做游戏,例如Next number!(见第一册第29课),但把基数词换成序数词。另外,还可做Bingo游戏。 (五)教学行为动词的一般过去时 第45课第四部分初次出现了行为动词过去时的疑问句When did you start in this school?When did we start this term?等。可以采取对比的方法介绍新的句型。首先问When do we start our autumn term?回答 On September 1st. 板书这组句子。然后把our autumn改成this, do改成did, 问When did we start this term?让学生猜句子的意思,根据实际情况告诉学生答案:About weeks ago. 向学生说明did是do的过去式,无人称和数的变化。此时,不要求学生用完整句子回答,所以可以任意问when的问题。如:When did you study the second lesson?When did Jim's class go and work on a farm?When did they pick apples?When did Lucy eat mooncakes at Han Meimei's home?When did Lin Tao go to the zoo with Jim?When did you talk about months in English? 第46和47课把过去时的动词局限在动词have的短语之中(除了have仅出现了go的过去式)。这样做好让学生较快地熟悉过去时的各种句子结构。尽管英语大多数动词过去式是规则的,但常用的动词多数却不规则。这对于初学者很不利。选择have/has的过去式had入手比较容易为学生所掌握。况且,“吃饭”(have meals)、“开会”(have a meeting)等与学生实际生活密切相关。于是,When did you have a meeting?What time did you have it?What did… have for… yesterday?Did you have… for… yesterday?加上肯定和否定的简略答语,就这样自然而然地介绍给了学生。如果学生理解了基本句型,还可趁机补充一些问句。如Did you have your school meeting last week?When did you have your class meeting? Did you have four or five English lessons last term?Did you have an English class yesterday?Did you have a swim last Sunday?When did you go to the park?Did you have a good time? (六)语音训练 第48课复习了辅音[tM, d{]及有关的拼读规则。这是一对清浊破擦音。有的学生受汉语“知、齿”的影响发不准这两个音。纠正的方法是让学生把嘴唇向前突出,微向外翻,形成喇叭形。这时口腔和舌头的位置自动形成一种合适的位置,照这样的口形发[tM, d{]较为准确。 第48课教学[tr,dr]和[ts,dz]两组破擦音。其中每个辅音都是由爆破音和摩擦音组成,但形成了独立的音素,切不可像朗读辅音连缀那样。[ts,dz]常见于名词复数词尾,如kites[kaits],beds[bedz]等,不能读成['kaits]和['bedz]。练习册第48课练习1紧密配合本课语音练习。 参考教案 Unit 12 Which is your favourite教学参考资料 示例三 教学参考资料(Reference for teaching) 补充注释(Additional notes) 1.How many weeks are there in a year?一年有多少周? 这个问题的回答一般是 There are fifty-two weeks in a year. 2.What was the date yesterday?昨天几号? What day was it yesterday?昨天是星期几? 前一句问日期,后一句问星期几,两句不要混。回答日期一般说年月日,但如果已知年代,只说月日。本册教科书只出现了一种日期表达方式,即January 3,1999(月、日、年),其实,还有一种表达法,即3 January 1999(日、月、年)。3.It's much colder today.今天冷得多。 much 相当于a lot,在此句中是副词,修饰 colder,加强比较的程度。又如: It's getting much warmer now.现在天暖得多了。 He's getting a lot better these days.这些日子他好得多了。 与much相对应的有a little,如: It is a little colder today.今天(比昨天)冷了一点儿。 Jim is a little taller than Li Let.吉姆比李雷稍稍高一点儿。 4.What time did you have it?你们是几点钟开的? We had it after school.我们是放学以后开的。 这两句中it代替前一句When did you have a meeting?(你们什么时候开会了?)中的a meeting。在汉语中,由于前句已说明“开会”,后面的几句都可以省去宾语“会”。但在英语中,have是及物动词,后面的宾语不能省去,为了不重复名词meeting而要用it来代替。这种现象需提醒学生注意。 5.Did you have eggs for breakfast yesterday? 表示食物的名词有的可数,有的不可数。在这个句型中,凡泛指的可数名词,用复数形式,前面不用定冠词。如: Did you have noodles/dumplings/vegetables for lunch? 如果用an egg,那就是强调数量,指“一个蛋”。 6.Happy New Year!新年好! 当别人向你祝贺新年时,你可以同样说Happy New Year!也可以答The same toyou!类似的情况还有Merry Christmas!(圣诞快乐!)Happy Spring Festival!(春节好!) 参考教案 Unit 12 Which is your favourite教学步骤 Lesson 48 示例三 Lesson 48 Step 1 Revision Ask What's the date today? Revise saying the ordinals, months and year. Practise with a calendar. (See Lesson 46, Step 4 of the TB). Step 2 Revision Talk about a story in the SB(e. g. SB page 19, Part 2). Practise as much vocabulary and as many forms as possible, using Simple Past Tense forms(had, was, went, did): e. g. Where did the children go? Did Li Lei hold the ladder? DidJim have more apples than Li Lei? Step 3 Word families SB page 48, Part1. Speech Cassette Lesson 48.Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Practise the individual sounds, then show flash cards randomly and get the Ss to pronounce the words written on them. Step 4 Listening SB page 48, Part2. Listening Cassette Lesson 48. Play the tape three times if necessary. Wb Lesson 48, Ex. 2. Find out what the student had for breakfast, lunch and supper last Sunday. Listening text: What did you have for your meals last Sunday? A: Did you have fish for lunch last Sunday? B: No, we didn't. There wasn't any nice fish in the shop, so we had meat. A: Did you have porridge for breakfast? B: No, we didn't. There wasn't any rice, so we had bread and milk. A: What did you have for supper? B: We had chicken and rice. The answers are: bread and milk for breakfast, meat for lunch, chicken and rice for supper. Step 5 Checkpoint 12 Go through the sentences in Checkpoint 12.Drill the question forms like this: T: I had fish yesterday. Ss: Did you have fish yesterday? T: Yes, I did. She had rice for breakfast. Ss: Did she have rice for breakfast? T: Yes, she did. etc. Drill the question forms using other verbs, likethis: T: get up at six SA: Did you get up at six yesterday? SB: Yes, I did. /No, I didn't. T: come to school on foot SA: Did you come…? etc. Discuss any problems that the Ss might raise. Step 6 Test Dictate the following dates: July 1st, 1997; August 25th, 1983; September14th, 1742; February 22nd, 1660; January 30th,1549; December 3rd, 1895. Step 7 Workbook Wb Lesson 48, Exx. 1—3. The answers to Ex. 1 are: cheap, child, touch, catch; village, June, train, truck; dress, drive, gates, needs; rides, grades, hands, starts. The answers to Ex.3 are: Did, have; did; did, have; had; did; had. had; did; did; played; have; did; have; have. Step 8 Listen and say As the New Year is coming, tell the Ss to say Happy New Year! to friends and relatives on New Year's Day. The reply is usually Happy New Year(to you)! or The same to you! Homework Finish off the Workbook exercises. Write out the words in Wb Lesson 48, Ex.1 in the exercise books. 参考教案 Unit 12 Which is your favourite教学步骤 Lesson 47 示例三 Lesson 47 Step 1 Revision Revise the forms of the Simple Past Tense learnt so far(did, went, had) by asking individual Ss What time did you have breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday? What time did you go to school/ home/to bed? Help the Ss to answer. Note these answers on the Bb and ask about them: What time did he/she…? Practise the question forms, then get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs. Step 2 Presentation Show a picture of someone swimming and say What did LiLei do yesterday? He went swimming. Repeat for Jim(did his homework)and Wei Hua(went shopping). Ask randomly What did Li Lei/Jim/Wei Hua do yesterday? Help the Ss to answer. Present Did Li Lei play football yesterday? No, he didn't. Did he go fishing? Yes, he did. Ask similar questions to elicit No, he/she didn't. Yes, he/she did. Pay attention to the pronunciation of didn't/'didn't/. Ask individual Ss Did you play basketball(etc)yesterday? to practise No, I didn't. Yes, I did. Note that for all persons the past form of the action verb remains the same. Step 3 Practice Ask a student to come to the front. The class must ask as many questions as possible to find out what the student did yesterday. Give some examples: Did you eat bread yesterday? Did you buy any fruit yesterday? Help the student to answer Yes, I did. No, I didn't. Say I can't remember! if necessary. Then Ss ask and answer in pairs about themselves. Step4 Presentation Use pictures to teach or revise rice, dumpling, noodles, porridge, fish, meat, vegetables, fruit, chicken, eggs, bread. For each one ask Ss Did you/he/she/they eat rice/…yesterday? Helpthem to answer Yes/No, I/he/She/they did/ didn't as appropriate. SB page 47, Part1. Read through the vocabulary with the Ss. Practise the pronunciation carefully. Revise the spelling rules: u/)/, oo/u:/, o/&/, etc. Step 5 Read, ask and answer SB page 47, Part 2. Let the Ss look at the table for a moment. Make sure they understand what they are required to do. Ask Did…? questions, such as Did Jim have eggs for breakfast yesterday? Then get individual Ss to make up Did…? questions in the same way. Finally, get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs. Step 6 Ask and answer SB page 47, Part 3. Ask the What…? questions, then get individual Ss to make up some more. Let the Ss ask and answer in pairs. Step 7 Workbook Wb Lesson 47, Exx. 1-3. Do Ex. 1 orally in pairs and write the answers in the form. For Ex. 2 get a pair of Ss to read the dialogue and make sure the Ss understand it. Ask some Ss How many lessons did you have yesterday morning/afternoon? What lessons did you have? What did your Chinese teacher say about the homework? If possible, you may tell the Ss the English for some other subjects, e. g. maths, P.E., etc. Then get the Ss to practise the dialogue in pairs. Do Ex. 3 orally in class. The Ss are encouraged to think of more sentences using the past forms of verb to be. Homework Write eight sentences for Wb Lesson 47, Ex3. Finish off the Workbook exercises. Revise the new vocabulary and language points in this unit. 参考教案 Unit 12 Which is your favourite教学步骤 Lesson 46 示例三 Lesson 46 Step1 Revision Revise the names of the months. Ask Which is the fifth month? etc. Write the answers in a column on the Bb. Then ask the Ss, or let the mask each other, the questions in SB Lesson 45, Parts 2, 3 and 4. Revise Wb Lesson 45, Exx. 2 and 4. Step 2 Presentation Ask What's the date today? What was the date yesterday/the day before yesterday/last Friday? etc. Write the dates(e. g. December 1st, 19__)on the Bb. Note that, although the style 1stDecember, 19__is also possible, it is better to teach one style at this stage. Write the ordinals 1st-12th on the Bb. Practise their pronunciation. Point out that the ending of each number is written down: 1st=firST, 2nd=secoND, etc. Step 3 Practice SB page 46, Part1. Play Speech Cassette Lesson46 for the Ss to listen and repeat. Use a calendar to practise the ordinals randomly. Point out that the year is divided into nineteen +(ninety-four). (Note that 2000 may be called two thousand or twenty hundred; 2001 may be two thousand and one, twenty hundred and one or twenty oh one, etc. ) Step 4 Practice Use a calendar or flash cards, or write on the Bb. Show the Ss a date: e. g. June 22nd, 1994. Say June the twenty-second, nineteen ninety-four. Ss listen and repeat. Change one element of the date each time and ask What's the date? Help the Ss to answer. Ask Ss individually. Help the students to write down today's date in their exercise books. Step 5 Game Play the Next Number game, using ordinal numbers. Call out several Ss, e. g: Team 2 or Row 4. Tell them to count like this: first, second, third, fourth, next, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, Next!etc. Anyone who says a wrong number is“out”and has to sit down. Step 6 Presentation Ask the Ss What day was it yesterday? What was the date yesterday? Help them to answer using was. Then ask Is it cold today? and was it cold yesterday? Make a comparison, saying It's colder/much colder/not very cold today. Explain the meaning of cold by gestures. Then play Speech Cassette Lesson 46. Get the Ss to listen to the first dialogue in SB page 46, Part 2, and to repeat after the recording. Ask the Ss When do you usually have your class meeting? If the answer is on Saturday morning, ask Did you have a meeting last Saturday? Yes, you did. You had a meeting last Saturday. That is____ days ago. Point out that, when we talk about a past activity, we have to change the verb form: have→had, do→did, is/am→was, are→were. Then play the tape and let the Ss listen to the second dialogue in SB page 46, Part 2, and repeat after the recording. Step 7 Practice SB page 46, Part 2. Read through and practise the dialogues with the Ss. Get the Ss to give the simple past forms of is, have, do and go. Then Ss practise in pairs. See if they can make up some new dialogues. Step 8 Workbook Wb Lesson 46, Exx. 1—3. Ex. 1 should be done orally with the whole class. Ss do Exx. 2 and 3 orally in pairs. For Ex. 3, get some pairs to act out their own dialogues if time permits. Note: From now on, all the students must always write the date in their exercise books for each piece of work. Some of them may need help in doing this. Homework Do Wb Lesson 46, Ex. 3. Ss write three dialogues using different expressions from the book. 参考教案 Unit 12 Which is your favourite教学步骤 Lesson 45 示例三 教学步骤(Teaching steps) Lesson 45 Note: A calendar showing dates clearly would be useful for this lesson. Step1 Revision Revise What day is it today/tomorrow? What day was it yesterday? What's the date today/tomorrow? Teach What was the date yesterday? Revise the names of the days of the week. Ask What was the date last Friday? etc. Step2 Presentation Write the numbers 1 to 12 in a column on the Bb. Revise the months that the Ss know, by asking Which is the ninth/tenth/eleventh month? etc. Write the name of the month next to the appropriate number. Repeat for the names of the new months: say Which is the first month? If no one can answer, say It's January. Continue with the other months. Get the Ss to practise the pronunciation, taking particular care with February/'febru+ri/. Write the names of the months on the Bb. Ask randomly Which is the third/eighth/twelfth month? etc. Speech Cassette Lesson 45. Ss listen and repeat. Step 3 Practice Divide the class into two groups. Get them to say the months alternately, like this: Group A: January Group B: February Group A: March, etc. Repeat, erasing four months from the Bb each tune, until the Bb is clear. Ask randomly Ss When(In which month)is your birthday? It's in (Name of a month). Finish with a survey of the class: Whose birthday is in January(etc)? Put up your hands. See which month has the most birthdays. Step 4 Read and learn SB page 45, Part1. Read the names of the months. Ss listen and repeat. Point out the firstletter of each month: this can help the Ss to remember the order(J—F—MAM—J; JASON—D). Let the Ss look at the name for a minute. Then, books closed! See who can recite all the months in the correct order. Step 5 Ask and answer SB page 45, Part 2. Do this as a quiz. Divide the class into two teams. Choose a student to answer each question. If the answer is correct, give the team a point. After ten questions, get a member of one team to set a question for a member of the other team. Finally, Ss can ask and answer in pairs. Step 6 Ask and answer SB page 45, Part 3. Go through the dialogue and practise the forms bad/worse/the worst. Then ask the Ss the same questions: Which is your favourite month? And the worst? Each student then asks three others these questions. Get the Ss to write the answers in their exercise books. Step 7 Practice Teach ago by writing this year's date on the Bb. Say Now it is 199_. Write an earlier date(e. g. five years earlier)and say Five years ago, it was19_ _. Give some more examples. SB page 45, Part4. Read through the questions. Explain briefly that did is the Simple Past Tense form of do. Get the Ss to answer the questions orally, then in writing. Step 8 Workbook Wb Lesson 45, Exx. 1—4. Do Ex. 1 orally with the whole class. Ex. 2 and Ex. 3 may be done orally in class. Do the first two in each exercise as examples, then Ss work in pairs. Check the answers. Do Ex. 4 orally in class. Get the Ss to fill in the blanks with appropriate words or numbers. Homework Do Wb Lesson 45, Ex. 2. Ss write the answers to the questions. Ss should also learn the names of the months. |
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