Unit 4 Were going to word on a farm 示例三

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参考教案 教学建议 教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)
(一)本单元围绕“谈论未来活动”(Talking about future activities)开展听说读写的教学活动。书中设置了三个情景:谈明天将要干些什么事;谈将去商店买什么东西;谈下星期去农场劳动。三段对话自然引出了be going to这个结构,包括各种人称的各种句型:陈述句的肯定式和否定式,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及其答语。
(一)教学be going to结构
就形式而言,这个结构近似go的现在进行时,因此难度不大。但是,要帮助学生建立起时态的概念需费一番功夫。建议通过以下的步骤教学 be going to:
1.用现在进行时与将来时比较的方法介绍这个新的结构。例如:教师问 What are you doing now?并板书这个问句。学生答: We're having an English class.教师说:Right.What are you going to do this afternoon?在黑板上把前面那个问句改变成这个问句,让学生猜这个句子的意思,并启发学生回答: We're going to have two classes this after- noon.板书这个答语。此时,教师可简单说明 are going to的含义。然后,教师向单个学生发问,引导学生说 I'm going to…。接着,教师问 What is he/she going to do?引导学生说 He/ She is going to…。
2. 用时间线(Timeline)来表示两个时态的差别,例如:I'm having an English lesson now. I'm going to have two Chinese lessons this afternoon.

要提醒学生注意,当表示说话时刻以后将要发生的动作或状态时,在英语中需用动词将来时态,在口语中常用“be going to +动词原形”结构。
3.当学生理解了 be going to结构所表示的意义后,就可以进行句型的操练。例如:
1) A:I'm going to play basketball this afternoon. What about you?
B:I'm not going to play games. I'm going to fly kites.
2) A:Bob, are you going to play football with us this afternoon?
B:Yes, I am.
A:What about Sam?
B:No, he isn't.
在操练的基础上逐步归纳 be going to的各种句式,并列表以帮助学生理解和记忆:

4.设置情景,增加练习,可提出一系列将来时间为话题引起讨论,如this evening, to- morrow, the day after tomorrow,next year等等。也可以围绕干某件事(task)进行对话,如 do some housework/clean the house/bedroom/mend my bike/car/clock;see/meet my grandparents/uncle/friend(s)/teacher(s); do shopping/buy a pen/a dress/a pair of shoes等等。在练习中注意运用特殊疑问句,如:What are you going to do/buy…? How many…are you going to get/buy/cook…? How much… are you going to buy? Who's going to do it/help you? Which… are you going to have/ buy? When/Where are we going to meet?How are we going to get there?
(二)形容词比较等级的不规则变化本单元只教学 good一词。它的比较级是better,最高级是best。可结合第14课第2部分的内容,以对话方式练习如下:
A:Here are three cups.
B:The first one is good.
A:The second one is better than the first one.
B:The third one is the best of all.
A:Which one are you going to buy?
B:I'm going to buy the best one.
A:But I'm going to get the first one. It's good and the cheapest.
A:Look! There are three blouses here. Which is the best?
B:The first one. It's the dearest.
A:The third one is the cheapest. But it's good.
B:The second one is dearer than the third (one). It's better, I think.
下面的练习也有助于巩固 good,better,best的用法:
A:A cup of tea is better for you than a bottle of orange.
B:I think a glass of water is the best.
A:Your English is better than mine.
B:His is the best.
Who is the best student in the class?
Who is your best friend?
Good, better, best,
Never let it rest,
Till good is better,
And better best.
《阅读训练》第四单元有一篇短文 Mr Going-to-Do 和一段对话。短文既结合语法重点be going to,又有教育意义。读后可由学生改为对话并表演。对话带有物理实验的内容,可在教室或让学生回去照此实验,还可让他们变对话为短文,进行口笔头练习。
(四)语音教学根据本单元出现的拼读规则,让学生明确元音字母组合oo有两种读音:短元音[u] 和长元音[u:],可增加比较练习如下:

从上面的例词中可以看出oo 在字母k[k]前读[u];在l[l], m[m], n[n] 前读[u:]。
[u:] blue clue flue glue rue
lune crude flute jute rude
[ju:] cue due hue sue fume
cube duke huge tune
[u] full pull push put bull bush
参考教案 Unit 4 Were going to word on a farm 教学步骤 Lesson 14 示例三
Lesson 14
Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework.
2 Revise be going to by asking Ss about their plans for this evening, next Sunday, etc.
3 Ask individual Ss to open the door, close the window and do other classroom duties. As they stand up to obey, ask What're you going to do? Then ask the class What's he/she going to do?
Step 2 Presentation
Show a flashcard of some oranges(or bring in the real thing).
Say I'm going to the shops today. I'm going to buy some oranges.
Repeat. Ss listen and repeat.
Explain that I'm going to the shops is a quick way of saying I'm going to go to the shops.
Show flashcards of other food(e. g. rice) and get the Ss to say I'm going to the shops today. I'm going to buy some rice.
Step 3 Practice
Get the Ss to make a shopping list of four items for supper. Ask individual Ss What are you going to buy? Then Ss can ask and answer in pairs.
Step 4 Read and act
SB page 14, Part 1. Read through the questions in Wb Lesson 14, Ex. 1, and then let the Ss read the dialogue silently to find the answers. Explain that get =buy and Why not? is another way of saying Good idea! Note that a few means some, not many. Speech Cassette Lesson 14. Play the tape, then practise the dialogue with the Ss.
Divide the class into two groups to practise similar dialogues using pens and pears. Then Ss work in pairs. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues. See who can do it without books!
Step 5 Presentation
Revise the comparative and superlative forms, using small pieces of paper:
This piece of paper is small. This is smaller. This is the smallest of all.
Draw three sets of oranges on the Bb, with a different(cheap) price on each.

Point to the highest price and say These oranges are cheap. These are cheaper. These are the cheapest of all. Make sure the Ss understand cheap.
Repeat. Ss listen and repeat.
Make the prices higher, and practise with dear in the same way.
Now point to the oranges, starting with the cheapest, and say These oranges are good. These are better. These are the best of all.
Practise the sentences by saying an adjective(e. g. good) and getting the Ss to point to each set of oranges as they say the appropriate sentence.
Step 6 Practise
SB page 14, Part 2. Read through the sentences with the Ss. Ask Which pen/oranges/cake are they going to buy? HELP THE Ss to guess, using I think they are going to buy the cheapest one(s)/ the best one.
Step 7 Workbook
Wb Lesson 14, Exx. 2 and 3.
Do Ex. 2 orally first, then in writing. Revise the rules concerning double letters. big—bigger is the only example here. Pay attention to adjectives ending in -y, e. g. early—earlier.
Ex. 3 may be done with the whole class at first and then as pairwork.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Do Wb Lesson 14, Ex. 1. Write down the answers in the exercise books.
参考教案 Unit 4 Were going to word on a farm 教学步骤 Lesson 15 示例三
Lesson 15
Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework: get several pairs of Ss to do Ex. 1 in Wb Lesson 14.
2 Practise the dialogue in SB Page 14, Part 1, using other vocabulary(e. g. items of clothing).
Step 2 Reading
SB page 15, Part 1. Tell the Ss that Li Lei's class are going to work on a farm. Ask How are they going to the farm? Let the Ss read the dialogue silently to find the answer.
Let the Ss work in pairs to answer the questions in SB page 15, Part 2. Go through the answers and get the Ss to guess the meaning of pick apples and on the road. Explain that Only some school work is short for I'm only going to do some school work and that It's much better than having classes means that Jim is very happy because he is not going to go to school next week!
Difficult phrases and sentences can be translated into Chinese.
Step 3 Acting
Speech Cassette Lesson 15. Play the tape. Listen and repeat, then practise the dialogue in pairs. Teach the Ss how to read dramatic dialogue. They look at the book before they speak each line, but look at their partner as they speak. In this way they can use facial expressions and gestures more effectively. Get some pairs to act out the dialogue.
Step 4 Listening
Wb Lesson 15, Ex. 1. Listening Cassette Lesson 15, Part 3. As usual, play the tape at least three times before asking the students to complete the sentences in the Wb.
Listening text:
WEI HUA:Hi, Lucy! Are you going to come with us tomorrow?
LUCY: Where to?
WEI HUA:We're going to work on a farm.
LUCY: Really? Great! I'd love to come. What are we going to do?
WEI HUA:We're going to help the farmers to pick pears.
LUCY: Pears! Great! I love pears!
WEI HUA:We're going to pick them, not eat them!
LUCY: How are we getting there?
WEI HUA:By bus. We're going to meet outside the school gate.
LUCY: OK! When are we going to meet?
WEI HUA:We're going to meet at 7:20. OK? Oh, put on your oldest clothes!
LUCY: 7:20 in my oldest clothes. OK! See you! Bye!
The answers are:1 farm, 2 pears, 3 bus,4 the school gate, 7:20, 5 their oldest clothes.
Step 5 Workbook
Wb Lesson 15, Exx. 2 and 3.
Do Ex. 2 orally first, then get the Ss to write in the answers.
The answers are: are/is, going, help, with, pick, much, is, early, outside, not, by ,old, work.
Ask them to work in pairs to prepare six questions on the passage, using the questions in SB page 15, Part 2 as a model.
Ex. 3 can also be done in pairs, like this:
A:I am going to help Mother wash clothes on Sunday. I am not going to see my friend.
B:Are you going to see your friend on Sunday?
A:No, I'm not.
B:Are you going to help Mother wash clothes?
A:Yes, I am.
Revise the dialogue in SB page 15, Part 1.
Revise the be going to structure and the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.
Do Wb Ex. 3 as written homework.
参考教案 Unit 4 Were going to word on a farm 教学步骤 Lesson 16 示例三
Lesson 16
Step 1 Revision
Books closed! Revise the story in SB page 15, Part 1. Ask the questions in SB page 15, Part 2.
Step 2 Word families
SB page 16, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 16.
Practise the pronunciation of these words. Pay special attention to the/u/ sound: make sure the Ss do not prolong it. Use flashcards to practise the words in the usual way. /(+/is a new sound. (See Appendix Ⅱ in TB1.)
Wb Lesson 16, Ex. 1. The answers are: good, book, Who, Sue.
Ask the Ss to distinguish/u/from/u:/when reading what Polly says.
Step 3 Stress and intonation
SB page 16, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 16.
Get the Ss to show the stress and intonation with gestures as they say these sentences.
Step 4 Presentation
Ask a student of his/her plans for one day next week. Get other Ss to ask questions about other days. Then ask e. g. Can he/she go shopping on Tuesday? Help the Ss to reply No, he/she can't.
He's/She's going to play basketball.
Pairwork:Ss write down their plans for next week, then ask their partner Can you go shopping on Friday? etc.
Step 5 Ask and answer
Wb Lesson 16, Ex. 2. Ss ask two friends about their plans for next week. Get some Ss to report their answers.
Step 6 Checkpoint 4
Go through the be going to sentences and the adjective forms in Checkpoint 4. Explain any difficulties that the Ss raise. Review the expressions in Checkpoint 4(See page 17 of the TB.)
Step 7 Test
Write this dialogue on the Bb and get the Ss to copy it and fill in the blanks.
Lin Tao:We're going to play football tomorrow.
Sam:Great! ____?
Lin Tao:Sure! You're welcome!
Lin Tao:We're going to play at two o'clock.
Sam:I see. ____?
Lin Tao:We're going to meet outside the park gate.
Sam: All right! See you tomorrow!
Lin Tao: ____!
Suggested answers:1 Can/May I come?
2 What time are you going to play?
3 Where are you going to meet? 4 See you then. /Goodbye.
Step 8 Writing
Wb Lesson 16, Ex. 3 may be done orally. Then get the Ss to fill in the blanks with suitable answers.
Finish off the Wokbook exercises.
Learn the contents of Checkpoint 4.
Write down the complete dialogue in Wb Ex. 3 in the exercise books.




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