Unit 3 Mid----Autumn Day

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参考教案 教学参考资料 示例三
教学参考资料 (Reference for teaching)
补充注释(Additional notes)
1.mid-autumn 一词中的mid来自middle,表示“中间的、中部的”,可作前缀,再如: midday(正午),midnight(午夜), mid-September(九月中旬)。Mid-Autumn Day指中秋节,是个节日名,用三个大写字母。
2.序数词 ninth的拼写形式是把nine的字母e去掉后加th。读音为[nainI]。
序数词 twelfth的拼写形式是把 twelve的末尾字母ve改为 f后加th。读音为[twelfI]。
3.tomorrow night前面不加介词,同样地 tomorrow morning, tomorrow after- noon和 tomorrow evening,均不加介词。还有 today(今天), tonight(今晚),this morning(今天上午), this afternoon(今天下午), this evening(今晚)等也都不加介词。
4. on that day(那天)用介词 on。带有 day的时间短语都用介词 on(不用in),再如:
in the morning—on Monday—on Monday morning
in the afternoon—on October 1st—on the afternoon of October 1st
in the evening—on Mid-Autumn Day—on the evening of Mid-Autumn Day
Would you like one of these mooncakes?你吃一块月饼吗?
Have one, please.请吃一块吧。
Would you like another one?你再来一块吗?
This one is nicer than the other one.这一块比另外一块好吃。
Now have one of these.现在来一块这个吧。
But I think the ones with nuts in them are nicer.
从上面的例句看出 one代替单数名词,ones代替复数名词。还有一种结构 one of these…中的one说明后面提到的名词中的一个。
6.How delicious they are!它们多可口啊!
陈述句 They are delicious.→感叹句 How delicious they are!(感叹句详见教科书附录中的语法部分第75页。)
参考教案 Unit 3 Mid----Autumn Day 教学建议 示例三
教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)
1.构成:比较级:在形容词原级后加 -er
最高级:在形容词原级后加 -est
2.用法:比较级:-er than…
最高级:-est of all/the three/…
A:Are you hungry?
B:Yes, a little.
A:Would you like one of these…? B: Yes, please.
A:Have one.
B:Thank you very much.
A:Would you like another one?
B:May I? Thanks.
A:Now have one of these.
B:Another one? No, thank you very much.
A:I'm hungry. I'm having another one.
B:I'm not hungry. I'm full.
big small heavy light long tall short new young old early late easy hard dear cheap fine nice high great clean full empty round friendly sorry hungry
先让学生把这些形容词分批写在黑板上,然后教学它们的比较级和最高级。教师用彩色粉笔在这些形容词的原级后写上构成比较级的后缀 -er和最高级的后缀 -est,注意指出拼写及发音上的特点,例如:
hard—harder—hardest 一般在词尾加 -er或 -est。
easy—easier—easiest 以辅音字母+y结尾的双音节词,先改 y为 i,再加-er或-est。
late—later—latest 以字母e结尾的形容词,只加 -r或 -st。
big—bigger—biggest 重读闭音节词末尾只有一个辅音字母时,应先双写该辅音字母,再加-er或-est。
long—longer ['l&Rg+]—longest ['l&Rgist](辅音字母组合ng读[Rg])
Ann is young. This house is high.
Kate is younger. That house is higher.
This map is big. These pieces of paper are small.
That one is bigger. Those pieces/ones are smaller.
My box is light. Our bags are heavy.
Yours is lighter. Theirs are heavier.
Sue's skirt is new. Mike's trousers are long.
Jo's is newer. Sam's are longer.
The white car is dear. The red shoes are cheap.
The black one is dearer. The brown ones are cheaper.
Exercise 1 is easy. Mr Gao comes to school early.
Exercise 3 is easier. Miss Wu comes earlier.
向学生说明在作比较的第二句中,名词可用代词 one(ones)代替或省略。还可用上述练习中没有出现的形容词 old, tall, short, hard, late,fine, nice, clean, hungry, friendly等和有关的名词进行更多的口笔头练习。
接着就可以练习比较句型:(be) -er than…。例如:
Liu Ying is tall. Zhang Fang is taller. Zhang Fang is taller than Liu Ying.
His room is cleaner than hers.
The second ship is nicer than the first one.
Those nuts are cheaper than these.
然后加上最高级的句型(be) -est of all/the three/…,练习如下:
Xiao Wang is hungry. Lao Hu is hungrier. Zhen Shan is the hungriest of thethree.
This knife is fine. That knife is finer than this one. The third knife is thefinest of the three.
Lesson 21 is hard. Lesson 22 is harder. Lesson 23 is the hardest of all.
The yellow dress is dear. The green one is dearer than the yellow one. The blue one is the dearest of all.
Gan Ning is short. Tang Ping is shorter. Miao Yuan is the shortest in theclass.
听力训练主要靠课堂师生所进行的各种口语练习,要培养全体学生注意倾听,逐渐提高发展自己听英语的能力。专门的听力练习也要按时进行。本单元的听力练习在第12课,是一段有关Moon cakes的会话,有助于巩固形容词的比较等级。会话的最后一句 I think they're much nicer than the other ones.中的 much nicer是在形容词的比较级前加 much,意思“……得多”。听完这段会话后。就做练习册第12课练习3,根据会话的内容填3个空,说明露西、莉莉和韩梅梅各喜欢吃哪一种月饼。
本单元的阅读材料是第11课的一页信,是露西写给美国朋友的信中的第二页,全长104个词,可先给学生提出一个问题 Which kind of mooncake does Lucy like?再给他们2分钟时间默读这页信,找出问题的答案来。读完第一遍并能正确回答所提问题后,让学生看第二遍,并做练习册第11课练习1。结合课文内容,完成7个是非题。其中第5和7题是错的。
接着播放录音,让全班学生边听边跟读课文两至三遍。然后让几行学生到个别学生朗读课文。第10课第1部分的对话也可作阅读训练的材料,做法同上。先提问,再让学生带着问题默读这段对话,找出问题的答案。在读的过程中,让学生猜测 round和 Have one.的意思。接着听录音、跟读对话。最后全班两人小组朗读对话,直到抽几组进行表演。
《阅读训练》第三单元(第9—12页)包括一篇叙述文 K Day 和短诗 The Moon。短文描写美国的儿童节日风筝节,共152个词。可让学生默读35分钟,然后用2分钟做第12页上的补全句子的练习,先笔头后口头。最后教学共40个词的有关月亮(The Moon)的短诗。先默读,弄懂意思,再朗读,背诵。布置在下一节课内表演短诗背诵。诗中出现动词的过去时态 was和looked,简单说明一下即可。生词bright和bow可让学生连系上下文和插图猜测词义。
课次 练习 课堂作业 家庭作业
9 3 2人小组:先笔头填空, 抄写1个后,
再口头对话。 自编2—3个。
10 2 2人小组:先口头操练, 自编一段。
11 2 3人小组:先笔头填空, 抄写2和4,
再口头练习。 再自编3句。
12 4 3人小组:先口头操练, 自编2个。
the first bag the second bag the third bag
big 3 1 2
heavy 1 2 3
clean 2 3 1
本单元学习和接触带[)]音的单词较多,如 nut, hungry, must, come, young, one(s), much, other, another, some, son等。那么就以这个中、短元音[)] 为语音教学重点。结合第12课第1部分,归纳读[)]音的元音字母和字母组合如下:
字母 u读[)]: up, us, bus, cup, jump, lunch, much, mum, must, nut, run, sun, uncle, under, hundred, hungry, number, study, Sunday, supper
字母 o 读[)]: come, some, son, Monday, other, another, mother, brother, love, does, colour, worry(交代字母o在m,n,th,v 前读[)]。)
字母组合 ou读[)]: young, touch, country, trouble

告别语要用升调,除 Goodbye, Good night, See you(tomorrow)等外,Good morning 也可用升调,在上午与人告别时用。同样,用升调说的 Good afternoon 可在下午与人告别时用。用升调说的 Good evening 可在傍晚与人告别时用。
the apples the American people
the exercises the empty glass
the oranges the old woman
the train the long train
字母u是个元音字母,如单词的起始字母是u,读音是[ju:],是以辅音[j]开始,它前面的the就不必读[Ji]而读[J+]。如:the USA。
本单元有些生词如 mooncake, round, nut和letter等可用实物或图片教学外,有些词可直接用汉语说明它们的意思,如autumn(秋天),hungry(饥饿的),why(为什么),than(比), kind(各类)。而有些词就用简单的英语交代它们的意思。如:
free:not busy
night:opposite of“day”or time after evening
delicious:nice to eat
full:opposite of“hungry”
September:the ninth month of the year
October:the tenth month of the year
在教学nut时,可利用实物花生米。先拿起一颗,用英语说: This is a kind of nut. We call it‘peanut’.(板书:pea + nut) This is a peanut.然后拿上几颗花生米,说:These are peanuts.Do you like peanuts?学生回答后,说明nut 指坚果、果仁。
另外,在教学 night 一词时,可顺便系统复习 morning,afternoon,evening等词,并说明表示“中午”的词是 noon,即复合词 afternoon中的第二个成分。“在夜晚”为at night。
参考教案 Unit 3 Mid----Autumn Day 教学步骤 Lesson 9 示例三
教学步骤(Teaching steps)
Lesson 9
Step 1 Revision
Write on the board: Lesson Nine, the ninth lesson. Point out briefly that the e in nine is omitted in ninth. Revise the days of week. Ask individual Ss What do you usually do on Monday evening? etc. Get Ss to ask and answer in pairs.
Step 2 Presentation
Write the days of the week on the Bb, starting with today. Tell the Ss This is Jim's week. For three days, write an activity; leave the other days blank, like this:
(e.g. Today is Wednesday,September—)
Today(September—): homework
Friday (September—): football
Saturday (September—):
Sunday (September—): shopping, etc.
Go through the activities and say This evening, Jim is doing his homework. On Friday evening, he is playing football, etc.
Teach free. Say Tomorrow evening, Jim is free.
Ask Is Jim free this evening/on Sunday evening/on Friday evening? Help the Ss to answer.
Get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs, e. g. Are you free tomorrow/on Saturday? Yes, I am./No,I'm not.
Step 3 Read and act
SB page 9, Part 1.Speech Cassette Lesson 9. Books closed! Ask What day is it tomorrow? Play the tape and get the Ss to tell you the answer in Chinese or, if they can, in English. Teach Mid-Autumn Day.
Explain Mid-(=Middle), Autumn and Day(=Festival). Give more examples(e. g. Teachers' Day, Women's Day, Children's Day, National Day,Christmas Day). Explain the meaning of parent(=father or mother) and the difference between evening (between the end of the day's work and bedtime)and night(the darkest part of the day).
Play the tape again. Ss listen and repeat. Then books open! Practise the dialogue with the Ss. See if they can guess the meaning of mooncakes and other new words.
Do Wb Lesson 9, Ex. 1. Divide the class into two groups to practise the dialogue, then get the Ss to work in pairs. Ask a pair to act it out.
Step 4 Presentation
Collect pairs of items on your desk, by asking Excuse me!May I borrow your…? Talk about each object in the usual way, asking about its size, colour, weight, etc.
Compare two items, using a comparative: This book is heavy/big, but that book is heavier/bigger. Get the Ss to listen and repeat. Compare the other items, using different adjectives. If you can, bring in some interesting objects from home (apples, hats, shoes, etc) and compare them in the same way.
Write down some comparatives on the Bb. Read them through and pay attention to the ending spelling as well as pronunciation of these words: e. g. bigger, longer, heavier, lighter, smaller, etc.
Step 5 Practice
Hold up two items and get Ss to make sentences with comparatives. Then ask individual Ss to come to the Bb and compare two items.
Ask two tall Ss to stand up. Say(Wang Ping) is tall. (Zhang Hong) is taller.
Get the Ss to make comparisons, using other adjectives. Say Li Lei is thirteen. He is young.
Han Meimei is twelve. She is younger. Ask the Ss How old are you? and make comparisons.
Step 6 Read and practise
SB page 9, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 9. Ss listen and repeat. Point out the-gg-in bigger:explain that the double letter stops the-e-from changing the pronunciation of the vowel in the previous syllable(contrast with am/game; cat/Kate).
Point out the pronunciation of younger & longer, when the/g/ is sounded.
Step 7 Workbook
Wb Lesson 9, Exx.2 and 3. Read through the words in Ex. 2 with the class. Explain that-y changes to-ier/!+/, in words like heavier, easier and earlier. Ss write the answers to Ex. 3. Check the answers orally. The answers are: bigger, newer, heavier, earlier, lighter.
Wb Lesson 9, Ex. 1. Copy the questions and answer them in the exercise books. Learn the words in Ex. 2.
参考教案 Unit 3 Mid----Autumn Day 教学步骤 Lesson 10 示例三
Lesson 10
Step 1 Revision
Write up on the board: Lesson Ten, the____ lesson. Get a student to write in the missing word. Check the homework.
Revise the comparative forms in Lesson 9. Get the Ss to compare objects using the comparative forms of adjectives they know.
Step 2 Presentation
Review the story in Lesson 9. Ask Where are the twins going? What food is there to eat? What day is it?
Show the Ss some pictures of food(or bring the real thing if possible). Ask What's this in English?
Teach hungry with a gesture. Ask Ss Are you hungry? Help them to answer Yes, a little/very! Then ask What would you like to eat? Get them to say I'd like a/some/one o those….
You may bring peanuts or walnuts into class to teach the word nut.
Step 3 Reading
SB page 10, Part 1. Ask What does Lucy have to eat? Lei the Ss read the dialogue silently to find the answer. Let them guess the meaning of round and Have one! (=Eat a mooncake!)
Speech Cassette Lesson 10. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat, then practise the dialogue in pairs.
Get some pairs to act it out, with appropriate gestures and actions.
Step 4 Presentation
Ask three Ss to come to the front: they should all be quite tall. Say A is tall. B is taller than A. C is the tallest of all. Say it again; the Ss listen and repeat. Point out the use of the and of all in the tallest of them all. Ask three other Ss (D, E and F) to come to the front and teach short/shorter than/the shortest of all in the same way.
Use objects to give other examples for comparison.
Step 5 Drill
Get the six “tall”and“short”Ss to stand at the front of the class. Call out their names as a drilling cue:
Ss:B is taller than A.
Ss:C is the tallest of all.
Ss:D is short. etc.
Step 6 Read and learn
SB page 10, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 10.Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat. Allow the Ss a minute or two to learn the sentences, then say Books closed! Tell me about Jim's box/cake, etc. Ss must say Jim's box/cake is the heaviest/biggest of all.
Step 7 Read and act
SB page 10, Part 3. Speech Cassette Lesson 10.
Books closed! Ask Which mooncake is the nicest of all? The Ss listen to the tape to find the answer. Books open! Read. through the dialogue with the Ss. See if they can guess the meaning of delicious. Explain that people say Mmm! when they see or hear about delicious food. Let them practise in pairs. Then ask Whick mooncakes do you like? Help them answer I like mooncakes with nuts/an egg.
Step 8 Workbook
Wb Lesson 10, Exx.1, 2 and 3. Do these exercises orally in class. Get Ss to act out their dialogues in Ex. 2.
Ex. 3 is optional. If time permits, get the Ss to read the dialogue in pairs and act it out.
Do Wb Lesson 10, Exx. 1 and 2. Learn the words in Ex. 1 and write out a dialogue for Ex. 2.
参考教案 Unit 3 Mid----Autumn Day 教学步骤 Lesson 11 示例三
Lesson 11
Step 1 Revision
Teach eleventh as in previous lessons. Revise the comparative and superlative forms that Ss learnt for homework. Use pictures or people to make comparisons.
Revise the dialogues in Lesson 10.
Step 2 Presentation
Revise Are you hungry? Would you like…? using pictures of food. Teach I'm full with a gesture. Tell the Ss that it is polite to say No, thank you when refusing an offer. Practise:
T:Would you like a mooncake?
Ss:No, thank you. I'm full.
Offer other food in the same way.
Step 3 Read and act
SB page 11, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 11.
Books closed! Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat.
Then books open! Play the tape again. Get the Ss to practise the dialogue in pairs, using different kinds of food. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue.
Step 4 Reading
SB page 11, Part 2. Explain that this passage comes from Lucy's letter. It is on the second page of her letter. Ask Which kind of mooncake does Lucy like? Let the Ss read the passage silently to find the answer.
Wb Lesson 11, Ex.1. Do the first question orally, then let the Ss work alone. They then check their answers with a partner. Finally, go through the answers with the whole class.
Sentences 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 are right and the others are wrong. Point out the plural form the ones(= the mooncakes) .
Speech Cassette Lesson 11. Play the tape and get Ss to practise reading aloud. Get the Ss to guess the meaning of words and phrases such as at night, stay in the open air, How delicious they are! etc.
Step 5 Practice
Books closed! Ask the Ss a number of questions to see much they can remember the text:
e. g. What do people eat on Mid-Autumn Day? What are the different kinds of mooncakes? Which mooncakes does Li Lei like? etc.
Step 6 Workbook
Wb Lesson 11, Ex. 2 in writing. Check the answers.
The answers are: 1 longer, the longest; 2 higher, the highest; 3 fuller, the fullest; 4 newer, the newest; 5 heavier, the heaviest.
Ex. 3 is done orally in class if there is time. You may first put some adjectives on the Bb and ask for the comparative and superlative forms.
Then do Ex. 3. Get one student from each group to make up a true sentence. If the sentence is correct, the group wins a point. See which group can give the most correct sentences.
Finish o the Workbook exercises.
Revise the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives covered in this unit.
参考教案 Unit 3 Mid----Autumn Day 教学步骤 Lesson 12 示例三
Lesson 12
Step 1 Revision
Teach twelfth as in previous lessons. Show how twelve changes to twelfth. From now on, get the students to tell you the date. The student on duty each day should say the day and the date at the start of each lesson. E. g. Today is Monday, September 25th 199____. In some cases teachers may like to write it at the top of the board first. The student on duty should do this if he/she can.
Revise the passage in Lesson 11. Ask What is a mooncake? When do people eat them? What do people do in the evening on Mid-Autumn Day? etc.
Revise Are you hungry? -No, thank you. I'm full. Ask about different kinds of food.
Step 2 Word families
SB page 12, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 12. Get the Ss to listen and repeat. Practise the individual sounds, then the words, by showing the Ss flashcards randomly and asking them to pronounce the words written on them. Do Wb Lesson 12, Ex. 1. The answers are: hard, man, long, ruler.
Step 3 Stress and intonation
SB page 12, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 12.
Tell the Ss that the may be pronounced in two different ways:/J+/before/ a/ consonant and/Ji/before a vowel. Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat. Get the Ss to use gestures to show the stress and intonation.
Step 4 Listening
Wb page 12, Ex. 3. Listening Cassette Lesson 12, Part 3. Ask What kind of mooncake do Lily, Lucy and Han Meimei like?
Listening text:
LUCY:Mmm! These are delicious cakes!
HAN MEIMEI:Would you like another one?
LUCY:Yes, please!
HAN MEIMEI:What about you, Lily?
LILY:Yes, please! Thank you verymuch!
HAN MEIMEI:Lily, which kind of mooncake do you think is the nicest?
LILY:Well, I think I like the cakes with eggs. What about you, Han Meimei?
HAN MEIMEI:I like the ones with meat in them.
LUCY:Really? I don't like them very much. My favourite mooncakes are the ones with nuts! I think they're much nicer than the other ones!
The answers are:eggs, nuts, meat
Step 5 Checkpoint 3
Go through the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives in Checkpoint 3.(See Grammar on page 132 of the Students' Book.) Practise the pronunciation the “useful expressions”.
Explain any difficulties that the Ss raise.
Step 6 Test
Write this table on the Bb and get the Ss to write six sentences using the information. 2 stands for the comparative degree and 1 stands for the superlative degree.

Give the Ss an example: Han Meimei is hungrierthan Jim.
Step 7 Workbook
Wb Lesson 12, Exx. 2 and 4. These exercises may be done orally. For Ex. 2, play Speech Cassette Lesson 12 and get Ss to listen, and then listen and repeat. Ask Ss to read the dialogue in pairs, paying special attention to/&/and/)/.
Ex.4 may be done in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Revise the language items in Unit 3.




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