Unit 21 Shopping 示例二 |
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参考教案 教学建议 教学建议(Suggested teaching notes) 一、教学内容分析 本单元核心话题是“购物”(shopping),听说读写的活动都是围绕这个话题开展的。本单元重点教学内容有以下几个: (一)掌握有关“购物”的日常交际用语 (二)过去完成时的构成 初中英语教学大纲只要求学生理解过去完成时的构成和用法。教师可以考虑把第二十三单元过去完成时的基本用法提到本单元一并讲解。学生容易从字面上理解过去完成时,认为过去完成的动作就用过去完成时,这样就会在该用一般过去时的地方误用过去完成时。应当向学生讲清:过去完成时是一个相对的时态,表示的时间是过去的过去。只有和过去某时或某动作相比较时才用到这个时态。这个时态常用于宾语从句中。 (三)由 so…that… 引导的表示结果的状语从句 学生往往容易把 so…that 中的that作为从句中的主语或宾语。如: 误:The film was so interesting that made everybody laugh. 正:The film was so interesting that it made everybody laugh. (四)并列连词for的用法 并列连词for的用法,只要求理解。可只介绍for用来说明一种理由,是对前面分句的解释和补充说明,一般不放在句首,通常用逗号分开。 (五)连词 either…or… (两者之中)不是……就是…… either…or… 是并列连词,连接两个并列的成份。如并列主语、并列宾语、并列谓语、并列表语等。要讲清当 either…or… 连接两个主语时,谓语动词一般要和最近的主语(即or后面的主语)一致。 二、教学方法建议 (一)教学“购物(shopping)”的日常用语 本单元教学的主要交际项目是有关“购物(shopping)”的日常用语。这个交际项目曾在第一册第29单元、第二册第53课和本册第7和15单元出现过。本单元的教学应在归纳总结以前知识的基础上,采用多种教学手段和教学形式,使学生对“购物”这项交际项目有更全面的了解,并逐步掌握购物过程中“挑选物品、询问价格、做出决定”的不同表达形式。建议教师采用如下教学步骤: 教师准备出示画有shop, sweater, shoes 的图片或学习用品的实物,并要求一位学习好的学生配合教师演示如下对话: 1.(出示 sweater 图片) T: My sweater is worn out. S: You can buy one in the shop, It sells clothes there. T: I want to go shopping now. Can you come with me, please? I can't decide which sweater to buy. S: Let me help you. 2.S shopkeeper: What can I do for you? C customer: I'd like two woolen sweaters for my friend. S: Well, which colour do you like? C: Blue. S: What size do you want? C: Size Ten. S: What about this one? C:It looks nice. Can I try it on, please? S: Certainly. C: Well, how much does it cost? S: Eighty-five yuan. C: Oh. That's cheap. I'll have it, please. 以上两段对话基本上是在复习以前所学的有关购物的表达法,其间穿插了一些本单元第81课要学习的词语和句子。这样通过看教师的演示,学生复习、巩固了以往所学的知识,并逐渐接触新语言点,为下一步学习做好辅垫。 下一步教师要学生听第81课第1部分录音。然后全班、半班、行排、两人一组分角色练习这段对话。 教第二部分对话时,教师可要学生听录音数遍或与事前安排好的学生演示数遍,使学生熟悉对话内容。在他们未学过的语句上,教师予以强调。然后分角色进行全班、半班、行排、两人小组操练。 最后教师引导学生归纳总结“购物(shopping)”的日常交际用语。 选购物品:售货员可以说以下的话: Can I help you? What can I do for you? Which would you like? How many / much do you want? Is that all? Do you like…? What about…? Which one / colour / … do you like? What size do you want? Is this one better? OK / Certainly. Here you are. NO hurry. Please take your time! I'm afraid we haven't got any… in that size at the moment. I'm sorry. We've sold out the… in your size. But we've got some… ones. 顾客可以说的话: I want to buy ( some ) …(for…) this evening / afternoon / morning. Thank you. / Yes, please. I want… of…, please. I would like…of…, please. I'd like…for…. No. And some…, please. I want some…. About…(数量), please. We'll / I'll have a look at the…. Thank you. I like the colour, but it's / they're too…. / No, the colour's too…. It's great, but it's not… enough. / They are great, but they're not… enough. I prefer…, but this…is too…! That's too…. Yes. That's just right. Have you got any other kind/ colour / size? That looks nice / great. Can / May I try them / it on, Please? Have you got anything cheaper? 谈论价格并做决定:(顾客) How much does it cost? / How much do they cost? How much are these things? That's (much) too expensive, I'm afraid. That's (quite) cheap / dear. That's a bit expensive. I like it, but it costs too much. / I like them, but they cost too much. I can't decide. I'll take it. I'll just buy…. 售货员: Let me see…. (价格), please…. yuan / dollars. You haven't paid for it yet. That's the cheapest / most expensive… we have, I'm afraid. 做练习册第81课练习1、2以巩固所学知识。先两人一组操练,然后抽查数组。 练习册第84课练习1、3同样是为了操练“购物(shopping)”日常用语而设置的。这两个练习可放在第82、83课阅读教学之后让学生练习,以达到熟练运用所学知识的目的。 (二)阅读教学 第82和83课是一个题为“Shopping”的有故事情节的阅读课文。因为在第81课已经大量操练了购物用语,而第82和83课中有许多这样的日常用语,所以将这两课合在一起教学,不致于增加教学难度,又可保持课文的完整性。 首先,教师借助4幅简笔画,讲述课文。 教师边讲述边将关键词(key words)写在每幅图旁边,以帮助学生理解、复述课文。 图1:left school, start work, decided to buy… a… shop near his home, had opened…, …shoes were… and were not… right size, either…or… 图2:look at…suit, try…on, look at himself in…, had never…before, some nice jackets, put…in a bag 图3:came into the shop, so… to see each other that…, talked on and on 图4:Haven't … forgotten…? hadn't paid, took out 教师借助简笔画讲述课文两遍后,要求学生全班回答练习册第82、83课练习1的问题。然后半班、行排分段复述课文,再让个人分段复述课文。接着四人一组分角色(narrator, John, shopkeeper, Ron)复述课文。全班举行课堂小竞赛,看哪一组复述得最好。做练习册第82、83课练习2。 阅读《阅读训练》第21单元练习1的短文。 (三)语法教学 1.过去完成时态的教学 教学时态的最好形式之一是在一定的语境中通过与其他时态的比较来加深学生对这个时态的理解,这样学生首先有个感性认识,然后经过归纳总结,这种感性认识会逐步上升为理性认识。本单元第一次教学过去完成时,而在本册第6、8、9单元教学了现在完成时态,第二册第11、12、13、15单元学习了一般过去时态。 教师首先让学生复习第82和83课课文,让他们找出含有过去完成时和现在完成时的句子。如: 1) … John had just left school for the last time. 3) “We've sold out the shoes in your size. ” 4) He had never worn a suit before, … 5) “I haven't seen you for months! ” 6)“You haven't paid for it yet! ” 7) … but he hadn't paid for it! 让学生观察过去完成时与现在完成时在构成上的差异,如had或have + 过去分词,时间状语的不同。 再要求学生比较过去完成时与一般过去时的不同,并且画出时间线,以比较两种时态。 教师此时再让学生思考已找出的句子的前后语境,尤其要区分一般过去时与过去完成时的不同用法。本单元出现的过去完成时态句子除上例2)之外,均不带时间状语,所以学生只要掌握过去完成时在什么情况下使用,表达什么时间意义即可,因为下一单元还会继续学习这个时态。根据上例1)、2)、4)、7),变化主语的数,要求学生做相应的句型转换练习,其中包括陈述句,疑问句及其肯定与否定回答。具体句型参见Checkpoint 21。 2.由 so…that 引导的状语从句的教学 由 so…that 引导的状语从句是本单元另一个语法重点。这个语法点并不难理解,教师应使学生认识这个句型表达的意思;so后面是跟形容词还是副词由so前面的谓语动词类型决定。 教师事先准备好画有jacket, shoes, socks, shirt, sweater, suit, trousers 等衣物的图片,以及写有 cost so much, cost so little, cheap, expensive, long, small等词的卡片。把 he, she, we, they, John, I 写在黑板上,然后出示相应的图片和卡片,造句如下: The jacket cost so much that he didn't buy it. This pair of trousers are so long that I can't wear them. … 教师先让全班做快速口头造句练习,然后板书一部分例句,简要分析这个句型的构成及意义和使用场合。接着半班,行排之间进行快速口头连锁造句比赛。两组轮流造句,不能重复。教师限定时间,造句多且准确的组为优胜。接着要求学生口头完成练习册第83课练习3和第84课练习2。检查核对答案后,学生根据课本第83课第三部分Practise、第84课第二部分Study and practise和上面口头完成的两个练习,笔头造句。并要他们注意使用不同类型的谓语动词。对造句子多且好的学生应予以奖励。 (四)词汇教学 本单元第84课第二部分 Study and practise,练习册第81课练习3、4;第82课练习 3;第83课练习2、4都从不同角度涉及到了词汇的学习和运用。 例如:课本第84课第二部分教学了与原形动词同形的过去式。现将已学过的此类动词归类如下: cost, cut, hit, hurt, let, put, read, must. 练习册第83课练习4教学了常见形容词后缀-ful, -y 和表示否定意义的前缀un-。左边一组词加后缀-ful由动词变成形容词;中间一组词加前缀后,变成原词的反义词而词类未变;右边一组词加后缀-y后,由名词变成形容词。教师应引导学生在平时学习中积累这方面的例词。如本单元中可变化的词:certainly—uncertainly, cost—costly, expensive—inexpensive。 参考教案 Unit 21 Shopping 教学参考资料 示例二 教学参考资料(Reference for teaching) 补充注释(Additional notes) 1. My shoes are worn out. 我的鞋穿破了。 be worn out形式上是wear out的被动形式,但实际上不强调被动,而强调状态或情况。因此这里worn out相当于一个形容词短语。be worn out表示“穿破了,穿旧了”。 2. I'm looking for a pair of black shoes. 我在找一双黑颜色的鞋子。 a pair of shoes 一双鞋, a pair of gloves 一副手套。要压意在glasses(眼镜), trousers(裤子)等由两部分合在一起的单件物品前要用 pair来修饰。如:a pair of glasses 一副眼镜,a pair of trousers 一条裤子, a pair of stockings 一双长统袜。 3. What size do you want? 你要多大号的? 就衣服、鞋类等尺寸大小的提问常用 what size。如: What size (of) shoes do you wear? 你穿多大号的鞋? What size is your bedroom? 你卧室的房间有多大? 4. I'll think about it. 我要想一想。 think 常与介词或副词连用,如:think about 考虑;think of 想到,想;think out 想出,等。 5. I don't think I'll take it. 我想我不会买。 由于英文的表述方式和汉语的表述方式不同,学生在翻译时容易出错。在英语里,当think 后面的宾语从句含有否定概念,通常形式上否定think,而实际意义上否定宾语从句。又如: I don't think it's right. 我认为这是不对的。 I don't think she will come. 我认为她不会来。 6. That's much too expensive! 这太贵了! much在这里起强调作用。 7. They were so pleased to see each other that they forgot everything else. 他们相互见面时如此高兴以致于把别的事都忘了。 so是副词,在其后跟形容词或副词 +that 引出结果状语从句,表示“如此……以致……”。如: He spoke so fast that I could not understand him. 他说得这样快,我听不懂他的话。 The book is so interesting that we all like to read it. 这本书如此有趣,我们都喜欢看。 注意在由 so…that 引导的状语从句中,如果so前面是系动词be, become, feel 等,那么so后面一般跟形容词。例如: He became so angry that he couldn't speak. 他气得话都说不出来了。 She was so happy that she danced. 她高兴得跳起舞来。 如果so的前面是实义动词,那么so后面跟副词。例如: He ran so quickly that he won the race. 他跑得非常快,以致于赢得这场比赛。 She worked so quietly that no one knew she was there. 她如此安静地工作着,(以致于)没有人知道她在那儿。 参考教案 Unit 21 Shopping 教学步骤 Lesson 82 示例二 Lesson 82 Step 1 Revision 1 Revise the names of clothing, colours and materials. 2 Practise the dialogues that the Ss learnt for homework. Step 2 Preparing for reading SB page 82. Tell the Ss Look at the picture. what can you see? What's John doing? Today we are going to read about John going shopping. Read this passage quickly and find the answer to this question: What did John buy? (A jacket) Wb Lesson 82, Ex. 1. Read through the questions with the Ss. Make sure they understand them. Step 3 Reading Tell the Ss to read the story again more carefully and to discuss the answers to Wb Ex. 1 in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class. Deal with any grammatical or lexical problems that arise. Notes: 1) The position of quite: quite + adjective (e. g. quite new); but quite + a / an + adjective + noun ( e. g. quite a nice shop) . 2) Either…or… Here, this construction is used to describe what was wrong with the shoes: some pairs were too big, other pairs were too small. 3) That's the cheapest suit we have, I'm afraid. The relative pronoun is omitted ( we have = that / which we have). The word order is very different from Chinese. The Ss are required to understand the meaning of the sentence only. Step 4 Reading aloud SB page 82. Speech Cassette Lesson 82. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Concentrate on the dialogue sections of the story. Step 5 Workbook Wb Exx. 1 and 2. If you wish, you may ask your Ss to write down the answers to Ex. 1 in their exercise books. Get the Ss to do Ex. 2 orally in pairs before you check the answers with the whole class. The answers to Ex. 2 are: 1 C, 2 B 3 A, 4 B, 5 A. Wb Ex 3 should be done orally in class. The answer are: 1 buy, pair of new; 2 either, or; 3 sold out; 4 put on, at himself; 5 tried on, chose; 6 cheaper; 7 right, take. Step 6 Consolidation Books closed! Get the Ss to retell the story. You can use the questions in Wb Ex. 1 as a guide. If time permits, ask the Ss to act out the story in pairs Get one pair to act it out in front of the whole class. Homework Finish off the Workbook exercises. Ex. 4 is optional. Ask the Ss to read the story again, try to use their own words to retell the story. Prepare for the story in Lesson 83 参考教案 Unit 21 Shopping 教学步骤 Lesson 83 示例二 Lesson 83 Step 1 Revision 1 Check the homework. 2 Get the Ss to retell the story in Lesson 82. Use the questions in Wb Lesson 82, Ex. 1 as a guide. Step 2 Reading SB page 83, Part 1. Allow the Ss a few moments to read the end of the story. Then ask Who did John meet? ( His old friend, Ron. ) Then books closed! Get the Ss to retell the end of the story. Use the questions in Wb Lesson 83 Ex. 1 to guide you. Books open. Read through the story with the Ss: get Ss to read it aloud. Deal with any grammatical or lexical problems. Note the use of the Past Perfect Tense in he had chosen a new jacket, but he hadn't paid for it. Make sure the Ss understand the meaning, but there's no need to present the tense to them at this stage. Step 3 Reading aloud SB page 83, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 83. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Once again, concentrate on the dialogue sections of the story. Let the Ss practise the dialogue sections in groups of three (John, Ron and the shopkeeper). Step 4 Presentation Draw the picture of old shoes on the Bb (or the real thing) (See TB Lesson 81, Step 2). Say This pair of shoes are so old that I can't wear them. Show the Ss a bag. Pretend it is very heavy. Say This bag is so heavy that I can't carry it . Repeat the sentences and get the Ss to say them. Write them on the Bb Highlight the use of so + adjective + that (result). Give some more examples, e. g. This desk is so big that I can't move it. This window is so dirty that we must clean it. See if the Ss can make up examples. Step 5 Read and learn SB page 83, Part 2 Read through the sentences with the Ss. Get the Ss to learn them by heart. Books closed! Ask the Ss to recite the sentences. Step 6 Practice SB page 83, Part 3. Read through the words in the box. Make up an example. Get individual Ss to make up more examples. Then let the Ss work in pairs: see how many different sentences they can make. Finally, collect some sentences from the Ss. Step 7 Workbook Wb Exx. 2 and 3. Do Ex. 3 first Go through the model with the whole class, then let the Ss work alone, writing the answers in their exercise books. Check the answers with the whole class. Let the Ss write the answers to Ex. 2 (on, at, up, into, At, into, for, on, on, up, towards, of, for, at, in, at, for, for, with). Step 8 Consolidation Get the Ss to retell the whole story of John's shopping trip. Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Do Wb Ex. 4 and make sure the Ss understand the meaning of the words. Write the so…that… sentences in Ex. 3 in the exercise books. 参考教案 Unit 21 Shopping 教学步骤 Lesson 84 示例二 Lesson 84 Step 1 Revision 1 Check the homework (Wb lesson 83, Ex. 4). 2 Revise the story of John's shopping trip and act the dialogue sections in close pairs first, then in open pairs. Step 2 Listening Tell the Ss Today we are going to hear about a girl who goes shopping. Wb Lesson 84, Ex. 1. Go through the words in the table and make sure the Ss understand what they have to do. Play the tape once or twice. Let the Ss check their answers in pairs, then check the answers with the whole class. Listening text Listen to the tape, and tick the right answers in the form on page 84 of your workbook. MAN: What can I do for you, madam? WOMAN: I'm looking for a coat for my daughter. MAN: Here, madam, here're coats for girls. WOMAN: The red one on the right looks very nice, doesn't it? Do you like it, dear? GIRL: No, Mum, I don't like red very much. I prefer green. MAN: Green? What about that green one over there? How do you like that? GIRL: It's nice, isn't it? WOMAN: Yes. How much is it? MAN: 280 dollars. WOMAN: That's too expensive. I'm afraid. MAN: A wollen coat like that isn't expensive. But I can find you a cheaper one. What do you think of this one? It's only 250 dollars. WOMAN: That'll be all right. Alice, please try it on, will you? GIRL: Yes, Mum. WOMAN: Hmm, it looks very nice, but it's a bit large. GIRL: Never mind. It'll be all right before long. You always say I'm growing fast, don't you? WOMAN: That's quite true. We'll take it then. The answers are: Alice, a coat, green, 250 dollars, a bit large, wool. Step 3 Presentation Revise so + adjective + that, as in TB Lesson 83, Step 4. Then introduce so + adverb + that: Write some untidy words on the Bb. Say I wrote so badly that you couldn't read my writing. Speak very quietly, then say I spoke so quietly that you couldn't hear me. Write the two sentences on the Bb. Point out the use of so + adverb + that (result). Step 4 Study and practise SB page 84, Part 2. Look at the table and point out the use of so + adverbs in the first column. Then discuss the Simple Past forms of cost/ hit/ hurt/ let/ cut. Ask the Ss if they can think of another verb like these (e. g. put). Contrast them with regular verbs. Give an example from the table, e. g. He hurt her so badly that she had to see the doctor. Then get individual Ss to make up more examples. Step 5 Checkpoint 21 Go through Checkpoint 21. Give the Ss more practice in the use of so + adjective/ adverb + that (result) as necessary. Deal with any other problems that the Ss have. Practise the“useful expressions”and make sure the Ss understand their meaning and when to use them. Step 6 Test (See TB Appendix page 215. ) Step 7 Workbook Wb Ex. 2 should be done orally in class. The answers are: 1 young, 2 tired, 3 lazy, 4 weak, 5 cold, 6 hard / well, 7 well, 8 slowly, 9 badly, 10 loudly. Wb Ex. 3. Practise the dialogues with the whole class, then let Ss work in pairs. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogue. Step 8 Homework Do Wb Ex. 2. Ask the Ss to write complete sentences in their exercise books. Revise the new language points in this unit. Make up shopping dialogues in pairs. |
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