Unit 21 Shopping 示例一
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参考教案 Unit 21 Shopping 一、教学目标与要求 初步学习过去完成时态;初步掌握用 so…that引导状语从句和总结、归纳有关购物的用语,是本单元的教学重点。经过学习,学生应能掌握这种状语从句的结构和用法,掌握《教学大纲》中规定有关购物的用语和应答,并能较为熟练地运用在交际中,口头表达流畅,书面表达正确。学生应能从顾客的角度,对所需购买物品的名称、尺寸、颜色、价格等进行询问和表示意见;也能从售货员的角度接待顾客、提供服务及方便等。学生应能独立完成练习册编排的各种形式的练习,正确率不低于70%。 二、教学重点与难点 1.句型:The suit was so expensive that he could not buy it. 2) We were so busy talking that I forgot to pay. 2.语法:过去完成时态(1)(The Past Perfect Tense) 3.日常交际用语:[购物(Shopping) ]1) Can I help you? 2) I'm looking for a pair of shoes. 3) What size do you want? 4) How much does it (do they) cost? 5) Have you got any other colour/size/kind? 6) Can I try it (them) on, please? 7) That's too expensive. Have you got anything cheaper? 8) That's cheap. I'll have it, please. 9) That's a bit expensive. I'll think about it. I don't think I'll take it. 10) None of them are the right size. They are either too big or too small. 三、课时安排 本单元共用4课时,每课书用1课时。 参考教案 Unit 21 Shopping 第八十一课 示例一 第八十一课 Lesson Eighty-one 一、教学内容 1.词汇(略)。 2.日常交际用语:学习以下购物用语(Shopping): 1) Can I help you? 2) I'm looking for a pair of shoes. 3) What size do you want? 4) How much does it (do they) cost? 5) Have you got any other colour/ size/kind? 6) Can I try it (them) on, please? 7) That's too expensive. Have you got anything cheaper? 8) That's cheap. I'll have (take) it, please. 9) That's a bit expensive. I'll think about it. 10) I don't think I'll take it. 二、教具 录音机;一双旧鞋;投影仪。 三、课堂教学设计 1.复习 值日生报告。 2.教师用如下语言引出本课要学的内容: T: Today I'm going to do some shopping after school. What am I going to buy? Now look at these shoes of mine.(出示事先准备好的旧鞋。如果穿在脚上,可增加表演效果。)They are too old. Or we may say they are WORN OUT. So I want a new PAIR OF SHOES. What SIZE do I need? Oh, I know, I need size eight. 通过以上演示介绍生词以后,反复领读生词。 3.准备听课文第1部分录音,教师用投影仪打出听前提问 (Pre-listening questions): 1) What's wrong with the man's shoes? 2) What does the woman ask him to do? 听录音一至两遍,学生回答上述问题。 教师再用投影仪打出课文第2部分的听前提问 (pre-listening questions): 1) What size of the shoes does the man want? 2) How much do the shoes cost? 再听录音,学生跟读一至两遍。 4.学生两人一组,练习表演这段对话,请几组同学到前面演示。 要求学生利用课本上提供的替换练习,编写一、两个购物的小对话,教师予以讲评。 5.请学生挑出本课中出现的有关购物用语,并抄写一遍。 6.布置作业 1)练习朗读本课对话,抄写生词及有关购物用语;2)书面完成练习册习题。 四、难点讲解 1.My shoes are worn out. 我的鞋穿坏了。 wear out是“穿破、穿坏”的意思。 在这个句子中,包含有一个系表结构。 被动结构的形式是助动词be+过去分词。但并非所有的be+过去分词都是被动结构。由于过去分词具有形容词的特点,某些过去分词可以用作句子中的表语。所以be+过去分词可能是连系动词be+表语结构,而不是被动语态。系表结构与被动语态的区别是:被动语态表示以主语为承受者的动作;而系表结构则表示主语的特点或所处的状态。请比较以下例句: The window was broken by a boy just now. 窗户刚才被一男孩打破了。(被动语态) The window is broken. 窗子是破的。(系表结构) Everything was done by his parents. 一切都是由他父母干的。(被动语态) Everything was done. 一切就绪。(系表结构) 2.I'm afraid we haven't got any black shoes in than size at the moment. But we've got some brown ones. 恐怕我们眼下还没有这种尺寸的黑鞋,但我们有些棕色的。 ones是代词one的复数形式。在句中指上文提到过的名词shoes。 参考教案 Unit 21 Shopping 第八十二课 示例一 第八十二课 Lesson Eighty-two 一、教学内容 1.词汇(略)。 2.句型:1) They were either too big or too small. 2) That's much too expensive. 3.语法:初步学习过去完成时态的用法。 二、教具 录音机;投影仪。 三、课堂教学设计 1.复习 值日生报告。 2.教师用以下语言引导出本课生词: T: Yesterday I went to do some shopping. I wanted to buy a pair of shoes because my shoes were worn out. First I went to a small shop, but they didn't have any shoes. They SOLD OUT all the shoes. Then I went to another shop. But the shoes there were EITHER too big OR too small (借助手势加以说明). The shopkeeper said PERHAPS (or: maybe) they would have more shoes soon. I'll go there again and have a look. 反复领读生词,直到学生初步掌握为止。 3.布置学生阅读课文。给学生六分半钟时间(本课计约264个词),允许学生查阅其它个别生词。教师用投影仪打出读前提问 (Pre-reading questions): 1) What was the boy going to do a week later? 2) What did he decide to buy at last? 规定时限过后,学生回答上述问题。 4.听课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。 5.做练习册习题1,先要求学生予以口头回答,再布置为书面家庭作业。 6.扼要解释课文难句(见难点讲解)和过去完成时的构成及用法。 7.布置作业 1)练习朗读本课课文,抄写生词;2)准备复述课文; 3)书面完成练习册习题。 四、难点讲解 1.The shop was quite new, for it had opened only the week before. 商店很新,因为它上一周刚刚开张。 for是连词,表示:因为。 2.They were either too big or too small. 它们(指鞋)要么太大,要么太小。 either…or…意思是:或者……或者。这是一组表示选择的并列连词。当连接两个并列的主语时,动词与最接近的主语保持数的一致。例如: Either you or I must go. 你和我总要有一个人去。 You can either do it yourself, of you can ask someone else to do it. 要么你自己做,要么你找人来做。 Either the teachers or the head master is in the office. 或是老师们,或是校长在办公室。 3.That's cheap. I'll have it, please. 这东西便宜,我买下了。 That's much too expensive. I don't think I'll take it. 这东西太贵了,我不想买。 注意,两句中动词have和take均表示“买下”的意思,而不用“buy”这个词。 much可以和too连用,修饰名词或形容词,但位置不同:修饰名词时,用too much;修饰形容词时,用much too。例如: The doctor asked the fat lady not to eat too much food every day. 医生告诫那个胖女士每天不要吃太多的食物。 We can't go out. It's much too cold today! 我们不能出去,今天太冷了! 参考教案 Unit 21 Shopping 第八十三课 示例一 第八十三课 Lesson Eighty-three 一、教学内容 1.词汇(略)。 2.句型: 1) They were so pleased to see each other that they forgot everything else. 2)The jacket cost so much that they didn't buy it. 4.日常交际用语:复习已经学过的购物用语。 二、教具 录音机;投影仪。 三、课堂教学设计 1.复习 教师就第82课课文内容进行提问,学生迅速地给予回答(问题设计可参阅第82课练习1)。 2.集中讲解本课生词,反复练习,直到学生初步掌握为止。 3.给学生四分半钟时间默读课文(本课文计约186个词),教师用投影仪打出读前提问 (Pre-reading questions): 1) What were John and his friend busy doing in the shop? 2) What did John almost forget to do? 规定时限过后,学生回答上述问题及阅读提示中的提问,教师予以评判。 4.听课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。 教师用投影仪打出下表,组织学生归纳课文。 5.做练习册习题1(方法同前)。 6.扼要解释课文难句(见难点讲解)。 7.布置作业 1)练习朗读课文,抄写生词;2)书面完成练习册习题。 四、难点讲解 1.They were so pleased to see each other that they forgot everything else. 他们又见面了,高兴得把其它的事都忘了。 句中so…that引导的是表示结果的状语从句。so既可以修饰形容词,也可以修饰副词。例如:The coat was so expensive that he didn't buy it. 这件外衣太贵了,他没有买。 so…that的中文意思是:如此……以致……,但通常都不译出。例如本课第2部分的三个句子可以分别译为: 1)这套衣服太贵了,他买不了。 2)这件夹克很便宜,他决定买下了。 3)他的鞋太脏了,必须涮洗。 2.They talked on and on very happily. 他们都很高兴,不停地聊起来。 句中 on and on是副词短语,表示“不停地做某事”。 参考教案 Unit 21 Shopping 第八十四课 示例一 第八十四课 Lesson Eighty-four 一、教学内容 1.词汇(略)。 2.听力训练(见练习册)。 3.语法:小结不规则动词;小结本单元所学的语法内容。 二、教具 录音机;投影仪。 三、课堂教学设计 1.复习 检查第82、83课课文复述。检查前,可将两部分课文录音再放一遍。 2.准备做听力训练。学生一分钟准备。听录音三遍,当堂核对答案。 3.学生独立阅读课文第2部分内容。允许学生查阅生词。阅读结束后,按课本要求,做造句练习。 组织全班同学归纳已经学过的过去式和过去分词与原形相同的不规则动词。允许学生查阅书后不规则动词表。 4.学生过一遍复习要点中所列的内容,教师回答学生的疑问,小结过去完成时态的构成及用法;小结由so…that引导的表示结果的状语从句。 5.当堂完成练习册习题2、3,并核对答案。 6.布置作业 预习下一单元内容。 |
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