人教版初二下英语教案Lesson 60(网友来稿)

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Lesson 60 ( The fourth period )
一、Teaching aims and demands.
二、 Organization. be omitted.
三、 Revision. (用幻灯显示)
Have a dictation.
Fish and chips, and Chinese take-away food are very popular in England. But they are less popular in the USA. In the USA, they eat take-away food, too, like fried chicken. But the most popular kind of take-away food is the hamburger. It looks like bread with meat in it. Hamburgers are delicious tastes and is usually very delicious. It is also very popular in the world.
四、 Teaching of new lesson.
1. Listening.
Listen to the tape for Lesson 60 then read after it aloud.
2. Drills.
Ask some students to read and act “Part 1”.
Ask some students to read and act “Part 3”.
3.Language points. (用幻灯显示)
1)With sugar and milk? 加点糖和牛奶好吗?
I like Chinese tea without anything in it.
Fish can’t live without water. 鱼儿离不开水。
People can’t live without air. 人类离不开空气。
2)Come and take a seat. 进来,请坐。
句中take a seat可用sit down替换。
3)Today we’re going to have something English.
Would you like anything else? 你还想要点其他的吧?
There is something wrong with the watch. 这架手表有点毛病。
4)It’s my favourite… 它是我最喜欢的……
be one’s favourite 意为“……是某人最喜欢的”。又如:
Mike is my favourite. 牛奶是我最喜欢喝的。
5)This is home cooking! 这是(在)家烧的饭菜!
home cooking指饭菜的家常做法,与文中take-away相对而言。
6)It must be more delicious. 它一定更好吃。
Who is knocking at the door? It must be my mother.
7)I’m happy you like it. 我很高兴你能喜欢它(这些菜)。
句中you like it是一个句子,前面省略了一个引导词that。
8)A table for two? 两人一桌?
9)Can we sit at the table by the window? 我们可否坐在靠窗的那张桌子?
Come and sit by me. 过来坐在我的旁边。
10)May I take your order now? 可以点菜了吗?
11)Could we have the bill? 我们可以要帐单吗?
12)China is very famous for its food in the world.
be famous for意为“因……而有句的”,“由……而著称”。又如:
Fuzhou is famous for its hot springs. 福州以其温泉而驰名。
Hangzhou West Lake is famous for its beautiful scenery in the world.
13)In Europe, people eat a bag of grapes for good luck in the new year.
四、Design for exercises.
熟读第二篇对话;完成Wb L60 Exx. 1,2-7.
2.Additional exercises.
1. have something English 2. home cooking
3. in the open air 4. milk with sugar
5. have chicken with popatoes 6. 清茶
7. 绝对美味 8. 菜单和帐单
9. 以美貌著称 10. 洋葱炒牛肉
( )1.We’d like Chinese tea nothing it.
A. of, in B. with, of C. with, in D. have, in
( )2.Mike is better than water.
A. little B. few C. a few D. a little
( )3.Please give me to drink.
A. anything different B. different anything
C. different something D. something different
( )4.Usually I’m at home on Saturday, sometimes I go shopping.
A. and B. or C. but D. so
( )5.Could you me that book, please?
A. take B. carry C. pass D. lift
( )6.Would you like to come to my house lunch tomorrow?
A. at B. with C. for D. from
( )7.My parents asked me your friend.
A. thank B. to thank C. thanks D. thanking
( )8.Han Mei me something last Sunday.
A. told B. said C. spoke D. talked
A:Mum, Kate is coming tonight. B:I know. We must get ready 1 .
A:She likes tea. B:With milk and sugar?
A: 2 . She’d like Chinese tea with nothing. B: 3 .
A:Chicken, I think. B:In England people often eat fish and chips.
A: 4 . B:Could you help me cook supper?
A: 5 .
a.So does she. b.Thank you very much.
c.So she does. d.Oh, no
e.Does she like beef or chicken? f.OK. I’m glad to.
g.Which would she like better, tea or water?
A. 1.吃英式菜点 2.家常做法 3.户外 4.牛奶加糖 5.吃鸡肉加土豆6.tea without anything 7.the most delicious 8.order and bill
9.be famous for its beautiful scenery 10.onions and beef
B. CDDCC CBA C. g d e a f




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