Unit 17 What was it used for 示例二
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参考教案 教学建议 教学建议(Suggested teaching notes) 一、教学内容分析 本单元主要围绕“方向和常见标志语(Directions and some signs)”这两个日常交际项目和一般过去时被动语态来安排教学内容。询问方向及其答语,与本单元语法要点——一般过去时的被动语态是以往所学知识的加深和扩展,而本单元的语言结构与词汇之间又存在着紧密自然的联系。 第65课展示一幅街道平面图。通过询问由某处去另一处的路线,来复习第二册学习过的有关询问方向的固定表达法,并学习一些新的表达法,同时复习和学习一组地点、建筑物和机构名称。 第66课通过一群学生参观博物馆、谈论展品的情景,自然地引出一般过去时被动语态,使学生在学习了第16单元一般现在时被动语态后,对一般过去时被动语态的应用有了感性的认识。本课设计体现了语法项目的呈现与典型的交际情景自然结合的特点,为在情景中教学语法知识提供了条件和素材。 第67课展示了博物馆内的几幅场景,来引导学生学习几种常见标志(signs)。第68课提供了听力练习,来训练学生仿照听力练习和范例,写一篇描写某物品的文章。 二、教学方法建议 (一)口语教学 本单元教学的交际功能项目是“问路与指路”,这个项目已在初中第二册第9单元和第22单元出现过,所以在本课引入新语言点时,要注意以旧带新,在复习已学过的知识基础上,引入新知识。第65课首先以显著的位置提供了一幅地图,要求学生Look and say,其次又安排了Read and act的练习。Look and say为Read and act提供了按照地图练习的依据,而Read and act导出say的内容。在第三部分Practise中,say的内容又有加深和扩展。首先教师可利用第二册学生用书第4页的彩图或简笔画,复习一些机构和建筑物名称;也可让学生做一个名为“What's in your street?”的游戏。课前教师预先制作好一组卡片,上面分别绘有不同的图案和与其相应的机构和建筑物名称。注意卡片应是可以任意移动和自由组合的。然后再绘制一幅简单的地图。如下图: 学生依照地图和卡片的位置,复习已学过的句型: A: Where's the …? B: It's next to the … /in front of the … /behind the … /on the left (right) of … .从第一册至本单元(按册次和单元顺序排列)已学过的机构和建筑物地点名称大致有:第一册 school, middle school, room, classroom, house 第二册 zoo, hospital, bus stop, post office, station, police station, bookshop, building, cinema, waiting room, garden 第三册library, reading room, centre, lab, market, bridge, museum, crossing教师在地图上确定某一位置,然后向全班询问从这一位置到达某地的路线,复习下列句并用白色粉笔板书在黑板一侧。 Excuse me. Where's…, please? Which is the way to…, please? Go along this street (road). Take the second/… turning on the right (left). Walk along this road. Turn right/left. Go on until you reach the end. You'll see the… 'on the right/left. 教师可视情况适当组织学生做两人一组操练,但占用对间不宜过长。 教师可对新句型作适当的讲解,然后要求学生熟悉新句型。这时可安排全班、半班、行排之间的机械性操练活动。在学生未掌握好新语言点之前,不要有过多的两人活动或个人课堂提问。操练的具体内容基本上不超出第65课。 学生的练习将由机械性操练转向半交际性训练。教师依据本课的地图,确定某一起点或终点,学生互换角色做两人一组练习,完成问路与指路的交际任务。对话可以这样展开: T: Suppose you stand between the museum and the bookshop. Ask B the way to the market. 教师抽查数组后,可让学生自行问答,再抽数组上台表演。然后做练习册第65课练习1和2以达到口笔头巩固的目的。 这项活动也可以扩展到课堂外,如用学校所在地的地图或特意设计的简易地图来训练学生,如下图: 交际训练的过程是这样的:学生做两人一组练习,学生A持有一张带路线标志的地图,而学生B的地图上没有这些信息。两人做问答练习,学生B边练边完成路线图,最后使两张地图完全一样。另一种练习形式是学生A,B所持有的地图上各有对方没有的信息,两人通过问答来完成各自的路线图。 最后教师与学生一起归纳所学过的有关方向的表达法。课堂上可举行一个小竞赛。全班分为两组,看哪组列举出的句子多。 问路:Where's…? How can I get to…? Which is the way to the…, please? Can you tell me the way to the…, please? Could you tell me how to get to the…, please? Could you tell me how I can get to the…, please? Which bus can take me to the…? Which bus can I catch to the…? Could you tell me which bus can take me to the…, please? 指路:It's over there. It's between…and…. It's at the end of the street. Go across the bridge and…. Go along this road and…. Go up this road to the end. Turn left/right at the second/… crossing and you will find… on the left/right. Go down this street, then take the second/… turning on the left/right. You can't miss it! Take the No… bus and it will take you straight there. (二)语法教学 本单元的语法重点是一般过去时被动语态。第16单元已经教学了一般现在时被动语态,所以本单元语法教学应将复习与教新课相结合。 教师先依次出示圆有cotton, jacket, wool, coats, thermos图案的卡片,复习一般现在时的被动语态,引出下列对话: 1.T: What's this? Ss: It's cotton. T: Where's cotton grown? Ss: It's grown in…. 2.T: Is this a jacket? Ss: Yes, it is. T: What's it made of? Ss: I think it's made of cotton. 3.T: What's this? Ss: It's wool. T: Where's it produced? Ss: It's produced in/at…. T: What's (the) wool used for? Ss: It's used for making sweaters or coats. T: Look at these coats. They're made of wool. 4.T: What's this? Ss: It's a thermos. T: What's it made of? Ss: The inside is made of glass and the outside is made of metal.(教师 给予适当的提示) T: What's it used for? Ss: It's used for keeping water hot. 为了降低难度,第4段对话也可先让学生仿照前三段对话来提问,教师来回答。然后交换。还可以给学生适当的时间让他们做半班,行排与两人一组的连锁问答。 然后教师让学生阅读第66课。在阅读前,设置一些问题,使学生们带着问题有目的地进行快速阅读。 T: Now we are going to read a passage about a group of girls visiting a museum. After reading, you'll have to tell me what the girls saw in the museum and what these things were made of and what they were used for. Which of these things is modern and whichis old? 阅读完毕,教师将有关某一物品的问题和学生们的回答板书在黑板上,一般过去时被动语态中was和were要彩笔标出。全班,半班进行问答练习。 让学生分别就 a king's hat, a drinking cup, a teapot in another pot, a thermos等物品,依照黑板上的问答,进行两人一组对话练习。抽查若干组对话。 学生再次阅读第66课,要求他们找出上面对话练习中未涉及到的被动语态句子。如: The things on show were all used a hundred years ago. …, before thermos were invented. 教师引导学生分析课文中哪些句子可改写成一般过去时被动语态。如: They saw many old things on show in glass-topped tables. →Many old things on show were seen in glass-topped tables. 做练习册第66课练习5。 教师假设学生去奶奶家时,发现那里既有一些现代化的东西,又有些现在已不常使用的古旧物品。学生与奶奶谈论起这些东西。除课文出现过的表示物品的名词,可描述的物品还有:bag, ball, basket, basketball, bottle, box, candle, card, chair, clothes, cup, desk, diary, dictionary, dress, handbag, hat, ladder, map, pen, sweater等。 (三)词汇教学 第67课要求学生掌握几种常见标志语。 首先让学生猜测第67课图中标志的含义,可做练习册第67课练习2。核对答案,扫除理解障碍后,教师要求学生做快速问答,以熟悉各种标志。对要求四会的词语可进行听写。教师可提供如下图案,学生们给这些图案标出相应的标志。学生两人一组用这些图片进行练习,以进一步巩固记忆。学生参照练习册第65课练习1的地图,给这些常见标志找到合适的张贴场所。如:library→exit, entrance, No smoking, open, closed,等 (四)阅读教学 本单元的阅读材料是一篇记叙文,其中贯穿着语法教学。第66课练习1可帮助学生对整篇文章有个完整的印象,并可借助回答这些问题来复述课文。在学生理解的基础上,教师帮助学生分析课文的写作特点,使学生对一般过去时被动语态在什么情况下使用有初步的认识,并为第68课的写作练习做好铺垫。 《阅读训练》第17单元练习1是一段对话,它可用来配合本单元交际项目的训练和语法项目的巩固。如教师可让学生找出新的问路和指路的表达法: They're to the west of Shaolinsi.Is it far from here? It's only about three hundred metres away from here. will you follow me,Please? 对话中出现的被动语态句子也是学生阅读中要重点注意的语言项目。 练习2是一篇有189个词的记叙文。留给学生4分钟时间阅读,然后完成文后的练习。学生还可以就文章内容回答下列问题: 1.Where was London Bridge? Where is it now? 2.Was it taken down? 3.Was it moved to the United States? 4.How did the workers move it? (五)笔头训练 第68课有一个要求学生仿照范例写一篇短文的练习。在写的练习前,特意设计了Askand answer的练习。练习中的7个问题存在着内容上的联系,含有“信息沟”,学生们通过问答来获取完成笔头练习所必需的信息。因为笔头练习的内容和所需运用的语言结构都与本单元前几课紧密相关。所以在充分学好前几课的基础下写好这篇短文并不困难。 教师在呈现这7个问题时,可将其印在投影片上。教师说物品的名词,如:a watch,然后要求学生回答问题。每次呈现投影片中的1个问题,遮住其他问题。学生先口头回答1-2组问题,并分别将这些问题的回答口头串成一篇短文。教师可提供一些词语,如: metal, glass,cotton, street market, shop等。在学生口头练习基本熟练的情况下,再要求他们笔头完成课堂练习。教师亦可将范文做为听写练习的材料。在课本提供的8个物品名词中;四会词为:watch, radio,其余均为三会词。在课堂上,四会词要重点练习。 参考教案 Unit 17 What was it used for教学参考资料 示例二 教学参考资料(Reference for teaching) 补充注释(Additional notes) 1.Go along Zhongshan Road, and turn right at the second crossing. 沿着中山路走,在第二个十字路口向右拐。 Go up this road to the end.沿着这条路走到尽头。 along沿着,在此处用作介词。 go up有“向远处走去”的意思。up也用作介词。 在turn right和turn left中,right/left用作副词。在“Take the second turning on the right/left.”一句中,right/left用作名词,前面要加定冠词the。 2.They saw many old things on show in glass-topped tables.他们看见在带玻璃罩的桌子里陈列着许多古老的东西。 on show展览,陈列。再如: There are many models on show in the museum.在博物馆里陈列着许多模型。 glass-topped是由两个词组成的复合形容词。再kind-hearted热心的man-made人造的 3.Some of the things were hundreds of years old.其中有些东西有好几百年的历史了。 hundreds of…是固定词组,意思为“数百……。”注意of后面的名词用复数形式。再如: hundreds of bridges/bicycles/markets/… 4.Isn't it beautiful! 难道它不漂亮吗?! 这是用否定疑问句表示一种肯定的含义。此句还可译作“它真漂亮。”标点符号用叹号。也可把它看作是感叹句。 5.But in England we still make tea in teapots.但是在英国我们仍用茶壶泡茶。 make tea泡茶,沏茶。 6.That's what we did in China in the old days.那是我们中国过去的做法。 这句话是以What引导的表语从句。 in the old days从前,已往。day在这里常用复数,表示“日子,时代”。 7.It makes me feel thirsty!这让我感到口渴! make sb. do sth.让某人做某事。 make sb. feel…让某人感觉……。又如: It makes me feel happy.这让我感到幸福。 It makes me feel hungry.这使我觉得饥饿。 Mother makes me do housework.妈妈让我做家务事。 8.The group of girls all moved on and had a good drink of tea together, from a modern thermos !这一群女孩都继续往前走,从现代的保温瓶里倒了茶,一起痛痛快快地喝了下去。 move on继续前进。又如: The group of soldiers still moved on.这群士兵还在继续向前走。 have a drink喝have a good drink痛痛快快地喝。 类似的结构还有:have a rest休息;have a look看看;have a good time玩得高兴。 9.It has often broken down.它经常出毛病。 break down坏了,出毛病。这是一个短语动词。 It's broken.它坏了。 broken在此处是动词的过去分词,作表语。 参考教案 Unit 17 What was it used for教学步骤 示例二 教学步骤 (Teaching steps) Lesson 65 Step 1 Revision 1 Check the homework. 2 Revise the names of objects from the last unit and the Passive Voice: What's it made of? Where's it made? What's it used for? etc. Step 2 Presentation Revise the names of buildings and places, like this: T: I want to buy a book. Where can I buy one? Ss: At a book shop. T: I want to buy some stamps/ some shoes etc. Where can I buy some? Ss: At a post office/shoe shop etc. T: My friend is very ill. She needs an operation. Where can she have an operation? Ss: At a hospital. Teach the word market: T: I want to buy some fruit and meat. Where can I buy some? Ss: At a food shop. T: Yes, or at a market in the street. (Translate if necessary.) Draw the different buildings on the Bb as a simple map, like this: Teach the word museum. Revise prepositions: Where's the (book shop)? It's next to (the post office) /opposite the (hospital) etc. Step 3 Practice Ask individual Ss about different places, e.g. Where's the market? Help them to answer. Then let the Ss ask and answer in pairs. Step 4 Presentation SB page 65, Part 1.Tell the Ss to look at the map. Askthem what they will say to find the way to the market/bridge/ museum? Revise Where's the…? Which is the way to…? SB page 65, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 65. Tell the Ss to follow the directions on the map. Play the tape. Play it again, sentence by sentence. This time, show the Ss the way with your finger. Explain or revise the meaning of each phrase: go along/turn right/ go across/on the left. Play the tape one more time for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then let them practise the dialogue in pairs.Get them to show the way on the map with their finger. Finally, books closed! See who can tell you the way to the (museum)! Step 5 Practice SB Page 65, Part 3. Go through the words in the boxes and Check to see if the Ss understand them. Point out the difference between cross (verb) and across (preposition): we say Cross the road or Go across the road. Notice the phrase You can't miss it!= It's very easy to find! (miss= not find) Practise Some dialogues with the whole class. Then let the Ss work in pairs. Finally, check all the dialogues with the whole class. Step 6 Workbook Wb Lesson 65, Ex. 1. Get the Ss to read the model dialogue. Then ask them to find the way to one place. Open pairs and then close pairs. Do Exx. 2 and 3 orally with the whole class. Step 7 Consolidation Revise the dialogues in SB page 65, Parts 2 and 3. Homework Finish off the Workbook exercises. Do Ex. 3 in the exercise books. 参考教案 Unit 17 What was it used for教学步骤 Lesson 66 示例二 Lesson 66 Step 1 Revision 1 Check the homework 2 Revise the dialogues is Lesson 65. Step 2 Preparation for reading Show the Ss a thermos (or a picture of one). Ask What's this? What's it made of? (The inside is made of glass and the outside is made of metal.) What's it used for? (keeping water hot). Tell the Ss The reading passage today is about visiting a museum. SB page 66. Get the Ss to look at the four pictures: What are they? (A king's hat, a drinking cup, a teapot in another pot and a thermos). Then ask the Ss to read the passage quickly to find the answer to the question: Which of these things is modern and which is old? See who can answer the question first! Wb Lesson 66, Ex. 1. Read through the questions with the Ss and make sure they understand them. You may need to explain new words with pictures and gestures ,such as king, point, etc. Step 3 Reading Let the Ss read the passage more carefully. They can then answer the questions in the Wb orally in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class and explain any difficulties in vocabulary and grammar. Note the phrase “Isn't it beautiful?” is an idiomatic way of saying “Do you agree that it's very beautiful?”(The negative invites the listener to agree in the positive: “Yes, it's very beautiful” .) Point out, too, the use of the Passive Voice in the past tense in phrases such as was/ were used, was made and were invented. Step 4 Reading aloud SB page 66. Speech Cassette Lesson 66. Play the tape. Get the Ss to listen and repeat the dialogue sections oft he passage. Then let them practise the dialogue in groups. Ask one group to act out the dialogue. Step 5 Workbook Wb Lesson 66 Do Ex.2 and Ex.3 orally with the whole class before they write down their answers. The answers to Ex.2are: group, centre, on, pointed, show, what, was,king's, surprised, if, was, was, real, used; at, strange strange, metal, for, thirsty, on, together, modern. If time permits, do the quiz question in Ex.4 orally.The answers are: 1 thermos, 2 teapot (it's full of tea!). Step 6 Consolidation Get the Ss to retell the story orally. You can use the questions in the Wb to guide the Ss. Homework Read the passage again. Finish off the Workbook exercises. Write down the answers to Exx. 1 and 3 in theexercise books. Do Ex. 5 if there is time. The answers to Ex. 5 are: was, drawn, is, harvested, grown, is, grown, is/are, standing, are, picking. 参考教案 Unit 17 What was it used for教学步骤 Lesson 67 示例二 Lesson 67 Step 1 Revision 1 Check the homework. 2 Get the Ss to retell the story in the passage in Lesson 66. (One part of the story for one student is enough!) Step 2 Presentation Talk briefly about a thermos: What's it made of? What's it used for? Write the answers on the Bb: Give some more examples: e.g.a key/a pen/ a ruler(used for drawing lines) etc. Write more sentences on the Bb containing is used for. Tell the Ss that the Simple Present Tense is used because we are talking about things which people use today. Remind the Ss of the old teapot in the passage in Lesson 66. Ask What was it used for? (It was used for keeping tea hot) Ask about the king's hat and the strange cup.Write these sentences on the Bb: The teapot was used for keeping tea hot. The king's hat was used in plays. The strange cup was used for drinking. Explain that the Past Tense is used because we are talking about things that people do not use today, but used in the past. Step 3 Drill Drill the sentence in tenses, like this: T: Tell me about the thermos. Ss: It's used for keeping water hot. T: Tell me about the strange cup. Ss: It was used for drinking. T: Tell me about the… (etc.) Step 4 Practice SB page 67, Part 1. Read through the questions. Make sure the Ss understand the meaning of founded, PLA and PRC. Get them to find the right answers. Point out the use of the Passive Voice in the Past Tense to refer to a past action. Step 5 Read and learn SB page 67, Part 2. Go through the signs with the Ss.Ask What do they mean? Where else can you see these sighs? Get the Ss to guess the meaning or lookup the new words in the dictionary. Speech Cassette Lesson 67. Play the tape for the Ss tolisten and repeat. Step 6 Workbook Wb Lesson 67, Exx. 1 and 2. Do some examples withthe whole class before they work in pairs. The answers to Ex. 2 are: 1 NO PHOTOS, 2 EXIT, 3 ENTRANCE, 4 NO SMOKING, 5 BUSINESS HOURS/OPEN, 6 PULL, 7 PUSH, 8 CLOSED. If time allows, do Ex. 3 orally. The answers are: A: was, founded; B was, founded, are, visit; B: used, locked; A looks, has; B: was, used, drinking; A: was, made; B: was, made; B: was, used; B: is, made. Step 7 Consolidation Ask some more questions about the king's hat, the teapot and the strange cup: Where was it made? What was it used for? What was it made of? etc. Homework Fill in the blanks and write down the dialogue in Wb Lesson 67, Ex. 3. Revise the contents of this unit. 参考教案 Unit 17 What was it used for教学步骤 Lesson 68 示例二 Lesson 68 Step 1 Revision 1 Check the homework. 2 Revise asking the way (Lesson 65). Step 2 Preparation for listening Talk about classroom objects or any objects you can bring to class (a radio, a watch, a thermos, etc). Ask What's this? What's it made of? Where can I buy (aradio) ? etc. Practise as many different questions as possible. Tell the Ss Today we are going to hear about a lady,Mrs Clarke, who is going shopping. What does she want to buy? Where does she go to buy it? SB page 68, Part 1. Listening Cassette Lesson 68. Play the tape once for the Ss to find the answers. Step 3 Listening Wb Lesson 68, Ex. 1. Go through the questions with the Ss and make sure they understand what they mean Play the tape once or twice, as necessary. Let the Ss discuss their answers in pairs before you check the answers with the whole class. Listening text Open your workbooks at page 68. Listen to this story,and choose the best answers to questions 1—7:Last week Mrs Clarke wanted to buy a watch for herdaughter, Kate. She went to a shop near her home.The shop sold many watches. She looked at them, but they were all too expensive. “Where were these watches made?” she asked the shopkeeper. “Were they made in China?” “No, they were not made in China,” said the man.“They were made in Japan. They are very good watches!”“Perhaps they are,” said Mrs Clarke. “But they are much too expensive. I don't want to give my young daughter an expensive watch.” Mrs Clarke went out of the shop. Near the shop she saw a market. She was walking through the market when she saw a woman. The woman was selling watches and clocks. The watches were very cheap. “Where were they made?” she asked. “I don't know,” said the woman. “But they arevery cheap.” Mrs Clarke bought a watch for her daughter. But after three weeks it stopped. It would not go again.She asked Uncle Wang if he could mend it, but hesaid: “Sorry! I can't mend this watch.” “I shall never buy a watch in the market again!”said Mrs Clarke. The answers are: 1 A, 2 B, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A, 7 B. Step 4 Presentation Show the Ss your watch (or other object). Say This is my (watch). I've had it for (four) years. It was made in(China). I bought it at (a watch shop). I have worn it a lot-every day. I like it very much. Ask individual Ss Have you got a watch? How long have you had it? etc. (Use the questions in SB page68, Part 2 to guide you, but Ss keep their book sclosed.) Step 5 Practice SB page 68, Part 2. Books open! Read through the questions and answers with the Ss. Do another dialogue as an example, then let the Ss ask and answer in pairs. Get some Ss to report their partner's answers Step 6 Writing SB page 68, Part 3 Read through the example with the Ss, then let them write down their own reports. Get the Ss to check each other's work when they have finished writing. Step 7 Checkpoint 17 Go through Checkpoint 17 and discuss any problems that the Ss have Remind them of how to form the Passive Voice (Present and Past Tenses) and when itis used. See Grammar in the Appendix on page 124 of the SB. Practise the “useful expressions”. Make sure the Ss understand them. Step 8 Test Dictate this passage to the Ss: My brother has got a bicycle. * He has had it * for about tour years. * It was made in Shanghai. * He bought it * in a shop * He has used it a lot, * but it has often broken down. * He would like to spend more money * and buy a better one * next time. Ask the Ss to do Wb Ex. 3 individually. Homework Finish off the Workbook Ex. 2. The answers are; A: to; B: along, across, between, museum; A: on; B: don't, closed. |
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