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This happens every night. 这事每晚都发生。
Do you know what happened the day before yesterday in our school? 你们知道前天在我们学校发生了什么事吗?
二看happen作"碰巧"讲时,其主语可以是人,它的后面常接动词不定式,即happen to do sth,表示"碰巧......"。例如:
I happened to be there when he arrived.他到时我碰巧在那儿。
If you happen to see Mary, tell her to phone me. 如果你碰巧看见玛丽,让她给我打个电话。
1.something happens / happened to somebody表示"某人发生了什么事"。例如:
No matter what happens to you, I'll help you. 不论你发生什么事,我都会帮助你的。
What happened to your friend Jim? 你朋友吉姆怎么了?
2.It happens / happened that...表示"碰巧......",这一句型结构可与happen to do sth 结构交换使用。例如:
It happened that the famous actor was her classmate. (=The famous actor happened to be her classmate.) 那个著名的演员碰巧是她的同班同学。
3.as it happens表示"碰巧;偶然"。例如:
As it happens, I have left the key at home. 我碰巧把钥匙落在家里。
4.happen on sth 表示"偶然发现某事物"。例如:
I happened on the storybook I like in that bookstore. 我在那家书店偶然发现了我喜欢的故事书。
四看happen与take place的异同:这两个词(组)都可表示"发生",都是不及物动词(组),均不可用于被动语态。happen指具体客观事物的发生,常带有偶然性、未能预见的含义;take place表示"发生"时,则表示安排好的事,没有"偶然"的含义。试比较:
When did the accident happen?事故什么时候发生的?
When will the wedding take place?婚礼什么时候举行?



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