人教版八年级Unit 12 知识要点一点通

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1. What's the date today ? 今天是几号?What is / was the date ...?这一句型意为"......是几号?"常用来询问某一天是几月几日。
2. It's very cold, but quite sunny. 天气非常冷,但十分晴朗。sunny是形容词,意为"晴朗的;阳光充足的",是由sun双写n再加 -y构成的。英语中许多名词后加 -y可构成形容词。如:cloud(云)- cloudy(多云的),rain(雨)-rainy(多雨的),wind(风)-windy(多风的), snow(雪)-snowy(多雪的),health(健康)-healthy(健康的), sleep(睡觉)-sleepy(瞌睡的), noise(吵闹声)-noisy(喧闹的)等。
3. Bruce rings up his father in Sydney, Australia. 布鲁斯在澳大利亚的悉尼给父亲打电话。ring up sb 意为"打电话给某人"。ring up 属于"及物动词+副词"构成的动词短语,人称代词宾格作其宾语时要放在动词与副词之间。如:Please ring me up this evening. 今晚请给我打电话。
4. Hello!Dad? This is Bruce. 喂!爸爸吗?我是布鲁斯。用英语打电话时说"我是某人",不能说"I'm..."而要说"This is..."或"This is...speaking."或"...speaking."
5. There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huai River. 淮河以北将有大风。There be结构的将来时态是There will be...或There is going to be...如:There will be a class meeting this afternoon. 今天下午有班会。
6. The temperature will stay above zero in the daytime, but at night it will fall below zero again.在白天气温会保持在零度以上,可是在晚上气温又会降到零度以下。in the daytime意为"在白天",也可以说in the day; at night意为"在晚上",而in the night意为"在夜间"。注意这些习惯表达。
7. The snow will be very heavy in some places. 在一些地方雪会下得很大。表示雨大、雪大的"大"要用heavy,表示风大的"大"要用strong,不能一看到"大"就用big。
8. The radio says the snow will stop later in the day. 收音机说在白天晚些时候雪会停。say在这里意为"报道",它常作由notice, letter, radio, newspaper等作主语的句子的(谓语)动词。如:The notice says there will be a football match tomorrow. 通知说明天有场足球赛。What does the letter say? 信上写了些什么?
9. The radio says the cloud will lift quite quickly. 收音机说云将很快散去。lift用作动词时有"(云、雾等)散开;消散"之意;用作名词时,lift意为"电梯"。如:The cloud lifts and the sun comes out. 乌云消散,太阳出来。
10. -Happy new year!祝你新年愉快!
-The same to you. 你也一样。The same to you. 意为"你也一样。"常用来回答在大家共享的节假日里对方对自己的祝福。如果对方不能共享,则应说Thank you. 如:1) -Have a nice weekend. 祝你周末愉快。
-The same to you. 你也一样。
2) -Happy birthday!祝你生日快乐!
-Thank you. 谢谢。



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