another; the other; others; the others; other辩识

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another; the other; others; the others; other这5个词组都源于other一词,其意义十分接近,因而在使用时极易造成混淆。现将其用法归纳如下:
1. other作形容词,通常用在单数或复数名词的前面,意为“别的;其他的;另外的”。例如:
I'll come again some other day. 我改日再来。
2. the other表示已知的两个(或两部分)人或事物中,特指的“另一个”或“另一些”,其后可跟单数或复数名词。例如:
I have two brothers. One is a doctor, the other is a teacher. 我有两个兄弟。一位是医生,另一位是教师。
3. others(=other+复数名词) 泛指“部分”含义,用于已知的一些人或物中,除去某些后余下的人或物中的一部分。例如:
The students of Class Four are cleaning the classroom. Some are carrying water, others are sweeping the floor. 四班的学生们在打扫教室。一些人在打水,另一些人在扫地。
4. the others(=the other+复数名词)指一定范围内除去一个或一部分后,“余下的人或物的全部”。例如:
This composition is better than the others. 这篇作文比其他那些都好。
5. another泛指不定数中(三者或三者以上)的“另一个”。another前面不能用定冠词the,它作为限定词(定语)通常与单数名词连用,但是它后面可以跟few或基数词的复数名词。例如:
This glass is broken, get me another please. 这只玻璃杯坏了,请给我再拿一个。
I'll stay here in another few days. 我要在这儿再呆几天。
I wrote another two letters this afternoon.
=I wrote two other letters this afternoon.
=I wrote two more letters this afternoon.



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