Unit 10 The Swedish rock band
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【单元知识纲要】 类别 语 言 项 目 备注 语音 |s|、|z|、|sm|、|sw| |s|与|p|、|t|、|k|连读,出现失去爆破 浊化现象 规则动词过去式-ed读音规则 参见教材后说明 词 汇 Sweden Swedish remember forget science scientist famous problem careful careless 参见[常用单词积累] Rock band, give a concert, more than, go on, fall down, go back, in a hurry, at the end of, get married, talk to/about/with, not…any more, fall off/down 日 常 交 际 用 语 Why do you call your band “Yesterday”? How do you like music? Which place in Xinjiang did you like best? I like Turfan best. Did you visit any other parts of China before you came to Kunming? How many singers were there in the band? There were four. 以37、39课居多 语 法 同位语 The Swedish rock band,“Yesterday”,is visiting China. 参见[基础知识精讲1] 一般过去时 They enjoyed the music very much. Did Elsa go with you? Why did you do that? 掌握 There be结构的一般过去时态 Were there many old people there? 参见[基础知识精讲2] 规则动词过去式的词尾变化,不规则动词运去式 核心知识 【常用单词积累】 famous,problem,grape, past(adj.),delicious,music,trip,remember,forget, study,learn,Swedish,Sweden,science,scientist give a concert,have a party,one of the singers,in a hurry,ten years old,be good at,get married,more than,go on,at the end of,football team, not…any more, talk to, talk about, talk with, fall off, fall down, journalist, scientist, tourist→artist(艺术家),careless→careful, useless(无用的)→useful(有用的) 【基础知识精讲】 1.The Swedish rock band,“Yesterday”,is visiting China.瑞典摇滚乐队“yesterday”正在访问中国。 (1)Swedish“瑞典的、瑞典人的、瑞典语的”。Sweden瑞典(国名)。 (2)“yesterday”是the Swedish rock band的同位语,是该乐队的名称。同位语用以对前者作进一步解释,说明它指的是谁是什么等。前后均用“,”号分开的同位语在本单元中出现了几处。 (3)visit在句中作动词,意为“参观、访问”,如: Did you visit Laser last year?你去年访问过拉萨吗? 该课还有一句:Is this your first visit to China?这是你第一次访问中国吗? visit作名词,意为“参观,访问”。后可接to(到)某地点名词。为:I can’t forget that visit to Guilin我不会忘记那次去桂林参观。 1. How many singers were there in the band last year?去年乐队有多少歌手? “there be”结构过去式的肯定,否定,疑问句及回答结构如下: 否 定 句 There was a problem here. There were some problems. There wasn’t a problem here. There weren’t problems 一般疑问句及回答 特殊疑问句及回答 Was there a problem? Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t. Were there any problems? Yes, there were. No, there weren’t. How many problems were there? There were four. (仅以how many为例) 3.I’m trying to learn Chinese,and I like listening to Chinese songs.我正在努力学汉语,我喜欢听中文歌。 (1)try to do sth.“试着做某事”、“尽力做某事”。 I’ll try to reach those apples.我会尽力够到那些苹果的。 (2)learn“学习、学会”、一般性学习。study“学习、研究”有研究含义,有时可以交换使用。 ①I began to learn English ten years ago.十年前,我开始学英语。 ②He is studying American history.他正在研究美国历史。 (3)like后如果表示一般倾向,多用动名词作宾语,如指定或具体某次行为,则用动词不定式更多一些。 ①I like reading books of this kind.我喜欢看这类书。 ②I’d like to read that book.我想看那一本书。 4.He fell down and broke his leg.他跃倒折了腿。 fall down“摔倒”、“跃倒”。 fall off“从…跌倒”。 ①A little boy fell off a ladder.一个小男孩从梯子上跌下来。 ③That bridge is falling down.那桥要倒塌了。 5.In 1958,when he was ten year old,…1958年,当他十岁的时候, …ten years old十岁,类似表达有: ①The dog is ten months old.那狗十个月大。 ②The baby is only twenty days old.这婴儿仅仅二十天大。 6.I was born in Liverpool on February 12,1974. (1)指地理位置,介词in接相对大的地方,at接相对小的地方。 in Wuhan city,in France,at this town. (2)指时间,介词on接涉及到某天的时间,如:on Sunday,on Sunday morning,on June 1,on July 2,1999. 比较:in June,in July,1999. 7.I wasn’t in a hurry.我不赶忙。 in a hurry“匆促地”、“急忙地”。 ①Why are you in a hurry?你为什么匆忙? ②He came here in a hurry.他匆忙地来到这里。 【重点难点解析】 1.Erik,one of the singers in the band,is talking to Li Weiyin,a journalist from the CCTV.埃里克,乐队里的一个歌手,正在与中央电视台的记者李薇忄音 交谈。 (1)one of“…之一”,后接复数形式。 ①one of him/the desk/the tallest boy(错误用法) ②one of them/the desks/the tallest boys(正确用法) ③One of the books is for my son.其中一本书是给我儿子的。 (2)talk to,talk with都有“与…交谈”意思,前者着重“对…谈”,后者着重“与…交谈”,talk about则是“谈论(某事或某人)”的意思。 ①Li Weiyin talked to Erik about his trip to China last year. 李薇忄音与埃里克谈有关去年到中国的旅行。 ②Talk about their visits in pairs.分组谈谈他们的访问。 ③One of the singers is talking with the journalist. 一位歌手正在与记者交谈。 (3)journalist“新闻记者” -ist是一种名词后缀。scientist科学家,tourist旅行者,旅游者,artist 艺术家,画家 (4)此句中有两个同位语。参见基础知识精讲1。 2.There was a famous band called“The Beatles”.有个叫“the Beatles”的著名乐队。 called是过去分词,此处含有“被称呼”、“被叫”的意思。 I just met one of my friends named“MaoMao。”.我刚遇到我的一个叫“毛毛”的朋友。 3.They were called“The Beatles”.他们被称作“The Beatles”(乐队)。 were called被动语态,“被称呼” 被动语态由助动词be加过去分词构成,时态通过be表现出来,被动语态强调主语为动作的承受者。 ①The bike is made in Shanghai.这自行车是上海制造的。 ②The apples will be picked by the children next week. 这些苹果将在下周由这些孩子们摘下来。 4.They got married in 1967.他们在 1967年结婚了。 married是marry的过去分词,此处转化为形容词,表示主语they所处的状态。 ①They looked tired.他们看起来很疲劳。 ②I’m worried about the child.我担心这小孩。 5.Last week,Erik and Elsa visited another part of China.上星期,埃里克和埃尔萨参观了中国的另一个地方。 (1)one常用来代替前面提到的可数名词,以避免重复。可数名词复数用ones代替。如:There are two shirts there. Li Lei likes the yellow one.这儿有两件衬衣,李蕾喜欢黄色的(一件)。 (2)one…the other表示“一个…另一个(者)。”如:I have two books,one is new, the other is old.我有两本书,一个是新的,另一个是旧的。 (3)others表示泛指“别人”或“别的东西”。为:Some are playing basketball,others are playing football.有的在打篮球,有的在踢足球。 (4)the others表示“其余的”。如:The twins are in the room,but the others are out.双胞胎在室内,但别人都出去了。 (5)another意为“另一个,又一个”,指三个或三个以上人或物中的另一个。如:Would you like another cup of coffee?再喝一杯咖啡好吗? 6.at the start of the concert在音乐会的开始 at the end of the concert在音乐会的结尾 典型例题 【课本难题解答】 练习册P129第5题 此题要注意括号中特殊疑问词的选用及人称、时态用法上的变化。例1:用when提问,那么原句中last Sunday就不能重用,而gave需改为did give,则原句应改为:When did the Japanese band give a concert? l.When did the Japanese band give a concert? 2.Who went to the concert with us? 3.How many people were there in the big concert hall? 4.How did everybody listen to the music? 5.How were the songs? 6.How did the people enjoy the music? 7.What’s Markisar’s father eight years ago in Japan? 8.Why did Brian stop singing last year? 9.Whose songs did Sandy want to listen to again? 【有关"Unit 10 The Swedish rock band" 的教学设计】 教学设计1. 初二英语 Lesson 40 前言 Properties: Recorder 学习目标: Teaching Objectives: Students should master the pronunciation of “[s] [z]” and consonant clusters “[sp-] [st-] [sk-] [sm-] [sw-]”. Language Focus: In the middle of the city, outside the city 教案内容: 内容1:教学过程 教学设计2. 初二英语 Lesson 39 前言 Properties: Recorder 学习目标: Teaching Objectives: Students should be able to understand the article and be able to answer questions about it and grasp some useful expressions. Language Focus: in the city of… on the first/second floor go up and down get into… get out of… catch the (Number 11) bus get/go back home climb up to 教案内容: 内容1:教学过程 教学设计3. 初二英语 Lesson 38 前言 Properties: Tape Recorder 学习目标: Teaching Objectives: Students should master the difference between “house” and “building” and between “city” “town” and “village”. 教案内容: 内容1:教学过程 教学设计4. 初二英语 Lesson 37 前言 Properties: Overhead projector 学习目标: Teaching Objectives: Students should master the words of family relationship and professions. Language Focus: The ways of asking about occupations: What do you do? What are you? What is your job/work/occupation ? 教案内容: 内容1:教学过程 常见问题1: 初二英语上学期第十单元1 问题: 阅读 Mr.Green was travelling around the country in his car. One evening he was (1) along a road and looking for a (2) hotel(旅馆)when he saw an old man at the side of the (3).He stopped his car and (4) to the old man,“I want to go to the Sun Hotel.Do you know (5)?” “Yes,”the old man answered.“I’ll show you the way.” He got into (6) car,and they drove for about twelve miles. When they (7) to a small house,the old man said,“Stop here.” Mr.Green stopped and (8) the house.“But this isn’t a (9),” he said to the old man. “No,”the old man answered,“this is (10) house. And now I’all show you the way to the Sun Hotel,Turn around and go back nine miles. Then you’ll see the Sun Hotel on the left.” 1. A. walking B. running C. driving D. riding 2. A. new B. big C. small D. old 3. A. road B. house C. street D. way 4. A. spoke B. told C. talked D. said 5. A. this B. them C. that D. it 6. A. his B. Mr. Green’s C. the D. a 7. A. came B. reached C. get D. went 8. A. looked into B. looked at C. looked up D. looked for 9. A. house B. hotel C. place D. Sun Hotel 10. A. mine B. your C. yours D. my 解答: 答案: 1一5 C C A D D 6一10 B A B B D 此题要注意对上下文语境的对应,如第 1空,依据第一句travel in his car,可知应选driving,答案为C。 常见问题2: 初二英语上学期第十单元2 问题: The traffic stopped because there was an a and a truck hit a little boy. 解答: 答案:accident,“事故”。 常见问题3: 初二英语上学期第十单元3 问题: I’m trying Chinese well. A. learn B. learning C. to learn 解答: 分析 答案C, try后常接动词不定式作宾语。 常见问题4: 初二英语上学期第十单元4 问题: Were there many tourists there? A. other B. another C. the other 解答: 分析 答案A,other别的,其它的,修饰tourists。 常见问题5: 初二英语上学期第十单元5 问题: 改错: The Changjiang River is one of the longest river in the world. A B C D 解答: 分析 答案 C,one of后接复数形式,river应改为 rivers。 常见问题6: 初二英语上学期第十单元6 问题: There isn’t a problem . A. any B. any much C. any more 解答: 分析 答案C,not…any more/longer.不再。 常见问题7: 初二英语上学期第十单元7 问题: Jack |b :t| some tickets for us when he passed the |’sinim |。 (2000年上海中考) 解答: 分析 答案:bought,cinema。根据读音写出适宜句中的buy的过去式,以及与tickets有关联的cinema。 常见问题8: 初二英语上学期第十单元8 问题: He visited his friend yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)(2000年四川中考) 解答: 分析 答案:Did he visit his friend yesterday? 常见问题9: 初二英语上学期第十单元9 问题: My teacher had lunch at school yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)(2000年哈尔滨中考) 解答: 分析 答案:Did your teacher have lunch at school yesterday? 课后练习1:课后练习 一、[根据首字母或中文提示,填写所缺的单词]: 1.There are lots of g ______ in Turfan. 2.More than five t______ people went to the concert. 3.Na Ying is a f ________ singer. She can sing a lot of popular s________. 4.There was an a ______ in the street. A car hit(撞)an old man. 二、[单项填空]: ( ) 1.—Which place in China did you like______? —Suzhou. A.best B.better C.well D.good ( )2.—Did you go there by plane? —______. A.Yes,I do B.No,I don't C.Yes,I did D.Yes,I'd like to ( )3.—________ did you like Xinjiang? —Because I liked the people there. A.Which B.How C.What D.Why 课后练习1:课后练习答案 一、解: ①grapes ②thousand ③famous,songs ④accident 二、解: ①选A,用最高级形式。 ②选C。 ③选D,Because的句子用Why提问。 课后练习1:课后练习 一、[单项填空]: ()1.“________were you born?” “I was born in Tianiin on March 16,1987.” A.What time B.When C.Where and when D.What time and where ()2.How long________there? A.did you stay B.did you go C.do you go D.do you stay ( )3.When my father______at school,he often________questiohs. A.is;asked B.was;asked C.is;asks D.was;asks ( )4.“Who cooked supper today?”“Mother ______.” A.did B.was C.is D.does 二、[单项填空]: ( )1.I went to bed________ eleven last night. A.less than B.later than C.much than D.more than ( )2.There______a lot of water in the ground a moment ago,but now there isn't_______. A.were; some B.was; any C.was; some D.were; any ( )3.Could you ask her______me? A.to write to B.to write C.write to D.writing to me 课后练习1:课后练习答案 一、解: ①选B。 ②选A,stay是延续性动词,而go是短暂动词。 ③选C。 ④选A。 二、解: ①选B,“比……晚” ②选B,water是不可数名词,用was ③选A,ask sb.to do... 课后练习1:课后练习 一、[汉英互译]: 1.开音乐会________ 2.二十多个男孩________ 3.一个著名的乐队________ 4.两首中国歌曲______ 5.用法语________ 二、[用所给词的适当形式填空]: 1.What________(happen)in the street just now? 2.Can you mend my________(break)kite? 3.Erik is________(talk)to our teacher now. 课后练习1:课后练习答案 一、解: ①give a concert ②twenty more boys ③a famous band ④two pieces of Chinese songs ⑤in French 二、解: ①happened用过去时。 ②broken.用break的形容词形式。 ③talking.现在进行时形式。 课后练习1:课后练习 一、[单项填空]: ()1.His mother is ill.She is ________ hospital now. A.in the B.in C.on the D.in a ()2.We use a lift to go________. A.inside B.outside C.up and down D.out of ()3.John walk to the bus stop after he gets______ the lift. A.out of B.down C.onto D.into 二、[单项填空]: ( )1.—How many ________ are there in —There are sixty. A.hours; a day B.weeks; a month C.minutes; an hour D.minutes; a hour ( )2.________ a problem at that time? A.Is there B.Was there C.Were there D.Are there 课后练习1:课后练习答案 一、解: ①选B,be in hospital表住院。 ②选C。③选A。 二、解: ①选C。 ②选B,at that time表示过去时。 |
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