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PUB主:俗话说:兼听则明,偏信则暗。 "脱口PUB"栏目这次向大家介绍如何征求他人意见!
I. 入PUB须知:
西方人在给他人提建议时,说话一般都非常委婉,多用I think..., I advise you..., I suggest..., You'd better...等句型,不用You must... 这种语气生硬的句式。不管对方的建议是否合理,征询建议者都要向对方致谢。
II. 口语餐:
1. -Can you give me some advice on how to learn English?
-Yes, I can. I think you should practice it every day.
2. -My advice is that you should eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
-What good advice!I'll take it.
3. -Let me give you a piece of good advice on swimming.
-Thank you. I will follow it.
4. -I think we must go there by train.
-Your advice is reasonable(合情合理的).
5. I come to ask your advice.
6. You don't look fine. I advise you to see the doctor. / You'd better go to see the doctor.
III. 脱口而出:
Tom: You look worried, Li Ming. What's the matter?
Li Ming: I seem to be fatter than before these days.
Tom: Oh dear!That is really a problem. Can I give you some advice?
Li Ming: Of course. What do you think I should do?
Tom: I think you should take more exercises and eat less meat.
Li Ming: That sounds great. I will take your advice. Thanks a lot.
Tom: Not at all. I hope it works.



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