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I. 入PUB须知:
1863年由林肯总统签署法令规定11月的最后一个星期四为感恩节。为了欢度这个全国性的传统节日,美国各地放假四天。届时,许许多多的人无论在美国何地,都会不辞辛苦、长途跋涉,赶回家中与亲友团聚,共同品尝火鸡(turkey)、南瓜馅饼(pumpkin pie)和玉米花(pop corn)。现在,感恩节已成为一个世界性的节日,受到越来越多的人喜欢。
II. 口语餐:
1. -What date is Thanksgiving Day on in the USA?
-It is on the last Thursday in November.
2. -Why do Americans and Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
-In the USA and Canada, families get together to celebrate the harvest.
3. -What do Americans eat on Thanksgiving Day?
-They eat turkey, pumpkin pie and pop corn.
4. -Do Chinese people celebrate Thanks-giving Day nowadays?
-Yes, more and more Chinese people are celebrating the festival now.
III. 脱口而出:
A: What day is it today?
B: It is Thanksgiving Day today.
A: What are the Smiths doing?
B: They are having a big meal.
A: What are they eating?
B: They are eating turkey and pumpkin pie.
A: Do they like Thanksgiving Day?
B: Yes, of course. It is one of their most important festivals.




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