
中学英语教学资源网英语教案写作专题指导 手机版

1. 英文日记的基本格式
日期(Date) 星期(Day) 天气(Weather)

①星期名称:Sunday(星期天), Monday(星期一), Tuesday(星期二),Wednesday(星期三), Thursday(星期四), Friday(星期五), Saturday(星期六)
②月份名称:January(一月), February(二月), March(三月), April(四月), May(五月), June(六月), July(七月), August(八月), September(九月), October(十月), November(十一月), December(十二月)
③表示天气状况的词:clear(晴朗的), fine(晴朗的), sunny(晴朗的); rainy(有雨的); snowy(有雪的); windy(有风的); cloudy(多云的); overcast(阴的); stormy(有暴风雨的); shower(阵雨的)等。
2. 时态和人称
3. 写作内容
写日记时,不能不加选择地写,而应该选择一些最有意义、最有趣味或发人深醒的内容来写。日记一般是按事情发生的先后顺序来记述的,所以常用at first, then, later on, soon, at last等单词或词组使整篇文章通顺连贯。
4. 范文欣赏
June 9th Wednesday Rainy
Today is my birthday. I invited some friends to my birthday party this evening. It was raining all day long. I was afraid that no one would come. It was 6 o'clock and my friends didn't appear. I felt unhappy. Just then the door bell rang. I jumped up and rushed to open the door. Some familiar faces were smiling at me. Each of them gave me a birthday present. I was deeply moved, not by their presents but by their coming.
After dinner we danced and sang together and took many photos. We shared a big birthday cake. The party didn't come to an end until 11:30. We had a wonderful time.



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