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直接引语是祈使句,变为间接引语时,句子的谓语动词要选用含有祈使句意义的动词,如tell, ask, order, advise, invite, remind, request, warn 等,引语的动词改成不定式。如果祈使句为否定式,在动词不定式前加not。例如:
"Stop talking," the monitor said to the class. "别说话。"班长对全班人说到。
The monitor told the class to stop talking. 班长告诉全班人不要说话。
"Don't take off your coat," she said to her sister. "别脱掉你的大衣。"她对她妹妹说。
She told her sister not to take off her coat. 她告诉她妹妹不要脱大衣。
"Wear a raincoat, Simon," said Amy. "Simon, 穿一件雨衣,"Amy 说。
Amy advised Simon to wear a raincoat. Amy 建议Simon穿一件雨衣。
"Don't open the door before the bus stops," Mr Zhang warned. 张先生警告道:"汽车停好前别开门。"
Mr Zhang warned us not to open the door before the bus stopped. 张先生警告我们汽车停好前别开门。
当直接引语是祈使句时,变成间接引语的"顺口溜"是:去掉引号要加to; ask, order须记住,直引若是否定式,not 加在 to前部。



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