Unit 22 The sports meeting

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1. 副词的比较级,最高级的运用
2. 形容词、副词的同级比较形式(as…as not as/so…as)
3. 与运动会有关的词组、句式
1. 副词的比较等级。
A. 有些副词和形容词一样,也有比较级和最高级。单音词和少数双音词是在词尾加-er或-est构成其比较级和最高级;部分双音节词和多音节词是在词前加more或most;还有就是不规则变化形式;如:well better best badly worse worst much more most far farther farthest
B. 当二者(人或物)进行比较时,用比较级。如:
Yu Yan ran faster than Li Lei.
Lucy did worse than Lily.
C. 三者或三者以上进行比较时,表示其中一人或物“最……”时,用最高级。副词最高级前可省略定冠词the。
Zhang Jun jumped(the) highest of all.
LiLy did worst of the three.
D. 在表示“和…一样”以及“不如……时”,可用“as…as…”和“not so/as…as…”结构,句子中形容词或副词须用原形。
I run as fast as Li Ming. 我和李明跑得一样快。
Mike didn't sing so/as well as Mary. 迈克唱歌不如玛丽。
2. He stopped to get it and of course fell behind.
stop to do sth. 意思是“停下某事而去做另一件事”;stop doing sth. 意思是“停止正在做的事情”。如:
①The teacher was reading a book before we came, but he stopped to talk with us as soon as he saw us.
②The students stopped talking when the teacher came in.
3. …and congratulation to the winners. ……而且祝贺获胜者。
congratulations to sb. on (doing) sth. 意为“为某事向某人表示祝贺”。
Congratulations to you on your good results.
4. Girls' 100-metre race. 女子百米赛。
“100米”应译为100 metres。但是100-metre是合成词,用来修饰race时,metre用单数形式,作前置定语。也可以说:The race of girls' 100 metres. 这时100 metres做后置定语。
5. …but I know you did you best, and that's what's important.
此句中what's important作表语从句。
do one's best to do sth. 尽力去做某事。I'll do my best to study English well.
1. 形容词和副词的比较等级是本单元的重点内容,其应用是本单元的重点命题方向。要注意有些句子比较级和最高级形式的相互转换。
2. 关于谈论“运动会”的一些重要的词组的应用,也是考点之一。
如:Who's first? take part in, pass…on, catch up with, stop to do sth. fall behind, go on doing sth, be neck and neck, at the same time, It was difficult to see. 等等
3. 几个不规则变化的副词的比较级、最高级的应用,如:
far-farther-farthest, badly-worse-worst, well-better-best等。

n: meeting, neck, stick, race, relay, loudspeaker, result, headteacher.
v: win, shout.
adv: farfartherfarthest, loudly, rather, badly.
词组: 100-metre race, the high jump, he long jump, be in front, at the same time, a moment later, come on, pass on(to), catch up with, fall behind, right now.
1. Who was first? 谁第一?
2. Which sport are you in today? 今天你参加了什么项目?
in 为副词,be in…(sport)参加…运动,如:
I'm in 100-metre race. 我参加100米比赛。
be in可替换成take part in…
I take part in 100-metre race.
3. Come on! 快! 快跑!
这个词组用于比赛时,有“加油”助威之意,相当于“Run quickly! ”在不同的场合,它还可译为“快呀! 来呀! ”等不同的意思。
Come on! Don't feel shy. 来吧! 别害羞!
4. Class 3 were in front. 三班领先。
Class 3 were the winners. 三班是获胜者。
Class 3 在这里指“三班的学生”,动词用复数形式。class和family都是集体名词,有时作单数看待(强调整体),谓语动词用单数;当强调其中的各个成员时,应视其为复数,谓语动词用复数。如:
Class 3 is a good class. 三班是个好班。
Her family are watching TV now. 她全家正在看电视。
5. At the end of the first lap, Li Lei quickly passed the stick on to Jim.
A. at the end of… 在……的末尾,在……的终点,在……结束时可接表时间和地点的名词。
at the end of the street. 在街道的尽头。
at the end of March. 在三月底。
B. pass…on to sb “把……传递给某人” on是副词,表示“继续”,强调动作发生的连续性,与名词连用时,放在名词前或后均可;如与代词连用,只能放在代词后。
I passed the book on to Kate. 或I passed on the book to Kate.
I passed it on to Kate. 不能说 I passed on it to Kate.
6. He began to catch up with Jim. 他开始赶上吉姆了。
A. begin start to do sth. 开始做某事。如I begin to do my homework after school.
B. catch up with…赶上,追上…… 相当于“keep up with…”其反义词组为“fall behind(落后)”。如强调追上“谁”或“什么”,可以去掉介词“with”。如:
She is working hard to catch up with her classmates.
7. A moment later, the class 4 runner fell and hurt his leg, but he quickly got up and went on running. 过了一会儿,四班的运动员摔倒了,伤着了腿,但他迅速爬起来继续跑。
①the Class 4 runner=the runner from Class 4 (四班的运动员)
②a moment later=after a moment 过了一会儿(常用于过去时态)
③go on doing sth. 继续做某事(接着原来的事做),等于go on with sth.
go on to do sth. 接着去做另外一件事。
8. Jiang Honglin was catching up fast too, but not fast enough.
I didn't get there early enough to catch the train. 我去得不够早,没有赶上火车。
There is enough food for 20 people. 有足够20人吃的食物。
9. She did rather badly. 她做得相当糟。
rather意为“相当”,表示程度。quite, rather, very三个词在程度上逐渐加强。

1. Mike writes than Kate does. (carefully)
析:由句子结构分析应该用比较级,用音节词carefully的比较级是在其前加more,所以答案为:more carefully。
2. My friend Tom swim of all the boys. (fast)
析:由of all the boys的提示知用最高级,这里表示游得最快,故用fastest。(副词最高级前的定冠词the可省略)
3. Wan Ming is boy in his class. (tall)
析:由in his class 提示应用最高级,故应填the tallest。
4. The Yellow River is the second river in our country.
5. Mary did than any other girl in the sports meeting. (badly)
析:此题考查badly的比较等级的不规则形式,应填worse,此题也易出同义句转换,即Mary did of all the girls in the sports meeting. (worst)
Jim likes playing football. And he also likes watching football matches. As he hasn't enough money to buy the tickets, he has to watch them on TV at home if he's free. But to his regret he always goes to school from Monday to Friday and misses a lot of important matches.
One afternoon there would be the biggest football match of the year in America, Jim wanted to watch it on TV very much, but he couldn't. They would have a physics test the next morning and he had to prepare it.
“Can we have a video(录像机),Mum? ”Jim asked before he went to school. “Then you'll record(录)the football matches for me. ”
“I'm afraid we can't buy one, ”sighed(叹气)his mother.
But next afternoon in came Jim, with a new video in his arms.
“How on earth did you pay for that, Jim? ”the woman asked in surprise.
“That's easy, Mum. ”answered the boy. “I've sold our TV set! ”
( )1. Jim is a .
A. school girl B. school boy
C. player D. college student
( )2. Jim often misses a lot of important football matches because .
A. he hasn't enough money to watch them
B. he has to go to school
C. he is busy with his lessons
D. his parents don't let him watch them
( )3. As , Jim couldn't watch the biggest football match that afternoon.
A. he didn't get any tickets
B. something was wrong with the TV set
C. he had to go over physics
D. there would be a physics test
( )4. Jim's mother sighed because .
A. they had no money to buy a video
B. she had to time to record the match
C. she didn't know how to record the match
D. she couldn't borrow a video
( )5. In fact, .
A. a video is more useful than TV set
B. only a video can record all the programmes
C. it's impossible to record any programmes
D. a video can work only with the help of a TV set
第1题选D,从第一段的有关叙述可得出来。第2题选B,从第一段的第四句中可得。第3题选C,“They would have a physics test…prepare it”。第4题选A。第5题选D。

【有关"Unit 22 The sports meeting" 的教学设计】

教学设计1. The Sports Meeting
fast, badly, still, enough, hold a (sports) meeting, come on, pass on, catch up (with), at the same time, a moment later, fall behind, right now
1.Who was first/second/third/…?
2.Which sport are you in?
3.Who won?/Who won the girls' 400 metres?
4.It was nothing, really.
5.It was difficult to do sth..
6.go on doing sth…
7.do well in…


教学设计2. The sports meeting



1)Lucy won race in the school sports meeting.
A.400 metres of girls B.the girl’s 400 metre
C.the girls 400-metres D.the girs’ 400-metre
连接,名词不使用复数,通常构成形容词用作定语,类似结构有数词+名词+形容词,如:a ten-year-old 一个十岁男孩。也可不用连字符号(-),但名词要变复数,这种结构修饰形容词做程度状语,如:The river is 50 metres wide.这条河50米宽。因此“400米比赛”有两种表示法,即the 400-metre race和the 400metres race。另外,名词所有格通常用于有生命:名词后加“’s”或“’”。故此题应该选择D。
2)The house isn’t for the whole family to live .
A.enough big,/ B. big enough,/
C. large enough, in D. enough large, by
【分析】该句意思是“这房子对全家人住在里面来说不够大。”当enough修饰形容词和副词时,一般放在被修饰词之后。例如:you didn’t write carefully enough.你写得不够细心。The rope is not long enough. It can’t reach the wall.这条绳子不够长,够不到墙那里。该句主语house从逻辑上分析是live的宾语。但live是不及物动词,因此in不能省略。故此题应选C。
3)The bell didn’t wake him up.He .
A. went on to sleep B. went on sleeping
C. goes on sleep D. went on sleep
【分析】首先,通过第一句一般过去时判断出第二句的时态也应是一般过去时。go on doing“继续做某事”,即做原来在做的那件事。该句意思是“铃声没有唤醒他,他继续睡觉(他原来就在睡觉)”。又如:
When he was in hospital, he went on writing his paper.
关于go on 详解请参看【指点迷津】。
4)The girls Class Three ran fast on the first lap .
A. in B. of C. from D. off
【分析】介词from表示某人来自某处,可能是作为代表来的,不用of ,故选C。
5)Who did you pass the stick at the end of the second lap?
A. on B. on to C. at D.不填
【分析】pass…on to sb.表示“把……传递给……”,疑问词who在句中作介词to的宾
语,不能丢掉。该句疑问词还可以用whom,即Whom did you pass the stick on to at the end of the second lap?故选B。
6)Zhang Jun was first the high jump.He jumped one metre and sixty-seven.
A.in…over B. in…up C. on…over D. at…on
【分析】be in ,表示“参加……项目”;jump over“表示跳过……高度”。故此题选A。
1)Wang Lin runs fastest in our class.
Wang Lin runs than students in our class.
【答案】faster, the other
【分析】该句是:“王林在我们跑得最快。” 用最高级形式表达的,还可以用比较级来表示。用比较级表达最高级形式共为十种,详解参看【指点迷津】。根据所给条件,将符合题意的是第8种。
2)Who won the first
Who in the race?
【答案】was the first?
再如:Li Lei runs fastest in the class.
Li Lei than student in the class. (Key: faster, any other)
3)Wu Peng can’t catch up with the others.
Wu Peng the others.
【答案】fulls behind
【分析】该句意思是“吴朋不能赶上其他人。”从句意上可以找出一个短语“fall behind”与原句意思相当。译为“落后于……,落在……的后面”。同时,主语为单数第三人称,因此加“s”。



1. Shanghai is the of all the cities in China.
A. large B. larger C. largest D. much larger
2. When summer comes, the days get and . (hot)
A. hot, hot B. hotter, hotter C. hottest, hottest
3. Li Wei jumped farthest the three, and I'm sure he can jump farthest the school.
A. of, in B. in, of C. in, in D. of, of
4. How deep is the hole?
It's .
A. four metre deep B. four metres deep
C. four-metre deep D. four-metres-deep
5. Li Ming was too tired. So he rest.
A. stops to have a B. stopped to have a
C. stopped have a D. stopped have a
6. He wasn't with the knife. He cut himself.
A. careful enough B. enough careful
C. carefully enough D. enough carefully
7. Which sport does he take part in?
Which sport he ?
8. Lin Tao runs faster than the other two boys.
Lin Tao runs the boys.
9. My teacher stopped and had a talk with my father.
My teacher stopped a talk with my father.
10. He was first past the finishing line.
He was the first the finishing line.


1—6:C B A B B A
7. is, in 8. fastest of all, there 9. to have 10. to pass




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