Unit 24 What were they doing?

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1. 学习现在进行时
2. 学习过去进行时态的陈述句和特殊疑问句
What were you doing at ten o'clock yesterday?
I was watching the traffic.
3. 学会有关用过去进行时的书面表达。
1. It's quite a nice elephant. =It's a very nice elephant.
以名词为中心的词组有冠词、形容词时,quite放在冠词之前,而very放在冠词之后,即:“quite a/an+形容词+名词”和“a very+形容词+名词”。如:
①That is quite an interesting film. 那是一部相当有趣的电影。
②It's a very easy question. 它是一道很简单的题。
2. At this time, the man downstairs was trying to sleep. 这时,楼下的人正试图睡着。
sleep 睡,睡着,注意与它构成的几个短语的意义的区别。
①go to sleep 睡着
②get to sleep 没法睡着
③fall asleep 入睡(指不知不觉地睡着了)
④go to bed 上床睡觉(着重于睡前的准备工作)
⑤be asleep 睡着的(强调状态)
①I can't get to sleep because of the noise outside. 外面的噪声使我无法入睡。
②He fell asleep in class yesterday. 昨天他在课堂上睡着了。
③John went to bed at ten o'clock last night, he didn't know when he went to sleep. 昨晚约翰九点上床,但他不知道他什么时候睡着的。
④The baby is asleep. =The baby is sleeping. 这个孩子睡着了。
3. He found it very difficult to get to sleep. 他发现很难入睡。
此句中“it”为形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式词组to get to sleep. 这句话原来的语序为:He found it very difficult to get to sleep very difficult. 句子有点头重脚轻。一般情况下,当宾语是比较长的词组时,通常用it作形式宾语,而真正的主语放在后面以保持句子的平衡。
如:They think it difficult to finish the work in two days.
即:He found(that)it was difficult to get to sleep.
They think it is difficult to finish the work in two days.

4. I was waiting for the sound of the other shoe. 我一直在等着另一只鞋落地的声音呢。
A. wait for sb. /sth. 等待某人/某物
Please wait for me at the school gate. 请在校门口等我。
B. sound, noise, voice 的区别。
sound 指任何可以听到的声音,是声音的统称,如人叫,鸟鸣,机器声或大自然的任何声音。
①Can you hear the sound of something moving? 你听到有东西移动的声音了吗?
②Don't make so much noise in class. 不要在课堂上弄出这么大的声音。
③The girl has a beautiful voice. 这个女孩的嗓音很好。
5. One day the man upstairs heard the sound of children playing in the park. 一天,楼上的那个人听见了孩子们在公园里玩的声音。
the sound of sb. doing sth. 某人做某事的声音,of短语作sound的定语。
1. 过去进行时态的构成及其陈述句,疑问句形式,易出动词形式填空题或单项选择题。
2. 过去进行时与现在进行时,一般过去时的区别。易出动词形式填空题,答题时注意结合上下文情景,分析时间状语。
3. 以句词为中心的词中,形容词、冠词的位置问题,容易出单项选择题。
Yesterday I read a book. It was book.
A. very an interesting B. quite an interesting
C. an very interesting D. a quite interesting

名:elephant, painter, sleep, comrade, neighbour, chemistry lab business, painter, physics, biology, scissors tennis racket
动:draw, try, noon, Russian, happen, knock, disturb, feed, kill, refuse,
形:quiet, angry, noise
副:quietly, downstairs, upstairs, politely
词组:play with, be angry with, try to do sth, fall asleep, help…with, at noon, knock at/on, at this time, get to sleep, look out of, the sound of sb. doing sth. , feed my dog, get on(well)with, take off, in the future, fed up, all day, as usual
1. 过去进行时态The Past Continuous Tense
类 型
例 句

I(He, she, It)was working at six this morning. We(You, They)were working at six this morning.

I(He, she, It)was not working at six this morning. We(You, They )were not working at six this morning.

Was I(he, she, it)working at six this morning? Were we(you, they)working at six this morning?

They were having a football match from three to five yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午三点到五点他们正在进行足球比赛。
At seven this morning I was listening to the radio.
The teacher was talking to some parents when I saw her.
He said that he was working all day on Friday.
I was thinking of my friends when I was in England.
②表示动作短暂的动词,如leave, start, come, go, arrive 等,用过去进行时表示过去某一时即将要发生的动作, 例如:
They said that they were arriving here soon. 他们说,他们很快就到。
She asked whether he was running out of money. 她问他是否钱就要花光了。
2. I'm trying to draw an elephant. 我正试着画一头大象。
(1)try to do sth. 试着(设法)做某事,否定形式为try not to do sth.
We should try to finish it in time. 我们应该设法按时完成任务。
(2)try one's best to do sth. =do one's best to do sth. 尽全力做某事。
Lin Tao tried his best to win the boys' relay race in the sports meeting.
3. But please don't play with my chalk. 但请不要玩我的粉笔。
A. play with sth. 玩某事,以…为娱乐
play with sb. 与某人玩,耍弄…
例:The children are playing with snow. 孩子们正在玩耍。
I'll play with them this time. 这次我要和他们玩。
B. chalk此处为不可数名词,一支粉笔应为a piece of chalk.
4. What was he drawing on? 他在什么东西上面画?
此句相当于:Where was he drawing? 上句中的“on”不能省略。
5. How can you get on well with your neighbours?
get on…with sb. 与某人相处
get on well with sb. 与某人相处得好
反义词组:get on badly with sb.
He gets on very well with his classmates. 他和同学们相处得很好。
6. The man upstairs=The man from upstairs 楼上的人
7. …and he was rather angry with the man upstairs. …他对楼上的人相当生气。
be/get angry
with sb. 生某人的气
about/at sth. 为某事而生气/对某人的言行感到生气
to do sth. 为做某事而生气
(1)Don't be angry with me. 别生我的气了。
(2)Was she angry at my words? 听到我的话,他生气了吗?
8. He went upstairs and knocked at the door. 他走上楼去,敲了敲门。
A. knock at/on … 敲…,撞…
Someone is knocking on the window. 有人敲窗。
B. knock 也可以做名词,如:There is a loud knock at the door. 有人大声敲门。
9. The noise wakes me up. 噪声把我吵醒了。
wake sb. up 吵醒/叫醒某人,wake 为及物动词
wake up (某人自己)醒来,wake 为不及物动词
(1)Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. 请明早六点钟叫醒我。
(2)I woke up late at night and couldn't sleep again. 我深夜醒来,再也没有睡着。
wake 的形容词形式为awake, 其反义词为asleep,这两个词只能作表语。
如:She's awake. She isn't asleep. 她是醒着的,没有睡着。
10. He was just falling asleep when there was a loud lock at the door. 他刚要入睡,这时有人大声敲门。
When 在此句中相当于 and then, at this/that time. 它所引导的时间状语从句表示过去某一具体时间,主句常用过去进行时。如:
He was just going out when the bell rang. 他刚要出门,这时电话铃响了。
11. What were you doing at noon yesterday? 昨天中午你在干什么?
at noon 在中午=at twelve o'clock=in the middle of the day.
12. He looked out of his window. 他向窗外看去。
look out of… 向…外看,相当于look through the window.
例:We'll having a class. Don't look out of the door. Listen to the teacher.
13. Masha and Sasha were fed up with their neighbour Misha.
be fed up with… 对…感到不高兴,厌烦
I'm fed up with your complaints. 你的抱怨我听厌了。
14. I need a pair of garden scissors. 我需要一把花园里用的剪刀。
scissors 剪刀,它是由两部分构成的物体,只能用多数形式,类似的有trousers(裤子),glasses(眼镜)等。
一把剪刀:a pair of scissors
15. Could I borrow it from you? 我可以从你们这儿借它吗?
borrow…from… 从…借来(主语借进来)
lend…to… 借…给…(主语借出去)
如:I borrowed a pen from Lily. 我从莉莉那儿借了一支钢笔。
Lily lent a pen to me. 莉莉借了支钢笔给我。

1. I (drive) a car at ten o'clock last night.
析:at ten o'clock last night 是明显的过去某一具体时间,所以动词应用过去进行时,应填:was driving
2. The teacher (talk)to some students when I saw her.
析:此句中when 引导的从句表示过去某一具体时间,故动词用过去进行时 was talking.
3. Please wake up him tomorrow morning. 改错题
析:此句中wake up 是“叫醒某人”的意思,当它的宾语是代词时,应放在动词和副词之间,即 wake him up.
4. He found it easy to learn English. (改为复合句,意义不变)
析:此句中it为形式宾语,把它变为宾语从句的主语时,注意主句动词的形式,题中主句动词found 为过去式,故宾语从句也应为过去式,应改为:He found that it was easy to learn English.
5. He fell (sleep) in class yesterday.
Ying Ming was walking by a river with her brother, Sung Yee. They saw a man fishing and stopped to watch him. He held an umbrella over his head to keep off the sun. There were three small fish and a big one on the grass. They watched for a few minutes. Then the man caught something else.
“Look, ”said Ying Ming, “I think it's a big one. ”
“Yes, it looks big. ”said Sung Yee.
Then the man pulled what he had caught out of the water and they saw that he had caught two little fish at the same time, not a big one.
Sung Yee looked at the sky. It became very dark. “I think it's going to rain. ”he said. “We ought to(应该)go home. ”
“No, we needn't. ”said Ying Ming, “We can go under the tree if it rains. ”
Just then something pulled on the fisherman's line. He stood up and pulled hard. His feet slipped (滑) on the grass and he fell into the river. He stood up in the water and showed the children what he had caught. It was an old box.
( )1. The two children stopped walking because .
A. it began to rain
B. they wanted to watch the man fishing
C. the man was just catching a fish
D. it was shining
( )2. The man had an umbrella .
A. to keep the sun off the fish
B. to protect himself from the sun
C. because it was raining
D. because he thought it was going to rain
( )3. Altogether the man caught .
A. three small fish and two big ones
B. four small fish and one big one
C. three small fish and one big one
D. five small fish and one big one
( )4. The children saw the man catch .
A. no fish B. two fish C. three fish D. six fish
( )5. The man fell into the river because .
A. it was raining B. a big fish pulled him in
C. the grass was slipping D. his boot came off
答案:1. B 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C

【有关"Unit 24 What were they doing?" 的教学设计】

教学设计1. c1u22 What Are You Doing? 教案
Ⅰ. 语音学习
1 . 字母 y 发[j]、[ai]或[i],字母组合 ay 发[ei],ey 发[e],oy 发[?i]。
2 . 句子的重音和语调
Ⅱ. 词汇学习
write , read , listen , listen to , clean , homework , do one's homework , help , now , watch , TV=television , stand , talk , open , close , work , count , wear 。
Ⅲ. 语法学习
1 . 现在进行时态的肯定式与式。
2 . 现在进行时态的疑问式 ( 一般疑问句 ) 和简略答语。
3 . 动词 - ing 形式 ( 现在分词 ) 的构成。
Ⅳ. 交际英语
1 .— Could you come here , please ? I want some help .
—Certainly ! I'm coming now , Mum / Dad !
2 . Excuse me , Mr Green .
3 . Let's go and find them .
4 . I'm talking . You aren't talking .
5 . Are you playing football ?
6 . What are the men doing ?
They are working near the house .
7 . I can't find the twins .
We must find them .


教学设计2. c3u04 What Are They Doing? 教案
1) It's quite a nice picture.
2) I'm sorry to trouble you.
3) to find it difficult to do sth.
4) Would you please not do this?
(The Past Continuous Tense I )。


教学设计3. What are you doing?


教学设计4. What are you doing ?
Ⅰ. 语音学习

1 . 字母 y 发[j]、[ai]或[i],字母组合 ay 发[ei],ey 发[e],oy 发[?i]。

2 . 句子的重音和语调

Ⅱ. 词汇学习

write , read , listen , listen to , clean , homework , do one's homework , help , now , watch , TV=television , stand , talk , open , close , work , count , wear 。

Ⅲ. 语法学习

1 . 现在进行时态的肯定式与式。

2 . 现在进行时态的疑问式 ( 一般疑问句 ) 和简略答语。

3 . 动词 - ing 形式 ( 现在分词 ) 的构成。

Ⅳ. 交际英语

1 .— Could you come here , please ? I want some help .

—Certainly ! I'm coming now , Mum / Dad !

2 . Excuse me , Mr Green .

3 . Let's go and find them .

4 . I'm talking . You aren't talking .

5 . Are you playing football ?

6 . What are the men doing ?

They are working near the house .

7 . I can't find the twins .

We must find them .


【关于“Unit 24 What were they doing?”的常见问题】

常见问题1: Unit 24 What were they doing?

( )1. We mustn't make any in class.
A. noise B. sound C. voice D. words
( )2. I heard knock the door.
A. /, at B. a, at C. at, / D. a, /
( )3. It hard when I left my home.
A. rains B. is raining C. was raining D. will rain
( )4. Look! It's .
A. quite nice horse B. a quite nice horse
C. quite nice a horse D. quite a nice horse
( )5. Are you trying a tiger?
A. draw B. drew C. draws D. to draw
6. He does homework every day. (用this time yesterday 作时间状语改写)
He his homework this time yesterday.
7. The workers a tall (build)last year.
8. I found it difficult to fall (sleep)here.
9. The students were playing football last Saturday. (改为反意疑问句)
The students were playing football last Saturday, ?
10. Should you please (not leave)me at home by myself?


1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. was doing 7. built, building 8. asleep 9. weren't they 10. not leave




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