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作者:王新安 李玉花
1. Your book is newer than me. (×)
2. Kate's hair is the longest of the three girls. (×)
上面两个句子错在何处呢?它们都犯了同一个错误,即比较对象前后不一致,不具有可比性。试想,book怎么能和me相比,hair 又怎么能和girls 相比呢?正确的说法应该是:
Your book is newer than my book. (√)
Kate's hair is the longest of the three girls' hair. (√)
3. We think climbing is more exciting than diving.
4. Which one do you like better, English or Chinese?
5. Tom is the oldest of all the boys in his class.
6.Who runs fastest, Li Lei, Zhou Jian or Zhang Lin?
7. He sings best.
8. Jim is the tallest boy.
He sings best in his class.
Jim is the tallest boy of the three students.
三是注意同级比较要用形容词、副词的原级。表示程度相同的可用like/alike; the same as; as...as(和......一样)。如:Amy's sweater is like Millie's sweater. / Amy's sweater and Millie's sweater are alike.
My uniform is the same as Simon's uniform.
Jim is as old as Tom.
Their classroom is larger than our classroom.
The day is getting longer and longer.
Mr Hu is more carefully than Mr Liu.(×)
上面句子错在何处呢?修饰系动词is应该用形容词careful,而不用副词carefully, 因此上面句子应该说:
Mr Hu is more careful than Mr Liu. (√)
五、注意形容词比较等级的修饰语。修饰原级的词语有very, quite, rather, so, too等。如:
Li Lei looks quite well.
He is so strong that he can lift the big box.
修饰比较级的词语有much , even, a little, a bit , a lot, more, much more等。如:
Today it is even colder than(it was) yesterday.
She is much thinner than Kate.
修饰最高级的词语有first 等序数词, 以及much , by far , nearly , almost等词语。如:
The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.
Of all the boys Nick is much the cleverest.
六、注意形容词比较级、最高级的拼写要准确,特别是那些不规则形容词比较级的构成。如far, bad, good, many, much, little等。好多同学在做用形容词比较等级填空的题时,知道用它们的何种形式,但落实到卷面上,却因比较级、最高级的构成写不正确而导致失分。如:
Which village is farer, this one or that one? (×)
在上面句子中,far 的比较级拼写有误,应为farther。
七、注意某些形容词加上后缀-er, -est 后,单词的读音要发生变化,特别是以-g, -r 结尾 的单词。请看下列单词的读音变化:strong / str/ - stronger/strg/; clever/`klev/ - cleverest/`klevrist/ 。
八、注意并非所有的形容词都有比较等级。因为"级"表示被比较的人或物在程度上的差异,只有表示性质的形容词才有比较等级。有些形容词不含程度上的差异,因而没有比较等级。如dead, daily, east, empty, true,wrong, right等。而wonderful, excellent, favourite等词分别意为"好极了"、"棒极了"、"最喜欢的",其本身就含有最高级的意味,它们因此不再具有比较级。




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