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2004-2005学年度第二学期 【第 教学周】【第 课时】【总第 课时】 【计划 课时】
备课时间: 周 星期 教出时间: 周 星期
Title: Unit 15 What do people eat? Lesson 59
Class type [课型]:
Teaching & practicing[讲练课]
Teaching aims[教学目标]:
1. Five kinds of simple sentence 简单句的五种基本句型
2. 重点词汇
Important & difficult points and explanation[重难点解析]:
1. 简单句的五种基本句:
Teaching steps
Step 1 new words
make, laugh, both, either, either… or, anything, neither, nor, neither…or,
a bit of,
Step 2 SB page 3 part 1 Study
Do the same with the sentences in the rest of the boxes. Point out the different pats of the simple sentence.
Step 3 SB page 3 part 2 Read and discuss
Explain: some cleaning“搞卫生”some可用the代替,即do the cleaning. 类似用法还有:do some cooking “做饭”= cook the food. do some washing=Wash some clothing. do so me shopping=go shopping.
另外注意本单元由do构成的短语:do some housework 干家务. do farm work 做农活。
2. Either mum or I cook supper. 不是妈妈做晚饭便就是我作晚饭。
Neither dad nor my brother helps. 爸爸不帮忙,哥哥也不帮忙。
Either A or B, “不是A就是B,要么是A要么是B。”
Neither A nor B. “A不……B也不怎么……;A既不……B也不……”
注意这两个短语中,A和B的结构类别要一致,连接主语时,谓语动词需与邻近的主语相一致 。如:
Neither I nor he knows it. 我和他都不知道这事。
Neither she nor I am right. 她和我都不对。
Either she or I am right. 要么她对,要么我对。
而在 both A and B 中,连接两主语时应看作复数。
Both she and I are right. 她和我都对。
3. Do you agree with Indira? 你赞同Indira的意见吗?
agree to sth. 同意某事
agree with sb. 同意某人的意见。
agree 后接事件名词,用介词 to, 跟指人的名词或代词用介词 with。
如:I agree to his plan. 我同意他的计划。
we agree with him. 我们同意他的意见。
4. SB Page 3, Part 2, Speech Cassette, Lesson 59. Tell the students to look at the first passage. Ask them to quickly skim the text and tell you the main idea. (It's about what each family member does to help out at home.) Play the tape and have students repeat.
Step 4 Workbook
Wb Lesson 59, Exx.1-3.
Do Ex. 1 in pairs and check the answers as a class.
For Ex. 2, have the students work in small groups.
For Ex. 3, get the students to work in pairs filling in the blanks and reading the passages to each other. Encourage them to use the English phrase / think that....
Step 5 Homework
Finish off any workbook exercises if needed.
Review the five kinds of simple sentences.



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