In the library

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1. 词汇
A. 单词
  四会: several, yet, on, reading room, return, polite, politely, star,
everywhere, pay (paid, paid), before, ever,
  三会: dictionary, shelf (shelves), anywhere, helpful, pity, history
B. 词组/句型
have got = have
in the school library

on the shelf
find + n./pron. + prep.短语

five minutes ago
in the reading room

on time
work at one‘s desk

borrow sth. from sb
pay for sth

at that moment
Please be more careful.

from now on
never …before

Not at all.
speak to sb

foreign music
travel on a train

hours ago

2. 日常用语
 * Excuse me. Have you got … ?
 * Sorry. I haven’t got one.
 * Sorry. We haven‘t got any at the moment.
 * Have you seen it anywhere?
 * I’m so glad.
 * Excuse me, have you got any … ?
 * I‘ve looked for it everywhere.
 * I can’t find it anywhere.
 * What a pity!
 * Please be more careful from now on!
 * I‘ve never lost a book before.
 * It won’t happen again.
 * Have you ever made dumplings?
 * I‘ve just done my homework.
 * Has he returned his library book yet?
3. 语法: The Present Perfect Tense (1) 现在完成时(一)
1) 构成: have/has + done
2) 过去分词的构成:
规则形式: ask asked asked
travel travelled travelled
不规则形式: lose lost lost
eat ate eaten
find found found
3) Statement forms陈述句形式
I/You/We/They have just seen …
He/She/It has just seen …
4) Question forms疑问句形式
Have you/we/they seen … yet?
Has he/she/it seen … yet?
Short answers简略答语
Yes, I/you/we/they have.
Yes, he/she/it has.
No, I/you/we/they haven’t.
No, he/she/it hasn‘t.
1)I saw a film last night. 我昨天夜里看了一个电影。有过去last night的时间状语。
2) I have seen that film. 我看过那个电影。没有时间状语,强调现在的结果—— 我知道那个电影。
2、 anywhere /everywhere 本单元出现了任何地方和到处两个表示地点的副词。与anywhere相关的是somewhere,与everywhere相关的是nowhere。请看例句:
1) Mary lost her new pen and couldn’t find it anywhere.玛利的新笔丢了并且哪儿也找不到。
2) He lives somewhere in Beijing. 他住在北京的某个地方。
3) You can find honest men everywhere you go.你无论到哪儿都能找到老实人。
4) The poor old man has nowhere to live. 那个可怜的老人没有地方住。
3、 on time/in time on time表示按时;in time表示及时。请看例句:
1)We must come to school on time every day. 我们必须每天按时到校。
2)They are just in time for the football match. 他们正好及时赶上了足球赛。
4、 several/some 两者都表示一些的意思。区别在于several表示三个以上的人或物,修饰可数名词。some修饰或代替可数或不可数名词,有时还修饰单数名词。例如:
1)There are several dictionaries in the library. 图书馆里有一些词典。
2)Some students think English is difficult to learn. 一些学生认为英语不容易学。
3)There must be some job I could do. 一定会有某种工作我能做。
4)I need some milk.我需要一些牛奶。
1.I have never lost the book before. 我以前从未丢过书。副词before在此句中做时间状语。常用于现在完成时态句子中。
2.I borrowed a book two weeks ago. 两个星期前我借了一本书。副词ago在此句中做时间状语。用于一般过去时的句中。
3.In the library she has got books on many different subjects.在图书馆里她有许多有关不同科目的书。on 表示演讲,文章,辩论,书籍等所谈的深入的,具体的,具有学术性的课题;而about表示一般概论的课题。例如:
1)This is a textbook on Chinese history. 这是一本有关中国的教科书。
2)This is a book for Children about America and its people. 这是一本有关美国及其人民的儿童读物。

CD player激光唱机, several, shelf, already, used to 过去常常, hobby, knowledge, yard 院子, put (sth.) down, 把(某物)放下来, step, librarian, pay for (sth.) 付钱,支付, sadly, come up with 想出, bookmark, think of 认为, 想起, encourage 鼓励, pick up, abroad 到国外, as 作为, spoil

1.Excuse me, Have you got…? 劳驾,你有…?
Have you got…? 相当于Do you have…?在询问对方有什么东西时常用这两句,英国人常用Have you got…?美国人常用这两句Do you have…?作肯定回答时用Yes, I have/do. 否定回答时用No, I haven’t / don’t.
2.I think I’ve got one. 我想我有一个了.
one 在此为代词,可用来代替句中或上下文中提到过的单数可数名词,指人也可指物,以避免重复.one的复数形式为ones用以代替复数名词.
①He has no book, but he wants to buy one.他没有书,他想买一本.
②Those new bikes are different from the old ones.这些新车和那些老车不同.
3.—Excuse me, have you got any books about…?
—Yes, we’ve got several. 有,有几本.
About为介词,表示“有关”。表示“有关”的介词还有on, 一般可与about 换用,但on较正式,有“论……的”意思。例如:
①I have a book on medicine.我有一本医学专著.
②Its a book on/about the moon,这是一本关于月球方面的书.
a few代替,作主语,宾语,定语等用.e.g.
①I’ve got several books.我有几本书.
②Have you got any tickets? We need several.你们有票吗?我们要买几张.
③Several of us have been to the library.我们中间有几个去图书馆了.
4.I’ve lost my dictionary.我把词典丢了.
have lost为现在完成时态.现在完成时态由助动词 have(has)+ 动词过去分词构成,助动词have(has)构成一般疑问句和否定句.现在完成时表示对现状有影响的某个已发生的动作,或者说动作虽发生在过去,但对现在产生影响.e.g.
①I have seen the film.(现在我已知道了电影的内容)我已经看了这部电影.
②The plane has arrived.飞机已到.
③The teacher has gone to the office.老师已经去了办公室
5.It must be still there.它很可能仍在那儿.
This must be the book you want.这谅必就是你要的那本书.
6.She often borrows books from the school library.
其词组搭配是: borrow…from…,lend…to…
①I borrowed a book from the library yesterday.
②I lent my bike to Tom.
7.But last week Grandma forgot to take the book when she left for home.
forget to take the book.忘记要带走书.
forget to do…与 forget doing…
forget to do…忘记要做某事(该干而未干的事)
forget doing…忘记曾做过某事.
如:He forgot locking the door.他忘了曾锁过门了.
He forgot to lock the door.他忘了去锁门.
leave for离开(原地)赴…
He left Shanghai for Hangzhou.他离沪赴杭了.
leave off停止
leave out省去
leave over留下,剩下
8.A few days later, the book was still missing.几天以后,那本书仍未找到.
missing adj.下落不明的
e.g. He is said to be missing.据说他失踪了.
9.What was worse, Grandma lost more books!
what is more,而且
He is a tractor driver and,what is more,he is a good sports man.
10.One day the librarian came up with an idea.
come up with 提出,赶上,提供
come up with a proposal提出建议
come off 离开 come off work 下班
come into 进入come out出来
come back 复原,复辟
11.Now her lost books are usually returned to the library.
are returned to 是一般现在时的被动语态结构.
A. traveled by B. traveled on
C. traveling by D. traveling on

【关于“Unit 1 In the library”的常见问题】

常见问题1: In the library 1

______ you ______your homework yet?”
“Yes, I ______ it a moment ago. ”(江西省1999年中考题)
A.Did; do; finished B.Have; done; have finished
C.Have; done; finished D.Will; do; finish


分析此句根据yet可判断用现在完成时。现在完成时表示过去或已经过去的动作对现在造成的影响,而答语中,表示刚才已完成。另外,根据a moment ago(只用于过去时)可判断为过去时。
答案 C
注意! 在问句中,可根据yet判断为现在完成时,但稍一疏忽,容易把答句也判断为现在完成时而选择B。

常见问题2: In the library 2

Have you found your ruler______?
A.just B.ever C.never D.yet


注意! already也可用于疑问句中表惊讶或向对方证实,如:“That was quick! ”she said,“have you finished already?”“That was quick! ”是对完成之快表示惊讶,故问“have you finished already?”




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