Water sports

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surf, surfer, water-ski, canoe, describe, especially, attract, possible, part-time, although, competition
all over, both…and…, give up, be proud of, come ture, not only… but also, ever since, would like, have gone to…
(1)What’s the surfing like today? The waves are great.
(2)—Are your parents teachers? —Yes, they both are.
(3)—How much water is there in the cup? —one.
(4)—Who can answer this question? —No one.
4.语法 继续学习现在完成时的用法
—Have you just been to the computer room?
—Yes, I have./No, yet.

surf, surfer冲浪者 wave beach,have a try尝试,once, none,water-ski做滑冰运动,canoe,describe all over, especially, attract, no matter不管 so called所谓的, both…and…,…和…都,give up放弃,part-time业余的, although,fit prize, competition,event,be proud of认…自豪,come true实现,speak highly of称赞,not only…but also不仅…而且

1.-What’s the surfing like todcy? 今天冲浪怎样?
一The waves are great波浪好极了.
如:-What’s the weather like today?今天天气如何?
-It’s sunny.今天是晴天.
2.Have you ever been to Hawaii?
ever副词“曾经,任何时候”多用于否定句,条件和疑问句中.e.g. ①Have you ever eaten fish?你曾经吃过鱼吗?②If you ever come to Wuhan, be sure to let us know.③Nothing ever happens here.这儿从未发生过什么事情, ever since“从……以来”,常引导过去的时间状语,主句用完成时.
I haven’t seen him ever since he joined the army.
3. You’ve learnt surfing from him, haven’t you?
你在向他学习冲浪,对吗? learn…from…向……学习……
4. He’s super.他极不错.
5.Would you like to have a try?你愿意试一试吗?
would like后接名词或不定式作宾语.
如:①Woud you like some tea?你愿意喝茶吗?
②Would you like to see a film tonight?今晚去看电影好吗?
6. Don’t be afraid.别害怕
如:①Don’t talk now. Listen to the radio.
②Don’t be late again.别再迟到了.
7.Has any body water skied before?
8.Has anybody raced boats before?
9.Have you watched someone surf?
在feel,hear,listen,see,watch,let,make等动词后的不定式不能带to作宾语补足语.但在被动语态中,仍保留to. e.g.
We often hear her sing in the next room.
She is often heard to sing in the next room.
10.Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world.
Is enjoyed是被动语态由be + 过去分词构成.
all over遍及.
如: We have friends all over the world.我们的朋友遍天下.
11. It is neither too hot nor too cold all the year round(火奴鲁鲁)的气候全年既不太热,也不太冷.
12.They surf three times a day if possible, in both winter and summer.
both…and… ……和……都
①Both industry and agriculture are making great strides.
②Both of them are good friends.他们两个都是好朋友.
③Both Tom and Mike are writing well.
④Neither Tom nor Mike is writing well.
both意为“两者、双方”可作形容词或代词.作代词时在句中可充当主语,宾语,同位语.作主语时谓语动词应用复数形式,作同位语时应在be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词前. e.g.
①Mary and Alice were both late for class yesterday.
②We both want to see the film.
③I like both.
①Both my brothers are workers.我的两个弟弟都是工人.
②I like both these pictures.这两张画我都喜欢
③Both the girls want to go shopping.这两个女孩都想去买东西.
①-Are your parents teachers?你父母都是教师吗?
-Yes,they both are.是的,他们俩都是.
②How great they both are!他们俩伟大啊!
13. He has been in Honlulu ever since
14.He has not had a neighed for two months.
have a night off休息一晚上
如:①Jack has worked in Beijing for 30 years.
②The Greens have lived here since 5 years ago.
③My brother has just arrived.我弟弟刚到.
④He has already finished his homework.他已经做完了作业.
①I borrowed the book three days ago.
→I have kept the book for three days.(borrow→keep)
②He came back a week ago.
→He has been back for a week.
(come back→ be back)
③John’s father started to work here in 1989
→John’s father has worked here since 1989.(start to work→work)
④The film began five minutes ago.
→The film has been on for five minutes(begin→be on)
15.I’ve been surfins every day.我每天都在冲浪,
此句结构由have/has been+ ving.分词构成.
I’ve been writing letters for an hour.(and I’ve still got some more to do).

1.How long have you been here in Sydney?你来悉尼多久了?
解析 How long…“多久”指一段时间,常与延续性动词连用.英语中有些动词如leave,die等表示的是一瞬间就结束的动作,不能延续,这类词叫短暂性动词,这些词可有现在完成时态,但不可和for引导的表示一段时间的状语或由 how long提出的问句连用.
2.…but I don’t know how to surf…但是我不知道如何冲浪.
解析 此句中 how to surf是动词不定式和疑问词连用作宾语,
如:① I don’t know where to go.我不知道去哪儿.
② She doesn’t know what to do.她不知道做什么.
3.-Who has been to Hawaii?谁去过夏威夷?
一None of us has.没有人去过.
解析 none是代词,指三者或三者以上“都不”,是all的反义词,它既可指人,也可指物. none或 none of作主语时,谓语动词既可以用单数形式,也可以用复数形式.e.g.
①Six workers should come, but none have / has arrived yet.
②There are many pens, but none of them are/is mine.
none of后跟不可数名词,谓语动词用单数
None of the money is his.这些钱都不是他的。
None /no one/nobody
none相当于 no one或 nobody,但用法有所区别。none后可与 of介词短语连用,而no one和nobody则不能 ;none既可指人,也可指物,但no one和nobody只能指人,不能指物; none作主语时,谓语动词既可是单数,也可是复数,而 no one和nobody作主语时,谓语动词只能是单数;在简略答语中,如果用 How many/How much提问,用 None回答,如果用 Who提问,用 No one回答.
①None of us were /was late this morning.
No one/Nobody was late this morning今天早上我们没有人迟到.
②—How much water is there in the cup?杯子里有多少水?
③一Who can answer this question?谁能回答这个问题?
4.No matter what the weather is like…无论天气怎样…
解析 no matter how(what, When,where, Who,Whether)…不管怎样(什么,何时,哪里,谁,是否)…
No matter when and how the invaders come, they will be wiped out clean.
5.Have you just been to the computer room?你刚去过计算机室吗?
Not yet.还未去过.
Yes,I have.是的,去过了.
解析 Have been to/ have gone to辨析
have been to…意为“到过,去过”表示曾到过某地,而此时人已不在那儿了.
have gone to…意为“去了某地”,现在人可能在去的途中或已在那个地方了,而不在说话人处.
如:①Have you ever been there before?你此前去过那儿吗?
②Jim has gone to England.吉姆去英国了.
③Have you ever been to Hong Kong?你去过香港吗?
④Where’s Lily?She has gone to the library莉莉在哪儿?她去图书馆了
6.His teacher, Mr Feng, spoke highly of him student.
解析 speak highly of称赞
speak ill(well)of说……坏(好)话
7.Although I haven’t got a very good job, surfing makes me very fit.
解析 如:Although he was seriously wounded,( yet) he didn’t stop working.他虽然身负重伤,但仍不肯休息.句中“yet”,不能改用“but”.

Long, long ago there 1 in a small village a poor young boy. He was about ten years old. Every afternoon, he walked around the village selling his cooking oil. He carried the oilin a small wooden basin(盆).
After he sold all of his oil one afternoon, he was very tired. He thought that he 2 a rest.
He left his wooden basin on stone. Put the money in it and 3 asleep.
About two hours later, he woke up. He looked into the basin and found that his money 4 gone.
He went at once to see a woman judge(法官).The judge listened to the boy’s story very 5 . She thought for a while, and then said to the men in her office, “ 6 and get all the village people here.”
When all the village people came, she ordered (命令) that everyone should put a coin (硬币)into a pail(桶)of water. About half of the people 7 their coins in before a young man came up. He also put his coin into the water. “Wait a minute,” the judge said, “You stole the boy’s money, 8 ?”
The young man’s face 9 red. “Yes –ye-yes,” he said, “how did you know that?”
The judge explained(解释),“You see,after you had put your coin into the water, some oil came up to the top. Your money must have 10 from the boy’s oil basin.”

1. A. lives B. living C. had D. lived
2. A. would make B. will take C. had D. would take
3. A. felt B. fell C. feel D. fall
4. A. is B. has C. was D. have
5. A. carefully B. certainly C. careful D. friendly
6. A. To go B. Go C. To come D. Come
7. A. have put B. would put C. had put D. were putting
8. A. didn’t you B. don’t you C. haven’t you D. won’t you
9. A. returned B. turned C. was D. get to
10.A.take B. put C. come D. steal
分析 1.选 D,句型为 There lives a…此句开头提供时间为过去时间,故选 D;2.选D, take a rest为词组,且为过去打算做…故选D; 3.选B, fall asleep入睡;4. 选C,be gone丢失;5.选A,副词作状语修饰 listen;6.选B,祈使句;7.选 C,完成时结构,表示动作在过去某一时刻已完成;8.选A,一般过去时反意疑问句;9.选B, 系表结构;10.选C,come from来自….

9.—How long have you there?
—About four years.
解析 答案选D.本题考查疑问句 how long与动词的连用.how long指一段时间,常与延续性动词连用.选项中come,gone及left都不是延续性动词,故选D.
10.Mr Smith has taught here ten years ago.
A. for B. before C. since D./
解析 答案选C.本题表示动作在过去已经开始,一直延续到现在可以和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,往往用for和since引出.for表示动作持续的长度,其后跟一段时间:since表示动作的起点,后接过去的一个时间点,如since后用从句,则从句动词一般用过去时.故选C.
11. —Where is your father?
—We haven’t seen each other for weeks.

A. He has been to America.
B. He has gone to England.
C. He is going to Australia.
D. He would visit my grandparents.
解析 答案选 B.本题主要考查 have /has gone to的用法,your father不在说话地点,故选B.

【关于“Unit 2 Water sports”的常见问题】

常见问题1: Water sports1

1.My uncle enjoys TV after supper.
A. watching B. watches C. watched D. to watch


分析 enjoy doing sth.为固定搭配,be busy doing sth.finish doing sth.答案选A

常见问题2: Water sports2

Do you still remember me somewhere in Beijing?
-Yes,of course. Two years ago.
A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw


分析 remember to do sth.表示即将要做某事,但没有做,而 remember doing sth.表示“记得做过某事”.由下句 Two years ago可知“I” saw“you”,故选C.

常见问题3: Water sports3

Linda (make) a lot of friends since she came here last autumn.(昆明市)


has made

常见问题4: Water sports4

The Young Pioneers usually go (boat) in Green Lak Park.(昆明市)



常见问题5: Water sports5

一Nice to see you!
-Nice to see you,too. I (see) you for a long time.


haven’t seen

常见问题6: Water sports6

The traffic lights are red. Please (go).



常见问题7: Water sports7

Tom, someone (wait) for you at the gate, go and see.


is waiting

常见问题8: Water sports8

The teacher (tell) them that there are 52 weeks in a year.



常见问题9: Water sports9

If you know (answer)the teacher question, please put up your hands.


To answer

常见问题10: Water sports10

When I was reading, there (be) a knock at the door.



常见问题11: Water sports 1

Judy ____________ the Great Wall twice, and now she still __ to(河北省1999年中考题)
A.want to; wanted B.goes to; wants
C.has gone to; wants D.has been to; want


分析此题考查have gone与have been的区别,前者表示前往某地(不在这里),后者表示去过某地。根据句意,我们得知Judy去过两次,现在仍然想去。
注意!twice这个词,若想到 去了某地两次就会选择have gone to; all是一个干扰词,不要看到still就想到一般过去时,而忽略了all前的now。

常见问题12: Water sports 2

Have you ever watched someone___________?
A.to surf B.surf C.surfs D.surfing


分析此题考查的是感官动词用法。当其为动词不定式作宾语补足语时,须省略动词不定式符号to,强调动作行为已经完成,故词组为watch sb. do sth. 类似用法的动词还有let,make,see,hear等。
注意!感官动词还有另外一种用法是后接doing,现在分词作宾语补足语,强调动作正在进行,故词组为watch sb doing sth.
试比较:(1)I saw a boy getting on the bus.
(2)I saw a boy go into your room.




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