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2004-2005学年度第二学期 【第 教学周】【第 课时】【总第 课时】【计划 课时】
备课时间: 周 星期 教出时间: 周 星期
Title: Unit 15 What do people eat? Lesson 60
Class type [课型]:
Teaching & practicing[讲练课]
Teaching aims[教学目标]:
1. Five kinds of simple sentence 简单句的五种基本句型
2. 重点词汇
Important & difficult points and explanation[重难点解析]:
1. with ~ without
2. Come and take a seat. 谁来就坐,take a seat “就座,坐下”=sit down.
take + a + n,表示做一次动作。如: take a both 洗个澡 take a shower 洗个淋浴 take a look 看一看 take a walk 散一散步 take a rest 休息一会 take a run 跑一阵儿
3. Today were going to have something English.
不定代词 something, anything, nothing 等用形容词修饰时,形容词应放在其后,如:
Is there anything wrong with the machine? 机器有什么毛病吗?
I have something interesting to tell you. 我有点有趣的事要告诉你。
I have nothing important to say. 我没有什么重要的话要说。
4. take-away作名词“可带走的熟食,快餐食品”。作形容词作“可带走的,外卖的,可带到外面的”如:
take-away food 快餐食品=fast food. 对应词是home cooking food 家常饭。又如:Are Chinese take-away very popular in England? (作名词)
5. in the open air “在露天地里,在野(户)外”, in the day time “在白天”, 这两个短语,介词都用in.
6. chicken(鸡肉), pork(猪肉), beef(牛肉)等作“肉”讲时是不可数名词,chicken 作 “小鸡”讲时,beef作“菜牛”讲时,又是可数名词。 potatoes, peas, tomatoes, carrots, cabbages 等蔬菜名称和 apples, pears, oranges, bananas 等水果名称都是可数名词。potato和tomato需加词尾-es构成复数形式。
Teaching steps
Step 1 Revision
1.Revise either... or... by saying, “Either Im at __ or Im at ____.” Now ask a second student about where the first student usually is, only use two different places.
For example:
Student 1: Im either at school or at home.
Teacher: Where does Susan usually stay?
Student 2: She usually stays either at school or at home.
Practise “neither... nor... ”in the same way.
For example:
Teacher: Are you a doctor or a nurse? Student: Im neither a doctor nor a nurse. I’m a student. If time permits, you may use this as a drill.
2. Revise the food items in this unit.
Step 2 Presentation
In small groups role play a parent and a son / daughter who has a foreign friend over for dinner. Remind the students to use the phrases from SB Lesson
57, Part 3. Get several of the groups to share their role-play with the rest of the
Step 3 To learn the new words
without, take a seat, take-away, waiter, madam, menu, order, bill,
be famous for
Step 4 SB Page 4, Part 1 Read and act
1. Speech Cassette Lesson 60. Books closed! Ask “What are they eating for dinner? “Play the tape. Check the answer (fish and chips). Play the tape again, students listen and repeat.
2. Explain
Step 5 B Page 4, Part 2 Listening S
Listening Cassette Lesson 60. Listening text 1 (见教参)
The answers are: 1B; 2C; 3C- 4A
Step 6SB Pages 4-5, Part 3 Read and act
Speech Cassette Lesson 60. Play the tape while students listen and repeat. Then in groups of three, have the students read and act out the dialogue. Choose several groups to perform their dialogue for the class.
Step 7 SB Page 5, Part 4 Writing
This part is optional. You may want to begin this assignment in class and have the students finish it as homework. See the following as an example:
China is very famous for its food in the world. There are many kinds of food in
China. The north part of China is famous for its dumplings. There can be meat such as pork or beef or vegetables inside dumplings. In the south part of China along the Changjiang River, people eat much fish. In Shanghai the food is sweet. But no matter where you are in China, the food is always delicious.
Step 8 Checkpoint
Go through Checkpoint 15 in the usual way. Explain any problems that the
students may have. Get the students to go over the grammar notes on pages 158-159 for Members of the Sentence, Types of Sentences and Five Kinds of Simple Sentences.
Step 9 Test
Write the following on the Bb, but not the italicized words. The students copy it down on a piece of paper and fill in the blanks as you dictate, reading the words in italics along with the sentences.
A: Good evening, Sir.
B: Good evening.
A: May I take your ______(order) now?
B: Yes. Well have_____ (chicken) with (potatoes), ____ (beef) with some_____ (onions), some _____ (noodles) and _____(some) soup.
A: Would you like anything else?
B: ___ (No), thank you.
Step 10 Workbook Lesson 60
, Exx. 3, 5 and 6. Ex. 3 should be done orally in pairs.
Ex. 5 should be done individually if time permits. If time is limited, assign it as homework.
Ex. 6 can be done with the whole class. As a student reads the instructions, the rest of the class acts out the action. Ex. 7 is optional. Get the students to discuss the differences and similarities of the two types of money in pairs.
Step 11 Homework
Finish the exercise book.




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