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1. I am an old dog. 我已经是老朽了。 (You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.)
2. He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿。
3. He is a gay dog. 他是个快乐的人。
4. Every dog has his day. 凡人都有得意日。
5. That new singer is a dog. 那名新歌手不受观众欢迎。
6. Nobody but a dog would evict his own mother.
7. He leads a dog’s life. 他过着牛马不如的生活。
8. Love me, love my dog. 爱我及乌。
9. My dogs are killing me. 我的双脚疼死了。
10. I would work like a dog to make good. 为达到目的,我要拼命干。
11. It’s raining cats and dogs. 天下着倾盆大雨。
12. At last the poor guy died like a dog. 最终,那个可怜的人潦倒而死。
13. Look, Tom is coming. He dresses like a dog’s dinner.
14. Tom, put away your books and clothes. They look like a dog’s breakfast/dinner.
15. That man is young, but he is a top dog in his company.
dog days 三伏天
dogtrot 小跑
dog-eared 书页折角的
in the doghouse 失宠,失体面
dog-collar (神父所戴的)硬白领
dog-paddle 狗爬式游泳
dog-tired 极疲倦的
dog-biscuit 喂狗的饼干 (硬而厚的饼干)
dog fish 角鲨(一种小鲨)
dog-body 做苦工的人
dogwood 水木,山茱萸
dogcart 二轮单马车
sea dog 海豹
a case of dog eat dog 互相残害
a dog in the manger 狗占马槽,占着茅坑不拉屎的人
give sth to the dogs 丢弃某物,牺牲某物以自保
Give a dog a bad name (谚)一旦给某人一个坏名声,他就永远洗不清。
go to the dogs 堕落,败坏
help a lame dog over a stile 助人于危难之中
not stand a dog’s chance 毫无希望(击败强敌,渡过难关等)
be (the) underdog 处于永远听命他人的地位



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