Unit 6 Mainly revision

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Mainly revision
allow, breathe, protect, litter, encourage, terrific, sometime, attack, warn, appear, go surfing
go surfing, be interested in, run for, be amazed at, clean up, take part in, in different sizes.
(1)Excuse me, have you got…
Yes, I have / do.
(2)—What’s the surfing like today?
—The waves are great.
(3)—How much water is there in the cup?
(4)—Who can answer this question?
—No one.
(5)—May I help you?
—That’s very kind of you.
(6)Could we go scuba diving?
4.语法 复习现在完成时的用法
(1)I/You have just seen
(2)—Have you just been to the class room?
—Yes, I have, / No yet.
(1) She has learnt English for two years since she came to this school.
(2) He says that he will visit that farm this afternoon.

undersea, however, colourful, society, cover, pollute, deep, several, allow, breathe, protect, litter, environment, encourage, terrific, sometime, attack, warn, appear, deal
go surfing去冲浪,several times几次, be interested in…对…感兴趣,under the sea在海底,take pictures照相, run for延续, be amazed at…对…感到吃惊,clean up打扫清洁、整理, take part in…参加…, keep sth. clean保持…干净.in different sizes大小不同, on earth在地球上.

1.Has anyone called the police?有人给警察打电话了吗?
(1)不定代词 anyone(= anybody)一般用于否定句或疑问句中,如:
a. There isn’t anyone in the room.
b. Can anyone answer this question?
(2)the police = the policemen是指警察的总称,谓语动词用复数.
如:The police haven’t come yet.
2.Has Mr. Li ever been to Hong Kong?李先生曾经去过香港吗?
(1)have / has been to …,“曾经去过…”指人现在不在此地.
(2)have/has gone to…“去了…”指人现在不在这儿.如:
a. I’ve been to Beijing before.
b. -Where are Bruce and Sue? 一They’ve gone to London.
3.He has been there several time. 他去过那儿几次.
times三次,ten times十次, several times几次,many times很多次,…
4.This is because there was no machine allowing a person to breathe under water for a long time.这是因为没有机器能让人在水下呼吸很长时间.
(1)allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事,如:Please allow me to carry your bag.
(2)breathe(v.)呼吸,如:a. We breathe air. b. He was breathing hard when he finished the race.
breath(n.)呼吸,如:take a deep breath作一次深呼吸,hold/catch one’s breath屏住呼吸
5.He was amazed at all the colours, and all the beautiful fish. 他对所有这些色彩和美丽的鱼儿感到惊奇.
Be amazed at…对…感到惊讶,如:I was amazed at the news.
6.As water is very important to our environment,he encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans.因为水对我们的环境非常重要,所以他鼓励每一个人去参与保护湖泊、河流和海洋的行动.
(1)join指加入某个团体、俱乐部等,如:join the army参军.join a club 参加
(2)join in指与…在一起,伴随某人做某事,如:Why does he join in the conversation(谈话),他为什么不讲话? May I join in the game?我可以参加这游戏吗?
(3)take part in指参加…活动,如:Are you going to take part in the discussion?你要参加讨论吗?
7.May be we can go scuba diving sometime.
(1)sometimes“有时”,一般用在一般现在时中,如:Sometimes he is late for school.
(2)sometime“某个时候”,用于过去时和将来时中,如:I saw him sometime in May.
I’ll go to see my uncle sometime next week.
8.In some places there are watchtowers on the beaches to warn people about sharks in the water.
warn sb.(not)to do sth.警告某人(不)做某事,
warn sb. about /of sth.警告某人某事.如:
a. We warned them not to play football in the street.
b. He was warned of the danger,他已得到危险的警告.
9.It is said that one of the most dangerous sharks is the Great white Sharp.
It is said that…“据说,听说”相当于 They say或 People say.如:It is said that he’ll go to Shanghai next month.

[例1] -I have finished my homework.
-When you it?(天津市中考题)
A. have;finished B. do;finish;
C. did; finish; D. Will;finish
[例2] 一Tom out.
-Oh,has he? What time he out?
A. is, did, go B. went, is, going
C. has gone, did, go D. is going, does, go
例1答案C,例2答案为C,例1中when强调具体的过去某一时间及当时的动作,所以用过去式;例2中“has”提示上文应用完成时态,“What time”暗示过去.
现在完成时和一般过去时的动作都发生在过去,但现在完成时表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调的是现在的情况,所以它不能和表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday, last night, three weeks ago, in 1995等.而一般过去时只表示过去的动作或状态,和现在不发生关系,它可以和表示过去的时间状语连用.例如:
I have cleaned the house.(我清扫了房间)(用的是现在完成时,它表明了房间现在是干净的)
I cleaned the house an hour ago.(我一小时前打扫了房间)(用的是一般过去时,它强调的是动作“打扫”及其发生的时间)
a.-Have you had your lunch?你吃过午饭了吗?-Yes,I have.吃过了.
一Where did you have it?在哪儿吃的?-I had it at home.在家里吃的.
b.一Has the train arrived yet?火车已到了吗?一Yes,it has.已经到了.
-When did it arrive?什么时候到的?
-It arrived ten minutes ago.十分钟前到的
[例1] -Excuse me.Could you tell me for Beijing?(安徽省中考题)
-Yes, at half past eight every morning.
A.What time did the train leave
B.what time the train left
C.When does the train leave
D.when the train leaves(选D)
[例2]Miss Gao: Lucy, do you come from the USA?(改为含有宾语从句的句子)(武汉市中考题)
A.Miss Gao asked Lucy that she came from the USA.
B.Miss Gao asked Lucy do you come from the USA.
C. Miss Gao asked Lucy if she came from the USA.(选 C)
He says
he is from England.
Jim is doing well in his lessons.
Jim was late for school yesterday.
Jim has been away for two weeks.

He said
he had a good journey home.
he was working hard on his Chinese.
he would come back the next day.
he hadn’t bought any presents yet.

She told me she came here in 1997.
The teacher said
the earth is round.
the sun rises in the east.
the Changjing Rive is the longest river in China.
he gets up at five o’clock every morning.
An old man was walking slowly along a street when he saw a little boy trying to touch a door bell. He stopped and said,“I’11 ring the bell for you.” And then he pulled the bell so hard that it could be heard all over the house.
The little boy looked up at him and said,“Now we’11 run away, come on. And before the old man knew what was happening, the boy had run round the corner of the street, and only the old man stood there to explain(解释) to the owner of the house.

( )1.The old man stopped and rang the bell for the boy because he thought ------________.
A. the boy was not tall enough to reach the bell
B. the boy couldn’t pull the bell very hard
C. the boy couldn’t make the bell heard all over the house
D. the boy didn’t dare(敢) to reach the bell himself
( )2.The old man said,“I’11 ring the bell for you, this shows that .
A. he was kind B. he was polite
C. he was careful D. he was simple—minded(头脑简单的)
( )3.What do you think of the boy?
A. He was very bright B. He was very naughty(调皮的)
C. He was very kind-hearted D. He was very polite
( )4.What do you think the boy did this for?
A. To make the owner of the house angry.
B. To call the owner of the house.
C. To explain to the owner why he did so.
D. To do nothing but nuisance(讨人嫌).
( )5.The old man didn’t know what was happening until .
A. the house owner opened the door
B. the boy looked up and told him to run away
C. the boy had run round the corner of the street
D. the owner of the house heard the bell
分析 这是一篇故事性短文,讲的是一位好心肠的老人去帮助一个小孩,结果上了这个调皮小孩的当,使自己处于尴尬的境地.
1.A. 此题属有一定推理性的细节理解题.
3.B. 4.D这两题属推断文章的隐含意义,通过小男孩的所做所为来判断他是一个怎样的男孩.
5. A.通过通读短文,经过分析,推论,最后得出故事会有一个什么结局.

3.have/has been(to)与 have/has gone(to)的区别
[例 1] Lucy the Great Wall twice,and now she still to go there.(河北省中考题)
A. went to;wanted B. goes to, wants
C. has gone to; wants D. has been to;wants
解析 此题选 D. have been(to)表示去过某地,人已返回; have gone(to)表示去某地,人还未返回.故表示“未去过某地”或“询问”去过某地吗?也要 have been (to),如①l have never been to the Great Wall.②Have you ever been to Guilin?
[例 2]Mr. Smith here since the factory opened(北京市海淀区中考题)
A. has gone B has come C. has been D. has arrived
解析 此题选 C.表面上看容易误认为是考查 has been, has gone和 has come的区别,实际上是考查在现在完成时态里,与一段时间连用时,用延续动词代替瞬间动词.
误:That man didn’t badly hurt.
正:That man wasn’t badly hurt.
解析 hurt的意思是“受伤”、“伤害”,作动词时的结构是:hurt oneslf,hurt + 身体的部分,也可以说 be hurt.如:(1)Did you hurt yourself in the accident? (2)He hurt his leg when he fell off his bike.(3)A man was hurt in the accident.hurt作动词还有“痛”的意思.
如:My head hurts.我头痛.
误:He is interesting in scuba diving.
正:He is interested in scuba diving.
解析 interesting“有趣的”,interested“感兴趣”.如:
The film is very interesting. I’m interested in it.
误:Not all sharks are a like.
正:Not all sharks are alike.
解析 1ike(v.)“喜欢”,如:I like this book. like(prep) “像”常与look或be构成系表结构,如:She looks / is like her mother, alike (adj.)“相似的,相像的”
误:He sits among Tom and Jim.
正:He sits between Tom and Jim.
解析 between后常接两者,among后接三者/三者以上,如:He is standing among the students.

【有关"Unit 6 Mainly revision" 的教学设计】

教学设计1. c3u07 Mainly Revision 教案
词组/句型: help oneself help oneself to sth
go shopping for sb It is time for sb to do sth
take sth home take sth out of…
a bag of sweets break open
do with fill in a form
arrive,reach,get to
日常用语:What have you done with the library book?
That was quick.
That wasn’t clever.
Bad luck!
What’s another way of saying bike?
Bike is short for bicycle.
语法: 复习过去进行时和现在完成时

【关于“Unit 6 Mainly revision”的常见问题】

常见问题1: Mainly revision1

1.Science was interesting to Edison. (改同义句)
Edison was science.
2.In February,he will be back.(改成同义句)
He be back January.
3.Man can’t live, if there’s no water. (改成同义句)
Man can’t live .
4.They have already bought the presents, ?(变反义疑问句)
5.“When will the holiday begin?” I asked the teacher.(改为宾语从句)
I asked the teacher when the holiday .


1.interested in 2. won’t… until 3. without water 4.haven’t they 5.would begin

常见问题2: Mainly revision2

1.pay(过去式) 2.think(过去分词)
3.cross(介词) 4.dirty(比较级)
5.beggin(现在分词) 6.die(形容词)
7.move(形容词) 8.happy(反义词)
9.passed(同音词) 10.please(名词)


答案: 1.paid 2.thought 3.across 4.dirtier 5.beginning 6.dead 7.moving 8.sad 9.past 10.pleasure

常见问题3: Mainly revision1

(1)The Great Wall (build) by Chinese people.
(2)Man – made satellites (send)up into space by many countries.
(3)His legs (fix) by the doctor on Friday.
(4)“Made in China” (write) on this box.
(5)English (speak) by most people in the U.S.A.
(6) Salt (produce) by many countries.
(7) What (happen) in the coming years?
(8)This school (open)for 30 years.
(9)The room (must clean) before 5:00 pm.
(10)All the books (should return)to the library after you finish it.


Answer:1.was built 2.were sent 3.were fixed 4.was written 5.is spoken 6.has been produced 7.will happen 8.has been opened 9.must be cleaned 10.should be returned

常见问题4: Mainly revision2

1.Paper is used writing.
2.We can’t put the meeting, because we have no enough time.
3.The factory has been shut for 3 year.
4.Our favorite must be channel 1.
5. Li Lei’s help, Ann got out of the trouble.
6.We can’t go on a picnic, Let’s do our homework .
7.The moon travels the earth.
8. Please turn the radio when you go to bed
9.There must be something your pen.
10. Thanks the satellite, people from different countries can understand each other better.


Answer: 1. for 2. off 3. down 4. on 5. with 6. instead 7.round 8. off 9. with 10. to

常见问题5: Mainly revision 1

The old man was___________. He_______ ______ in 1996.
A.dead; dead B.died; died
C.died; dead D.dead; died


分析dead为形容词,be dead表示状态,die为动词,表示动作,death是名词,根据时态和谓语动词形式的要求,就可做出判断。

常见问题6: Mainly revision 2

He likes to do some cleaning in the afternoon.
A.So do I B.So am I C.So did I D.So I do


分析so+代词+ be动词

常见问题7: Mainly revision 3

There were about__________students in this school.
A.two hundred B.two hundreds
C.two hundred of D.two hundreds of


分析hundred,thousand,million(百万)这些词前面有表示确切数值的数词修饰时,则这些词后就不能加s和of,此点要记牢。Hundreds of是一个固定短语,其汉语意思为“数百的、成百的”,of后面的名词应用复数形式。
注意!具体数字不能和hundreds of连用,如不能写成two hundreds of这种形式。

【有关"Unit 6 Mainly revision" 的课后练习】


1.evening A.police B.result C.medicine D.ever
2.answer A.winner B.whose C.language D.sweet
3.noise A.spend B.shops C.horses D.house
4.break A.head B.already C.pleased D.great
5.forget A.doctor B.corner C.return D.person
1.Please wake him up. It’s ______ to go work.
2.Please help yourself ______ the food.
3.The new book is __________ you.
4.“________ _________ did you pay for this coat?” “Ten pounds.”
5.“_______ does your uncle do?” “He’s a teacher of Chinese.”
(1.time 2.to 3.for 4.How much 5.What)
1.A motor came up very _____. (quick)
2.”Good ______.” he said to me. (luckily)
3.I______ my pen when I walked past. (drop)
4.She enjoyed ______ at the party. (she)
5.Which lesson is ______ of the three? (difficult)
6.She looked quite ____ to see him again. (please)
7.Now the farmers are _____ than before. (busy)
8.Tom didn’t do well in the exam and I did much ____ than he. (badly)
9.I find the English book very ______. (help)
10.Do you know the English name of the _____ month of the year?(twelve)
(1.quickly 2.luck 3.dropped 4.herself 5.the most difficult 6.pleased 7.busier 8.worse 9.helpful 10.twelfth)
1.I _____ a car on the blackboard when the teacher _____ in.
A.was drawing…came B.was drawing…was coming C.drew…was coming
2.They haven’t seen each other _____ months.
A.for B.since C.over
3.There is a sports meeting at school. Now you’ll hear the results _____ the loudspeaker.
A.from B.with C.over
4.Mr Brown went on ______ late at night.
A.work B.working C.to work
5.Old people enjoy _______flowers.
A.to grow B.growing C.grow
6.In Shanghai it rained _______ last month.
A.little B.few C.lot
7.When did she _____ home yesterday afternoon?
A.get to B.reach to C.arrive
8.“Oh, Mei Fang. You speak English very well.” “_______.”
A.Thanks B.How nice C.Not well enough D.Don’t laugh at me
9.“________?” “She’s very beautiful.”
A.Who is your girl friend B.What is your girl friend like
C.How is your girl friend D.What does your girl friend like
10.“What’s your dog like?” “It’s _____ with white ears.”
A.the black one B.a black one C.black one D.the black dog
11.The bag fell off the truck and broke_______.
A.opening B.to opoen C.open D.opened
12.She chose several books and _______.
A.bought B.paid them for C.paid for them D.paid them
13.We all think ______ that subject.
A.better to drop B.it better to drop C.it better dropping D.better dropping
14.Remember to buy ______ things on the list.
A.whole the B. all the C.the whole D.the all
15.The teacher asked us to _______ more reading after class.
A.go B.do C.make D.give
Once upon a time, a great boxer, Tick Black, went to a restaurant __1__ dinner, He took off his coat and __2__ it at the door, but he was __3__ that someone would take it away. So he took a piece of paper and wrote on it. “The great boxer, Tick Black,leaves his –4—here, he will be back –5—a few minutes.” Then he put the paper –6—his coat and went to have his dinner. –7—he came back after dinner, he—8—that his coat was not there. But another –9—was left there. It said, “A great runner __10__ your coat, and he will never come back.”
1.A.to B.for C.by D.at
2.A.gave B.threw C.forget D.left
3.A.surprised B.excited C.afraid D.glad
4.A.bag B.coat C.cap D.shirt
5.A.on B.in C.for D.after
6.A.under B.away C.in D.on
7.A.If B.Before C.When D.Until
8.A.heard B.found C.learned D.knew
9.A.note B.coat C.bag D.cap
10.A.buys B.looks for C.looks after D.takes away
A long time ago there lived a very rich and powerful king. All the people in his kingdom were afraid of him. But was he happy? No, he was always ill and unhappy. His money and power could not help him. The doctor in his kingdom could not cure (治愈)him,either. He was so angry with them that he cut off their heads.
One day two famous doctors from another kingdom came to his palace.
“If you can cure me and make me happy,”said the king, “I will give you all the gold you can carry.”
The first doctor looked over the king. He found nothing wrong with him.
“You are a very healthy man, Your Majesty(陛下).” said the doctor. “You only thinkyou are ill and so make yourself unhappy.”
The king was very angry when he heard this. He told his soldiers to cut off the doctor’s head.
The second doctor knew he had to be careful. “Oh, king. You will be well if you wear the shoes of a man who is always happy.”he said. The king was pleased with his answer and thought that the doctor was very wise . He gave the doctor a bag of gold.
The king asked hundreds of people if they were always happy. They all said they were sometimes happy and sometimes sad. At last he met a beggar (乞丐)who said that he was always happy.
“Give me your shoes quickly.” said the king, “And I will make you a very rich man.” The beggar laughed, “I am sorry,” he answered, “I never wear shoes!”
1.All the people in his kingdom were______.
A.rich and powerful B.poor and unhappy C.afraid of him D.unkind to him
2.The king cut off the heads of his doctors because ______.
A.the doctors couldn’t cure him B.the doctors were too lazy
C.they disobey(不服从)his order D.they hated(恨) him very much
3.One day two famous doctors _____ came to see the king.
A.from another village B.from another country
C.from another town D.from the palaces
4.The king said he would give the two doctors ____if they could cure him.
A.all the gold they could carry B.all the gold they wanted
C.all the gold he could give D.all the gold they could find
5.The second doctor adked the king to _______.
A.go and find a beggar B.wear the shoes of a beggar
C.look for the happiest man in the world D.wear the shoes of a man who was always happy(CABAD)





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