Unit 9 What is it made of?

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

What is it made of?
brush, bamboo, wool, pan, stamp, metal, lock, set traveller, cotton, silk, aeroplane, satellite, rocket, camera, Germany, Frenchman, store, lock, widely, digital, ordinary
be made of, a TV set, a set of, be used as, be used for, all over the world
3.语法 被动语态由助动词be加动词的过去分词构成
肯定句: I am given…
否定句: I am not given…
疑问句: Am I given…?
“none”或“none of”作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数形式,也可用复数形式.

名词:brush, bamboo, wool, pan, stamp, metal, lock, set, traveller, cotton, silk, aeroplane, satellite, rocket, camera, Germany, Frenchman; 动词:store,lock;副词: widely;形容词:digital,ordinary;词组:be made of,a TV set, a set of, be used as, be used for, all over the world

1.It’s made of bamboo and wool.
be made of…是…(原材料)制成的,介词 of所指的原材料往往是未经变化,仍可看得出材料的原样.例如:
This kind of glass is made of paper.这种杯子是纸制的.
The old bridge is made of stone.那座古桥是用石头造的.
be made from…是…(原材料)制成的,介词 from所指的原材料往往是经过变化,已看不出原样的原材料.例如:
This kind of paper is made from rags.这种纸是用破布制的.
The wine is made from rice,这种酒是用大米制成的.
2.The brush is used for writing.
介词 for此处表示用途,其后常跟名词或动词的ing形式.例如:
This box can be used for a table,这些盒子可作成一个桌子.
The stamps are use for sending letters.这些邮票可用来寄信.
3.English is very widely used for business between different countries.
be used for…用于(作)….例如:
After that, the big house was used for a hospital.
Don’t use the sliver spoon for opening a tin.
4.Half the world’s telephone call are made in English.
make a telephone call打电话. 例如:
I’d like to make a telephone call to our friend.
I’ll waiting for a phone call. 我正在等一个电话
1’ll give you a call. 我将给你打电话. I’
I’11 call you this afternoon今天下午我将你打电话
5.If you travel in India, or France, or Germany, or almost any other country in the world,you’ll still be able to use English.
If you will wait a minute,I shall go and find him.
If she’s poor,at least she’s honest虽说她很穷,但是至少她还是诚实的.
If I’m wrong, you’re wrong,too.即使说我错了,那么你也不对.
6.It’s used by travellers and business people a11 over the world.英语被全世界的旅游者和商业人员所使用.
all over= everywhere遍布,到处.又如:
He was wet a11 over.他浑身上下全湿了.
The water is all over the field.田地到处都是水.
all over the world全世界
The news has spread all over the world.这消息已传遍了全世界.
7. That’s why more and more people in China are interested in Learning English.那就是为什么在中国越来越多的人,对学习英语感兴趣的原因.
more and more 作“越来越多”解
比较级 + and + 比较级表示“越来越……”又如:
It’s spring now. It’s getting warmer and warmer.现在是春天了,天气变得越来越暖和了.
The play gets more and more exciting in the last few scenes.这曲戏在最后几
be interested in对…感兴趣。
He is very interested in maths. 他对数学很感兴趣.

8. as的用法
As a young man, he joined the army.他在年青时代就参军了 = When he was a young man,he joined the army.
As he was not well, I decided to go without him.
English is spoken by more than 400 million people as their first language.
We should unite as one man.我们应该团结得像一个人一样.
9. none的用法:
All of the students in class one went to see the film, but none of them could understand it. 一班的学生都去看了这场电影,但是没有一个人能看得懂.
“none”或“none of…”作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数形式,也可用复数形式.当表示“所有的人(或物)都不……”时,一般用复数形式;但是表示“其中一个人(或物)也不……”时,则一般用单数形式.例如:
None of the things they said were new to me.
None of his friends has ever been to Paris.
若指两者“都不”,则用代词 neither.例如:
She tried on two dresses, but neither fited her.
10. 被动语态,(一般现在时的被动语态)
am / is / are

am / is / are
not given
Am I / Is he / she it / Are you/we/they

Rice is grown is South China.大米产于华南.
English is spoken by most people in the world.
Is the knife used for cutting paper?小刀是用来剪纸的吗?
English is not used as the first language in China.

While Mr. Green was waiting for a bus one morning a car passed him, going very rapidly. Mr. Green just had time to think,“That person is certain to have an accident if…”, before that was what happened; the car hit the side of a bus hard as it was passing, and there was a terrible noise and quite a lot of damage.
Mr. Green hurried to see whether anyone had been hurt, but everyone was all right. However, the bus driver asked him to be a witness(证人) at the trial,and Mr. Green agreed.
At the trial(法庭), the judge asked Mr. Green,“How far were you from the place where the accident took place?”
“Eleven metres and forty-eight centimetres.” Mr. Green answered. The judge was surprised and said,“How do you know the distance(距离) so exactly?”
“Because I was expecting some fool to ask me.” Mr. Green answered.

l. There was a serious traffic accident .
A. and the bus driver was hurt badly
B. and the car driver was hurt seriously
C. and everyone in the car was hurt
D. but no one was hurt
2.The traffic accident happened because .
A. the car was driving rapidly
B. the bus was driving rapidly
C. both the car and the bus were driving rapidly
D. there was a lot of traffic at that time
3.In the first paragraph(段落), the word “rapidly” means .
A. slowly B. very quickly C. carefully D. carelessly
4.Mr Green told the judge that he was eleven metres and forty eight centimetres
away when the accident happened. It really means .
A. he was quite near the place when the accident happened.
B. he saw the accident very clearly.
C. he was eleven metres and forty-eight centimetres away.
D. it is impossible to tell the exact distance after such a serious accident happen.
5.Mr. Green thought ask how far he was when the accident happen.
A. the judge was foolish to B. the judge was clever to
C. the judge would certainly D. the judge would never

2. They write business letters in English (同义转换)
Business letters in English.
解析 此题考查被动语态的用法,应将write变为 are written,(they变为 by them可省略)
3. We know that this kind of bike in SuZhou.
A. is made B. makes C. is making D. made
解析 做此题时,应注意宾语从句中的主语是this kind of bike,其主语是物而不是人,它不可能完成谓语的动作,它作主语时必须使用被动式谓语, 故选A.
4. Look at something else.(同义转换)
Look at things.
解析 此题考查的是else的同意词,应在空白处填上other, else和other意思基本相同,都有“其余的”、“别的”的意思,但在句子中的位置不一样,else常放在疑问词和不定代词之后,other则放在名词之前.又如:
Do you have anything else to say?
What else do you want?
What other things do you want?
5.English is the first language in none of these countries.
English the first language in these.(同义转换)
解析 此题考查的是全句的意思,只需要把 is改为 is not使句子的愿意不变就可以了.
6.This brush pen is made bamboo and wool.
A. in B. of C. from D. for
解析 此题考查的是固定短语的搭配及意思,要一个一个的弄清楚,再根据句子的意思选一个正确的选项,be made in在…地方制造,be made of用……制成(看得出原材料),be made from由……制成(看不出原材料). D只是充当一个选项,没有这种搭配,应选B.

【有关"Unit 9 What is it made of?" 的教学设计】

教学设计1. What Is It Made of?
1. 词汇
be made of key stamp by modern traveller all over the world
business German Germany none wide widely lock else
silk produce
2. 交际用语
(1)What’s it made of? It’s made of …
(2)What’s it used for? It’s used for…
(3)Where’s it produced? It’s produced in
(4)English is widely used for business.
3. 语法
(2)被动语态的构成:be +过去分词


【关于“Unit 9 What is it made of?”的常见问题】

常见问题1: What is it made of?1

l. Chinese by the largest number of people in the world,
A. is speaking B. speaks C. are spoken D. is spoken
2.This room is used keeping warm.
A. for B. to C. of D. by
3.The foreign visitors are .
A. Germans B. Germany C. Japaneses D. German
4.Sorry, I be able to see her today.
A. won’t B. am not C. can’t D. can
5.We study English, Chinese and some subjects.
A. others B. another C. other D. the others


1-5 D A A A C

常见问题2: What is it made of?2

1.What’s it made of? It’s made of b .(根据提示写词)
2. Colour TV sets are sold in that shop.(句型转换)
They sets in that shop.
3.Lily said to Mike,“Do you like it?”
Lily Mike he it.
4.We often use a recorder in our English classes.
often in our English classes.
5.People use metal making machines.(向划线部分提问)
people use metal for?


1.bamboo 2. sell colour TV 3.asked,if,liked 4.A recorder is, used 5.What do

常见问题3: What is it made of 3

This kind of machine________?
cutting paper.
A.uses for B.is using for
C.is used to D.is used for


分析 题中的主语“这台机器”是动词“使用”的承受者,需用被动语态来表达,所以用“be usedfor”来表示“被用来做”,表示用途。

常见问题4: What is it made of 4

_______ of the students are girls in our class.
A.Two three B.Two three
C.Two thirds D.Second three


二分之一常表示为one half或a half;四分之一常表示为a quarter。

常见问题5: What is it made of 5

This word can also be used_______a verb.
A.for B.of C.in D.as


分析此题考查be used的用法,“be used for”意为“被用来做”,表示用途。这句话的意思是“这个词也可以被用作动词”,表示主语是什么,故应用“be used as”意为“被用作”。此类型题注意审题。

常见问题6: What is it made of 6

_______ number of pages in this book is two hundred.
A.a B.A C.the D.The


分析本题主要考查词组“a number of”和“the number of”的区别。前者表示许多,相当于many,修饰可数名词复数,谓语用复数。后者是“……的数量”的意思,主语是number,谓语是单数。这句话的意思是“这本书的页数是二百”。

【有关"Unit 9 What is it made of?" 的课后练习】


(1) 单项选择
①_______ are used ______ cutting things.
A. Knife, to B. Knifes, to C. Knives, for D. The knife, for
② The window is broken. Try to _________ who did it.
A. find out B. find C. look for D. look
③ What’s that _______ English?
A. use B. in C. with D. of
④ The room was full _______ smoke after a big fire.
A. of B. with C. in D. for
⑤ This kind of machine _________ cutting paper.
A. used for B. is using for
C. is used to D. is used for
⑥ There are many tall trees on _________ side of the street.
A. both B. all C. either D. neither
⑦ Lucy and Lily can speak good Chinese, because they ________ China for six years.
A. have been in B. have been to
C. have come to D. have gone to
⑧ Chinese __________ in many countries in the world.
A. teaches B. is taught C. is teaching D. has taught
⑨ That new TV set _______ in China.
A. made B. are made C. makes D. is made
⑩ We’ll go to the zoo if the rain ________ tomorrow.
A. stops B. will stop C. stopped D. stop
(2) 改写句子:根据要求完成下列句子。
① The students on duty clean the classroom every day.(改为被动语态)

②Jack joined the league five months ago.(改为同义词)
Jack has ____ a League member ______five months.
③ A new bridge_______(build)over the river last year.(用动词的适当形式填空)
④ Linda’s just come back from America.(改为反意疑问句)
Linda’s just come back from America, ?
⑤ Is the earth round? The boy asked his mother.(改为宾语从句)
The boy asked his mother _________the earth __________round.
football, play, all over the world
best, plant trees, in spring
(3) 单词拼写。(根据句意补全单词中所缺的字母)
① No man has travelled farther than the m_ _ _ yet.
② I come from China. I s_ _ _ _ Chinese.
③ A_t_ _ _ is the best season in Beijing.
④ Lily asked me wh_ th_ _ I liked playing basketball.
⑤ Yesterday I bought a skirt. It’s made ofc_tt__.
⑥ What’s the w_ _ th_ _ like today? It’s fine.
(4) 用所给词的适当形式填空
① The road is covered with_______(leaf)
② I was the ________in the line for train tickets and I was lucky to get the last one.(twenty-two)
③ How many _____does a horse have?(foot)
④ They make all kinds of _______things there(use)
⑤ Every-body is busy _______ready for the maths exam.(get)
⑥ The _______sweater keeps him warm.(wool)
⑦ It will be a _______day today.(rain)
⑧There are three ________in the street.(German)
(5) 阅读理解
It was a very hot day in the middle of summer, and there were no trees along the street. Mr Read had another bad day: for the whole day no one had come to his small shop to buy anything. He closed his shop at half past five, and went out into the street and began walking to the bus stop. He was very fat. The sun shone straight down the street, and in a few minutes Mr Read felt very hot.
A small boy came out of another shop in the street and followed Mr Read. He stayed very near him all the time, and he stepped on Mr Read’s shoes several times. Mr Read looked at him angrily each time.
After the fourth time, Mr Read stopped, turned round and said to the small boy, “What are you doing? Stop following me like that! You’re going to hurt my feet.”
“I’m sorry, but don’t stop me, please!” the small boy said. “It’s very hot today, and there isn’t any shade anywhere else in the street!”
① No one came to buy things from Mr Read’s shop because ________.
A. it was too small B. he closed it too early
C. It was too hot D. there were no trees near his shop
② Mr Read _______ at about 5:30.
A. was going to the bus stop B. was looking for his boy
C. was going to another shop D. was looking for a shade in the street
③ In a few minutes, Mr Read felt hot because _____.
A. he walked too fast B. he was a fat man
C. the boy followed him too closely D. he stood too long in the sun
④ Why did Mr Read become angry?
A. The sun was too hot. B. The boy was too fat.
C. There were no trees in the street. D. The boy was giving him some trouble.
⑤ The boy followed Mr Read so that _______.
A. he could do shopping in Mr Read’s shop B. nobody would see him
C. he could find the bus stop D. the sun wouldn’t shine on him
Mr Right had many friends. He also had a bad memory. He often mistook one of the friends for another, but he never admitted he was wrong. Here is one story about him.
One day, he was walking along the street when he met a man. He looked at the man very carefully. Then he said,“John Foster! My old friend. Well ,well, well, haven’t seen you for ten years.”
He looked at the man up and down. “But you’ve changed”, John,he went on.”“You were heavy, but now you’re thin. He smiled at him.“But you look well and it’s so good to see you again.”
Before the man could say anything, he went on,“You had thick hair ten years ago and now it’s thin. You didn’t wear glasses before, but now you’re wearing a pair of thick ones. But you’re still the same John Foster. Do you remember we often drank tea together? We had some good times, didn’t we, John?”
“Excuse me, sir,” the man said,“but my name isn’t John Foster.”
Mr Right thought for a minute, and then he said,“So you’ve changed your name, haven’t you ?”
① Which of these is true?
A. Mr Right was always ready to take others’ advice.
B. Mr Right never admitted he was wrong.
C. Mr Right never made mistakes.
D. Mr Right sometimes thought the others were right.
② One day Mr Right met __________.
A. one of his friends B. John Foster
C. a man he thought he know D. his good friend
③ Mr Right said the man _________.
A. had changed a lot B. looked as young as before
C. hadn’t changed much D. looked too fat
④Mr Right didn’t accept that __________.
A. the man had changed so much B. the man had changed his name
C. the man didn’t know John Foster D. the man wasn’t John Foster
⑤ From the story we learn that ________.
A. Mr Right is always right B. John Foster doesn’t know Mr Right
C. one should admit his mistake D. one should not make jokes
(6) 完形填空
Every Saturday, Mr Brown went to the market to buy food and things. He put ① in a big basket. He was old and weak, so he always ② a man to carry the basket home for him. But one Saturday, while he ③ home in front of the man with ④ , the man ran away ⑤ it . the next week, when Mr. Brown went to the market again, a friend of his said, “Look, ⑥ ! That man took away your food last week!” Mr. Brown at once ran behind a shop, and stayed there ⑦ the man left the market. His friend was very ⑧ , “Why did you do that?” he asked. “Well,” said Mr. Brown, “that man was carrying my basket when he left me a week ago. He will want me to pay him for ⑨ , and that ⑩ me more than a basket full of food.”
1. a. it b. them c. that d. this
2. a. paid b. made c. watched d. let
3. a. walked b. was walking c. left d. was leaving
4. a. money b. food c. him d. the basket
5. a. for b. at c. with d. to
6. a. here you are b. there you are c. here it is d. there he is
7. a. when b. after c. until d. while
8. a. friendly b. surprised c. angry d. happy
9. a. nothing b. the basket c. seven days'work d. the food
10.a. will cost b. cost c. took d. will take
①C ②A ③B ④A ⑤D
⑥C ⑦A ⑧B ⑨D ⑩A
① The classroom is cleaned by the students on duty every day.
②been…for ③was built ④hasn't she
⑤if …is ⑥Football is played all over the world.
⑦It’s best to plant trees in spring.
①oon ②peak ③u, u, mn ④e, er ⑤o, on ⑥ea, er
(4)①leaves ②twenty-first ③feet ④useful
⑤getting ⑥woolen ⑦rainy ⑧Germans
(5)A ①C ②A ③B ④D ⑤D
B ①B ②C ③A ④D ⑤C
(6)①b ②a ③b ④d ⑤c
⑥d ⑦c ⑧b ⑨c ⑩a





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