Unit 10 When was it built?

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When was it built?
invention, display, natural, guide, underground, cheer, desert, human, being, disappear, discover, found, entrance, exit, park, object
hundreds of years, be made of, be founded, look up …in a dictionary, keep …warm, be filled with, think of
3.语法 被动语态过去时的用法
肯定句:The museum was built in 1971.
否定句:The museum wasn’t built in 1970.
一般疑问句:-Was the museum built in 1971?
一Yes,it was.
-No,it wasn’t
特殊问句:When was the museum built?

invention, display natural, guide, under ground, cheer, desert, human being, disappear, disappearance, discover, found, entrance, exit, park, parking, danger, pause, teapot, bowl, serve, object
hundreds of years成百上千年,the way to the museum去博物馆的路, be made of由……制造,be used for doing sth.用于…做什么, be founded建立,成立, look up …in a dictionary查字典, a cup with three legs有三条腿的杯子,serve win倒酒,keep…warm保温,be filled with装满,be mentioned提到,think of认为,想起.

1.I called you yesterday afternoon, but you were not at home.
call sb.给某人打电话,相当于give sb. a call 或fling up sb.
I will ask her to give you a call tomorrow.我明天要他给你打电话.
Mary rang up her father last night.昨晚玛丽给父亲打过电话.
2. …I went to the biggest museum in town yesterday.
in town在镇里(城里)介词短语在这里作定语,修饰前面名词“the biggest museum.”
3. The biggest museum?最大的博物馆?这句话是一个省略问句,其完全形式是“Did you go to the biggest science museum?”
4.I saw many old inventions on show.我看到许多古老的发明在展览.
invention 名词,其动词为invent“发明”.同词根为“inventor”,“发明家”.
如:Edison was a great inventor. He invented many useful things all his life。
Many of his inventions have changed the world.爱迪生是一个伟大的发明家.他一生发明了很多有用的东西.他的许多发明都使世界发生了变化
5. They were all invented hundreds of years ago.他们都是数百年前发明.
1)“were invented”为一般过去时的被动语态.
2)hundreds of years…成百上千年.又如:thousands of years成千上万年;millions of years数百万年.英语中,hundred,thousand,million前如没有具体数词就可使用这种结构,但如果说三百学生,五千只绵羊,一百万只鸟,则只能说:“three hundred students, five thousand sheep, a million birds.
6.Why not go there and have a look?为什么不去那看一看?
这句话用等于 Why don’t you go there and have a look?
7.They were very interested in dinosaurs.他们对恐龙很感兴趣.
be interested in sth.= show(great)interest in sth.
如: My sister is very interested in story-books.我妹妹对故事书很感兴趣.
也可说 My sister shows great interest in story-books.
8.All the students cheered.所有的学生都欢呼着,
如: The teacher was cheered by his students.那位老师受到学生们的喝彩.
cheer也可为不及物动词. 如:I cheered up at the news.听到这个消息,我感到振奋. cheer作名词欢呼,喝彩.Cheers.“干杯”.
9. …So these eggs were laid long, long ago by dinosaurs. 这些蛋是恐龙很久很久以前下的.
lay- laid- laid及物动词 1)放、摆,如: Lay the coat on the bed.把衣服放在床上. 2)铺,架设如: Lay a bridge across the river.在河上架桥. 3)产卵,如: A turtle lays many eggs at once.海龟一次能下很多蛋.本文中用了“were laid by…”过去时态的被动语态结构.如这个白色的蛋是那只白母鸡下的,可译成:The white egg was laid by the white hen.
10.That means dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeared.
human beings人类,“appear”出现不及物动词,其反义词加否定前缀 dis - disappear消失,类似有 agree一 disagree赞同不一致.
believe一disbelieve相信一不信任 like-dislike喜欢——不喜欢
11.Scientists try to explain their disappearance, but they’ve got more questions than answers.
disappear消失(动词)一 disappearance消失,失踪(名词)不可数.
12.And now there is a special dinosaur on display.
on display等同 on show在展览.
13.It was discovered in Liaoning Province.它(恐龙)是在辽宁省发现的.
discover与invent:discover发现;指发现的对象是本来存在的,只是以前不知道而且,也可指发现新奇或意外之物或发现某种情况; invent发明;发明的对象是以前没有的新东西,如工具,手段或方法.
14.I say it is special because the dinosaur was covered with feathers.我之所以说它特别,是因为它是由羽毛覆盖的恐龙.
be covered with由…覆盖
The field is covered with snow.田野上一遍积雪.
15.Then we can see many dinosaurs discovered by you in this museum.那么我们就能在这个博物馆里看到由你发现的恐龙了.
…discovered by you是一个过去分词短语,在句子作定语修饰dinosaurs.

其基本结构为was/were + 及物动词的过去分词.
肯定式:The museum was built in 1971.
否定式:The museum wasn’t built in 1970,
一般问句:Was the museum built in 1971? Yes, It was./No, it wasn’t.
特殊问句:When was the museum built?
2.“be made of” 与“be made from”由…制成 be made of“由…制成”,看得出制成品,而“be made from…”由…制成”,看不出制成品。
解析 如:The bridge was made of stone.那座桥是由石头做成的. The paper is made of wood.纸是由木头制成的.

My uncle gave me a small calculator(计算器) on my 1 birthday. I like it very much and I can use it freely. But my teacher of maths asked me 2 use it in her class. However, I always put it into 3 pocket wherever I go with my parents or without them.
One Sunday morning, My mother and 4 went to the street. We first bought some vegetables. Then I said I’d like to have some fish for lunch. My mother chose a large fish and the man weighed it. My mother asked him 5 it weighed and what the price was. The man said the fish was eight and a half yuan. We both said it was 6 . The man was asked 7 the fish again. I 8 my small calculator and it worked very fast. I told it to 9 . His face turned red. It was only six and a half yuan. I thought that a big man’s head was not as 10 as my calculator sometimes.

1. A. fourteen B. forty C. fourteenth D. fourteens
2. A. always to B. often to C. never to D. sometimes to
3. A. mine B. my C. I D. me
4. A. me B. I C. my D. mine
5. A. how many B. how much C. how did D. what did
6. A. very cheap B. very beautiful C. too expensive D. right
7. A. weighed B. to weigh C. weigh D. weighs
8. A. cast B. took away C. broke D. brought out
9. A. the man B. the woman C. my mother D. myself
10.A. cheap B. large C. of D. good
分析 1.C.十四岁生日用序数词.2.C.动词不定式的否定形式.3.C.形容词性物主代词后接名词.4.B.主格作主语.5.B.询问多重.6.C.认为太贵才提出质疑.7. B.用“ask sb. to do sth.”此结构被动形式.8. D.“拿出”之意, 9. A.根据上下文卖鱼者为男士.10.D.同文中句意相符.

4.There are students on the playground.
A. four hundred of B. four hundreds of
C. hundreds of D. four hundreds
解析 hundred前面若有具体的数字,后面不加s,也不加of,若无具体的数字则加s,后接of表示“上百的”.故选“C”
5.The PRC on October 1,1949.
A. was found B. was founded
解析 found有两概念,一是“find”发现,找到的过去式,二是动词原形意为“成立,建立”根据题意应用found一词的被动语态结构,故选“B”
6. The bowl hot water.
A. is full with B. is filled of C. is filled with
解析 “be full of”“充满”,“be filled with”装满,搭配得当的词应为“C”,故选“C”
7.The strange cup three legs were used for .
A. with, drinking B. has,drink C.of,drinking
解析 the strange cup with three legs. 划线部分的介词短语作宾语后置,类似有: a boy with a ball in his hand. be used for doing…,故选A.

【关于“Unit 10 When was it built?”的常见问题】

常见问题1: When was it built?1

误:This kind of animals was disappeared long, long ago.
正:This kind of animals disappeared long, long ago


分析 disappear为不及物动词,不能用被动语态.

常见问题2: When was it built?2

误:The feathered dinosaur was invented in Liaoning Province.
正:The feathered dinosaur was discovered in Liaoning Province.


分析 invent发明,发明的对象是以前没有的新东西;discover发现;指发明的对象是本来存在的,只是以前不知道而已,也可指发现新奇或意外之意.

常见问题3: When was it built?3

1.Excuse me. How can I get to the station?
Excuse me. you me to the station?
2.The pot is full of hot water. It is several hundred years old.
The pot is hot water. It was made years ago.
3.People use knives for cutting things.
for cutting things.
4.The boss made the workers work twelve hours a day.
The wokers work twelve hours a day.
5.The farmers built their houses in winter.
The farmers’ houses in winter.


1. Can,tell,the way 2. Filled with,hundreds of 3. knives are used 4.were made to 5. were built

常见问题4: When was it built? 4

Our school has eight __ student.
A.hundreds B.hundred C.hundreds of D.hundred of



常见问题5: When was it built? 5

When the lights are red, you can go_________the road.
A.through B.cross C.across D.crossing






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