unit 18 teaching plan INVENTIONS

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I. Brief statements Based on the Unit 2
II. Teaching Goals 2
III. Teaching Plan: (Six Periods) 2
Warming up &Reading 3
Listening and Speaking 6
Integrating skills (WB) listening (WB) 7
Integrating skills SB 19

I. Brief statements Based on the Unit
This unit mainly talks about inventions and what qualities we should have to create new things.. All the activities, including Warming up, Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, focus on this topic. Through this topic, the students not only get more information about inventions, but also learn what to do to develop creativity.
In addition, the students can learn some useful language points through the materials provided in each part, especially a lot of words and phrases, which are very helpful for the students to build up vocabulary about inventions. The Grammar—the attributive clause is also important. The given materials and exercises give the students an opportunity to learn grammar by using it. It not only helps the students learn to give definitions to new things, but also reviews this part of the grammar as a whole.
All of the activities are helpful for the students to improve their knowledge about language and their skills to use language.
II. Teaching Goals
1. Talk about inventions.
2. Practise describing inventions.
3. Review the Attributive Clause.
4. Write a process essay..
III. Teaching Plan: (Six Periods)
Period 1&2: warming up and reading
Period3: listening and speaking
Period4: integrating skills (WB) and listening (WB)
period5: Grammar
period6: integrating skills(SB)
Warming up &Reading
 To learn some basic knowledge about inventions in the 20th century which have changed our modern life so much..
 Get the students to grasp the main idea of the passage and help them to understand the passage better.
 Help the students to learn to be more creative.
 Learn some useful words and expressions.
I. Warming up
1. Lead-in
Show pictures of four great inventions of ancient China.
Say: Talking of inventions, we couldn’t help thinking of four great inventions of ancient China. Can you mention them? What are they?
China has a history of 5000 years. In history, four great inventions stand out in the hall of glory, which we are most proud of. They are the compass, paper, printing and gunpower. It shows that China led the world for centuries in science and technology in ancient times.
2. Brainstorming
Show pictures of inventions in the 20th century which have changed our modern life so much.
Say: What inventions can you think of which are invented in the last century?
In the first twenty years:
In the 1920s:
In the 1930s:
In the 1940s and50s:
In the 1960s to 80s:
In the last ten years of the century:
Q1: What are the functions of the inventions?
Q2: Are there any disadvantages of these inventions? If so, what are they?
Q3: Do you like all these inventions? Why or why not?
Q4: Have you ever heard of any inventors? Who are they?
Individual work: Is there anything you would like to invent? If so, what and why?
Practice: Match each picture with the correct description below.
5. Discussion:
1) Which of these “inventions” do you think would be useful? Why?
2) Are there any disadvantages in them? If so, what and why?
3) What can we do to improve them?
4) What can we do after inventing new things?
Step 1 Lead-in
1) What do you think “high tech” means?
2) What do you think “state of the art” means?
Which one in the three pictures “is state of art”?
3) Can you think of any other “state of art”?
4 ) How did people make them? Did people make them by accident?
Step2 Reading
1 Skimming
1) Are some people born creative, or is it be possible to be creative?
2) Do you have to be very intelligent to be an inventor?
3) How do people come up with ideas for new inventions? How many ways are mentioned?
2 Scanning
Get the students to read the passage more carefully to carry out the following tasks:
1) Find out the meaning of each way.
2) Do some exercises, according to each way.
Think outside the box:
A plane crashed. Why nobody in the plane was injured?
When we cut a corner from a square-shaped desk with four corners, how many corners are left?
Why can a frog jump higher than a tree?
Take another look at it: Analyze some pictures.
Make connections: Some inventions made with connections
Keep trying: Some famous scientists that kept trying and succeeded.
3 True or False.
4 Deal with language points.
1) be born+ adj./n.
He was born blind.
She was born a singer.
2) come up with
Can scientists come up with ways of predicting tsunami(海啸)?
3) allow for
We must allow for the bus being late.
4) get/be stuck
The car got stuck in the mud.
5) break away from
Taiwan is part of China. It can’t break away from China.
6 be aware of/that-clause
Are you aware of your mistake?
She became aware that something was burning.
Step4 Post-reading
1 The following examples have been fixed up. Can you place them in the right titles of the passage?
1) According to Leonardo da Vinci, problems which had seemed impossible could be solved if he changed the way he described the problem.
2) Thomas Edison made a rule saying that he had to make an invention every ten days.
3) Mozart, who lived in Austria, wrote more than 600 pieces of music.
4) Einstein, who changed the world of physics forever with his Theory of Relativity, preferred
images of numbers.
3) Samuel Moorse, the man who invented the telegraph, got his idea by watching a rider exchange a tired horse for a new one.
2 How do you understand the title of the passage?
3 What other rules should you have if you want to be creative?
4 Of all the rules above, which one do you think is the most important? Why?
Step5 Homework
Write a passage to tell what rules you should have if you want to be creative, which one is the
most important and explain the reasons.
Listening and speaking
 To enable students to know how to protect the patent rights and what an invention should be like..
 Improve the speaking ability.
 Practise supporting an opinion.
 Have a better understanding of intellectual property rights.
Teaching Procedures:
I. Listening (SB)
1. Pre-listening: Go through the questions in Part1 and ask Ss what we should do to protect our patent rights
2. While-listening: Listen to the tape and finish exercises in Part1&2.
Check the answers at last.
3. Post-listening: Discussion:
What should a new thing be like in order to be given a patent?
Step 1 Warming-up
1.With the development of the technology, our society has greatly changed. Have a discussion:
1). What advantages have cars brought us?
(convenient, travel fast, supply more posts, …)
2). What benefits have we got from computers?
(get more information, make communication easier, develop economy …)
2. What do you think of the inventor?
(Make the Ss aware of the importance of knowledge and try to learn harder.
3. Suppose you have invented an inflatable bike, what should you do?
State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) (国家知识产权保护局)
apply for a patent
pay attention to the time limit of a patent
Step 2 Speaking
1. The patent officer will ask you some questions. Think over what questions will be asked?
1) How does you invention work?
2) Why are they useful?
3) What does it look like?
4) How much does it cost?
5) How do people use it?
… …
2. Now you are in the patent office and want to apply for a patent. Look at P38. Suppose you are one of the inventors, make a dialogue with a partner. One is the inventor and the other is the patent officer.
( I—inventor; P --- Patent officer)
P: Now, please explain how your inventions work and why they are useful. Your invention is a car that uses water instead of petrol, isn’t it?
A: Yes, that’s right.
P: What does it look like?
A: It looks like an ordinary car. Here’s the picture. Please have a look.
P: Oh, it looks beautiful. What’s it made of?
A: It’s made of a new kind of alloy, which is much lighter.
P: Does it cost more?
A:A little bit. But it can save much more energy, so lots of money is saved. Besides, there is something even more important. It is good for our environment. It doesn’t pollute the air.
P: Sounds great. Thank you.
Step 4 Homework
1. Discuss: What qualities should one have to be an inventor to create new things.
2. Preview the integrating skills WB
3. Learn the new words of this unit by heart.
Integrating skills (WB) listening (WB)
 Learn a reading passage to improve the students’ reading ability.
 Introduce more cool inventions
 Listening practice to improve the students’ listening ability
Teaching Procedures:
Integrating skills WB
Step 1 Revision
Say : What are the Four Great Inventions of ancient
As modern men, we are so used to so many inventions that we do not realize how much they have changed our lives. Eyeglasses and sewing machine are two examples. Another, and perhaps more obvious, example is television, which has so altered our way of life that we just cannot imagine what our life would be like without it.

What kind of modern invention do you know?
Step 2 Fast-reading
Group project
Reading the passage in your WB, Then discuss with your group members to complete the chart below with the information from the text
inventions Possible uses

Invisible paint 1,interesting clothes
2,Help doctors see through the skin/hide things

Tiny robot help doctors operate on people in a safer and less painful way
Say: In our reading text, it describes new inventions and ideas. Some already exist and others may be come reality within 20 years.Today,I will show you more inventions
Every invention can be of great value .But it is an easy thing to make an invention.Everybody, I think have the answer. Before an invention, inventor must have an idea, then make experiments again and again .perhaps making many errors and at last gain success. Remember success comes from failure. Any invention also experiences many hardships.
Discuss: What qualities should one have to be an inventor?
Listening WB
Step 1 pre-listening
George Stephenson ,a famous British inventors, made the first train, using a steam engine in 1825
Step 2 Listen to part1 of the tape .choose the best answers.
Step 3 Most great inventors often meet with a lot of trouble in their work. Listen to part 2
Finish WB Vocabulary
Preview grammar:
Grammar: The attributive clause
Teaching Aim:
1. Revise the Attributive Clause, including the Restrictive Clause and the Non-restrictive Clause.
2. Revise the use of relative pronouns and relative adverbs.
3. Tell the differences between the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses, the attributive clause & the emphasis structure, and the attributive clause & the appositive clause
Teaching Important Point:
The usage of relative pronouns and adverbs
Teaching Difficult Point:
Help the students to master the way of choosing a relative pronoun or a elative adverb correctly, telling the differences between the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses, the attributive clause & the emphasis structure, and the attributive clause & the appositive clause
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Greetings.
Step 2: Revision and lead-in
1) He is a famous scientist.
2) Who’s that girl in red?
3) I’ve read all the books that you lent me.
4) I have lost my pen, which I like very much.
T: Now look at the sentences on the screen. Pay special attention to the underlined parts. Is there anything in common between them?
S: Yes. They all identify the nouns, which are used with them. Each part tells us which thing or person the speaker is talking about.
T: That is to say, the function of each underlined part is the same. Each of them is used as an attributive to describe each noun. Well, are there any differences between them?
S: Yes. In he 1st sentence, the attribute is an adjective and put before the noun; the 2nd is a prepositional phrase put after the noun; the 3rd and 4th sentences are full sentences put after them.
T: You are right, what do we call the sentences put after them?
S: The Attributive Clause.
T: Quite right. In a complex sentence, the clause modifying a noun or a pronoun in the main clause is called an Attributive Clause. The noun or pronoun is called Antecedent. The word that/which introduces the clause (between the noun/pronoun and the clause) is called Relative Pronoun or Relative Adverb. The relative pronouns or adverbs do 2 jobs at once. They can be used as subjects, objects, attributes or adverbials in the clause; at the same time, they join clauses together. About the use of them, we’ll have particular revision after a while. The attributive clause the restrictive attributive clause
the non-restrictive attributive clause
The adjective clause noun/pronoun + the attributive clause
the antecedent (person/thing) the relative pronouns/adverbs + clause
Now look at the sentences on the screen. Do complete the sentences with suitable relatives.
1) I know the reason why he came late.
2) Do you know the woman, whose son went to college last year?
3) The house whose color is red is John’s.
4) This is the best film that I’ve ever seen.
5) That’s the town where he worked in 1987.
6) I have 2 brothers, who are both soldiers.
7) Next week, which you’ll spend in your hometown, is coming.
8) I’ve tried 2 pairs of shoes, neither of which fits me well.
Step 3: Summarize the Use of the relative pronouns and relative adverbs.
The use of the relative pronouns
Form 1:
The relative pronouns Referring to Function in the clause
Who Person(s) Subject/object
Whom Person(s) Object
That Person(s)/thing(s) Subject/object
Which Thing(s) Subject/object
Whose Person(s)/thing(s) (of whom/which) attributive
The use of the relative adverbs
The relative adverbs Referring to Function in the clause
When (=at/in/on which) Time Adverbial of time
Where (=in/at which) Place Adverbial of place
Why (=for which) Reason Adverbial of reason
1) Pay more attention to the agreement between the verb and the antecedent in person and number in the attributive clause, and then complete the sentences:
⑴ Those who want to go to the cinema must be at the school gate by 3:30 p.m. (want)
⑵ Te who doesn’t reach the great wall is not a true man. (not reach)
⑶ The is the only one of the girls who has been to Beijing. (have)
⑷ He is one of the boys who have seen the film. (have)
Conclusion 1:
1) When a relative pronoun is used as a subject in the clause, the verb must agree with the antecedent in person and number.
2) When the antecedent is the structure “one of +n. (pl.)”, the verb in the clause must be plural, agrees with the plural form. However, if there is “the” or “the only very” before “one”, the verb in the clause must be singular, agrees with the word “one”.
2) Practice: complete the following sentences with suitable relatives:
(1) The time when/that I went to Tokyo is in 1982.
(2) I’ll never forget the time which/that I spent at college.
(3) The shop which/that I bought the book in is big.
(4) The shop where/in which I bought the book is big.
Conclusion 2: when the antecedent is a noun for time or place “when “or “where” is not always used to introduce the clause. It depends on the function of the relative word in the clause.
3) The difference between “that” and “which”.
Complete the following sentences with “that” or “which”.
(1) This is the 2nd article that I have written in English.
(2) It is the best film that he has ever seen.
(3) This is the very book that I want to read.
(4) All that they told me surprised me.
(5) They talked about the teachers and schools that they had visited.
(6) Who is the comrade that was there?
(7) There is a bed in the room that is still vacant.
(8) Our village is no longer the place that it used to be.
(9) He paid the boy $10 for washing the windows, most of which hadn’t been cleaned at least a year.
(10) The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect.
(11) The clever boy made a hole in the wall, through which he could see what was going on inside the house.
Conclusion 3:
1)when the antecedent refers to thing(s), “that” is often used in the following cases:
(1) after ordinal number and superlatives
(2) after the following words: all, only, little, few, much, very, none, last, just, any(thing), every(thing), some(thing), no(thing).
(3) after two or more antecedents, referring to both person(s) and thing(s).
(4) after interrogative pronouns “which” or “who”.
(5) When the relative pronoun is used as a predictive in the clause.
(6) When the main clause begins with “there be “.
2) In the following cases, “which” is always used.
①After prepositions
②to introduce a non-restrictive attributive clause.
③The whole main sentence is the “antecedent” of the relative clause, and there is always a comma.
More exercises:
Fill in the blanks with suitable relatives to complete the following sentences.
1) Tell me the reason why you were late for class.
2) Who is the girl that is speaking there?
3) This is Mr. Smith, who has something interesting to tell you.
4) The computer whose CPU doesn’t work has to be repaired.
5) This kind of computer, which is well-known, is out of date.
6) This is just the place that I’ve been longing to visit for years.
7) His mother is an engineer, which makes him very proud.
8) The old man has 4 sons, three of whom are doctors
Step 4: The attributive clause and the appositive clause
同位语从句前面的名词只能是idea, fact, news, hope, belief, suggestion. proposal, word, thought, doubt, truth, possibility, promise, order等表示抽象意义的名词。而定语从句的先行词可以是名词、代词、主句的一部分或整个主句。如:
We are looking into the question whether he is worth trusting.
Word came that he had gone abroad.
The doctor whom you are looking for is in the room.
你找的那位医生在房间里面。(定语从句,名词the doctor作先行词)
Our team has won the game, which makes us very happy.
His mother did all she could to help him with his study.
The news that our team has won the game is true.
The news (that) he told me yesterday is true.
昨天他告诉我的那个消息是真的。(定语从句,that 从句作定语修饰news)
I made a promise that if anyone set me free, I would make him very rich.
The mother made a promise that pleased all her children.
三、从引导词及其在句子中的成份上区别有些引导词如how, whether, what可以引导同位语从句,但不能引导定语从句。如:
That question whether we need it has not been considered.
I have no idea what has happened to him.
The order that we (should) send a few people to help the other groups was received yesterday.
The order (that) we received yesterday was that we (should) send a few people to help the other groups.
Step 5: The attributive clause and the emphasis structure
强调句型的句式结构为:“It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who从句”。在强调时间、地点、原因或方式状语时,一律用that,而不用when, why或how;在强调主语和宾语时,如果主语和宾语指代人,则可用who和whom来代替that, 但是从句中的人称和数要与被强调的主语和宾语保持一致。这些都容易与定语从句混淆。
定语从句和强调句型的判断方法:若将句中的“It is/was”和“that/who”去掉,而句子不缺成分,结构完整,说明原句是强调句型;若句子结构不完整,则说明原句为定语从句。
1) It was not until 1920 ____ regular radio broadcasts began. (1995高考卷)
A. while B. which C. that D. since
2) ____ was his kindness that everyone praised him.
A. It B. What C. So D. Such
3) It is the ability to do the job ____ matters not where you come from or what you are. (2000高考卷) A. one B. that C. what D. it
4) It was ____ he came to Macao ____ he knew what kind of place it was.
A. that; when B. until; that C. not until; when D. not until; that
5) ____ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.
A. There B. This C. That D. It
6) It was not until we came back from outside ____ out of his bed.
A. did he get B. when he got C. that he got D. then he got
7) When was it ____ you met him in the library?
A. where B. that C. in which D. which
8) It was near the place ____ there is a bomb ____ we found the dead man.
A. where; where B. where; that C. that; where D. that; that
Keys: 1)C; 2)A; 3)B; 4)D; 5)D; 6)C; 7)B; 8)B;
Step 6: Homework
Review the Attributive Clause and finish all the grammar exercises in the workbook.
Integrating skills SB
 Learn a reading passage to improve the students’ reading ability.
 Do some writing practice to improve the students’ writing ability.
 Learn some useful words and phrases
Step1 lead-in
Say: Most of us have a computer. What do you do with you computer?
Computer used as a typewriter

New technology is often used in old ways. Now please have a discussion in groups
How does we use the internet (cellphone)?
It is certainly true that computers,cellphones and digital cameras have become part of our everyday life. Any where we go ,we can hear the ringing of a cellphone,the tapping of a key board or clicking of a mouse. We are said to be living in the “information age”
What is the “information age”?
Step 2 Reading
Now let’s read the passage about new technology carefully. Try to find out the answer to the two questions.
Step 3 Explanation
Pragraph1:It is certainly true that…
We are said to be living in the “Information Age", a time of new discoveries and great changes…(p62)
Sb said to do sth/be said to be doing/to have done sth
e.g He is said to be a good basketball player when he was young.
It is said that…
a time of new discoveries and great changes 是同位语
…Has our life changed that much?...(P63) that=so
在口语中程度副词可以由so, very来代替
Pragraph2:…A computer’s “memory" is similar to human memory, but it is also very different. (pragraph2,line6) A be similar to B
e.g. His new bike is similar to mine.
....After all, What makes a new invention such a wonderful thing is that it allow us to do sth we could not do before.(pragraph2 line10)
allow 允许,许可….进入
allow +名/doing
I will never allow such behavior.我决不允许这样的行为
Smoking is not allowed here.此地禁止吸烟
allow+sb +to do
Are we allowed to play catch here?
Now that we are developing new technology at such a high pace, the …(pragraph3,line2)
now that 既然=since…(since that…)
e.g Now that you have grown up, you must stop this childish behavior.
Practical computer English(计算机术语)
out of data , out of memory, overflow, copy , complete
file, delete, lock, enter , return , store, cut , paste
Step 4 writing
Pre-writing: the history of computer
"Who invented the computer?" is not a question with a simple answer. The real answer is that many inventors contributed to the history of computers and that a computer is a complex piece of machinery made up of many parts, each of which can be considered a separate invention.
This series covers many of the major milestones in computer history (but not all of them) with a concentration on the history of personal home computers.
Computer History
Year/Enter Computer History
Inventors/Inventions Computer History
Description of Event
Konrad Zuse - Z1 Computer First freely programmable computer.
John Atanasoff & Clifford Berry
ABC Computer Who was first in the computing biz is not always as easy as ABC.
Howard Aiken & Grace Hopper
Harvard Mark I Computer The Harvard Mark 1 computer.
John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly
ENIAC 1 Computer 20,000 vacuum tubes later...
Frederic Williams & Tom Kilburn
Manchester Baby Computer & The Williams Tube Baby and the Williams Tube turn on the memories.
John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley
The Transistor No, a transistor is not a computer, but this invention greatly affected the history of computers.
John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly
UNIVAC Computer First commercial computer & able to pick presidential winners.
International Business Machines
IBM 701 EDPM Computer IBM enters into 'The History of Computers'.
John Backus & IBM
FORTRAN Computer Programming Language The first successful high level programming language.
(In Use 1959)
Stanford Research Institute, Bank of America, and General Electric
ERMA and MICR The first bank industry computer - also MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) for reading checks.
Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce
The Integrated Circuit Otherwise known as 'The Chip'
Steve Russell & MIT
Spacewar Computer Game The first computer game invented.
Douglas Engelbart
Computer Mouse & Windows Nicknamed the mouse because the tail came out the end.
ARPAnet The original Internet.
Intel 1103 Computer Memory The world's first available dynamic RAM chip.
Faggin, Hoff & Mazor
Intel 4004 Computer Microprocessor The first microprocessor.
Alan Shugart &IBM
The "Floppy" Disk Nicknamed the "Floppy" for its flexibility.
Robert Metcalfe & Xerox
The Ethernet Computer Networking Networking.
Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair & IBM 5100 Computers The first consumer computers.
Apple I, II & TRS-80 & Commodore Pet Computers More first consumer computers.
Dan Bricklin & Bob Frankston
VisiCalc Spreadsheet Software Any product that pays for itself in two weeks is a surefire winner.
Seymour Rubenstein & Rob Barnaby
WordStar Software Word Processors.
The IBM PC - Home Computer From an "Acorn" grows a personal computer revolution
MS-DOS Computer Operating System From "Quick And Dirty" comes the operating system of the century.
Apple Lisa Computer The first home computer with a GUI, graphical user interface.
Apple Macintosh Computer The more affordable home computer with a GUI.
Microsoft Windows Microsoft begins the friendly war with Apple.
Writing task:
Choose one of the questions below and write a brief essay.
☻ What will computer look like in the future? How will we use them?
☻Imagine that you had to describe a computer to someone who lived in nineteenth century .How would you explain it? What would you compare it to ?
Before we start writing, we should list ideas and information and think about the organization of our articles.
Step1.Computer is part of our life
Step2.The development of computer
Step 3 The way we use computers will change
Sample description:
Have you ever seen a computer? Let me tell you something about it. A computer is an electric calculating machine that can store and recall information and make calculations at a very high speed. It is a wonderful machine and can do most of the things people can do, but it work millions of times faster. The first large, modern computer was built in 1946,and people needed a large house to put it in .In the last few years there have been great changes in computers. Today they can be used in many fields. People even use it to pay bills or order what they want. it is said that in the future computers would arrange everything for people, and do almost all kinds of work .that would be a real computer society.
1Review words and expressions we have learnt in this unit
2Finish writing




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