unit 16 Scientists at work全单元

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Unit 16
Teaching Plan
模块一:问题导入 ( 适用于warming up及Listening 部分的导入)
教师联系学生学习实际,引起学生对所学课程的关注,导入本课的主要话题—-experiments in the lab。
1) Now you’ve been learning several subjects at school, such as maths, Chinese, English, physics, chemistry and so on. Which do you like best? Why?
2) Do you like doing experiments in physics, chemistry and biology in the labs?
3) Do you often do the experiments by yourselves or directed by your teachers? What has your teacher tell you to pay attention to when you enter the lab? What should you not do?
模块二:图片导入 ( 适用于Speaking部分的导入)

Science is a sword with two edges. When new inventions appeared, they brought benefits to human beings as well as trouble. Have you heard about the high-speed Maglev train from Shanghai to Pudong Airport? Let me show you something about it.

Language points
1.Why should students be careful smelling from bottle? 为什么学生在闻从瓶子里冒出来的气味时要小心?
be careful of 注意...,当心...
be careful about对于...谨慎
be careful with 做...认真,注意...
be careful not to do sth.当心不要...
be careful as to + 从句 对于...谨慎
be careful in (doing) sth.在...方面谨慎
be careful + 从句 注意...,当心...
be careful doing sth.做某事时要当心
It is careless of sb. to do sth=Sb.is careless to do sth某人做...太粗心了。
Be careful of the dog; it sometimes bites people.
The public was warned to be careful of birds flu.
公众得到警告, 要提防禽流感。
People should be more careful about the things they say.
Please be very careful with those plates!
He is careful with money.
He was careful enough to check up every detail.
Be careful not to fall off the ladder.
Be careful as to who came here early every day.
You must be careful crossing the road.
Be careful that you don't fall off the ladder.
Be careful that the medicine is kept away from children.
You must be careful who you accept a lift from.
Be careful what you say.
Be careful how you start the personal computer.
Be careful when you're crossing the road.
It is careless of him to leave the changes of money everywhere.
2. What is it to be done when something gets into your eyes?如果你眼睛里进了东西,该怎么办?
“be + to do”结构表示安排、命令、职责, 义务、目的、用途、可能性、命中注定等。
We are to meet at the school gate.
我们约定在校门口碰头. (安排)
You are to be back by l0 o’clock.
A knife is to cut with.
They were never to meet again.
I am to inform you that the meeting will be held in Hang zhou.
3. Work in pairs and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the following scientific discoveries and applications.
be of great /no advantage to
take advantage of 利用...
to one's advantage 对某人有利
have/gain/win an advantage over…比...有优势
have the advantage of … 有对...的优势,知道某人所不知道的事
It is an advantage if you know how to type.
This kind of training is of great advantage to teenagers.
We took advantage of the fine weather to go on a hike.
I hope that this library is fully taken advantage of.
= I hope that full advantage is taken of this library.
She has got the job because she has the advantage (over others) of knowing many languages.
It’ll be to your advantage to study abroad.
4.We should make more use of this new technology.
make use of 利用
make good/better/the best use of 很好地/较好地/充分地利用
make full use of 充分利用
make the best of 善用,充分利用
come into use 开始被使用
go/fall out of use不再被使用
of use=useful有用的
put.to use使用,利用
It's no use/good doing sth.做某事没有用/好处。
5. It brings people more comfort.
n. 安慰;舒适;使人得到安慰的人/事物
comfortable adj 安慰的,舒适的
take/seek comfort from (in) doing...在…中得到(寻求)安慰
live in comfort 过得舒适
His kindness gave her much/great comfort.
Words of comfort can be important to those who are in trouble.
A hot cup of tea on a cold night is a real comfort.
My husband is always a comfort to me when I meet difficulties.
6.Can you name some of them?
be named...名叫...
name Sb.(as)...任命某人为…
name no names 不指出名字
name a date 指定一个日子
call sb.by name 叫某人的名字
by the name of 名叫...的
call sb.names 谩骂某人
make/get a name 成名
in the name of以...的名义
7. Can you describe a science experiment that you did?
n. make/do/carry out / perform an experiment in … ( chemistry..)做/进行实验
Some people learn by experiments and others by experience.
v. experiment with… 用…做实验
experiment on… 拿…做实验; 在…(身)上做实验
experimenter实验者;试验者experimental adj.实验/试验性的
Don’t experiment with such dangerous drugs.
They decided to experiment on animals first.
8. Having realised that I could use a kite to attract lightning,I decided to do an experiment.意识到我能用风筝采吸引闪电,我决定做一个实验。
having realised是现在分词的完成式,分词短语在句中作状语,表示该动作(realise)发生在主句谓语动词所表示的动作之前,相当于When I had realised that..
Having finished his homework,she went on the internet.
现在分词短语的否定形式应将not放在v-ing之前,其完成式的否定式为not having done。
__________ a reply, he decided to write again. (MET 1992)
A. Not receiving B. Receiving not
C. Not having received D. Having not received
答案: C
9. The string was getting charged! 风筝线带电了!
charge sb. money (for...) 因…收某人…钱
free of charge免费的
charge a cellphone/ battery/ machine给手机/电池/机器充电
sb be in/ under charge ( of sth ) 负责(某事)
sth be in/ under the charge of sb由...掌管
take charge of负责,管理
leave...in charge of sb.把...交给某人管
put sb.in charge of...让某人负责…
soldier /wild animal/ footballer charge towards …= rush towards… 士兵/野兽/球员冲向…
get burnt/ lost/ hurt/ drunk/ killed/ married/ excited 此类短语表动作
He charged me $100 for this bike.
My cell phone needs charging.
The girl was safe in the charge of a nurse.
Don't leave everything in charge of the young man.
Can you take charge of this class, Miss Smith?
I'll put you in charge of him.
10. The experiment proves that lightning and electricity are the same.
prove sth to sb 向某人证明某事
prove that… 证明…
prove sb (to be ) +n. / adj. 证明...是…
prove (to be )+ adj 证明是…
Can you prove your theory to us?
Can you prove that your theory is reasonable. 你能证明你的理论合理吗?
This experiment proved his theory ( to be ) reasonable./ a reasonable one.
His theory proves (to be) reasonable.
11.Most kites are made of paper, but a kite made of silk will not tear so soon in with rain and strong winds.
tear sth to pieces/in half/ open白条把某物撕成碎片/两半/开
tear sth down ( from…) 把..拆掉
tear sth off…把某物扯掉
She tore her skirt on a nail. 她的裙子在钉子上刮破了。
The paper tears easily. 这种纸容易扯烂。
类似主动表被动的动词还有write, read, sell, lock, fill, strike, wear, translate, cut, dry, move
12.Fly the kite when a thunderstorm appears to be coming on. 在雷雨要来的时候, 就可以放风筝了。
There seems / appears to be… 似乎有…
It seems/appears ( to sb) that/as if… 在某人看来好象…
Sb appears to do /be doing/ have done 某人似乎要做/正在做/已经做…
Sb appears to be +n. /adj 某人似乎是…
It appears that he will win the prize.
It appears to me that he is right and you are wrong.
He appears to have done that.
It appears to be raining.
13.There is no doubt that 100 years ago animal testing was cruel but today animals in experiments are very well taken care of. 毫无疑问,一个世纪以前动物实验非常残酷,而今实验中的动物得到了悉心照顾。
There is no doubt of sth 某事是毫无疑问的
There is some doubt as to/ about 对于某事,仍有疑问。
without doubt 勿庸质疑
doubt sth 怀疑某事
doubt whether/if…. 
don’t doubt that…
There is no doubt of his success.
There is some doubt about whether/if he will succeed.
I have some doubt about his success= I doubt his success= I doubt whether/ he will succeed.
I have no doubt that he will succeed.= I don’ t doubt that he will succeed
He will succeed without doubt.
For side:We should test medicines on animals
Against side: We should not test medicines on animals
For side:
Against side:
Sentences for reference;
Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen,our point of view is that…
So as I mentioned about …, it is very very important in the role of animals.
First I want to explain our opinion about this.We think
Well,thank you,Chairman,and to our opponents.You have mentioned the importance for …
Don't you think so?Thank you.
I should like to correct one thing,the against friend said,“…”It doesn't mean …
Good afternoon,just now,we talked a lot about…. First,we all agree ….Well,and second,let's take a look at …
Thank you,Chairman,here I should declare that our point of view is that …and so I would like to say again our point of view is that ….Thank you.
1)培养学生辩证思维, 学会全面分析问题
  Title Experimenter’s name
Things needed: _______ ________ ________ _________
Three steps : _____________________________
Things which should be taken care:
I Complete the following sentence:
1.They were _____________(做实验)when I entered the lab.
2.I think the medicine _________(不起作用).
3.He appeared___________(在睡觉).
4.The cell phone has______________(充电).
5.He spent________(大量)money in buying books.
6.The rain___________ (阻止)me going out.
7.Scientists________ (检验)new medicines on animals.
8.___________(毫无疑问)that he knows it
9.She was___________ (哭)in the street.
10.__________ (知道)his mother was i11,he went home.
II Multiple choices
1. The hotel _______ 240 yuan for a double room for the night.
A. offered B. charged C. paid D. gave
2. ---This kind of cloth _______ well and ____ long.
---OK. I’ll take it.
A. washes, lasts B. is washed, lasted
C. washes, is lasted D. is washing, lasting
3. Don’t worry! We are sure to win the match, for we have two good basketball players, which is of great ________ to us.
A. value B. use C. importance D. advantage
4. I tore the letter ________my daughter and tore________.
A. at , it open B. at, open it
C. from, it up D. down , it up
5. There is no doubt _______ Don has brains. In fact, I doubt _______ anyone in the class has higher IQ.
A. whether, that B. that, whether
C. /, / D. /, whether
6. ________such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. (NMET 2001)
A. Having suffered B. Suffering
C. To suffer D. Suffered
7. In the third century of Rome, there was an emperor _______ the name of Claudius II, who decided that marriage was not allowed in military.
A. in B. by c. with D. on
8. --Who is _________ this case?
--Sorry, I don’t know. But a lot of policemen went out __________ that lost child.
A. looking into, discovering
B. catching, and looked for
C. in charge of, in search of
D. in the charge of, to find
9. –How much should I pay for the meat?
-- _____________.
A. Just little money B. Of course, I’ll pay it
C. You can count it D. It’s free of charge
10. --Don’t get the fire _________.
--Why not! I don’t think the room warm yet.
A. out B. going C. burnt D. turning on
Suggested answers:
1. doing an experiment
2. doesn’t work
3. to be sleeping
4. been charged
5. a great deal of
6. stopped
7. test
8. There is no doubt
9. in tears
10. Having known
1.B 2. A 3.D 4. D 5.B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10
In 1952, a stormy night, Franklin set out a kite and that was the most famous kite experiment in the world. Franklin didn't invent electricity through that experiment. However, it proved that man-made electricity generated by friction and electricity from lightning have a similar discharge. Franklin used cedar sticks to form a cross and made it as the frame of a kite, then paste a silk handkerchief on the cross as the sail of the kite. On the top of the cross, he attached a 30 cm long copper line, and he sharpened the top of the line. On the other end of the line, he fastened a silk ribbon with a brass key fastened on it. Not wanting to wet the silk ribbon, he stood on dry ground inside a shed, and flew the kite. And at the same time, he couldn't let the flying line hit the doorframe or window frame, either. When the dark clouds which brought thunders and lightings covered the kite, the sharp end of the copper line would pass the electricity down, and so the kite and flying line were electrified. At that time, when anyone reached out one finger to the brass key, that person could easily feel the electricity. This experiment was rough and daring, for those scientists who re-do this experiment later on, they would have to use "electric proof" material, such as a spool made of glass, to avoid danger.
Kites can be used for fishing. There is a special species of fish in south Pacific Ocean. It tastes fresh and delicious, but the tasty needlefish has a shy nature. It likes to find food near the the surface of tropical oceans. Therefore, the islanders invented an unique way of fishing. They use kites made from leaves and set the kites offshore. They fastened the fishing lines on the kites, and tied a hook or made a noose by the end of the fishing line, and loaded shrimps as the bait.
Draw by Jun Hen Text by Chen, Wu Zhen Title: Fly a Kite
Fishing with kites became a type of entertainment gradually. Some people will attach two lines to control the kite, so that they can put the bait where ever they like.
The biggest waterfall in the world is Niagara Falls. When the first bridge was build over the falls, engineers couldn't deliver the giant cable to the other side of the falls. (at that time, helicopter hadn't been used in that field yet) All of the people were at their wit's end, and at that time, a man came forwards and suggested that they could use kites to deliver. And they succeeded.
Wilson was a meteorologist. Once he stringed 5 kites together and flew them up to about 900-meter-high. He tied thermographs in each kite to measure the change of temperature in different height. This method of researching meteorology was very popular in late 19 Cent ray. Some people even tied a camera and other equipments on kites to collect various data of the atmospheric layer.
In World War II, kites did save many airmen's lives. At that time, when pilots were in danger and had to parachute, they often had to land in sea or mountain areas. At that time, they needed to take out the kite kept in the back bag, and let the kite keep flying in the sky.
Although they had landed, but they could take advantage of the telegraph transmitter they brought with them, and sent out signals to ask for help. Their signals would be sent farer through kites, subsequently, the rescuer would be able to get there on time. In world war II, British and America troops used kites as target of shooting, and distributing fly sheets. In 1895, Eddy tied some photographic equipments on kites, and took the first bird's eye view pictures.
The above information adopted from " Flying Kite", published by Taiwan Department
Unit 16 Scientists at work
一. 教学背景分析
2. 单元背景分析
1. 语言知识
词汇:学习并使用一些与science 和scientists有关的词汇。
2. 语言技能
3. 情感态度与文化意识
4. 学习策略
三. 教学内容分析
本单元的中心话题是science and scientists。话题依附于听力、对话、阅读与写作等语言载体中。本单元的话题内容与学生的日常学习有着密切的关系,应该说是以英语为媒体让学生表达他们对平时理化生等理科课程,特别是相关实验,所想到及感受到的内容。因此,尽管本单元的话题对学生而言有着一定的难度,但却有体现出了以学生为中心,贴近学生生活而又富有时代气息的特点。
Warming up设计了四幅与学生的理科课程有关的图片,学生通过对日常熟悉的相干实验工具及场地的识别,展开相关学科特点与学习的讨论。同时在此基础上,要求学生们在Listening部分能熟悉某些实验室的规则及注意事项,掌握如何给予别人指导与说明,并能抓住文章的中心话题,捕捉相关细节内容,回答有关的问题。
Speaking则是一个极富时代气息的讨论练习。要求学生们能对现在热门的尖端科技有所了解,(练习中提供了诸如Maglev train, cloning, nuclear energy, computer 与 space flight等内容)然后能就这些新的科学技术与工具进行理性的辨证的思考,既能感受到它们给我们的生活带来的巨大利益,同时也能发现其中所存在的不足与弊端,并能通过讨论、对话等形式发表自己的观点与想法。这一部分也应该是本单元写作内容的一个铺垫。
Reading讲述的是科学家Franklin著名的风筝实验,从而证明Lighting and electricity are the same的故事。学生在理解文章的基础上,能充分感受到实验对于科学工作的重要性及科学家是如何获得事业上的成功的。同时能落实材料中所出现的一些单词与短语的使用。
Language Study是在本单元词汇学习的基础上,让学生进一步了解并掌握一定的构词法。主要是兼类词、一词多义现象及合成词的构成。
Integrating skills 通过学生对科学家是否应利用动物进行实验,从而达到发明新产品现象的讨论,理性的从正反两个方面看待这一问题。同时在阅读、思考与讨论的基础上,写下一篇阐明自己观点、立场与看法的短文。
四. 教学重点与难点
1. 重点
(1).掌握如何就某一话题给予别人指示与说明,能熟练运用 Don’t do… / Don’t forget to… / Make sure… / Remember that… / Do be careful of…等结构进行讨论、对话与表演。
(2).能就某一话题进行合理的分析,并从不同的角度去分析问题,展示一个物体的利与弊两个方面。同时能在讨论时学会运用哪些结构与单词对事物进行评价,诸如“ It’s good / bad / harmful for… / It’s dangerous / expensive / important / unnecessary/ It brings people …/ It can help people…
(3).能继续运用各种阅读微技能进行有效的阅读, 同时能在阅读中继续培养猜测单词词义的能力。同时掌握文中出现的单词与短语的使用。
(5).能把事物的正反利益和理性的思考落实到笔头,即能清晰地就某一争论性话题发表自己的立场,阐明原因。并能进一步运用基本的协作技能学会argumentative essay的写作。
(1).如何有效的让学生就given topic进行合作,分析问题的利弊,并掌握相关的词汇。
(3).如何更加有效的掌握并运用一些key words and expressions, such as make /do an experiment on…, comfort, conduct,
charge, a great of, prove, tear, sharp, explain, pick out, test on, doubt, conclusion and so on.
(1)以任务型教学 (Task-based Language Teaching)作为课堂教学设计之理念,具体采用情景教学法(Situational Approach),交际教学法(Communicative Approach),整体语言教学法(Whole Language Teaching)等教学方法。从一定程度上说,人们使用语言是为了完成各种各样的任务,而任务型的教学活动就是让学习者通过运用所学语言来完成各种各样的交际活动。学习者通过表达、沟通、交涉、解释、询问等各种语言形式来学习和掌握语言,实现目标,感受成功。
六. 教材与任务安排
本单元计划为六课时:Warming up & Listening (1课时), Speaking (1课时) ,Reading (2课时), Grammar (1课时), Integrating skills(1课时)。同时本单元安排的三大任务是(1).为学校理化生实验室拟订英语实验室规则。并以墙报的形式进行比较后,选出其中最佳的规则,然后上报给学校。(2).科学家创造发明故事比赛。要求学生在课外收集国内外发明家的故事,经过整理后,能以故事、小品、对话等不同形式表演出来。在全班同学 的共同评判下选出最佳故事及选手。(3).当地热点争论问题讨论。搜集本地目前人们所争论的一些问题,并能采集到不同的人对于这一问题的不同看法与见解,并能进行思考后,发表自己的立场与观点。然后写一封书信给当地相应的管理机构或政府部门。
Teaching Plan
Period 1 Warming up & Listening
Learning Aims
1.To encourage the students to think and talk about their science subjects and activate their relevant vocabulary at the same time.
2.To learn what should be paid attention to when doing an experiment in a lab and how to give instructions to others.
3.To train the students’ ability of listening for information.
Learning Procedures
Step 1 Warming up
Today, we are going to talk something about the subjects you are learning.
Q1: How many subjects are you learning now?
Q2: What are the subjects in which you learn science? Is it easy for you to learn them?
1). Group work
Divide the whole class into two groups, one group is going to talk about the question “ What do you learn about for each field of science?”, and the other “How are you learning these subjects?” Write down the result of the discussion in a card, and choose the best member to do the report.
2). Class work
Enjoy some pictures about the facilities in labs and students doing experiments in labs.
Q: Which subjects are connected with these pictures? Do you often do experiments in the lab?
Step2 Pre-listening
1).Group work
Is it necessary for you to do experiments in the lab? List the reasons in the card and see which group can find more.
2).Class work
Do you still remember what your teacher often remind you before, when and after you do an experiment? Divide the whole into several groups to have a competition in class and see which group will win the game.
Step 3 Listening
1). Listen to what Mr. Zhu is talking to his students for the first time, focusing on the subjects mentioned in the passage.
2). Listen to the tape for the second time to write down some key words to the questions and check with the partners.
3). Listen to the tape for the third time. Understand the whole passage fully and check if the answers are complete, especially pay attention to different structures of giving instructions.
Follow / teacher’s /instructions Don’t come into / without …
Be careful about / when… Don’t touch… / unless…
Always listen carefully to… Don’t throw… / unless…
Clean…away and leave …clean and neat Don’t forget to…
You should tie…up Never put / nose directly into…
Remember that… Never put /fingers into/ and taste…
Make sure that…
Step 4 Post-listening
1). Group work
List what you can do and can’t do in a lab as much as possible in groups.
2). Individual work
Knowing the rules in a lab is very necessary for the sake of our safety. Suppose you are a chemistry teacher, and you are going to make an announcement to your students to give them some instructions before an experiment.
3). Group work
Design the rules for the chemistry lab of your school in groups and put it on the wall in the classroom.
Task 1. Have a discussion to find out the best rules for the lab and recommend it to the school leader.
Task 2. Preview Speaking and try to search for some information about the new inventions and discoveries.
Period 2 Speaking
Learning Aims
1. To learn to cooperate with partners to analysis a problem in different views.
2. Enable students to describe the advantages and disadvantages of something in specific words.
Learning Procedures
Step 1 Warming-up
Daily report
1). Class work
Watch a video about the successful launch of ShenZhou V manned space flight in China.
Nowadays, more and more new inventions and discoveries are made all over the world.
2). Brainstorming
List the words they’ve learned about the new scientific inventions and discoveries. Then have a short introduction to Maglev train.
Step 2 Pre-speaking
1). Pair work
Read the dialogue aloud to finish the following form:
inventions advantages disadvantages
Maglev train
2). Group work
Discuss how you can talk about the advantages and disadvantages about some new inventions and list the relevant words and phrases an many as possible.
Advantages Disadvantages
It’s good for… It is too expensive
It can help… It is dangerous to…
It is important for… It is unnecessary to..
It brings people… Some people will use it for…
It doesn’t pollute… It is bad / or harmful for…
Step 3 While speaking
1). Group work
Enjoy some pictures about some new inventions. (Cloning, Nuclear energy, Computers and Space flight ) Each group is to choose one of them to have a discussion and list the advantages and disadvantages. Exchange the ideas with the whole class.
2). Pair work
Make a dialogue in pair to talk about one of the inventions, using the structures to show your agreement and disagreement, such as I’m afraid…/ I can’t agree with you./ I don’t think so. / In my opinion… And then act it out.
Step 4 Post-speaking
1). Debate
The scientific technologies are improving very fast. Some of them are widely accepted and applied, while some are still being argued about by people. Cloning humans is still one of them. In your opinion, do you think it good to do so all over the world?
Divide the whole class into two groups to have a debate and see which group will perform better.
2). Imagination
If you were a scientist many years later after you graduated from universities. Do you think what you would try to invent or discover? And why do you think so?
Task 1. Read the following poem ,and then try to imitate it and write down a similar one, of course, about other inventions.
A compute is a machine. A computer is interesting.
A machine is useful. I can study a computer.
I can use it.
Who made it? Humans being made it.
I am a human being. am warm. I am wise.
I have empathies for animals and people.
I conductor a computer. A computer does not conductor me.
Task 2 Find out one interesting story about some famous scientists and retell it in your own words.
Flossie Wong-Staal
An interview with Emilio Alvarez and Ann Crystal Angeles
Flossie Wong-staal stays on the move. She moved with her family from China to Hong Kong when she was five. Later she moved to the United States to attend college. Now Wong-Staal is on the move to clone the virus that is believed to cause AIDS and to figure out how the molecules(分子)of the virus are arranged. Wang-Staal heads a team of scientists at the university of California, San Diego. They are trying to save lives by making an AIDS vaccine(疫苗).
Emilio: How did you decide that you wanted to become scientist?
Wong-Staal: At first my teachers made the decision. In high school they said I should study science because of my grades. By the time I graduated from college, there were so many exciting discoveries being made in molecular biology that I wanted to specialize it.
Emilio: What was your high school like?
Wong-Staal: I went to an all-girl high school in Hong Kong. I felt very free at an all-girl school, and I have fond memories of that time.
Anne Crystal: Would you explain your research?
Wong- Staal: Basically me colleagues and I are trying to understand how the AIDS virus is replicated, and then to develop ways to interrupt the replication process, By “replication” I mean the way in which the virus gets inside a cell and uses that cell as a sort of factory to make many many copies of itself.
Anne Crystal: Do you always enjoy your job in the laboratory?
Wong-Staal: Yes,, I think it’s very exciting work. Of course it’s not every day that you make a discovery and have that kind of reward. But when it does happen, it’s a real thrill. It’s exciting to know that you brought about knowledge that didn’t exist before.
Anne Crystal: What would you tell students who would like to become research scientists?
Wong- Staal: Stay with your interest, and get good information about the education you will need. I also have warning: Things are not always easy. There are frustrations in research; sometimes things don’t go the way you’d hoped. But when you make a discovery or a contribution to science, it becomes worthwhile. And I want to encourage all young people to be interested in science: We need you !
1. As you read, guess the meaning of the boldface words from the surroundings words and sentences.
2. Look back over the reading to find the following information:
(1). Where Wong-Staal was born: (2). What she is studying in her research:
(3). What she was the first person to do:
(4). This article is primarily about______________.
A. the scientist Wong- Staal B. making an AIDS vaccine
C. preventing the spread of disease
(5). Which question is NOT answered in the reading?
A.What college did Wong- Staal attend
B. What type of biology did she specialize in
C.Where does she work now
(6). You can infer that Wong- Staal
A. didn’t want to become a scientist
B. is happy she becomes a research scientist
C. plans to retire soon
3. Write about the following two questions in your journal.
(1). Wong- Staal says that there are frustrations in research. What do you think she means? What frustrations might there be in doing research? How would you deal with these frustrations?
(2). Wong- Staal says that here teachers decided she should become a scientist. Do you think teachers should make career choices for their students? Why or why not?
Period 5 Language study
Learning Aims
Enable students to have a better knowledge of the rules of word-formation.
Learning Procedures
Step 1 Warming up
Daily report: Show your opinions about the two problems mentioned in the reading passage.
Individual work
Show a tongue twister to students:
If one doctor doctors another doctor, does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring? Or does he doctor the doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?
Practise the tongue twister for some times and see who can say it correctly and fast.
Q: Do all “doctors” in this sentence have the same meaning?
Conclusion: The meaning of the same word varies in different sentences and so does the gender.
Step 2 Reading and thinking
1). Pair work
Read the following sentences to distinguish the different meanings of the same word.
How much do you charge for repairing my CD player?
The frightened animal charged into the toy shop.
It usually takes one hour to get my call phone fully charged.
The man was charged for being irresponsible for the job in the court.
We gave her the charge of the house when we were away for holiday.
What is the charge for using the hall?
The guide conducted the tourists around the museum.
How well does this material conduct electricity or heat?
The concert on this Saturday evening will be conducted by a world famous conductor.
The teacher scolded him because of his bad conduct.
The manager conducted the business carefully.

He was surprise to see so many crosses marked in his Maths homework.
This fruit is a cross between an apple an d appear.
The river was too deep to cross.
The two main roads cross in the center of the town.
He crossed his name off the list.
2). Group work
Discuss in groups to think about more words of this kind and make sentences according to the different meanings. Then read it out and the other students try to guess the meaning of the same word in different situations.
Step 3 Imagination
Group work
Show some words on the screen ( such as bank, tie, sharp, tear) . Discuss in groups to make a short story, paying great attention to the different meanings and gender of the same word. Write it down on a card and share it with the whole class. See which group does the best job.
Step 4 Compound words
Sometimes if we put two different words together, we can make a new one. These words are called “Compound words”. Show some examples:
Blackboard is compounded with two words:
Part 1= a kind of deep color Part 2= a piece of thin wood
Show the students the formulation: Part 1 + Part 2 = ?
1). Class work
The teacher provide explanations to two single words. Ask the students to combine them together and then guess what the new word is. Repeat it for several groups.
Part 1= part of the body used when we talk Part 2= a round thing to play with
Part 1= water of ten degrees below zero Part 2= medicine to put on your skinPart 1= a liquid you need to make tea
Part 2= moving in snow with wooden thing tied to your shoes
2). Group work
Discuss to think of some some compound words in groups and then do the same game with the partners.
3) Class work
Have a competition about word guessing and see which team can give the most wonderful performance.
Two students to make a team with one facing the blackboard and the other facing all the students. The teacher lists some compound
words on the screen. The students facing the Bb explains the two parts of the compound word as quickly and exactly as possible, so
that the other one can join the two parts together to guess which word is mentioned. The game is limited in two minutes and then they
can find out which team have guessed more words than the others.
Step 5 Post-learning
Read the story about “Franklin’s famous kite experiment” again , and try to find out all the similar words as those learned in this class.
Task 1. Design an exercise to match the words in Column A with those in Column B to make some compound words. Exchange the exercises in class.
Task 2. Prepare to make up a story about the relationship of humans and animals in groups and then act the short play out.
Period 6 Integrating skills
Learning Aims
1. Get the students to have reading extension for scientific experiments.
2. Enable students to write an argumentative essay by discussion.
Learning Procedures
Step 1 warming- up
(1). Class work
Daily report: A short play about the relationship between humans and animals.
Q: What do you learn from it?
(2). Class work
Enjoy some pictures about animals killed by humans:
Q: Why do people kill so many animals? Can it be avoided?
(3). Class work
Q: Why do scientists do experiments on animals?
What would often be the result? Can it be avoided?
Step 2 Reading
(1). Individual work
Can scientists make experiments on animals to test new products? People have different opinions about the problem. Let’s read such a passage now.
Q: How many questions are mentioned?
( Does animals testing work? Do people have the right to use animals?)
(2). Individual work
People are having a heat argument about the problem. And if you were an animal, what do you think would say to humans beings?
Prepare to make a short speech and speak it out.
(3). Group work
As a human being, do you agree with which side? A reporter is very interested in this argument, and he is having an interview with some people. Discuss the problem in groups, one as the reporter to hold the interview, one as a scientist who sticks to testing on animals, one as an activist who is against the idea and the other one tries to make some suggestions and notes. Exchange ideas with each other with the information in the reading material as well as your own opinions. Do the report and share your conclusions with the whole class.
(4). Group work
It’s really difficult for us to judge who is right or wrong. So in order to avoid such an argument, do you have some betters methods to solve problem, especially in the future? Discuss the problem in groups and reach an conclusion.
Step 3 Writing
(1). Pair work
Now it’s time for you to write about an argumentative essay on this problem. So what do you think you are going to write about in your essay? Discuss in pairs and show the ideas to the class.
(2). Individual work
Read the tips carefully to check if you have the same idea.
Title Choose a clear Pro or Contra animal testing title

Introduction Explain for what reasons animals are used in experiments and make clear on which side you are: Is animal testing OK or are you an animal rights activist?
Second Paragraph: Arguments Pro Choose two or three arguments from the reading to support your view, Explain them in your own words: 2—3 pros.
Third Paragraph: Arguments Contra Choose one or two arguments from the reading that do against your view. Explain them in your own words and show that they are not true: 1—2 cons
Conclusion Write what we should do with animals experiments in the future and why.
(3). Individual work
Then Write down your answers to the questions listed in the form one by one.
Why are animals used in the experiments?
Are you on which side of them?
Which views do you agree with? Why?
Which views don’t you agree with? Why?
What other ways can you think of to solve the problem in the future?
(4). Individual work
Join your answers together to make a short passage. Divide them into several different paragraphs according to what you write about in each one. Read it through with your partners to make sure what should be corrected and improved.
(5). Class work
To make your essay read well, some useful words will help you a lot when your are writing an argumentative one. Read these words carefully, and choose to use some of them in your essay and then read it again to see what has changed.
similarly , the same as, similar to ,equal to, appear the same, both seem to, in the same way, in a similar way, in comparison with share…in common/ have….in common, compare …with…, be compared with, make a comparison between with… there are some similarities between…
nevertheless/nonetheless otherwise, whereas in contrast, on the contrary opposite to…, different from, on the other hand, have little/nothing in common there are some difference between…
for example/instance, as follows, such as, in particular in this case, one example is…and another example is… take ….as an example, the following examples will show that… there are many examples to show that….
in a word, generally speaking, in my opinion, to sum up, on the whole ,
Task 1. Experience the life in your hometown with heart, and find out what people are talking about heatedly. Write them down and choose one to write about. Before writing, interview some people’s views about it, and then judge which side you are on. Write a letter to the local government to show your opinions.
Task 2. Fill in the assessment form below:
Learner log for unit 16 Class Name No:
In this unit, you’ve learned about scientists and experiments. How comfortable do you feel like practicing each of the skills below?
1=Not comfortable 2=Need more practice 3=Comfortable 4=Very comfortable
Skills Comfort level
Talk about science and scientists 1 2 3 4 General assessment
Learn how to give instructions 1 2 3 4
Study some rules of word formation 1 2 3 4
Use new words and expressions 1 2 3 4
Learn to write an argumentative essay 1 2 3 4
What is the most important thing you have learned in this unit?
What do you think you did best in this unit?
What do you find the most difficult in this unit?
Where do you see the best improvement?
Where do you need to work hard?

Group assessment
姓 名

Unit 16
Period 3 Reading
Benjamin Franklin’s Famous Kite Experiment
一,Teaching Aims:
1. To get to know something about the story of famous scientists.
2. To enable students to understand the given material better using different reading skills.
3. To have a better understanding about the importance of experiments in science.
二,Teaching Focus:
Students can understand the passage and do the experiment as Franklin did.
三,Teaching Aids: computer
四,Learning Procedures:
Step 1 Leading in
Do you know more about Benjamin Franklin? He performed his celebrated experiment with the kite in 1752. Today , let’s read about this great man.
Step 2 Reading
Individual work
Skimming: Read the material fast to find out the right picture about Franklin’s experiment.
Step 3: True or false
(1). In 1752 scientists already knew what electricity is.
(2). Franklin was helped by a friend to do the experiment.
(3). Franklin made the kite of silk because wet silk does not conduct electricity.
(4). A condenser was used in the experiment to store electricity.
(5). The key tied to the string was put into the door to stop the kite from flying away.
(6). The experiment can be done at any time.
(7). You can feel clear electric shock if you touch the string with your fingers after the kite is flying in the sky.
Step 4: Equipment :
a handkerchief made of silk ,two pieces of light wood,strings, a sharp piece of metal,
a key ,a silk ribbon
Step 5: Acting
Class work
There are seven steps for making a kite. Ss underline them and then draw a picture of the kite as the one made by Franklin.
Retell the steps of the experiment according to the following words.
1.the frame , by , light wood 2.tie , the corners , to ,cross 3.add , a tail, frame
4.tie, a string , the cross 5.tie, a piece of metal, stick 6.fasten, a key, string
7.tie , a ribbon, string
Step 6: Further understanding
Read through the passage to fill in the blanks in the form in pairs.
equipment usage
a kite
a key
a condenser
a sharp metal
a silk ribbon
Step 7 : Discuss the following questions in groups:
(1). Why did Franklin do his experiment with a kite?
(2). Why the kite made of silk is better than the one made of paper?
(3). Is it dangerous for Franklin to do the experiment? Why do you think so?
(4). What can you learn from the experiment and also Franklin?
五, Homework:
Franklin was doing the experiment with his little son, and he was a bit curious about what his father was doing. Make a dialogue in pairs between Franklin and his son .




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