Unit 15 习语总结

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Unit 15 习语
1. act out 表演 act as 扮演
2. 1×1 metres 一乘一立方米
3. I don’t think I know you.
4. because of 因为
5. have a hard time 过得艰难
6. have a cold room to live in 有个小房子住
7. would rather (not) do sth
would rather do A than do B
8. after all 毕竟; 终究
9. marry sb = get(be) married to sb
10. call on sb 拜访某人
call at a place 拜访某地
call on sb to do sth 号召某人做某事
11. try on 试穿;试戴
12. on one’s way home 在回家的路上
13. look down 低头看
14. day and night 日日夜夜
15. pay for 付钱买 pay back 归还
pay off 还请(债务)
16. be (well) worth doing
be worth + n.
be worthy of + n. / be worthy of being done
be worthy to be done
It is worth while doing/to do sth. 某事值得做
17. at (the) most 最多 at least 至少
18. earn a lot of money 挣很多钱
19. try doing sth 试验作
try to do sth 努力做
20. give it a try = have a try 试一下
21. come up with 想到
22. a thousand years from now 一千年后
23. Life is like theatre and theatre is like life.
1. besides; except; except for
2. call on; call off; call up; call for; call out; call in
3. bring about; bring back; bring up; bring out;
bring in;
4. make the best of 尽量利用;善用
5. make a speech 讲话;演讲
6. a person with many good qualities 有许多优秀品质的人
7. give a lecture 讲座
8. in order 按顺序; in good order 整齐;
9. ask for one’s hand 向某人求婚
10. How dare you? 你如此大胆。
11. dream of doing sth 梦想着
12. a matter of personal development
13. build up your self-confidence 树立自信心
14. concentrate on
集中(注意力、思想等; 专注于
15. belong to 属于
16. call out 叫出
17. shoot a film = make a film 拍电影



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