unit 11 language points

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[Step I Greetings
Step II Revision
Retell the text in our own words
Step III Reading
Language points:
1. Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing.
whatever (conj.) ---regardless of what , no matter what 引导让步装语从句。在句中可以做主语,宾语和定语。
a. Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool.
( Whatever happens = No matter what happens)
b. Whatever dictionary you have, lend it to me.
c. Whatever you do, don’t be late.
注意:当whatever 引导名词性从句时, 不可用no matter what 替换, whatever= anything that 。
d. You may do whatever you want to do.(whatever= anything that)
e. Whatever can be done has been done. (Whatever= Anything that)已经做了能做的一切。
in store (for sb./sth.)
a. about to happen 必将发生的,就要到来的
b. being stored 储备(贮存)着,准备着
a. I can see trouble in store.
b. There is a surprise in store for you.
c. When I first set ______ in Australia, I didn’t know what the future might have in ______ for me.
A. my foot; the store B. a foot; the store
C. foot; store B. feet; stores
2. It is home to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and more than ten famous universities, including Peking University and Tsinghua University.
home n. --- 所在地,家,发源地,栖息地。
a. I left my book at home.
b. America is the home of baseball.
c. India is the home of elephants and tigers.
d. at home
feel at home
make oneself at home
3. Zhongguancun was set up as a special economic zone in the late 199os and quickly got started became the leader of China’s hi-tech industry.
set up as --- establish (oneself) in business as
立业,当上, 使(自己或他人)从事某职业
a. He has set himself up as a bookseller.
b. His parents set him up as a teacher.
set up 开办,树立,升高,建立,创立,设立
set up a shop
set up a flag
set up a committee
set about doing sth
set off / out
set out to do sth.
4. They all have their own …, but they all share the spirit of creativity and scientific skill that have made Zhongguancun a success.
success n --- a. (U) a degree of succeeding
b. (C) a person or thing that succeeds
(failure is similar to success)
a. Failure is the mother of success.
b. As a writer, she is a success.
c. His new book was a great success.
d. She’s just set up a new company; We hope she makes a success of it.
e. This experiment turned out to be _____ failure, but ,as we know, success often comes after ______ failure.
A. a; a B. /; / C. a; / D. /; a
succeed / be successful in doing sth.
Were you successful (Did you succeed) in persuading him to change his mind?
Step IV Homework
1. Review the words and expressions
2. Preview the language points
Unit 11 Reading
Step I Greetings
Step II Revision
1. Have a dictation
2. Read the text
Step III Reading
Language points:
1. Zhongguancun made it possible for him to follow his dreams and help the country he loves.
One of the mottos for the park --- “Relying on science, technology and knowledge to increase economic power”---
make it clear that science … to build the future.
make + it + n. / adj. + (for sb. )to do sth..
a. Wherever he is, he makes it a rule to do his morning exercises.
b. The new technology will make ______ possible to grow food with very little water.
A. it B. it is C. that D. that is
c. She found it hard to study English.
d. I think it best that you should stay here.
2. Not all the new companies can succeed, but … .
此句中not all的为部分否定。在英语中,否定句分为四类:部分否定、全部否定、半否定和双重否定。
All / Both / Everything / Everyone / Everybody + v. + not …
= Not all / both … + v. + …
a. All that glitters is not gold.
= Not all that glitters is gold.
b. Both of them are not teachers.
= Not both of the are teachers.
c. Not everyone has been to Beijing.
= Everyone hasn’t been to Beijing.
None / Neither / Nothing / Nobody + v. + …
a. Neither of the answers is correct.
b. None of my friends smoke.
c. Nobody in my class has read the book.
Step IV. Summary
Step V Homework




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