Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice |
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Section 1 Background I.Warm up. 1.以动画形式呈现5部莎士比亚的作品,伴以节奏明快,低沉音乐。(见海报) 2.以电影字幕伴以英语发音呈现下列quotations(引语),点击每一quotation,出现一副海报和相对应句子。 1)To be, or not to be: that is the question (男) 2)Neither a borrower nor a lender be(男) 3)O Romeo, Romeo! where are you Romeo? Deny your father and refuse your name.(女) 4)words, words, only words no matter from the heart.(女) 1)A line from the play Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare(引语1.2) 2)A line from the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. (引语3) 3)A line from the play Troilus and Cressida, by William Shakespeare(引语4) II.Background 展示伴有英语配音的背景资料。 ⑴背景:使用所给的图片或录像资料。 ⑵配音文字:使用从右向左游走字幕的方式。(汉语提示用于配图) Shakespeare Biography(莎士比亚生平) The English dramatist and poet William Shakespeare was the author of the most widely admired and influential body of literature by any individual in the history of Western civilization. His work comprises 36 plays, 154 sonnets, and 2 narrative poems. Knowledge of Shakespeare is derived from two sources: his works and those remains of legal and church records and contemporary allusions through which scholars can trace the external facts of his life. Shakespeare was baptized in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, on Apr. 26, 1564. He is buried in the same church, where a memorial records his death on Apr. 23, 1616. In 1623 his colleagues John Heminge and Henry Condell created another memorial by publishing Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, the collection of his plays now known as the First Folio. His mother, Mary, was the daughter of Robert Arden of Wilmcote, near Stratford. . His father, John, was a glover and leather merchant whose increasing financial success was marked by his appointment to a series of municipal posts during the first 10 years of William's life. In the mid-1570s, John Shakespeare's fortunes declined, and he no longer took a visible part in Stratford affairs. The family fortunes lost by John would later be repaired by his son. Shakespeare probably attended Stratford's excellent free grammar school, although no record of the fact exists. On Nov. 28, 1582, church authorities gave permission for him to marry Anne Hathaway of the neighboring village of Shottery. He was 18 years old, and she was 26; probably she was pregnant. On May 26, 1583, their daughter Susanna was baptized in Holy Trinity. Twins, named Hamnet and Judith, were baptized on Feb. 2, 1585. Unlike Greene, Shakespeare was an actor ("player") as well as a writer, and he was associated with a group of other actors that included the day's leading comedian, Will Kempe, and a leading tragedian, Richard Burbage. They were known, after their nominal patron, as the CHAMBERLAIN'S MEN and (after 1603) as the King's Men. By 1592, Shakespeare was acting exclusively for this company; he held shares in the company's profits; he was part of a consortium that in 1599 built and owned its home theater, the GLOBE THEATRE; and he wrote his plays exclusively for this company, at the rate of about two per year. In 1593-94 a plague epidemic forced the closing of the London theaters. In those years Shakespeare published two narrative poems, Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece. The circumstances surrounding another nondramatic work, the SONNETS OF SHAKESPEARE, are less clear. Scholars are not certain how long before their unauthorized publication (1609) they were written, whether they were all written in the same period, or whether the order in which they appeared was of Shakespeare's design. Because the sonnets are the only works in which Shakespeare may plausibly be thought to write from a frankly autobiographical impulse, they have exercised a fascination beyond even their extraordinary value as poetry. 莎士比亚生平 威廉•莎士比亚于1564年4月生于斯特拉福市。他是约翰•莎士比亚和玛丽•莎士比亚的8个孩子中的第3个(活下来的4个中最大的一个)。约翰•莎士比亚是一个成功的商人。他曾担任过各种各样的市政小职,后来,在1568年被选为斯特拉福市市长。作为一个显赫家庭的儿子,威廉无疑在当地的文法学校上过学。这种文法学校是为培养本城市民的子弟们进入大学深造开办的。这是威廉所受过的仅有的正规教育,也一定正是在这所学校,他学到了“不多的拉丁文和更少的一点儿希腊文”——这是他的朋友,诗人本•琼生对他的评价。 1582年,莎士比亚年满18岁,娶了比他年长8岁的安妮•哈瑟维为妻;6个月后,他们的女儿苏珊娜出生了。有人认为,这个婚姻是被迫的,因为安妮已经未婚先孕,但这一推论并不一定成立。婚约是被公认有法律效力的,而婚礼举行之前,婚约双方就常常可以行使夫妻权利了。然而,不管怎样,这一婚姻似乎并美满。1585年,这对夫妻有了一对双胞胎,一男一女,男孩取名哈姆内特,女孩取名朱迪思。此时,约翰•莎士比亚的财力状况略略见窘;也大约与此同时,威廉•莎士比亚离开斯特拉福市,开始寻求自己的机遇,抛下了一家妻儿老小。 从现存史料中无法得知莎士比亚20多岁时的行迹,虽然传统上认为他曾一度担任一个乡村学校校长。尽管如此,有一点却是无庸置疑的——就在这一段时期里,他开始了演员和剧作家的生涯。诗人罗伯特•布林在他的《锱铢机智》(1592年)中,极尽讽刺之能事的笔锋直指“一只新近抖起来的乌鸦,满身披挂,却都是窃自我们的羽毛。以那裹在演员外表中的虎狼之皮,妄自尊大地自以为炮制出的无韵诗能与诸君的鼎力之作媲美……在他的洋洋自得的幻觉中已俨然成为全国的‘莎氏一景'了。”“虎狼之皮”是套用《亨利六世》一剧中的一句台词,而“莎氏一景”,显而易见是影射莎氏本人。大约在1593至1954年间,当伦敦的戏院都因瘟疫而关闭时,莎士比亚写了两首叙事诗,“维纳斯与阿都尼”和“鲁克丽丝受辱记”,并都题献给南安普敦伯爵。约在16世纪90年代,他还写了著名的十四行诗,这些诗于1609年未经他本人许可被编辑出版。 莎士比亚早期剧作,即写于1594年之前的作品,相当程度上只是一些因袭循例之作,喜剧有《错误的喜剧》,情节剧有《泰特斯•安德洛尼克斯》,历史剧有《亨利六世》等。到了1594年,他的剧作已更清晰地表现出了他的天才。他早中期的作品有《仲夏夜之梦》、《威尼斯商人》、悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,以及历史剧《理查二世》、《亨利四世》(分上下两部)以及《亨利五世》。 在1599年到1606年间,他写了四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》和《麦克白》。与此同时,他又写了些“暗色”喜剧(又叫“问题”喜剧):《终成眷属》、《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》及《一报还一报》。在1608年到1611年间,他写了浪漫喜剧《辛白林》、《冬天的故事》和《暴风雨》。 莎士比亚在伦敦生活期间,他的家人仍住在斯特拉福。1596年,他的儿子夭折了。两个女儿分别于1607年和1616年出嫁。莎士比亚已成为当时最受欢迎的剧作家。成功带来的金钱,使他可以为他的父亲买上一副骑士甲胄(这可使他成为一位绅士,这甲胄也就可以作为族徽世代相传了)。他自己则买下了斯特拉福市最气派的豪屋之一,“新地”。1611年,莎士比亚退出伦敦演艺界,返回斯特拉福市,在“新地”里一直住到1616年的4月他去世为止。他被葬于斯特拉福市的三一教堂,紧接着这里竖起了一座纪念碑以缅怀这位戏剧巨匠。 Identity and Authorship(莎士比亚作品) William Shakespeare (baptised April 26 , 1564 , died (O.S.) April 23 , 1616 ) is considered by many to have been the greatest writer the English language has ever known. As a playwright he wrote not only some of the most powerful tragedies, but also many of the funniest comedies ever to appear on an English stage. He also wrote 154 sonnets and several major poems, some of which are considered to be the most brilliant pieces of English literature ever written, because of Shakespeare's ability to rise beyond the narrative and describe the innermost and the most profound aspects of human nature. He is believed to have written most of his works between 1585 -1610, although the exact dates and chronology of the plays attributed to him are not accurately known. Shakespearean tragedies Romeo and Juliet Macbeth King Lear Hamlet Othello Titus Andronicus Julius Caesar Antony and Cleopatra Coriolanus Troilus and Cressida Timon of Athens Shakespearean comedies The Comedy of Errors All's Well That Ends Well As You Like It A Midsummer Night's Dream Much Ado About Nothing Measure for Measure The Tempest Taming of the Shrew Twelfth Night or What You Will The Merchant of Venice The Merry Wives of Windsor Love's Labour's Lost The Two Gentlemen of Verona Pericles Prince of Tyre Cymbeline The Winter's Tale Shakespearean histories Richard III Richard II Henry VI, part 1 Henry VI, part 2 Henry VI, part 3 Henry V Henry IV, part 1 Henry IV, part 2 Henry VIII King John Other Works Shakespeare's other literary works include: Sonnets (See also sonnet ) 《威尼斯商人》的历史背景 夏洛克,威尼斯城里的犹太高利贷者,在本剧中的这一人物塑造引起了未免过多的评论家的关注。正如莎士比亚历史剧中的福斯塔夫一样,夏洛克已经成为英国文学中一个不朽的人物,其光彩甚至遮盖住了剧名所示的主人公——威尼斯商人。同时也招致一些对莎士比亚的真实意图和明显的反犹倾向的严肃的猜测。当代的历史学家和评论家已澄清了两件事,即莎士比亚本意是以尊贵的安东尼奥为该剧的主人公;而且莎士比亚当年并未积极介入反犹浪潮。 自16世纪英国的文艺复兴的早期开始,英国的哲学家和学者就总是仰视着意大利,因为就在意大利,人文主义研究这一学派正在新柏拉图派中发展,早期人文主义者们正是从中世纪这个他们认为原始野蛮的时期发展起来的。他们致力于寻求一个文雅的模式,可使他们借此培养、教化他们那个时代人们普遍存在的粗野的举止和言辞。著名的作品如阿奢姆的《校长》、艾利奥特的《治人者》、黎里的《尤佛伊斯》、悉得尼的《世外桃源》和斯宾塞的《仙后》等,都提出了一系列行为和道德标准,希望受过教育的绅士和朝臣们去模仿。完美的基督教绅士的理想标准是在意大利形成的。这些标准是在巴德萨•卡斯蒂廖内的IL Cortegiano(《侍臣论》)里最完整地规范出来的,该书作于1508年,在意大利发表于1528年。这部著作后来由汤姆斯•豪贝译成英文并发表于1561年,再版于1588年。该书对英国人的思想、行为和文学有着广泛的影响,而且很可能是理解莎剧中正面人物的塑造的最佳史料参考。年轻的王子哈利(莎士比亚历史剧中的主角)这一形象被艾利奥特在他的著作中引为对王子的教诲的范例——少年时狂放不羁,成年后则持重明智。哈利在《亨利四世》和《亨利五世》中的转变和成长,使他成为理想的王子形象。哈姆雷特也正是一个朝臣、战士、学者、挚友和爱侣的完美的整体体现,这一切优点集中造就了一个文艺复兴时期的理想绅士形象。这同样的理想也可适用于安东尼奥和巴萨尼奥,这两位《威尼斯商人》中的绅士。安东尼奥,剧中实际的主人公也是剧名所示的主人公,他年纪略长;已臻成熟稳重。巴萨尼奥则正在摆脱少年期的挥霍浪荡。这两人身上分别展现出了已实现的和正在孕育着的完美的文艺复兴绅士那典型的文雅。莎士比亚将《威尼斯商人》写成一个浪漫喜剧。在剧中,高尚的安东尼奥被塑造成所有绅士的典范,又由于他深厚的友情和基督徒的慷慨,使巴萨尼奥、罗兰佐乃至夏洛克都被引上了正道。 幸运而又不幸的是,莎士比亚刻画人物的才能实在太伟大了,使他不可能将夏洛克这一迷人而又令人作呕的人物的形象暗淡于他那稳重而又谦逊的安东尼奥那高大的光辉。评论家查利•诺顿•科透彻地指出,夏洛克这一形象比最初的设想要“浓墨重彩”得多;莎翁本拟在剧中的次要人物夏洛克和预计中该剧的主角之间建立一个有明显倾向的平衡,但他对这一原该次要的角色过于醉心和热切了。一个多世纪以来伤感的浪漫主义评论也进一步加深了对该剧的误解,使人们的视觉聚焦于一点:博爱主义者们力证夏洛克是被塑造为严苛的基督教的牺牲品。然而,可以展现在阅读该剧的人们面前的一个足堪与这一误解相抗衡的事实是,莎翁不仅了解也对伊丽莎白时代的绅士深感兴趣,他甚至为他父亲和他自己捐购了骑士徵章和称号,更何况他本人也处处体现了完美的文艺复兴人的美德和理念。 J. L. 卡多佐在《伊丽莎白时期剧作中的犹太人》中所作的研究表明,莎士比亚本人并不认识任何犹太人,而且他并未积极介入反犹运动。他只不过沿用了一个几百年来模式化的犹太人形象,而这一固化的形象早已渗透西欧人的日常生活和文学作品中,而且被保留了下来,虽然犹太人早已被赶出英国多年。正由于莎士比亚的天才,他才将人性中的多面性集中在夏洛克身上,同时也使贪婪冷酷的犹太人模式在他的剧作中永生;他勾勒出的这个活生生的肖像,留给了评论家们永无休止的惊叹:夏洛克究竟仅仅是一个喜剧性的坏蛋还是受害于严酷的基督教的悲剧人物。回顾犹太人在中世纪欧洲的经历不但将大大有助于我们理解本剧中的情节,而且也给我们提供一个莎士比亚人物刻画的依据,而这对于理解本剧主旨和细节——这些本剧中的经纬是十分必要的。在整个中世纪,犹太人,不管他们侨居何地,总是要么被当时当地的政权庇护,要么就遭迫害。他们在英国的遭遇典型地反映了他们在基督教笼罩下的欧洲的历史。1066年,诺曼底征服之后,犹太人为逃离法国神职人员的迫害,来到了英国。诺曼人在新占领的国家放宽了经济政策,他们想要大量贡金,而且也需要商业经营方面的理财经验,而后者只有犹太人才具备。很久以前,教会就明令基督徒不得放贷谋利,因为这样做将有悖于《新约全书》中的“慈善”信条。在中世纪农耕经济中必不可少的因素——土地和劳动力,对犹太人来说,却因被禁止拥有地产和农奴而不得不在他们中造就了越来越多的商人和金融家。尽管犹太人因异教而遭迫害,他们还是常常被容忍或被邀进入某国去帮助该国稳固其摇摇欲坠的财政架构。在诺曼底占领后的两百年间,犹太人继续向英国移民,通常都是为了逃避那些过于狂热的排犹分子。亨利一世(1100—35年)为此颁布一份宽松的章程,以换取犹太人在他们所有贸易和借贷业务中获得利润的份额。国王也实际上成为每一个犹太人的继承人——他们一旦闭了眼,财产即被国王褫夺。这样一来,放贷人不得不提高利率,而伴随而来的是国王胃口的膨涨,利率也就上升。这样,犹太人成为国王横征暴敛的缓冲器和为人憎恶的高利贷者。然而他们实际上是国王的替罪羊。 自从阿基坦划归英国疆域后,英国的犹太人除了经济压迫外又被加诸宗教迫害。在查理一世(狮心王)加冕典礼上,对犹太人有计划的屠杀和献祭已成为当时民众庆贺加冕的活动之一。到了12世纪末,合法地掠夺和征敛犹太人在英国本土已和欧洲大陆上一样疯狂,只不过更加公开化。例如,理查一世要求所有的犹太放贷人的生意都要进行登记,而且由国家保存所有的借贷业务的记录。为达到这个目的,他将所有的犹太人驱赶到较大的市镇以进行登记。约翰•杰克兰德,理查德的弟弟和继位者,添充他那亏空的钱囊的手段就是将犹太人投入监牢或以各种罪名处以死刑,以达到剥夺其财产的目的。同时,他又在林肯城里为犹太人提供保护,在那儿,他将犹太人作为国王的长脚财产,立法禁止任何人伤害国王的犹太人,其罪行等同于伤害国王的猎犬。(犹太人与狗在《威尼斯商人》中不只一次地被相起并论。) 到了1254年,情况竟如此恶劣以致于犹太人一起向国王请愿,恳请允许他们离开英国。被搁置一段时间后,爱德华一世终于下令让他们离境。到1290年的10月,一万六千犹太人已离开英国,乘船抵达佛兰德、德国和西班牙。在这些地方,他们要么因他们的理财本领而得到宽容,要么由于他们的宗教“顽固不化”而遇迫害,或被迫改教,或沦为奴隶而自杀。直至17世纪后半叶,英国人才又一次见到犹太人,那是因为清教徒保护者克伦威尔允许他们返回英国。 从剧中莎士比亚对夏洛克的刻画,从夏洛克所提到的犹太人在基督徒手中所遭受的迫害和侮辱中,可以看出,莎士比亚对于犹太人在基督教世界中的悲惨处境是熟知的,所以他为呈现夏洛克这一人物形象恰当而又准确地设计了一个背景,而且他并不认为安东尼奥虐待夏洛克的行为与其完美的文艺复兴绅士的品质相悖。事实上,从文艺复兴时期的基督教徒观点来看,剧终时迫使夏洛克皈依基督教这一举动是被认作对冥顽不化的犹太人的一种仁慈。这些犹太人,许多世纪以来都顽固地不承认基督为他们的弥赛亚,拒绝接受基督教的信仰,也拒绝获得天堂里的拯救,这是因为基督只肯施予他的追随者。以基督本人的生命为典范,唯一最符合基督精神的事是依照福音书上的箴言,去使犹太人皈依。 文学背景 在犹太人消失于英国土地的四百年间,来自欧洲大陆的传说进一步牢牢铸就英国人脑海里模式化了的犹太人形象。在欧洲已形成这样一种习惯:不明原因的死亡、流疫和其它灾难的降临都归罪于犹太人对基督徒的仇恨以及他们对他们的迫害者的复仇欲望。犹太人和魔鬼被看作是孪生兄弟,关于他们以人献祭和在井水中下毒等传说也广泛地被载入文学作品中。在远在犹太人移居英国之前就已写成的古英语诗歌Elene中就指控犹太人将真正的十字架藏匿起来;乔叟的女修道院长的故事指控一个犹太人谋杀一个不知姓名的小男孩,仅是因为他对圣母的虔诚;而在中世纪晚期的奇迹剧中,《旧约》中的人物都被塑造成邪恶而又滑稽的人物。 到莎士比亚童年时期,犹太的形象已被定型为一切邪恶的化身。犹太已经演变成一个低级滑稽的人物,通常由一位演员化妆成戴红假发、留着红胡子,长着大鼻子的形象(夏洛克的这种形象一直演到18世纪)。在剧中,犹太们总是被其他人物玩弄、揍一顿了事,而观众们也把他当作替罪羊。 英国都铎王朝时期,犹太人仅仅是一个戏剧或文学形象,因为当时几乎没有犹太人生活在英国。然而,1594年对罗德里戈•洛佩斯御医,一个葡萄牙籍且已皈依基督教的犹太人的审讯(他被控试图谋害女王)可能确实启发了莎士比亚,使他塑造出一个夏洛克来。然而洛佩斯本已改信基督教,而且他所牵涉进去的一个阴谋与他的犹太背景并无关系。夏洛克这一形象更象英国文学传统中的犹太人而不象洛佩斯。即使如此,对洛佩斯的审讯还是引起了人们极大的兴趣,而历史学家约翰•帕默坚持认为“当莎士比亚坐下来写《威尼斯商人》时,反犹浪潮已处在高潮状态。”E. E. 斯陀补充道,马洛的剧本《马耳他的犹太人》(大约1588年)在四年之内都很受欢迎,而在审讯洛佩斯的时候,即1594年5月至12月,这出戏连续公演二十场。马洛的剧刻画了巴拉巴斯这个犹太人,在他身上“浓缩着大多数害人者对弱小的受害者所指控的全部罪名。”同时他的剧表明,反犹主义在戏剧里是一种盛行的观点。马洛剧中的巴拉巴斯被马耳他总督虐待。与其他富裕的犹太人一起,他被勒令交出一半财产作为贡金交给土耳其人。当巴拉巴斯拒绝时,他的全部财产都被剥夺了。从那时起,他就变成恶魔的化身,也同时成了典型的犹太人所特有的本质性的贪婪、残酷、狂妄和阴险的标本。一方面想复仇,一方面也由于他憎恨所有的基督徒,巴拉巴斯帮助土耳其人攻克了马耳他,然后又帮助马耳他总督共谋反对土耳其人,然而他未能实现这个愿望,因为他失足掉进了他为土耳其人准备的沸滚的大锅里了。 莎士比亚笔下的夏洛克和巴拉巴斯怀有同样动机。他承认他恨所有的基督徒,尤其憎恨安东尼奥,因为基督徒们虐待犹太民族以及他本人。和巴拉巴斯一样,夏洛克被民族的和个人的复仇欲望所推动。然而,他又不仅仅是一个传统舞台上的犹太人或简单意义上的邪恶和仇恨的象征;夏洛克被赋予了人的品性并有具体的复仇动机。他被当面唾骂,被骂成狗,因为从事基督教世界留给他的唯一可能的职业而被辱骂;他的女儿被一个基督徒“窃走”,而对此人们认为他应该慈悲宽容为怀。作为传统意义上的犹太人,他冷酷不化,一意孤行,而安东尼奥,这个在基督精神中,爱、谦逊、慈悲、仁爱、原恕等美德的化身,却甘愿将自己的命运交到敌人手中。安东尼奥表现出真正的基督精神,他驯顺地忍受一切伤害,甚至准备接受死亡;而夏洛克,犹如《旧约》中一心报复的上帝,坚持要刻板执行律法。 《威尼斯商人》的来源 在当时欧洲文学作品中就有本剧描述的并行的两条故事主线,这是不会令莎士比亚陌生的。高利贷者的故事是广为流传的,而“一磅肉”的故事在波斯和印度的古老宗教故事中都有蓝本。而且这一主题也屡屡出现在各种欧洲版本中,尤其多见于意大利的作品中。在这些作品中,至少在其中的一部里,犹太大并非那恶棍,而是那剧中的受害者。莱蒂的《西萨托五世生平》(1585年)讲到一个基督徒商人与一个犹太人打赌,赢了赌金,然后就要按照约定取那一磅肉,而在这时,教皇插手救了那倒霉的犹太人。而一个英语的版本,安东尼•曼迪的《泽劳陀》(1580年)讲的是两个大学生和他们的妻子,智胜他们的债权人。该债权人想要索取一磅人肉,在该剧中,所有的人物都是基督徒。一些学者提出,有一部叫作《犹太佬》的剧实际上是莎士比亚写《威尼斯商人》的主要参考,因为高森在1579年将该剧描绘为“代表了世俗的贪婪和高利贷者血腥的心灵”。然而,既然这个剧本已失传,也就无从考证究竟莎士比亚在多大程度上依赖于这个剧本。 然而,《威尼斯商人》却与一个意大利文集中的一个故事十分相似。这本文集是1378年由Ser Giovanni Fiorentino 编辑的,却到1558年才得以出版。这个故事讲的是一个叫吉安耐托的青年,他求贝尔蒙特女郡主并在其教父安索多的财力帮助下,取得了成功。贝尔蒙特郡主表示愿意嫁给任何一个能清醒地和她躺在床上而不昏睡过去,并趁机行事的男人。很多人都碰过运气而无一得成,因为郡主在求婚者上床之前让他们不知不觉服下某种安眠药。两次失败后,吉安耐托从郡主的侍女那儿得知睡前酒中有药的秘密,这样第三次时,他假装将药酒一饮而尽。然后,当他与郡主躺在床上时,他充分发挥了他的清醒神智,郡主终于同意嫁给他了。然而,与此同时,他的教父却遇到了麻烦。为了资助吉安耐托的三次贝尔蒙特之行,安索多从一个犹太人那儿贷了款并承诺如果这笔钱无法收回,他将以身上一磅肉作赔。正如莎剧中,这个即将受难的可怜人却被郡主拯救了:她化妆成一名律师,在法庭为他辩护。最后“戒指纠纷”也在这个故事中出现了,结局当然是皆大欢喜,唯有一个人除外:那个犹太人。 莎士比亚对乔万尼•弗林提奥的故事作的变动就主要是在情人之间。在早期这个故事中,贝尔蒙特郡主类似于古代民间传说中的女巫:对她们的追求者施加魔力,然后冷酷地捉弄他们;而莎士比亚笔下的鲍西娅则是一位迷人的、睿智的、令人崇敬的年轻女子。她的追求者赢取她的芳心的方式与贝尔蒙特郡主迥然不同,是一个在中世纪拉丁故事集一个叫《罗马人传奇》的故事中表现过的方式(该故事译于1577年,出版于1595年),讲的是一位年轻人通过在三个匣子中选中一个而载得美人归。这个安排的剧场效果比那个卧室情节更好,而且使这位小姐比贝尔蒙特郡主更贤淑。 这样我们可以看出,《威尼斯商人》中的主要情节在一些早期作品中都有:放高利贷的犹太人、“一磅肉”的合同,以及必须在三只匣子中选择命运的求婚者们。然而,使这出剧的异乎寻常之处在于莎士比亚能够将各种主题编织成一个紧密相连并高度诗意化的整体。剧中人如巴萨尼奥、安东尼奥、杰西卡、罗兰佐,葛莱西安诺、尤其是鲍西娅和夏洛克,他们远比先前文学作品中的同类型人物更有趣、更复杂。 2)网站连接 http://shakespeare-1.com/ http://www.uclan.ac.uk/online/shakespeare.htm http://mingzhu66.db66.com/spell/zz/s/7.asp http://mail.sjsmit.edu.tw/~lhw/Shakespeare001.htm http://www.hongen.com/edu/shfz/ywxz/sn013101.htm http://www.rudemechanicals.com/ Section 2 Listening and speaking 以计算机考试模式进行: 1.Listening(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the woman mean? A. She doesn't mind closing the windows. B. She prefers to put on more clothes. C. She wants to leave the windows open. 2. What's the relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student. 3. Where does the conversation take place? A. On a plane. B. In a bus. C. In a hospital. 4. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man forgets to wear his new shirt. B. The new shirt doesn't fit him. C. He has no chance to wear his new shirt. 5. What happened in the telephone conversation? A. The phone line went dead. B. There was something wrong with Mr. White. C. The secretary stopped the conversation. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面6段对话或独白。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独自前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What are they mainly talking about? A. Making money. B. The weather. C. A birthday party. 7. What is Susan going to do first? A. To go to the party. B. To go to a concert. C. To pick Peter up at ten. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. For which day does the man book a room finally? A. March 20th. B. March 21st. C. March 22nd. 9. How much will the man pay for the room? A. 80 dollars. B. 88 dollars. C. 96 dollars. 听第8段材料,回答第10至1l题。 10. For what is Mr. Taylor talking to the woman? A. To ask for a job. B. To ask her to make a website. C. To invite her to play games. 11. What will happen after the conversation? A. She will call Mr. Taylor. B. She won't make the website. C. She won't get in touch with him. 听第9段材料,回答第12至14题。 12. What is the man famous for? A. Doing business. B. Collecting coins. C. Teaching maths. 13. How does the man get the coins for his collection? A. He trades for rare and old ones. B. His uncle often gives him some. C. He asks for some from his friends. 14. Who is the woman? A. A teacher. B. A saleslady. C. A journalist. 听第10段材料,回答第15至17题。 15. What were the high temperatures for Friday in the state? A. 85 to 90 degrees. B. 91 to 95 degrees. C. Over 99 degrees. 16. What is the weather forecast for Saturday evening? A. It will be clear. B. It will be cloudy. C. It will be rainy. 17. About what time should skies clear on Sunday? A. Around 10:00 am. B. Around 3:00 pm. C. Around 6:00 pm. 听第11段材料,回答第18至20题。 18. How often will the class meet in the research lab? A. Once a month. B. Twice a month. C. Four times a month. 19. When can the students get the textbooks? A. Today after class. B. Next week. C. The day after tomorrow. 20. Which of the following will determine a student's grade? A. Daily reports. B. A discussion. C. A research project. Key: 1 -5 C A A B A 6 -10 C B A B A 1l -15 C C A C B 16-20 C B B C C 附:听力录音材料 Text 1 M: Do you mind closing the windows? I feel terribly cold. W: Why don't you put on more clothes? Text 2 W: What's wrong, darling? M:I think we have a flat tire. And I don't think we have a spare one. Text 3 W: I'm sorry, but there's no smoking on this flight. M: Oh, I didn't know that. Sorry. Text 4 W: Have you had a chance to wear your new shirt yet? M: That reminds me. I've been meaning to exchange it for a larger size. Text 5 W: Mr. White's office. Mr. White's secretary is off today. Can I take a message for you? Mr. White will be back later this morning if you'd like to ring back. M: I wanted to tell Mr. White that.., oh, no! I've been cut off. Are you there? Are you there? Oh, it's gone dead. This is the third time it has happened today. Text 6 W: I hope it rains today. M: Why? W: WelI, if it rains on your birthday, it means you make lots of money this year. M: How do you know? W: That's what my grandfather says every time it rains on someone's birthday. M: We're having a party tonight. W: Are we? M: It's a surprise party. I've invited some friends over. Susan doesn't know about it yet. W: Right. Aren' t you taking Susan to a concert? M: Yes, but I'm taking her to the party afterwards. Why don't I ask Peter to pick you up at ten? W: Oh, no, that would be too much trouble. I can make it there by myself. Where's the party? Text 7 W: Hello. Sunnyside Inn. May I help you? M: Yes, I'd like to book a room for two on the 21st of March. W: Okay. Let me check. Well, would you like a smoking or non-smoking room? M: Non-smoking, please. W: Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20th; we' re full frown the 21st to the 22nd, unless you want a smoking room. M: Well, how much is the non-smoking room on the 20th? W: 80 dollars, plus the 10% room tax. M: Okay, that'll be fine. W: All right. We look forward to seeing you on March 20th. Oh, by the way, could I have your name, please? Text 8 W: Okay, Mr. Taylor, let's go ahead and begin. First of all, tell me about your last job. M: Well, I worked for five years at Hi Tech Computers. W: Okay. Hi Tech. What about your website design skills? Oh, we are looking for someone to create and manage our company's website. M: Umm... uh, website, website. Huh... I don't think I've read that book. W: Huh?! And what about your experience with making a flash? M: Well... I think computers sometimes flash.., if that's what you mean. W: Okay, Mr. Taylor, I think I have all the information I need! M: Oh, and I really like computer games. I play them every day. W: Right, right. Thanks, Mr. Taylor. We'll be in touch. Text 9 W: Professor Jones, you're well-known in town as a professor of mathematics at the City College. We're writing about what professional people do in their spare time for our paper. May I ask you a few questions about your favorite hobby? M: Sure, I love discussing my hobby with people. I'm a coin collector. W: How long have you been collecting coins? M: Since I was 12 years old. My uncle gave me a book with spaces to put coins into. W: How did your interest grow? M: I filled that book and continued to look at the coins that passed through my hands, searching for rare and old ones. W: Where do you find the coins for your collection? M: Sometimes in my small change, but usually 1 buy them from other collectors or trade for others. W: What does your collection consist of now? M: I have over 5,000 valuable coins which have doubled in value. W: You seem very business-like in your hobby. M: Well,do you think so? But my hobby is mainly based on interest. W: Thank you for your answers, Professor Jones. t think people will enjoy reading about your hobby. Text 10 , Well, for those of you who went out today, I don t have to tell you it was clear, but foggy for most of the state, with the high temperatures in the low to mid 90's. The city of Elkview had the high for the day of 97 degrees. And that's hot. I'm glad I'm working indoors today! For those of you planning outdoor activities tomorrow, you can expect fair skies for most of Saturday with temperatures in the high 90's. However, things might change by Saturday evening with a storm front moving in. We can expect light showers over the northern part of the state bringing slightly cooler temperatures in the 80's, but this rain should slowly come to an end by mid Sunday morning. It wilt be partly cloudy for most of the morning, but these clouds should move out by mid-afternoon on Sunday. And that's all for today's weather. Text 11 Hello, everyone. My name's Karl Roberts, and I'll be your teacher for this class, Intercultural Communication 311. Uh, to begin with, please take a look at the form in front of you. As you all should know by now, this class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:50. We will be meeting in this room for the first half of the course, but we will be using the research lab every other week on Thursday in room 405 during the last two months of the class. Uh, this is the text for the class, "Beyond Language". Unfortunately, the books haven't come in yet, but I was told that you should be able to buy them at the bookstore the day after tomorrow. Again, as you see on your course outline, grading is determined by your performance in a midterm and final test, quizzes, uh, a research project, and classroom attendance. My office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays, and you can set up an appointment to meet with me at other times as well. 2.Speaking: 汉语提示: 制作: 以两帧图画呈现1)2)两个讨论: Work in groups of four or five students. Find examples for each situation in modern life and discuss whether it is right or wrong. Situation 1) 1 Mercy versus Revenge: Some People don’t like each other or are even enemies. It sometimes happens that people are in a position where they can make an important decision about a person they hate. In the play, Shylock gets the chance to kill Antonio, and he would. But when the roles are turned around, it is Shylock who must beg the Duke to save his life. Despite the fact that nobody really likes Shylock, the Duke does not want to kill him.. What would you do if you had your worst enemy in your power? Situation 2) 2 Love versus Money: Bassanio cannot marry Portia because he doesn’t have enough money. It happens everywhere around the world: two young people love each other, but when the boy is poor or doesn't have a good job, often the parents of the girl don't allow them to get married. Maybe you know some examples in your hometown.. Are the parents right? If not, what do you think about a situation like that? What should be done? Section 3.(一)language focus: 1)以所给图片,设计一段英文动画短片。 2)配音:在屏幕下方显示英语字幕,汉语字幕。最好设置为可选择字幕。 3)点击红色标志,出现讲解。 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE (1) D: Duke S: Shylock B: Bassanio A: Antonio P: Portia D: Shylock, the world thinks --- and I think so too---that you are playing a cruel game, but we all believe that you will give it up in the end. Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. Be reasonable. S: I've promised to take my pound of flesh. If you won't let me have it, that will be a sign of weakness and no one will trust your laws anymore. The greatness of Venice will soon be lost. Antonio is my enemy, and I hate him. B: Do all men kill the things they do not love'? A: It's useless trying to argue with Shylock. You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea. Don't wait any longer. Pass judgment on me and give Shylock what he wants. B: I'll pay you six thousand ducats for the three thousand ducats that Antonio borrowed. S: If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. Give me my pound of flesh! D: Let us be calm, gentlemen. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none? S: I have done nothing wrong and I fear no judgment. I desire my pound of flesh. (Enter Portia, dressed as the judge.) D: Greetings, learned judge! I do not envy you your job. This is a most troublesome case. P: Greetings! Please be seated. Are you Antonio, and is this your agreement with Shylock? What do you accuse of? A: It is. Shylock doesn’t accuse me of any thing. My fate is a consequence of bad fortune. P: Then Shylock must be merciful. He must have mercy on Antonio. S: Why must I have mercy on him? Tell me that! I’ve kept my side of the bargain and I expect him to keep his. P: Mercy brings good. Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth. It is twice blessed. It blesses those who give it, and those who receive it. It's the highest of the highest. We should learn to show mercy to others. Do you still ask for this pound of flesh? S: I ask for my legal right. B: I offer ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed. Please change the law a little. To do a great right, do a little wrong and in that way we can save Antonio. . P: That's impossible, sir! We cannot change a law. If one law is changed, then people will later want to change other laws. S: Oh, wise young judge! , P: Let me see this agreement, this promise of Antonio to you. S: Here it is. P: I see. According to the law, Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut off nearest to Antonio's heart. (to Shylock) Be merciful! Take more than three times your money and let me tear up this paper. S: I have sworn to heaven to have my pound of flesh. I must have it! P: It must be so. Antonio, get ready and offer up your breast. And Shylock, take your knife and prepare to do the deed. Have you brought something to weigh the flesh? A balance? S: Yes. I have everything ready here. P: Did you bring a surgeon, Shylock, to take care of Antonio's wounds and make sure that he doesn't bleed to death? S : There is nothing about that in the agreement. P: Do you wish to say anything, Antonio? A: Only a little. I am ready for it. Farewell Bassanio. Don't be sad for me. Tell your wife about me and let her be the judge of my character. If Shylock cuts deep enough, I'll pay him back with all my heart. B: Let me take you in my arms and say goodbye. I love you more than my own life, more than my wife, and more than all the world. (He cries.) P: Your wife would not be pleased to hear you say that. S: We are wasting time. Learned judge, pass your judgment! P: Take your pound of flesh! I declare the count allows it and the law gives it to you. 1.Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock.宽恕安东尼奥吧,夏洛克! mercy"宽恕,怜悯",on/upon表示对象,所以have mercy on/upon sb.就是"宽恕(或怜悯)We should learn to show mercy to others.我们应学会宽怒他人。 注意下列词组: have mercy on sb. 宽恕某人;怜悯某人/show mercy to sb. 宽恕某人;怜悯某人 beg sb for mercy 求某人宽恕;求某人原谅/be merciful 有怜悯心的 2.Be reasonable. 不要这样怀恨在心。 reasonable adj. 1).合理的;懂道理的,通情达理的:a reasonable man通情达理的人 2).适度的,不高的(价钱)a reasonable price公平的价格 3.It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. 试图跟夏洛克讲道理是没有用的。 ① 在这个句型中 it 是形式主语,后面的动名词或者动名词短语是真正的主语。能以动名词作主语的这类句子比较少,主要用在以 no point , no use , no good 等作表语的句子中。例如: It‘s no use talking without acting. = It’s useless talking without acting. 光说不干是没有用的。 ② it 作形式主语用在 it‘s a waste of time + ing 的句子中。例如: It’s just a waste of time talking to him. ③ 动名词作主语还用于 there + be + no use ( good , point ) + ing 句型中,例如: There‘s no use talking about it. = It’s no use talking about it. 4.You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea. 你到不如站在海滩上和大海争论。 may/might as well意思为:(结果)都是一样,.还是…的好; 1). You might as well ask for the moon as for a bicycle.你要辆自行车就像要天上的月亮一样。 2)I might as well give the sweet course a miss.这道甜食我还是不吃了吧。 5. pass judgment on sb.直译是"把判决传到某人身上",意即"对我宣判吧"。 6.If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. 即使你愿意给我六倍于你刚才提出的钱数,我仍然要拿我应得的那一磅肉。 1)本句中的if=even if,作"即使"解,引导让步状语从句。注意,句中谓语动词用了虚拟语气。 2)times 在此表示三倍以上的倍数。用 times 表示“甲是乙的几倍大(长、宽、高等)”,“甲比乙大(长、高、宽等)几倍”,可以用下列句型: ① A is … times the size ( length , height , width ) of B This street is four times the length of that one. 这条街是那条街的 4 倍长。(= 这条街比那条街长 3 倍。) ② A is … times as big ( long , high , wide ) as B Asia is four times as large as Europe .亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。(= 亚洲比欧洲大三倍。) ③ A is … times bigger ( longer , higher ) than B The meeting-room is three times bigger than our office. 会议室比我们的办公室大三倍。 ④ 三倍以下通常用 double 或者 twice 来表达两倍。 His weight is double what it was ten years ago. 他的体重是 10 年前的两倍。 This package is double the weight of that one. 这个包裹比那个包裹的重量多一倍。 This railway is twice longer than that one. 这条铁路比那条长两倍。 The room is twice the size of that one. = This room is twice as big as that one. 7.how can you hope that others will show mercy to you if you show no mercy to others?"如果你不宽恕别人,你自己怎能希望得到别人的宽恕呢?" 1)hope for"希望,盼望"。Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备。We hope for an early answer to our letter.盼早日赐覆。 2) "when"在这里相当于if。例如,She'll be here to give you help when necessary.如果需要,她就来给你帮忙。 8.I desire my pound of flesh. 我仍然要拿我应得的耶一磅肉。 vt.及物动词:想望, 期望, 希望, We all desire happiness. 我们都渴望幸福。 What do you desire me to do? 你要我做什么 ? She has a desire to visit Egypt. 她渴望到埃及去观光。 常用下列结构: ① desire to do 希望做……. desire sb to do 希望某人做…… 。I desire you to go at once. ② desire that …… (从句中 should 型虚拟语气) The director desires that you (should) visit him next week. = The director desires you to visit him next week. ③ desire 作名词后跟同位语从句。同谓语从句中用虚拟语气。 The people expressed their desire that the war should come to an end soon. 9.learned judge! 博学的法官! learned 是个形容词,意思是“有才华的”,“ 博学的”,在用做过去式和过去分词时,采用learnt。 例如: The teacher is a learned man. 老师是个有学问的人。 A learned professor is writing a book about it.一个有学问的教授正在写一本关于此问题的书。 He has learnt English for more than ten years, but he can’t speak English fluently. 他学英语十年多了,但是,还不能流利地讲英语。 10. I do not envy you your job.我并不羡慕您的职业。 envy vt. 羡慕;妒嫉 及物动词,过去式,过去分词为envied,现在分词 envying I don't envy you your journey in this bad weather.我并不羡慕你在这种坏天气去旅行。 How I envy you! 我真羡慕你! 11. This is a most troublesome case. 这是一个最麻烦的案子。 case n. 1)事例;病例;案件 This is a case of stupidity, not dishonesty.这只是个愚蠢的例子,并非不诚实。 This is a case of fever.这是一发烧的病例。 The case against Mr. White is said to be heard tomorrow.据说怀特先生被起诉一案定于明天开庭。 2)情形;场合;状况 'Well, in that case, I would prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. `唉,那样的话,我宁愿留在车上啦,'我回答说。 常用词组: in case以防;可能;倘若 Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。 in case of如果;万一 In case of rain they can't go.万一下雨,他们就不能去了。 12.Please be seated. 请坐下。 seat vt seat,用作动词时,1)意为"使…就座",是及物动词,宾语为反身动词,即seat oneself,或用be seated。如,Michael一到你家,就坐到书桌旁看起书来。Michael seated himself at the desk and began to read.后来,2).供以座位; 可容纳The hall seats 2000.这个会场有两千个座位。 13.What do you accuse of?你起诉什吗? accuse vt.控告;指控 常用accuse someone of something指控某人某事 The police accused him of murder.警方指控他谋杀。 The police accused him of stealing.警方控告他犯有盗窃罪。 14.My fate is a consequence of bad fortune. 只怨我运气不好。 consequence n.结局;结果 As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse. 由于在医院的缘故,谢莉决定当一名护士。 15.Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth. It is twice blessed. It blesses those who give it, and those who receive it. 慈悲像甘露从天空中降到地面上,它不但赐福施予的人,而且赐福于受施的人。 16.wise young judge! 聪明年轻的法官啊! 注意:judge前无冠词。当名词作表语、同位语、宾语补足语等表示某人的官衔或职位时,前面常不用冠词。如布朗先生是这次会议的主席,Mr Brown was chairman of the meeting. 17.I have sworn to heaven to have my pound of flesh.我想天发誓我必须得到我要的肉。 swear vt.(swore ;sworn)立[宣, 发](誓) swear an oath发誓/ I swear I won't tell anyone your secret.我发誓不把你的秘密告诉任何人。/ He swore to speak the truth.他发誓要说实话。 18.do the deed"采取行动", do good deeds就是"做好事"的意思。Leifeng did a lot of good deeds. 19. a balance? 你带来了称肉的器具吗? balance n.秤, 天平, 20.bleed to death因流血过多致死 21. take in one's arms"拥抱"。上课铃声一响,老师就抱着书走进了教室。The teacher went into classroom,taking some books in his arms. 22. be pleased to "高兴" pleased是"高兴"的意思。be pleased to do sth."很高兴干某事",你知道我们和别人初次见面时怎么说吗?I am pleased to see you.不错,I am pleased to hear that. 23. court法院;法庭 (= court of law) 威尼斯商人 (威尼斯商人安东尼奥是大家所喜欢的人,因为他总是乐于助人。他拥有许多商船,同别的国家进行贸易。在这个故事发生的时候,他的所有船只都在海上。 巴萨尼奥是安东尼奥最好的朋友,他爱上了一位富有、漂亮的女子鲍西娅,她也爱他。令人悲伤的是,他不能向鲍西娅求婚,因为他自己没有钱。于是他就请求安东尼奥借给他三千块钱。安东尼奥由于当时没有钱,就去找放债人夏洛克。而夏洛克恨安东尼奥,原因是安东尼奥曾多次当众斥骂夏洛克贪婪和残忍。然而夏洛克还是同意借钱给安东尼奥,但是有一个条件。在借约中,安东尼奥许诺,如果在三个月期满时偿还不了这笔钱,就允许夏洛克从他身上任何部位割掉一磅肉。安东尼奥同意了,借了钱给巴萨尼奥。 就在巴萨尼奥和鲍西娅即将举行婚礼的时候,收到了安东尼奥的一封信,信上说他所有的船都在海上遇险失事了,他将不得不给夏洛克一磅自己身上的肉。他希望在死以前能与巴萨尼奥见一面。在婚礼后,鲍西娅叫巴萨尼奥立即到他的朋友那儿去。然后她想出了一个营救安东尼奥的妙计。她有一个好朋友,是法律博士。她向他借了几件律师服和一些书。她装扮成律师,她的侍女尼莉莎打扮成律师的书记员。就这样她们一起来到了公爵的法庭,安东尼奥的审判正在那里进行。) 第一部分 公爵:宽恕安东尼奥吧,夏洛克。不要这样怀恨在心。 夏洛克:我说过一定要拿走我应得的那一磅肉。要是您不准许我得到它,那将是一种软弱的表现,人们将不再相信你们的法律了。威尼斯不久就会丧失它的伟大。安东尼奥是我的敌人,我恨他。 巴萨尼奥:难道所有的人都要铲除他们所不爱的东西吗? 安东尼奥:跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。别再等待了。对我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要得到的东西给他。 巴萨尼奥:我将付给你六千块钱,用来归还安东尼奥借的那三千块钱。 夏洛克:即使你愿意给我六倍于你刚才提出的钱数,我仍然要拿我应得的耶一磅肉。把那一磅肉判给我! 公爵:先生们,请安静。夏洛克,如果你不宽恕别人,你自己怎能希望得到别人的宽恕呢? 夏洛克:我并没有做错事,我不怕审判。我要求给我应得的那一磅肉。 (正当公爵不知道应该怎么办的时候,尼莉莎打扮成一个律师的书记员,带着鲍西娅刚拜访过的那位著名的律师的一封信,来到法庭。当公爵与尼莉莎谈话时,夏洛克准备好要从安东尼奥身上割下他应得的一磅肉。 这时,当庭宣读了律师的信。“我重病缠身。收到您的信时,我正同一位从罗马来的很有学问的年轻博士在一起。我把夏洛克与安东尼奥之间的争执对他讲了。我们研究了很多法典,因此他知道我想要说的话。我请您让他替我作出判决。他很年轻,但是,我还从来不知道有这么年轻又这么聪明的人。” 这封信当庭宣读之后,鲍西娅穿着律师的衣服进屋来了。她作为法官就座了。) 公爵:您好,博学的法官!我并不羡慕您的职业。这是一个最麻烦的案子。 鲍西娅:您好!请坐下。你叫安东尼奥吗?这是你与夏洛克签订的借约吗? 安东尼奥:是的。 鲍西娅:那么,夏洛克可得大发慈悲才是。他可得宽恕安东尼奥啊。 夏洛克:为什么我必得宽恕他呢?请告诉我这一点! 鲍西娅:慈悲带来益处。慈悲像甘露从天空中降到地面上,它不但赐福施予的人,而且赐福于受施的人。我们应该学会宽恕他人。你还要求得到这一磅肉吗? 夏洛克:我要求得到根据法律属于我的东西。 巴萨尼奥:我愿出十倍于安东尼奥的借款,请您把法律稍为变更一下,使我们能够救出安东尼奥的生命。 鲍西娅:请用你的脑袋想一想,先生。我们不能变更法律,要是变更了一条法律,那么人们还会要变更别的法律的。 夏洛克:噢,聪明年轻的法官啊! 鲍西娅:让我看一看借约,就是安东尼奥向你许下的诺言。 夏洛克:给您。 鲍西娅:我明白了。根据法律,夏洛克可以得到一磅肉,由他从最靠近安东尼奥心脏的部位割下来。慈悲一点吧!让我撕毁这张借约吧。—不能撕?那么,安东尼奥,你做好准备;夏洛克,拿起你的刀子准备割肉吧。 夏洛克:噢,博学的法官!噢,聪明的年轻人! 鲍西娅:你带来了称肉的器具吗? 夏洛克:是的。我把一切都准备好了。 鲍西娅:夏洛克,你是否请了医生来给安东尼奥止血呢? 夏洛克:借约上可没有这一条。 巴萨尼奥:你这只狐狸! 鲍西娅:安东尼奥,你还想说什么吗? 安东尼奥:我只想说一点。巴萨尼奥,永别了。不要为我悲伤。把我的情况告诉你的妻子,对她说我多么爱你。要是夏洛克割得够深的话,我就要以整个心偿还他的债了。 巴萨尼奥:让我拥抱你一下,说声再见吧。我爱你胜过爱我自己的生命、自己的妻子和整个世界。(他哭了。) 鲍西娅:你的妻子听到你那么说是会不高兴的。 夏洛克:我们是在浪费时间。 鲍西娅:割走你要的那一磅肉吧!我宣布法庭许可你(这样做),法律(把它)判给你。 以计算机考试模式进行: Exercise Task1: Multiple Choices 1.----Are you still thinking about yesterday's game? ----Oh,that's ______. A. what makes me feel excited B. whatever I feel excited about C. how I feel about it D. when I feel excited 2.Now that she had come up to London, she might as well her mind. A. to speak B. speaking C. speak D. spoke 3.He at the piano, with his back to them. A. seated B. was seated C. seating D. sitting 4. I know,the story has a happy ending that Antonio is saved and Shylock gets . A. As far as,punished B. As long as,punished C. As far as,punishing D. So far as,punishing 5.I would like to buy a house which is modern,comfortable,and_,in a quiet place. A. first of all B. in all C. after all D. above all 6.----Could you spare me some ink? ----- .Here you are. A. With pleasure B. It's a pleasure C. That's nice of you D. Thanks a lot 7.If Shylock cuts deep enough,I'll him with all my heart. A. pay, off B. pay, for C. pay,back D. pay,out 8.If you offered me six times_you have just offered,I would still take my pound of flesh. A. that B. which C. what D. it 9.If the child_to the hospital in time,he might have lost his life. A. were not to taken B. should not be taken C. had not been taken D. were not taken 10. The ship was the mercy the waves. A. in,of B. on,of C. at,of D. with,of 11.You won't succeed you try a hundred times. A. for B. as C. even if D. since 12.The reporter said that the UFO east to west when he saw it. A. was traveling B. traveled C: has traveled D. was to travel 13.Paper produced every year is _____ the worlds production of vehicles. A. the three times weight of B. three times the weight of C. as three times heavy as D. three times as heavier as 14.Do you notice that you had made _______mistake? A. so serious a B. such serious a C. a so serious D. a too serious此题的正确答案是 15.I’ve worked with children before, so I know what ______ in my new job. A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects 16.You want justice,so you get justice,more than you wanted. A. will B. can C. may D. shall 17. -----What's the trouble with you? ------______ the heavy suitcase,my waist was hurt unexpectedly. A. While I carrying B. Carrying C. While carrying D. To be carried 18. As a of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse. A. consequence B. court C. accuse D. envy 19. Take a hat with you in case the sun very hot. A. will be B. is C. is about to be D. shall be 20. It’s useless without . A. talking, to act B. to talk, to act C. to talk, acting D. talking acting KEY: 1-10 ACBAD ACCCC 11-20 CABAB DCABD Task 2. 完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后人31-50各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 William Shakespeare was born four hundred years ago and spent his childhood in his hometown, Stratford on Avon. Little was known about his childhood though many stories are published, some of which may be 1 . He probably went to Grammar School at Stratford. At thirteen he 2 to leave school as his father 3 some losses and became poorer for a time. So William had to 4 his own living. At the age of eighteen he married a farmer’s daughter. Not long after he 5 Stratford for London. London was rapidly 6 . All types of people were to be 7 in it. Here Shakespeare 8 travelers, students, and scholars, and his 9 was stirred(激发)by the stories they told. He also met writers and actors. He soon found some work in a 10 . Before long he became an actor and writer of plays 11 . There were a few theatres in London. One of the most famous of these was 12 the Globe. Shakespeare himself 13 one of the owners of this theatre. Shakespeare’s reputation(名望) as a writer of 14 began to grow. He made 15 of the writing of others and found 16 in the old poets like Chaucer. But by his gift he 17 all these old stories into masterpieces(杰作)of his 18 . Shakespeare wrote no fewer than 37 plays. They describe all kinds of men and women, and 19 us pictures of great events in history. In 1593 Shakespeare acted before Queen Elizabeth, and received ten pounds for his services. Soon he got greater rewards, and became 20 enough to buy a house in Stratford. He was able to retire to his native town and spent the last few years of his life in comfort there. 1. A. exciting B. true C. wrong D. fair 2. A. agreed B. decided C. had D. ought 3. A. paid B. got C. managed D. suffered 4. A. earn B. plan C. set D. suffer 5. A. left B. stayed C. reached D. drove to 6. A. developed B. built C. growing D. increasing 7. A. gathered B. collected C. found D. visited 8. A. met B. invited C. respected D. called 9. A. power B. wish C. writing D. imagination 10. A. city B. town C. theatre D. concert 11. A. himself B. instead C. too D. again 12. A. around B. called C. known D. made 13. A. became B. asked C. helped D. defeated 14. A. plays B. poems C. novels D. stories 15. A. lots B. use C. good D. more 16. A. habits B. idioms C. ideas D. theories 17. A. put B. turned C. wrote D. set 18. A. life B. own C. time D. day 19. A. draw B. send C. give D. make 20. A. strong B. rich C. able D. clever KEY: 1.-10 B C D A A C C. A. D. C 11-20 A B A A B C B B C B Task 3:短文改错: My name is Bassanio. Ten years before, in 1___________ Order to ask Portia to marry with me, I went 2___________ to borrow money to my friend Antonio, a 3___________ Merchant of Venice. Antonio had not money 4___________ just then. For help me, he went to Shylock, a 5___________ cruel and greedy moneylender, for the money. 6___________ Shylock agreed to lend him the money at condition 7___________ That Antonio must repay him within three month. 8___________ Otherwist he must let him to take a pound of his 9___________ Flesh. Antonio received this bitter condition. 10___________ Key: 1.before→ago 2.marry with→marry 3.from→to 4.not→no 5.For→To 6.√ 7.at→on 8.month→months 9.to take→take 10.received→accepted (二)Grammar 直接引语和间接引语 引述别人的话有两种方式:一是使用引号引出人家的原话,这叫做直接引语;一是用自己的话把人家的话转述出来,这叫做间接引语。例如: John said, "I'm going to London with my father." 约翰说:"我要和父亲到伦敦去。"(引号内是直接引语) John said that he was going to London with his father. 约翰说,他要和他父亲去伦敦。(宾语从句是间接引语) 由直接引语变为间接引语,分以下情况: 1. 直接引语是陈述句时 间接引语为that引导的宾语从句(口语中that可以省略),主句的引述动词主要有say ,tell, repeat, explain, think等。 He said , "You are younger than I."-'He said (that ) I was younger than him. 2.直接引语是疑问句时 间接引语为陈述语序:主句的谓语动词say 改为ask,或改为wonder, do not know, want to know, be not sure, be puzzled等。 (1) 一般疑问句或反意疑问句变为if (whether)引导的宾语从句。 She said, "Do you often come here to read newspapers?" →She asked me if (或whether)I often went there to read newspapers. (2) 选择疑问句变为whether….or 宾语从句。 I asked him, "Will you stay at home or go to a film tonight?" →I asked him whether he would stay at home or go to a film that night. (3)特殊疑问句变为由原来的疑问词引导的宾语从句。 He asked , "Where do you live?" →He asked me where I lived. 3.直接引语是祈使句时 间接引语为不定式,作ask , tell, beg, order, warn, advise等动词的宾语补足语(don't 变为not ). The teacher said to the boy, "Open the window." →The teacher told the boy to open the window. His father said to him , "Don't leave the door open." →His father told him not to leave the door open. [注意] (1) 有些表示建议、提议、劝告或要求的祈使句,可以用suggest ,insist等动词 加以转述。例如: He said, "Let's go to the theatre." →He suggested (our )going to the theatre.或He suggested that we(should) go to the theatre. (2) "Would you mind opening the window?" he asked. →He asked me to open the window. "Why don't you take a walk after supper?" he asked . →he advised me to take a walk after supper. "Shall we listen to the music?" he asked. →He suggested listening to the music. 4.直接引语是感叹句时 间接引语为what 或how 引导,也可以用that 引导。 She said, "What a lovely day it is !" →She said what a lovely day it was .或She said that it was a lovely day. 5.如果主句谓语动词为各种现在时或一般将来时,则间接引语中的动词仍保持直接引语原来时态。如果主句谓语动词为过去时,间接引语中的动词时态按下列变化: (1) 一般现在时变为一般过去时 (2) 现在进行时变为过去进行时 (3) 一般将来时变为过去将来时 (4) 现在完成时变为过去完成时 (5) 一般过去时变为过去完成时 (6) 过去完成时不变,仍为过去完成时 [注意] (1) 如果直接引语是表示客观真理时,变为间接引语,一般现在时不改为一般过去时。如: The teacher said "The earth goes round the sun." →The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun. (2) 如果直接引语中有明确表示过时间的状语,变为间接引语时,一般过去时不改为过去完成时。如: He said to me, "I was born in 1973." →He told me that he was born in 1973. (3)如果直接引语所述事实在当时和目前同样生效,变为间接宾语时,一般现在时不改为一般过去时。如: He said, "I'm a boy, not a girl." →He said that he is a boy ,not a girl. (4)如果直接引语中的谓语动词表示一种反复出现或习惯动作,在变为间接引时,一般现在时不改为一般过去时。如: The girl said, "I get up at six every morning." →The girl said that she gets up at six every morning. (5)如果直接引语中含有since, when, while 引导的表示过去时间的状语从句,在变为间接引语时,只改变主句中的谓语动词,从句的一般过去时则不变。如: He said to me, "I have taught English since he came here ." →He told me that he had taught English since he came here. 6.代词等一般地应作用相应的变化,变化方法见下表。 在直接引语中 在间接引语中 指示代词 this that these those 表示时间的词 now then today that day this week(month ,etc) that week (month ,etc) yesterday the day before last week(month ,etc) the week(month ,etc) before three days (a year ,etc) ago three days (a year. etc) before tomorrow the next (following ) day next week (month ,etc) the next (following ) week (month ,etc) 表地点的词 here there 动词 bring take come go Exercise: Task1: 1)将下列句子变为间接引语: 1. John said to his parents, “I had learned 500 Chinese words by the end of last term.” 2. “Have you anything interesting I can read, George?” she said. 3.“Where are you going?” the father asked his son. 4.“Don’t make so much noise in class, boys and girls,” said the teacher. 5.“Happy New Year to you!” he said. 2) 把下列句子变为直接引语: 1.She asked whether I would be free the next day or not. 2.I asked her where she was going and what she was going to do the next day. 3.His father told him not to climb that high tree in his new coat. 4. The commander ordered his men not to cross the river before dawn. 5. The scientist asked me what I was doing. Task2: 单项选择: 1. Can you tell us ________ you have lived there? A. when B. how soon C. how often D. since when 2. ________ he didn't agree to this plan? A. How you know why B. Do you know why C. Why do you know D. Do you know how 3. Have you seen Tom recently? I wonder ________ with his studies. A. how is he getting along B. that he gets along well C. what he is getting along D. if he is getting along well 4. We have plenty of books here. You may take ________ you like. A. in which B. from which C. whichever D. that 5. Now we can see ________ problem the population is. A. a such serious B. how serious a C. such serious a D. so a serious 6. I can't tell you ________ proud I am. A. what B. how C. why D. what a 7. Can you make sure ___________? A. that he will come here today B. when he will come here today C. will he come here today D. whether will he come here today 8. Do you happen to know ________? A. where is her address B. in which place is her address C. what her address is D. the place her address is 9. Excuse me, but can you tell me ___________? A. where can I get to the library B. where I can get to the library C. how can I get to the library D. how I can get to the library 10.John asked me _______ to visit his uncle’s farm with him. A. how would I like B. if or not would I like C. whether I would like D. which I would like 11. I’d like to know ________ Chinese. A. when he began to learn B. when did he begin to learn C. when did he begin learning D. for how long he began to learn 12. —Has Tom arrived yet ? —No, but he said he ________ a bit late. A. would come B. had come C. came D. had been coming 13. —My father will be here tomorrow. —Oh, we ________ that he ________ today. A. thought; was coming B. think; came C. think; would come D. have thought; has come 14. I read it in some book or other; does it matter ________ it was? A. who B. why C. how D. which 15. I really don't know ________ . A. that I'll go B. whether I'll go or not C. whether to go and stay D. if go or stay 16. He asked ________ I understood ________ he meant. A. whether; what B. if; that C. when; which D. why; where 17. Our teacher told us ________ to school at seven. A. come B. to come C. leave D. leaving 18. Tourists are warned ________ rubbish anywhere. A. don't throw B. not to throw C. not throwing D. didn't throw 19.The teacher said to us that light ____ much faster than sound. A. will travel B. traveled C. travels D. was traveling 20.Mother asked us ______. A. if I would like coffee and tea B. if would I like coffee or tea C. whether I would like coffee or tea D. whether would I like coffer or tea KEY: Task1: 1) 1.John told his parents that he had learned 500 Chinese words by the end of last term. 2. She asked George if he had anything interesting she could read. 3.The father asked his son where he was going. 4. The teacher told the boys and girls not to make so much noise in class. 5.He wished me a Happy New Year. 2). 1. She asked , “ You will be free tomorrow, won’t you?” 2.I asked her, “Where are you going and what are you going to do tomorrow?” 3.His father said, “Don’t climb this high tree in your new coat.” 4.The commander ordered his men, “Don’t cross the river before dawn.” 5.The scientist asked me, “What are you doing?” Task2: 1-5. DADCB 6-10. BACCC 11-15. AAADB 16-20. ABBCC Section 4. Reading 以计算机考试模式进行: Passage (A) 字数 294 速度 难度等级 ★★ The success of Pickwick Papers made Dickens very popular. He suddenly found himself at twenty four, the most famous novelist of his day. Busy as his social life was, he worked on two novels at the same time — Oliver Twist and Pickwick Papers. He was particularly proud of Pickwick, which was a huge success and was regarded as a great comedy (喜剧的) works. “If I were to live a hundred years and write novels in each, I should never be so proud of any of them as I am of Pickwick.” It has been said that Dickens controlled the imagination of his readers because his imagination controlled himself. The people in his works were so real that they could make him laugh or cry. When writing Oliver Twist he said that he could not rest until Fagin, the wrongdoer, had been hanged. Dickens was born on February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth and spent most of his childhood in London and Kent, both of which appear frequently in his novels. After his father was put in prison for debt in 1824, Dickens was forced to support himself by working in a shoe polish factory. For the most part, he was self educated. In 1827 he began working as a reporter, perhaps developing the power of precise (精确的) description that was to make his creative writing so |
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