Unit 11 scientific Achievements word study教案

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1. You and your team are working on a cure for Aids. 你和你的队员正在从事艾滋病的治疗工作。
(1)work on “从事于(某项工作)”;“设法说服” eg:
They worked on the old car late into the night.
What are you doing? We are working on some wood-cuts.
Can you work on him to change his mind?你能说服他改变主意吗?
(2)work at “学习,研究,致力于……” eg:
They have worked at this subject for many years.
(3)work out 作出;算出;设计出 eg:
This problem will not work out. 这道题算不出来。
They have worked out a method of sending a spacecraft to Mars.
2. extremely [Ik′stri mlI] adv. to a very high degree 极端地;极度地 eg:
It was an extremely difficult and dangerous task.
extreme [Iks′tri m] adj. reaching the highest degree 极度的 eg:
extreme patience/kindness 极度的耐心/仁慈
in extreme pain 在极度痛苦中
3. cure [kj ] (1)n. ①[C] curing or being cured 治疗;治愈。 eg:
His cure took six months. 他的病花了六个月治疗。
②[C]substance or treatment which cures 治疗的药物;治疗法 eg:
Is there a certain cure for cancer yet?迄今对癌症有治疗方法吗?
(2)vt. & vi. bring sb. back to health; get rid of one’s illness/habits eg:
This medicine will cure your headache. 这药可以治好你的头痛。
A few days’ rest will cure you. 休息几天你就痊愈了。
③(词组) cure sb. of one’s illness or bad habits 治愈疾病,改掉坏习惯 eg:
Moving to the country cured her of asthma. 搬到乡下她的哮喘病就好了。
He was cured of his habit of smoking. 他改掉了吸烟的坏习惯。
4. You are working on sending a manned spaceship to Mars. 你正在从事向火星发射载人宇宙飞船的工作。
(1)manned [m nd] adj. (of machines esp. in space) having men on board (飞船等)载人的 eg:
the development of manned from unmanned space craft
(2)man-made[′m n′meId] adj. produced by the work of men; not found in nature 人造的 eg:
The lake is a man-made one. 这是个人工湖。
We have sent up many man-made satellites. 我们发射了多少颗人造卫星。
本单元学习表示打算和意图的交际用语(intentions and wishes)现归纳如下:
1. I’m thinking of …
2. I’d like to…
3. I’d love to …
4. I’d rather…
5. I want/wish/hope/intend/plan to…
6. I feel like…
7. I hope that …
8. I expect that…
9. My plan is to…
10. My hope is to…
1.I’m thinking of (carry) out this policy.
2.I’d like (invite) my teacher to come to the party.
3.I’d rather (stay) at home in the evening when I live in the country.
4.I feel like (have) fish instead of meat.
5.He intended (take) the exam next year.
6.We hope that the foreigner (give) us a speech next week.
7.My plan is (travel) all over the world.
8.We prefer (watch) TV at home to going out for a walk.
9.Xiao Ming would rather listen to the radio than (watch) the football match.
10.I wish I (be) a bird of we had flood here.
Jill: 1 (你在业余时间喜欢做什么)?
Joe: 2 (我喜欢跑步).
Jill: 3 (我不喜欢跑步)I like walking.
Joe: Is walking a kind of exercise?
Jill: Yes. Now most people think walking is the best exercise.
Joe: Do you do a lot of walking every day?
Jill: Yes. I walk an hour every day. 4 (它对人身体有好处).
Joe: I’m not sure. I’d like to ask my grandpa. 5 (他喜欢走路).
1.likely adj. (1) that is expected 很可能发生的;有希望的 eg:
Is he likely to win?他有可能获胜吗?
The most likely result is a draw. 最可能的结果是不分胜负。
(2)that seems reasonable, suitable or right for a purpose 似乎合理的 eg:
That’s a likely excuse. 那似乎是个合理的借口。
(3)be likely to do… 很可能会……
It’s likely that… 可能会(有,发生)…… eg:
He is not likely to succeed. 他大概不会成功。
It is likely that he will be late. =He is likely to be late. 他可能会迟到。
2. grasp vt. , vi. & n.
(1)v. ①seize firmly with hand(s) or arm(s) 抓住;抱住;紧握 eg:
The boy grasped his mother’s hand firmly. 那个小男孩紧握住妈妈的手。
He grasped the rope and pulled it. 他抓紧绳子用力拉。
②understand with the mind 领悟;理解 eg:
I couldn’t grasp the teacher’s meaning. 我没领悟老师的意思。
(2)n. firm hold or grip; power of grasping 紧握;抓紧;领悟力 eg:
He doesn’t have a thorough grasp of the problem.
(3)短语:beyond/within a person’s grasp 为某人所不能/能抓到的;为某人所不能/能理解的。
3. master vt. , vi & n.
(1) vt. ①become the master of; overcome 成为……的主人;征服;控制
eg: master one’s temper/feelings 控制脾气/感情
It’s difficult to master nature. 征服大自然是困难的。
②gain as a skill 精通;熟练 eg:
master English 精通英语 master foreign affairs 精通外交事务
He never mastered the art of the public speaking.
(2)n. ①man who has others working for him 主人,雇主
②male head of a household 家里的男主人
③captain of a merchant ship 商船的船长
④male teacher 男教师 eg:
the master of the house 一家之长
the maths master 数学教师 a master’s degree 硕士学位
4.arrange [ ′reInd ] vt. & vi.
(1)put in order 安排;排列;布置 eg:
She is good at arranging flowers. 她擅长插花。
Before going away, he arranged his business affairs.
(2)make plans in advance 预做计划 eg:
The Tourist Bureau arranged everything for our journey to Rome. 旅游局为我们去罗马的旅行准备了一切。
(3)arrange+ n. +for +n. 为……安排…… eg:
Mother arranged an appointment for me with the dentist.
(4)arrange sb. to do … 安排某人做…… eg:
I have arranged him to met her. 我安排他和她见面。
(5)arrange with sb. to do … 约定与某人做…… eg:
We arranged with his team to play a game of baseball.
(6)arrange that … 商定,安排。 eg:
He arranged that the meeting (should) be put off for a week. = He arranged for the meeting to be put off for a week.
5. failure [′feIlj ] n.
(1)[U] failing; lack of success 失败;不成功 eg:
Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。
(2)[C] instance of failing; person, attempt or thing that fails 失败的事例;失败的人,企图或失败的事物 eg:
He was a failure as a teacher. 他不是个好老师。
Success came after many failures. 失败多次之后终于成功。
6. locate[l ′keIt] vt. & vi.
(1)discover, show the locality of 找出……的位置,指出……的位置 eg:
locate a town on a map 在地图上找出一城市的位置
(2)establish in a place 在一地点设置 eg:
a new school to be located in the suburbs 将设置在郊区的一所新学校
(3)be located 位于 eg:
Our school is located in the center of the town. 我们学校坐落于市中心。
(4)比较location n.
[U] locating or being located 指定位置
[C] position or place 位置;地方 eg:
The hill is a good location for the new church.
7. organ[′ g n] n.
(1)any part of an animal body or plant 动植物器官 eg:
the organs of speech, the tongue, teeth, lips, etc. 语言器官(如舌、牙、唇等)
(2)organization 组织,机构 eg:
Parliament is the chief organ of the government. 国会是政府的主要机关。
(3)musical instrument from which sounds are produced by air forced through pipes, played by keys pressed with the fingers and pedals pressed with the feet 风琴
1.likely, possible 与probable
(1)三者均表可能性,但意思有别。possible指客观上有可能性,但往往含有希望很小的意味;probable比possible可能性稍大,有“较为可能、大概”,指有实际依据;likely是从外表迹象判断有可能发生的事。 eg:
It’s possible, though not probable, that he will come tomorrow.
She is likely to ring me tonight. 今晚她很可能给我来电话。
(2)possible 不能用人作主语。possible 常用于下列句型:
It is possible to do sth. It is possible for sb. to do sth.
It is possible that … eg:
Is it possible to say so?可能这样说吗?
It is possible for me to do it. 我可能做那件事。
(3)probable 也不能用人作主语。一般只用于下面句型中:
It is probable that … eg:
It is probable that he will come. 他很可能要来。
(4)likely 既可用人作主语,也可用物作主语。通可用于“It is likely that …”句型中。 eg:
He is likely to come. = It is likely that he will come.
他可能要来。但不能说:It is likely for him to come.
(5)impossible, improbable, unlikely 用法与上述类似。
2.catch, grasp, seize 与snatch
catch是普通用语,用“设法抓住,捉住”的意思; grasp表示牢牢地“抓住”;seize指“突然用力抓住使不逃脱”;snatch 表示迅速的拉扯动作、出其不意地“抓取”。 eg:
The police caught the thief as he ran. 小偷逃跑时被警察抓住了。
He grasped his gun and rushed out. 他抓起枪就冲了出去。
He seized the gun from the enemy soldier. 他从敌人士兵手中夺过了枪。
The thief snatched her handbag and ran off. 小偷抢走了她的手提包就跑了。
1.Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing. 无论中国将来会有什么样的成就,其中许多可能就诞生在北京的西北部。
(1)in store 就要到来,必将发生 eg:
Who knows what the future has in store for us?
(2)in store 也有储存着,备用的意思 eg:
The runner kept some energy in store for spurting at the end.
2. Zhongguancun was set up as a special economic zone in the late 1990s and quickly became the leader of China’s hi-tech industry. 在20世界90年代末中关村作为高新科技特区被创立并迅速成为中国高科技工业的先锋。
(1)set up—establish 建立 eg:
The government has set up a working party to look into the problem.
(2)in the late 1990s 又可写成in the late 1990’s 二十世纪九十年代末
in the early 1980s 二十世纪八十年代初
(3)hi-tech= high technology 高科技,高技术
3. When I got my master’s degree, I wanted to return home but couldn’t find a company where I could use what I had learnt. 当我获得硕士学位时,我想回到家乡,可是我没能找到学有所用的公司。
(1)本句是一个复合句。When I got my master’s degree 为时间状语从句,修饰主句谓语动词wanted。wanted和couldn’t find为并列谓语动词,由并列连词but连接。where I could use what I had learnt为定语从句,修饰先行词company。what I had learnt 为宾语从句。
(2)a master’s degree 硕士学位 a doctor’s degree 博士学位
a bachelor’s degree 学士学位
又如:Master of Arts 文学硕士 Doctor of Law 法学博士
Bachelor of Science 理学学士
4.I will never forget how happy I was when I set foot in China again and was back with my friends and family. 我永远不会忘记当再次踏上中国土地和我的朋友及亲人团聚时,那种感觉有多幸福。
(1)本句是复合句。How happy I was … 为宾语从句。when I set foot in China again and was back with … 为时间状语从句。
(2)set foot in/on 进入,踏进 eg:
She said she wouldn’t set foot in the room until it had been properly cleaned. 她说直到这屋子收拾好了她才住进去。
No man has ever set foot on that deserted island.
5. “Relying on science, technology, and knowledge to increase economic power”— makes it clear that science and business can and must work together to build the future. “依靠科学,技术,知识发展经常”,它阐明了科学和商业能够且必须结合在一起共创未来。
(2)rely on/upon信赖,依赖 eg: He can always be relied upon or help. 他的帮助是永远可依赖的。
You may rely on my early arrival. 你放心好了,我会早到的。
(3)make…clear 表明,讲清楚 eg:
Have I made myself clear? 我讲清楚了吗?
They wanted to make it clear that they did an important and necessary job. 他们想说明他们做着一项重要且必要的工作。
6. …but we are excited about all the new technology and great ideas that are coming to life in Zhongguanzun. 但是我们为所有这些在中关村富有活力的新技术和卓越的想法而感到激动。
(1)that are coming to life in Zhongguancun 为定语从句,修饰先行词ideas。
(2)come to life 苏醒;恢复生气 eg:
We all thought he was drowned, but after an hour’s artificial respiration he came back to life. 我们都以为他淹死了,但经过一小时的人工呼吸后,他又苏醒了。
When I told the students the good news, they all came to life. 当我告诉学生们这个好消息时,他们都活跃起来了。
1. 病句:Yufang has come to China for three years.
诊断:Yufang has been in China for three years.
2. 病句:Where has he gone is to be found out.
诊断:Where he has gone is to be found out.
3. 病句:When I got my master’s degree, I wanted to return back to China.
诊断:When I got my master’s degree, I wanted to return to China.
点拨:return意思是“come back”,不与back连用。
4. 病句:I would rather you tell me the truth.
诊断:I would rather you told me the truth.
点拨:would rather 后面带的宾语从句表示一种愿望,动词要用过去式来表示虚拟语气。
5. 病句:The old man stays very health.
诊断:The old man stays very healthy.
6. 病句:Great changes have been taken place in China.
诊断:Great changes have taken place in China.
点拨:take place “发生,举行”,不用被动语态。
7. 病句:This lesson is more easier than that one.
诊断:This lesson is much easier than that one.
点拨:形容词比较级前不可用more, 而可以用much, even, still, a great deal, a lot, far等加强语气。
8. 病句:All the answers are not correct. I can’t find one correct answer.
诊断:None of the answers are correct. I can’t find one correct answer.
点拨:all…not和not all…表示部分否定,意为“并非都……”,而none表示全部否定,意为“都不……”。
9. 病句:I don’t like the way which you speak to me.
诊断:I don’t like the way that you speak to me.
点拨:在way后面引导定语从句时,可用that, in which 或省略。
10. 病句:Zhongguancun has had a positive affect on business as well as science.
诊断:Zhongguancun has had a positive effect on business as well as science.
点拨:affect vt. “影响”; effect n. “影响”,have a good/bad effect on 意为“对……有好/不良的影响”。




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