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Lesson 65 ( The first period )
一、Teaching aims and demands.
二、Organization. be omitted.
三、Teaching of new lesson.
Listen to the tape for Lesson 65. then read after it aloud.
1) Ask students to make sentences 1.2.
2) 让师生之间进行以下对话练习:
T: Stop! S: You must stop!
T: Don’t run! S:You mustn’t run.
T: Be more careful! S:You must be more careful!
T: Don’t play on the road!
S:You mustn’t play on the road!
3) 让学生以口、笔形式英汉互译以下句子:
1)You must look after your books. 2)I must ring him this afternoon.
3)You must finish the work in time. 4)She must stay in bed.
5)They must clean the bedroom. 6)I mustn’t be late for class.
7)We mustn’t move anything in the room.
8)You mustn’t touch the things in a shop. 9)He mustn’t leave so early.
10)They mustn’t bring animal here. 11)What must we do after lunch?
12)When must I finish my homework?
13)Who must go to the meeting? 14)Why must we learn English?
15)Where must we go and find the twins?
3.Language points. (用幻灯显示)
1)You must be more careful! 你应当更加小心!
I must go now and he must stay here. 现在我必须走,他应当留在这里。
2)That car nearly hit you. 那辆小汽车几乎撞到你。
The ball hit the window. 球打到窗户上。
3)You mustn’t cross the road. 你不能穿过马路。
mustn’t是must的否定式,其意思是“禁止,不许可,一定不要”。带must的一般疑问句,其肯定答语为“Yes, …must”;其否定答语一般用“No,… needn’t.”;needn’t是情态动词need的否定式,意思是“不需要”,“不必”。要注意must的否定答语,不能用它的否定式来回答,必须用needn’t。又如:
Must I come to school before half past seven?
Yes, you must. No, you needn’t.
Must he finish the work before nine o’clock?
Yes, he must. No, he needn’t.
Must they hand in their exercises today?
Yes, they must. No, they needn’t.
4)If you want to cross a street, you must wait for the green light.
该句是含有条件状语从句的复合句。主、从句的时态都用一般现在时。to cross是动词不定式作动词的want宾语。
wait for是“等候”的意思,后面跟某物或某人。如:
Please wait for me at the school gate. 请在校门口等我。
Look! They are waiting for a bus over there.
5)It’s better to wait and be safe. 安全地等着是更好的。
it是形式主语,to wait and be safe是动词不定式当真正的主语。safe是dangerous的反义词;cross是动词谓语,意为“过”、“穿过”、“越过”;注意不要与介词across相混淆,应加以区别。如:
Walk across the street, please. 请步行过街。
6)You must not cross in front of the traffic. 你不应该在交通灯前面穿过。
must not可缩写为mustn’t表示“禁止”。后面跟动词原形。in front of是介词短语。在句中当地点状语。如:
He sits in front of my seat. 他坐在我座位的前面。
7)If the traffic light is red, you must stop.
The light in the room is very dark. 房间里的光线很暗。
8)When you get off the bus, you mustn’t push others.
“When…” 是时间状语从句,其时态是一般现在时,主句的时态用一般现在时。mustn’t是must not的缩写形式。表示“禁止”、“不应该”。如:
We mustn’t talk aloud in class. 在课堂我们不该高声谈话。
五、Design for exercises.
熟读本课里的内容;完成Wb L65 Exx. 1-2.
2.Additional exercises.
1. hitting(原形) 2. safe(反义词)
3. cross(过去式) 4. easily(形容词)
5. traffic(复数) 6. careful(名词)
7. please(形容词) 8. hurt(过去式)
9. round(同义词) 10. thin(比较级)
1. 我可以走了? 不,你必须留下。 .
2. 我们必须按时完成作业。 .
3. 你不能在马路上踢足球。 .
4. 我们不应该浪费(waste)时间。 .
5. 你不应该错过这部电视剧,它好极了。 .
6. 我几乎忘记了你的名字。 .
A. 1.hit 2.dangerous 3.crossed 4.easy 5.traffics 6.care
7.pleasure 8.hurt 9.around 10.thinner
B. 1.May I go now? No, you must stay. 2.We must finish our homework in time. 3.You mustn’t play football on the road. 4.We mustn’t waste our time. 5.You mustn’t miss the TV play, it is wonderful. 6.I nearly forget your name.




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