初一 U19 Food and drink(2)

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【 抛砖引玉】
Ⅰ . 语音学习
1 . 字母 e ,字母组合 ee ,ea 的发音。
2 . 句子重音:
How many pears can you see ?
How many apples can you see ?
Ⅱ . 词汇学习
1 . 要求“四会”:food , rice , bread , meat , tea , milk , glass , a glass of , water , drink , like , eat , nice , many , how many , any , something , only。
2 . 要求“三会”:would like , I‘d like = I would like , well。
Ⅲ . 语法学习
1 . some 的用法。
2 . a ( an ) 的用法。
3 . How many … ?
Ⅳ . 交际英语
1 . — Would you like … ?
— Yes , please . ( No , thanks . )
2 . What would you like ?
3 . It’s time to do
4 . — How many cakes can you see ?
— I can see only one .
— I can‘t see any .
【指点迷津 】
1 . food 食物
We can’t live without food and drink .
Many Americans like Chinese food very much .
〖 点拨 〗food 统指食物时,不可数,a food 是“一种食物”,foods 是多种食物。
2 . drink 喝
Would you like to drink some tea ?
He drank the cup empty . 他痛饮一杯。
Let‘s have something to drink .
2 ) 饮料
I like a cold drink on a hot day .
Tea , water and milk are all drinks . 茶、水及牛奶都是饮料。
〖 点拨 〗drink 作饮料解时,多作可数名词,作为“酒”解时,多为不可数名词。
3 . like 喜欢
I like to read books in the reading-room .
〖 点拨 〗作动词时,like 后面接不定式或动名词 ( 即v-ing ) 均可。
2 ) 像,跟……一样
The pen doesn’t look like mine . 那支钢笔看来不像我的。
4 . rice 米饭;大米
Do the people there live on rice ?
We often have rice for lunch . 我们中餐常吃米饭。
〖 点拨 〗rice 是个不可数名词。一粒米为 a grain of rice , 一碗饭 a bowl of rice。
5 . bread 面包
Here is your bread .
Give me a little bread .
〖 点拨 〗bread 为不可数名词。一片面包可说 a piece of bread。
6 . meat 肉
There is not much meat on the plate .
They eat the meat of pigs , dogs and birds .
I don‘t like fat meat .
〖 点拨 〗meat 为不可数名词。通常指用作食品的各种动物的肉,但不包括鱼和家禽的肉,也不指一般的肌肉。一片肉可说 a piece of meat。
7 . glass 玻璃杯
Get me a glass of water , please .
You can drink eight glasses of water every day .
〖 点拨 〗英美人习惯用玻璃杯喝水,用瓷杯喝茶,因此,一杯水不说 a cup of water , 而说 a glass of water , 一杯茶不说 a glass of tea , 而说 a cup of tea。另外,glass 作为“玻璃杯”解,是可数名词;如为不可数,是“玻璃”。glass 则为“眼镜”。
8 . tea 茶、茶叶
We are going to hold a tea party tomorrow .我们准备在明天开一个茶话会。
Mother is making tea . 妈妈正在沏茶。
Two teas , please . 来两份茶。
〖 点拨 〗tea 作茶叶及茶解,为不可数。作可数名词使用时,表示“一种茶”或“一份茶”。
9 . milk 牛奶
We like new milk . 我们喜欢新鲜牛奶。
How much is bottle of milk ? 一瓶牛奶有多少钱 ?
〖 点拨 〗milk 为不可数名数。
11 . water 水
The water is good to drink . 这水好,可以喝。
There is a little water in the glass . 杯里有一点水。
〖 点拨 〗water 为不可数名词,其复数形式 waters 往往指海、湖或河里的水。如 the waters of the lake ( 湖里的水 ) 。waters 还可指矿泉水。
12 . eat 吃;吃饭
They have eaten all the food .
Will you eat a piece of bread ?
13 . something 某事 ( 物 )
I think I can find you something to do .
Something is wrong with my watch . 我的手表出了点毛病。
I have something important to tell you .
〖 点拨 〗something 不可写成 some thing,也没有复数形式 somethings。至于 some things , 则为“一些东西”。此词多用于肯定句,如果在否定句、疑问句及条件从句中,则多用 nothing , anything , 如 Is there anything wrong with your watch ? 有些表示请求、建议或反句的疑问句,则多用 something , 如:Why don’t you get something to eat ? 你为什么不弄点东西吃呢 ? )
14 . many 许多的,多的
Do you have many friends ?
There are many children in the park on Sundays .
〖 点拨 〗many 作形容词时,只能修饰可数名词,它多用于疑问句、否定句及条件状语从句中。如用在肯定句中,则多位于句首,修饰主语。 ( 作代词时,则在句中当主语 ) 15 . only 仅仅,只
Only Lucy knew the answer .
16 . any 一些,什么
Are there any books on the desk ?
I don‘t have any brothers . 我没有兄弟。
〖 点拨 〗any 和可数名词复数或不可数名词连用,用于疑问句、否定句及条件从句中。肯定句中用 some , 但有些疑问句表示建议、请求、反问等,则多用 some。如:Can you give me some paper ? ( 能给我一些纸吗 ? )
2 ) 任何
Come any time you like .
〖 点拨 〗any 作“任何”解时,是正面用法,用于肯定句,和可数名词单数或不可数名词一道使用。
17 . well 喔;那么;好吧
Well , you can have a look . 唉,你可以看一看。
1 . a cup of ( tea ) 一杯 ( 茶 )
2 . a bottle of ( milk ) 一瓶 ( 牛奶 )
3 . a glass of ( water ) 一杯 ( 水 )
4 . would like 愿意,希望
I would like some bananas . 我想吃点香蕉。
Would you like a bottle of orange ?
I would like you to go shopping with me .
〖 提示 〗would like 可缩写成 ’d like , 如 I‘d like , 此外还有 should like , 意思和它一样。
5 . something to eat 吃的东西
6 . something to drink 喝的东西
7 . how many… 多少……
How many students are there in your grade ?
How many glasses of water can you see on the table ?
【学法指要 】
1 . What would + 主语 + like ? ……喜欢吃什么 ?
What would you like for supper ?
What would she like to do tomorrow ?
〖 明晰 〗would like 是一种客气的说法。like 在此句型中是动词。
2 . Would you like + 名词 ? 你想要……吗 ?
Would you like something to drink ?
Would you like tea or coffee ?
〖 明晰 〗“Would you like… ? 是一种客气的邀请。“Do you like … ? ”虽然也是“你喜欢……吗 ? ”,但询问的是某人的习惯,不是邀请。如 Do you like tea or coffee ? ( 你喜欢喝茶还是喝咖啡 ? )
3 . 主 + would like…,……喜欢 ( 想要 ) ……。
I’d like to ask you a few questions .
I would like rice and meat .
〖 明晰 〗would like sb to do = would love sb to do 很想让某人干……
4 . What about…… ? ……怎么样 ? ……你以为如何 ?
What about something to eat ? 来点吃的怎么样 ?
What about something to drink ? 来点渴的怎么样 ?
5 . It‘s time to do sth . 是做……的时候了。
It’s time to play games .
It‘s time to go over our lessons .
〖 点拨 〗It’s time to do 中的 time 前有时加 about 或 high , 只起加强语气的作用。
1 . would like 与 like 的区别,请比较下列句子:
1 ) — Would you like to have some bread ? 你想吃些面包吗 ?
— Yes , I would like to . 是的,我想。
2 ) — Do you like bread ? 你喜欢面包吗 ?
— Yes , I do . 是的,我喜欢。
注意:would like / love to 中的 to 不要省去。
2 . How many cups of tea can you see ? 你能看见多少杯茶 ?
〖 释疑 〗How many “多少”,它后面必须紧接一个可数名词的复数形式。如:
How many boys , how many students , how many desks How many + 可数名词复数形式用来询问人或物体的具体数量。例如:
How many cakes would you like ? 你想要多少块蛋糕 ?
3 . Yes , Let‘s . 好,我们走吧 !
〖 释疑 〗Let’s 后面省略了 go,这是为承接对方说的 Let‘s go . 而省略的。这种情况在口语中经常出现。
— Let’s help them . 我们帮助他们吧。
— Yes , Let‘s . 好吧。
4 . Well , would you like something to drink ? 好吧,你想喝点什么 ?
〖 释疑 〗something to drink “喝的东西”;动词不定式 to drink 在这里作定语,修饰前面的不定代词 something。
something to eat,吃的东西;something to do , ( 要 ) 做的事;something to help, ( 要 ) 帮忙的事。
〖释疑 〗5 . 本单元出现 food , rice , bread , meat , tea , milk , water 等单词,都是不可数名词。一般来说,物质名词和抽象名词是不可数的,因此没有复数形式。如不能说 two breads , three milks , 也不能说 a bread , one tea。
不可数名词的量,可用 a…of , two…s of 来表示。如:a bottle of water 一瓶水,two cups of milk 两怀牛奶,a piece [ pis ]of bread 一块 ( 片 ) 面包等。
6 . What about something to eat ? 要不要吃些什么东西 ?
What about 或 How about 常用来引起一个问句,表示建议,征求意见或询问消息,意为“……好不好 ? ”,“……怎样 ? ”。例如:
I’d like some rice . What about / How about you ?
What about going to see a film ?
关于 What about / How about 的用法详见第17单元讲解。
【妙文赏析 】
My name is Jim . ( 1 ) is my birthday ( 生日 ) . Dad and Mum ( 2 ) me a big cake . I‘m twelve now . I like cakes . ( 3 ) the table of my bedroom , you ( 4 ) see my lovely cake . You can also ( 也 ) ( 5 ) my name on it . There are ( 6 ) things for my birthday . ( 7 ) are apples , pears and bananas . But I’d ( 8 ) to have something to drink now . My ( 9 ) Bill and Sam are coming . I would like to eat those food ( 10 ) my friends .
1 . A . That B . This C . It D . Today
2 . A . find B . get C . want D . put
3 . A . In B . At C . On D . Behind
4 . A . can B . must C . can‘t D . don’t
5 . A . get B . know C . look D . find
6 . A . others B . the other C . other D . the others
7 . A . They B . Those C . These D . That
8 . A . want B . take C . like D . get
9 . A . teachers B . sisters C . brothers D . friends
10 . A . from B . of C . with D . for
答案与赏析: 1 . 选D。Today is my birthday . 和 It‘s my birthday today . 均为正确,但 It’s my birthday . 一句的意思是不完整的,因为没有确切的时间,故C项为错误。指时间和日期时不能用 This 或 That 作主语,故 A、B 两项都是错的。 2 . 选B。这里 get 作“买”解,get me a big cake 意思是“给我买了一块大蛋糕”。另三项不合文意。 3 . 选C。“在餐桌上”应说 on the table。in 指餐桌里边,at 指餐桌旁边,behind 指餐桌后边,此三项均不合文意。 4 . 选A。C、D 两项明显不合文意。can 和 must 都是情态动词,can 表示“能”,“能够”,must 表示“必须”,可见用 can 符合文意。 5 . 选D。find 在这里表示“发现”,“看到”,相当于 see。另三项不合文意。 6 . 选C。这里泛指“还有别的东西”,并未明确,故不带冠词。others 不能修饰名词,应用单数 other 修饰,故选C。 7 . 选A。应用 they 指代前面已出现过的名词,即 other things。B、C两项不能用作名词替代词,that 与被代名词在数上不一致。 8 . 选C。只有动词 like 方可和句中 I‘d 搭配,这里的 d 代表 would , would like to do 作 “想要干”解。另三项动词均不能与之搭配。 9 . 选D。B、C两项与句中 are coming 不合情理,另句中 Bill 和 Sam 不应是对老师的称呼,故A项不合情理。friends 符合文意,故为正确。 10 . 选C。介词 with 表示“和……一起”,另三项不合文章。
【思维体操 】
1 . “______ are you today ? ”Fine , thanks . ”
2 . The watch is very nice . ______ you like it ?
3 . “What’s the ______ , please ? ”“It‘s four . ”
4 . It’s time ______ play games . Let‘s go , Tom .
5 . “What ______ you like to have ? ”“A glass of milk . ”
6 . I’d like a cup of tea . What ______ you ?
7 . Please give me something ______ drink .
8 . How ______ birds can you see in the tree ?
9 . Please write ______ the new words on the blackboard .
10 . How ______ milk to we have at home ?
〖 题解〗 1 . 填 How。用以询问对方的身体情况,与答句相符。 2 . 填 Would , 与句中 like 搭配。Would you like it ? 表示“你想要吗 ? ”“Would you like it ? ”相当于“Would you like to have it ? ” 3 . 答句回答的是时间,故填名词 time,问现在几点钟。 4 . 填不定式符号 to , to play games 为不定式短语,作定语修饰 time。表示现在是活动的时间。 5 . 填 would , 与动词 like 搭配。句意是:你想要喝什么 ? 6 . 填介词 about。What about 或 How about 引起的问句是询问对方的意见或观点。这里表示“你想要什么 ? ”
【心中有数 】
〖 思维 〗从词的形式来看,英语名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数与不可数是英语名词的最基本类别。凡是表示可以计数的事物的名词,叫做可数名词,反之,凡表示不可以计数的事物的名词,叫做不可数名词。
可数名词一般有单数和复数两种形式,如:book — books , watch — watches , man — men , child — children,可数名词之前可用数词,如:one pen , two pens , five birds , 单数可数名词前可用冠词 a / an 如:a boy , a knife , an apple , an egg , an eraser . 不可数名词一般只有一种形式,如:bread , meat , tea , milk . 不可数名词之前不可用数词,如不可以说 two bread , five meat , six tea , seven milk , 不可数名词之前一般也不可直接用冠词,如:a bread , a tea . 表示不可数名词的数量通常需要同一些表示数量的名词连用。当表示数量的名词和不可数名词搭配时,便使这些名词所表示的事物具有个体性。例如:a glass of water 一 ( 玻璃 ) 杯水,a cup of tea 一杯茶,a bottle of milk ,一瓶牛奶,five cups of tea ,五杯茶,six bottles of orange,六瓶桔子汁,eight glasses of water 八 ( 玻璃 ) 杯水 。
【动手动脑 】
1 . We get up ______ six ______ the morning .
A . at , on B . in , in C . in , at D . at , in
2 . Tom is ______ .
A . one of my friend B . a friend of me
C . one friend of my D . a friend of mine
3 . ______ my bird . Do you like ______ colour ?
A . It‘s , it’s B . Its , its C . It‘s its D . Its , it’s
4 . There isn‘t _____ milk in this glass but there’s _____ in that one .
A . some , some B . any , any C . some , any D . any , much
5 . She‘d like ______ a film today .
A . see B . to see C . seeing D . sees
6 . How much ______ do you have at home ?
A . pears B . cakes C . banana D . rice
7 . Could I have something ______ orange ?
A . of B . like C . to drink D . drink
8 . I’d like something ______ . I don‘t like bread now .
A . to drink B . drink C . of drink D . drinking
9 . Let’s ______ him . OK ?
A . go help B . go and help C . go helping D . to go to help
10 . “Let‘s play games , Tom . ”“______ . ”
A . Yes , let’s B . No , let‘s don’t
C . Yes , lets D . No , lets not
11 . Where are my shoes ? I can‘t ______ them .
A . look B . find C . know D . put
答案与解析:1 . 选D。时刻前应用介词 at,表示在几点钟,排除B、C两项。泛指早上或上午应说 in the morning , on 通常指具体某一天,故弃A选D。 2 . 选D。本句不难理解为“Tom 是我的一位朋友”。我的朋友肯定不止 Tom 一个,Tom 只是我朋友中的一个,这里就是要表达“我的朋友之一”,英语可说 a friend of mine , 这里 mine 为名词性物主代词,相当于 my friends , 为避免重复,所以把 my friends 用 mine 代替。另外要注意的是,这个短语中的 a 不能改为 one , 因为不强调数量 ( one 表示“一个”的数量概念较强 ) 。mine 不改用 me 代替,因为 me 不能用来代替 my friends。也可以说 one of my friends , 要注意的是这里的 friends 必须用复数,选项A的错误就在于此。 3 . 选C。前一句应理解为:这是我的鸟。句中缺了主语和谓语动词,主语是 It,谓语用连系动词 is,两词缩写为 It’s。第二句问的是你是否喜欢它的颜色,这里要表示的是“它的”,英语应说 its,是 it 的所有格形式。 4 . 选D。否定句一律用 any 修饰名词,由此排除A、C两项。本题后一分句是肯定句,肯定句不能用 any 修饰名词,应用 some。当然也可以用 many,much 等词,故弃B选D。 5 . 选B。would like 后面的动词必须用不定式形式,不能用其它形式。would like to do…表示“想要做……”。 6 . 选D。How much 只能修饰不可数名词,How many 只能修饰可数名词的复数,本题四选项中只有 rice 为不可数名词,故为正确。7—11 BABAB
Let’s look at picture . The boy’s name is John . 1 .
The girl in the white blouse are John’s sister Rose . 2 .
The other one in the yellow blouse is John’s sister Mary . 3 .
John and his sister are students . The two sisters 4 .
Are at Class Two , Grade One and John is in 5 .
Class One , Grade One . The man and the woman is 6 .
Their father and mother . The man is worker . The woman 7 .
Is a teacher . The old man and old woman are John’s 8 .
Grandfather and grandmother . They are a family . 9 .

( 请同学们把改好后的答案反馈给我们 )

【创新园地 】答案与解析:
1 . 在 picture 前加 the 2 . are→is 3 . √ 4 . sister→sisters 5 . at→in 6 . is→are 7 . worker 前加 a 8 . √ 9 . √
题1应该是特指某一幅画或我们都知道的某一幅画。题2 The girl in the white blouse 是单数。题4 John 的姐姐 Rose 和 Mary 是两个,sister 应为复数。题5在某一班级要用介词 in。题6 The man and the woman 是两个人,为复数。题7 worker 是可数名词单数,应该是“一名工人”。




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