Unit 15 The necklace重、难点讲解

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Unit 15 The necklace
1.Each scene will give you a club that you can use to solve the mystery.
He added a new scene at the beginning. 在开头他又加了一场戏。
We missed the first few scenes of the film.
The people crowded round the scene of the accident.
How the Pyramids were built is still a mystery.
The Lady’s mystery makes her charming. 那女士的神秘之处正是她魅力所在。mystery的形容词形式是mysterious.
2.It got dark before they could get home,so the friends have to spend the night in the old Black Tower on the mountain.
①It took them seven years before they got married.(…才)
②Before she could think twice,the water was upon her.(还没来得及…就)
③If we know more about what causes endangerment,we may be able to take measures before it is too late.(趁着…)
3.I’m sorry,but I don’t think I know you. 对不起,但是我想我不认得你,I don’t think I know you为否定转移,类似用法的动词还有believe,suppose,imagine,expect等。否定转移就是把主句变成否定句,而宾语从句变成肯定句,但主句的主语必须是第一人称,这种句子在汉语表达方式正好相反。例如:
I don’t believe she has lost the necklace. 我认为她并没有丢失项链。
I don’t suppose they’ll be back tonight. 我想他们今晚不会来了。
如果这类句子要改写成反意疑问句,则当依据宾语从句及“否定 肯定”的原则来写。故上面两句的反意疑问句分别为:……,has she?……,will they?但如果主句的主语不是第一人称,而是第二、三人称,则反意疑问句当根据主句来改写。例如:
You don’t think she is able to work out this problem,do you?
He didn’t think I understood him,did he?
4.In fact you do,but you may not remember me.
In fact you do = In fact you know me.
①—May I call on you in the morning? —Yes, please do.
②He does the dog more than his wife does.
5.I didn’t recognize you. 我刚才没认出你来。
①Hello,I _______ you _______ in London. How long have you been here?
A.don’t know;were B.hadn’t known;are
C.haven’t known;are D.didn’t know;were
②The pen I ______ I ______ is on my desk,right under my nose.
A.think;lost B.thought;had lost
C.think;had lost D.thought;have lost
6.That’s because of hard work-ten years of hard work.
①ten years of hard work = ten years’ hard work 英语中常常用到这种of结构,以使语言表达更生动。如:
He has completed sixty years of teaching.
Four hours of bus ride made all of us tired.
②because of是介词短语,跟名词或代词,意思与because一样,“为了,由于”例如:
I’ll choose that suit because of its style. 由于那套服装的颜色我会选择它。
Mother got angry because of what you did.
7.Years of hard work,very little food,only a small cold room to live in and never,never a moment’s rest.
②to live in是不定式作定语,修饰room。注意在作后置定语、状语的不定式中,如果构成不定式的动词是及物动词,那么动词与前面的名词或代词之间一般构成逻辑上的动宾关系;但如果构成不定式的是不及物动物,或及物动词已有宾语,后面就需加适当的介词,与前面的名词或代词构成逻辑介宾关系。
8.That has been my life for the past ten years.那就是我过去十年的生活。
①for the past ten years中的for也可换成in,during或over,在说到“在过去……时间里”,句子的谓语用现在完成时态。
in the past意为“在过去”,指遥远的过去,与现在截然分开,应用一般过去时,
比较:In the past,I always thought you were my friend.
Great changes have taken place in the past 20 years in China.
9.Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago. when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours?
句中when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours是定语从句,修饰先行词one afternoon,ten years ago是定语,也修饰one afternoon,定语从句与先行词被分隔开来,这叫作分隔定语从句。如:
I was the only person in my office who was invited.(who引起的定语从句被in my office分隔。)
The necklace was gone that Mathile borrowed from her good friend Jeanne.(that引起的定语从句被谓语分隔)
10.I was the only person in my office who was invited. I’ve written to accept the invitation.
Jason received many presents on his birthday. Jason在生日那天收到许多礼物。
Max was warmly received there. Max在那儿受到热情接待。
I cannot accept your offer of help. 我不能接受你的主动帮助。
He asked her to marry him and she accepted him.
11.But,just this once. After all,this ball is very important.
①just this once是一个单成分句,其本身是一个相对完整的语言单位,不需要增补其它的句子成分,意思是承接上文而来——虽然要花一大笔钱,但是要花就花这一次吧。在注释7条已经解释过。
②after all“毕竟”、“终究”、“到底”,它有两个含意:
1)“要知道……”,“别忘了……”,表示说话人对别人的态度,用来说服或提醒对方,引出听话人似乎忘记了的某个重要的论点或理由。在表示这个意思时,一般把after all放在句首。课文的句子就有这层含意。又如:
It’s not surprising you’re tired. After all, you were up until eleven last night!
2)“虽然有前面说过的话”或“和预期的情况相反”,表示说话人意思的转折,有“虽然……,但毕竟……”的含意。在表示这层意思时,after all一般放在句末。例如:
Mathilde thought it was a diamond necklace,but it wasn’t a real one after all.
12.I have no jewellery to wear. 我还没有首饰戴呢!
She was wearing a gold ring/ a red flower in her hair.
Many women wear their hair short now.
We wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from the sun.
与wear的同义词还有:dress,have on,put on,in,with
She washed,dressed and went out.
Mary is too young to dress herself.
be dressed in表示某人穿着什么衣服
The nurses are all dressed in white.
③have on(=be wearing)“穿着、戴着”(衣服、帽子、鞋),表示状态,不能用进行时态。
The Emperor had nothing on in the procession.
④put on“穿戴”表示动作,反义词为take off.
It’s cold today. You’d better put on more clothes.
The man in blue is our teacher.
The boy with thick glasses is our monitor.
13.Does that matter? Can’t you just wear a flower instead?
Does it matter if we’re a bit late? 我们晚到一会儿有关系吗?
It doesn’t matter if you’re late——we’ll wait for you.
②Can’t you wear a flower instead? 是一个否定疑问句,这类用can’t / don’t haven’t / aren’t等开头的否定疑问句常用来表示说话者对某事感到惊讶、意外,并含有批评、责难之意,相当于汉语的“难道……吗?”如:
Don’t you know her name? She is your music teacher.
Can’t you help your good friend? Just this once.
14.Everybody else will be wearing jewellery。别人都将戴着首饰。
will be wearing是将来进行时态,表示将来某个时候在做的事,也可表示按计划安排将来要执行的动作,这一结构不带感情色彩,有时表示婉转的口气。如:
What will you be doing this time tomorrow morning?
I hope you’ll be sending her over soon.
15.She married a man with a lot of money. 她嫁给了一位很有钱的人。marry可作及物动词,意为“嫁”、“娶”解。
His daughter married a handsome man. 她女儿嫁给了一个英俊的小伙子。
John is going to marry Alice. 约翰要娶爱丽斯。
He married late in life. 他结婚很晚。
表示“与某人结婚”时,可用be married(to sb)表示状态,可延续;get married(to sb)表示动作,不延续。例如:
Mary has been married to Smith for twenty years.
16.So I called on you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery.
You aren’t listening, so I’ll shut up. 你们不听,我也就不讲了。
So she had to marry a man she didn’t like.
②call on/upon 作“访问”、“看望”、“拜访”解,常指正式的社交或业务往来(to visit sb. formally, either socially or on business).例如:
call at后接地点,表示到某处去拜访某人
pay a visit与visit同义,是正式用语,常表示进行时间较长的访问,既可指进行友好的社交性的访问,也可指因职务关系而进行的访问。
when does she visit you again?
Last night I called on Mr Black and had a long talk with him.
Perhaps we’ll pay a visit to China next month.
17.Pierre and I did have a very good time at the ball.
①注意本句中的Pierre and I,一般不说I and Pierre. 英语中习惯把别人放在前面,而把自己放在后面,以示谦逊,如he and I,my brother and I而汉语通常说“我和他”,“我和弟弟”,例如:
Mr White and I were invited to the ball.
I and Mr White are to blame. 我和我兄弟犯了这个错误。
②Pierre and I did have a good time…中的did是助动词,用在肯定句中,起强调作用,常有感情色彩,可译成“真的”、“的确”等词语。其后的动词要用原形。又如:
You do look nice today. 你今天看来真是漂亮。
We did need help those days. 在那些日子里我们的确需要帮助。
③ball指布置豪华考究的舞会。如:the royal ball皇家舞会
18.During the next ten years we both worked day and night to pay for it.
①day and night = night and day“日日夜夜,不分昼夜”是名词词组作状语。
如:He worked day and night to support his family.为了养家糊口,他日夜工作。
②pay back“偿还;还钱”,可用来表示“还钱给某人”pay back money to sb,也可说“还钱作为支付……的费用”pay back the money for sth,也可作“报复”解pay for意为“支付……的费用”。其常用句型是:pay for sth;pay sb for sth;pay(sb)some money for sth.或pay some money to sb. for sth.
pay off one’s debts 还清债务
例如:We must pay the money back to you tomorrow.
I paid them 5 pounds for the book.我付了他们5英镑买那本书。
Soon they paid off the debts. 不久他们就把债务全部还清了。
19.It was worth five hundred francs at the most. 它最多值500法郎。
①at the most = at most最多、至多
I can pay you 10 pounds at(the)most. 我最多付你10英镑.
There were only 30 people at the meeting at(the)most.
比较:at least 至少,最少 如:
He is at least as tall as you. 他至少和你一样高。
sth. be worth + n 值多少钱
doing 值得做……
The book is worth 10 dollars.
This film is worth seeing.
He said life wouldn’ t be worth living without friendship.
注意1)be worth后跟动词-ing形式,并且它与前面主语存在动宾关系,所以不用被动。
2)如果说“很值得”,应说be well worth而不能用very,very much等。
sth. cost+ money = be worth + money.(cost为动词,而worth为形容词)
cost还可以构成sth.cost sb. + money表“某物花了某人多少钱”或“某人花了多少钱买某物”。例如:
The necklace cost us thirty-six thousand francs.
cost还可以用来构成it cost+money to do sth. 表“花多少钱做某事”。例如:
It cost seven thousand yuan to buy this computer.




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