人教新课标初二Unit 5

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Lesson 17
  Teaching Objectives:
  Language Focus:
  May I speak to sb? This is sb speaking. Hold on, please
  What’s up? - What’s the matter?
  Shall we go to the zoo?
  Let’s make it ….
  What about a quarter past ten?
  Why not meet a little earlier.
  What other animals do you see in the zoo?
  Properties: Tape recorder, some pictures of animals
  Teaching Procedures:
  Step 1 Revision
  1. Say what John is going to do (after school, at college, after college)
  2. Revise talking about the time.
  What time do you usually get up/have breakfast/go to school?
  Get the students to ask in pairs about their parents.
  Step 2 Presentation
  Present the dialogue:
  A: What are you going to do next Saturday?
  B: Nothing much, why?
  A: Shall we go shopping?
  B: OK, What time?
  A: How about 10:00?
  B: Can we make it a little earlier? I have a lot of homework to do.
  A: OK. I’ll meet you at ….
  Explain the meaning of nothing much, shall and a little earlier.
  Explain shall we … and Let’s make it a little earlier.
  They are both ways of making a suggestion.
  Have the students practise the dialogue in pairs.
  Teach the new words zoo and dolphin show by showing pictures.
  Step 3 Read and act
  Play the tape for the students to listen and ask What time are David and Lin Tao going to meet?
  Play the tape again. Students listen and repeat.
  Let the students practise the dialogue in pairs and ask some pairs to act it out.
  Get the students to practise making a suggestion by using shall we, Let’s.
  Step 4 Presentation
  Have you ever seen these animals? Show the pictures and teach the words “panda”, an animal eating the bamboo, “lion” the famous movie is called King Lion, “elephant the biggest animal living on land, “monkey” something like human beings, “tiger” a very dangerous animal and has the name of “King of the beasts” “dolphin”, “deer”, “snake”, “rabbit”, “duck”, Beijing has a specialty “Beijing Duck” very delicious, “fox” a very clever (cunning) animal, “bear”. And more animals for them to see, “crocodile”, “Kangaroo” “camel” “flamingo” “zebra” etc.
  Step 5 look, read and answer
  Look at the color page and discuss the questions in pairs and write down the answers.
  The answers of “look and answer”
  1. The elephant
  2. The panda
  3. Dolphin and snake
  4. Dolphin
  5. Lion, tiger, snake, bear and fox
  6. Panda, deer, sheep, cow, rabbit and horse
  7. Lion, tiger, bear and snake
  8. No definite answers
  Step 6 Exercises in class
  Complete the dialogues
  1 A: Hello, __________?
  B: Yes, this is Jerry ____. Who is ____?
  A: This is Sam. How are you?
  B: Fine, ____. …
  2 A: Hello, can __________?
  Keys: 1.May I speak to Jerry/ speaking/ that/ What about (How about )you/…
  2. I speak to Nike/speaking /that /speaking …
  B: Sorry, Nike is not at home. This is Nike's mother______. Who is ____?
  A: Hello, Mrs. King. This is Andy ____.
  Fill in the blanks.
  1. Shall we go to the zoo? I hear there’s a dolphin ______ there.
  2. “Why not come a little earlier?” “No ______.”
  3. Which animal do you like ______, a panda, a tiger or an elephant?
  4. I think an elephant is the biggest animal on ______.
  5. Work must come ______.
  6. It’s a little earlier to come at nine o’clock. Let’s ______ it half past nine.
  Keys: 1.show 2.problem 3.best 4.land 5.first 6.make
  Step 7 Homework
  1. Revise the names of the animals.
  2. Finish off the workbook exercises.
  The design of the blackboard
Lesson 17  What’s up?  Nothing much.  No problem.  Why not meet a little earlier?  A: What are you going to do next Saturday?  B: Nothing much, why?  A: Shall we go shopping?  B: OK, What time?  A: How about 10:00?  B: Can we make it a little earlier? I have a lot of homework to do.  A: OK. I’ll meet you at ….
Lesson 18
  教具:Picture and recorder
  Step 1 Revision
  (1) Revise the dialogue
  (2) Revise the words
  例如: I am a tourist guide. Welcome to the zoo. This is a panda .The panda is only lives in China. This is a snake .It is dangerous. There are still a lot of interesting animals in our zoo. The exciting dolphin show is waiting for you. Come and see。
  (3) Pre-teach:组织学生根据刚才导游的介绍和导游图就教科书上的问题进行讨论。
  Step 2 Presentation
  (1) 教师指导学生快速默读阅读课文并判断True or False.
  A: The writer thinks the animals in the cage cannot be happy.
  B: The dolphin is human’s friend.
  (2) 学生阅读课文找出影响理解文章含义的地方并根据上下文判断出生词cage, forest, feel, fall, if的大意。
  “Cage” is a piece of framework in which birds or animals may be kept. Draw it on the board. “Holiday” is the day when people don’t have to go to work or school. We teachers and students have summer holidays and winter holidays. At the beginning of May, We have a seven-day- holiday. “Forest” is a place where a lot of trees grow. Use a gesture to teach “tired”. If you are tired, you need some rest (For “it’s …for …to …” “feel sorry for…” just give some examples.)
  (3) 教师就本课的知识点进行讲解和分析。
  Step 3 Practice
  Play the tape for students to read and they ask and answer questions about the text in pairs.
  Then try to retell the text, (Paragraph by paragraph) give the following questions as a reminder.
  Paragraph one
  1. Where do your parents often take him to on holidays?
  2. What do you like?
  3. What do you see in the zoo?
  4. How are these animals?
  5. Where do some of them stay? What do you feel about that?
  Paragraph two
  1. Where do tigers usually live?
  2. What do they do usually?
  3. What do they do in the zoo?
  Paragraph three
  1. What animal do you like best?
  2. Why?
  Step 4 Summary.
  Step 5 Exercises in class
  1. Write out six animals you can see in the zoo ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ _____.
  2. Fill in prepositions.
  ①I never stay at home ____ holidays.
  ② ____ the zoo, there are many animals.
  ③ Dangerous animals have to stay ____ cages.
  ④ It’s bad ____ your teeth to eat much sweet.
  ⑤ He likes living ____ the forest.
  ⑥ Tigers eat small animals ____ rabbits and deer.
  ⑦ I feel sorry ____ the animals.
  ⑧ Dolphins often play ____ a ball, and they can walk ____water.
  ⑨ Be careful ! Don’t fall ___ the water.
  3. Fill in the blanks with the proper words.
  ①Monkeys like ______ (eat) nuts.
  ②I ______ (not have) many toy animals.
  ③May I ______ (borrow) your dictionary?
  ④It’s good ______ (read) English in the morning.
  ⑤I have a lot of thing ______(do) today.
  ⑥I think the dolphin is ______(interesting) animal in the zoo.
  ⑦Which animal is ______ (dangerous), a tiger or a bear?
  ⑧Some animals are ______ (friend) to people.
  1. (Open answers) eg ; monkey, lion, elephant, bird, snake, deer.
  2. ①on ②in ③in ④for ⑤in ⑥like ⑦for ⑧with, on ⑨into
  3. ① eating ② don’t have ③ borrow ④ to read ⑤to do ⑥the most interesting ⑦ more dangerous ⑧ friendly
  Step 6 Homework
  (1)Copy the new words and phrase.
  Step 7 The design of the blackboard
Lesson 18take me there feel sorry for…on holidays watch sb. do sth.be dangerous fall into…in cages come up to"'walk round and round
Lesson 19
  Teaching Objectives:
  Language Focus:
  Shall we …?
  Let’s ….
  Why not …?
  I have a lot of homework to do.
  Work must come first.
  Properties: Overhead projector, recorder
  Teaching Procedures:
  Step 1 Revision
  1. Revise the animal words by showing the pictures of animals or showing the pictures on page iii.
  2. Revise making a suggest by talking about going to the zoo.
  Step 2 Presentation
  Ask students to write out the three ways of giving suggestions, then students work in pairs to make a responses to suggestions: agree and disagree
  Good idea! OK/All right!
  No, let’s ….
  Get the students to practise the dialogue about making suggestions. Then ask some pairs to perform their dialogues.
  Step 3 Practise
  Let the students complete the exercise in pairs.
  Explain at a quarter to is short for at a quarter to one/two…
  Step 4 Practise
  Have the students practise in pairs, filling in the blanks with the phrases from the box.
  Then students make dialogues with phrases given in the box, do it in pairs first, then act it out in front of the class.
  Step 5 Reading and writing
  Have the students work together in pairs to fill in the blanks. Then ask several pairs to read their dialogue for the class.
  Draws pictures on the blackboard to teach the word “dumpling”. Explain “seafood” is fish or animals in the sea that can be eaten.
  Explain I have a lot of …to do”
  I have many clothes to wash.
  He has some questions to ask” etc.
  Step 6 Exercises in class
  1. Complete the sentences.
  ① The teacher has many lessons ____ ____
  ② The boys have some words ____ _____
  ③ I don’t have anything ____ ____
  ④ There are many games ____ ___
  ⑤ I have a lot of food ____ ____
  2. Complete the dialogue.
  ① A: Would you like to see a film with me?
  B: Yes, I___. When____?
  A: ____ meet at 8:00 tomorrow evening.
  ② A: Would you like to go skating with me?
  B: ____, I can’t. I have many things to do.
  1. ① to prepare ②to say ③to do ④to play ⑤to eat
  2. ① ’d love to, Shall we meet, Let’s ② Sorry/ I’m afraid.
  Step 7 Homework
  1.Make up a dialogue about making suggestions and different responses to suggestions.
  2.Finish off the workbook exercises.
  The design of the blackboard
Lesson 19Shall we …?Why not meet…?Work must come first.I have a lot of … to do.
Lesson 20
  Teaching Objectives:
  掌握元音音素[ : ] [ ][ ]的发音及有关字母O的发音规律。
  Language Focus:
  [ : ]or, ore, oor, our, al, au [ ]o, a [ ] o, oa, ow,
  On the back of
  I don’t know what to do.
  go boating What do you think?
  Properties: Tape recorder, cards
  Teaching procedures:
  Step 1 Revision
  1.Suggest to your friends that you go travelling to Japan next summer holiday. (in three ways.)
  2.Revise the animal names by playing charades.
  Ask a student to act out a kind of animal. The class guess the name of the animals by the student’s actions. Change another student to go on.
  Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation
  Play the tape for students to listen and repeat. Get them practise the pronunciation of these words. Show the students more words on cards to read.
  Step 3 Listening
  Play the tape and do Lesson 20 Ex.3. Check the answers.
  Step 4 Look, read and act
  Show the picture to students, talk about the picture, then guess what the two boys are talking about.
  Play the tape for students to listen and repeat.
  Then have the students read and act out the dialogue in pairs.
  Step 5 Read and say
  Say It’s Thursday morning. Tom and Li Lei are talking about what they are going to do tomorrow. Can you guess what they say exactly? Make up the dialogue with your partners.
  Play the tape for the students to listen and ask What are Tom and Li Lei going to do on Friday?
  Get the students to practise the dialogue in pairs.
  Step 6 Writing
  Suppose it’s Friday afternoon now. Tom and Li Lei are in the park. They see a lot of boats on the lake. They begin to talk. Make up this conversation with your partner.
  Students read the introductory part themselves and write out the dialogue.
  Step 7 Checkpoint
  Revise the three ways of making suggestions and different responses to suggestions.
  Read the useful expressions.
  Step 8 Exercises in class
  Complete the sentences.
  1. 现在看海豚表演太早了。
  It’s ______ ______ ______ the dolphin show.
  2. 我想它正在和我们打招呼呢。
  I think it’s ______ “______” ______ us.
  3. 上面写着“请勿喂养动物”
  It ______ “Don't ______ the animals!”
  4. 我们去看看小熊猫吧!
  ______ go ______ ______ the ______ panda.
  5. 我们看见一只猴子在它妈妈的背上。
   We can see a monkey ______ ______ ______ ______ its mother.
  6. 我们去买划船票好吗?
  ______ we go and ______ tickets ______ ______ ?
  7. 先去大象室看看如何?
   What about ______ to the ______ house ______?
  1.too early for 2.saying Hello to 3.says, feed 4.Let’s, and see baby 5.on the back of 6.Shall, buy, for boating 7.going, elephants’, first
  Step 9 Homework
  1. Finish off the workbook.
  2. Review making suggestions.
  The design of the blackboard
Lesson 20 I have a lot of …to do I don’t know what to do What do you think?




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