人教新课标高二Unit 7 Living with disease

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Unit 7 Living with disease
The First Period -Born dying
-Taught by Zeng Jiebing
Ⅰ.Teaching aims:
1.Learn and master the following words and phrases:
defenseless,illness,treatment,liquid,unprotected,sex,lack, proper, discourage,cheer up, network,specialist
2.Train the students' reading ability.
3.Practise talking imaginary situation.
Ⅱ.Teaching important points:
1.Master the following words and phrases: a lack of ,cheer up ,deal with ,wish,as if
2.Understand the text exactly.
Ⅲ.Teaching difficult points:
How to help the students analyze the writing style of this unit.
Ⅳ.Teaching methods:
Skimming method,task-based method,role-play method
Ⅴ.Teaching aid:
A recorder, the blackboard and a piece of paper
Ⅵ.Teaching procedures:
StepⅠ Lead in
T: Good afternoon,everyone.
Ss:Good afternoon,teacher.
T: Sit down, please. Today,we are going to learn Unit 7 -Living with disease. As we know, everyone will get ill in his whole life. But most of time, the illness can be cured sooner or later. However, some disease can't be cured, such as AIDS ,cancer and so on.
T: Are you afraid of these disease?
T: In our society, there are many people, who got these deadly disease, But they did not give up, they tried their best to fight against the diseases and make their life meaningful.
T: Do you think they are great?
T: Very good , Now can you tell me how many kinds of deadly diseases you know?
Ss:AIDS,cancer and so on.
T:Right, Ok, now,Let's have a test to see how much you know about AIDS. Please open your books at Page 49,
Here is an AIDS quiz.Try to finish it as quickly as you can.Maybe you don't know some of the answers. It doesn'
-t matter.
(Two minutes later)
T: Have you finished it?
T:But now we will not check the answer until we finish reading the text.
T: So please open your books at Page 51.
The text "Born dying" is about a person living with HIV. Before reading the text , I'd like you make a predict
about this passage. So please write down two questions you think will be answered in the text. I'll give you two
minutes to prepare. OK?
(Two minutes later)
T: OK,now tell me what are your questions.
Ss:They are:
Q1:What is AIDS?
Q2:How do people get AIDS?
T: Good , Now read the text quickly and try to find the answers to the questions you listed just now. At the same
time you should think about the title "Born dying" . Are you clear?
Ss: Yes .
T: OK, now do it please.
(Check the Ss's answers)
Step ⅢCareful-reading
T: OK ,Now, please read the text again , then try to find the right answers.
1.Which of the following is true?
A.People will die immediately after they get AIDS.
B.HIV spreads only through blood.
C.Xiaohua was three when her mother died.
D.AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body's immune system and leaves a person defense against infection
  and illnesses.
2.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.In 2002, 3.2 million children in the world were infected with HIV.
B.The disease is spreading faster in America and parts of Asia.
C.Xiaohua knows she will die before she can grow up.
D.Xiao hua wants to be a doctor to help AIDS patients.
3.What are the means of being infected with AIDS ?
A.Through blood and other body liquids. B.By having unprotected sex.
C.Through birth. D.All of the above.
4.The passage mainly tells us ______.
A.how terrible AIDS is B.how miserable Xiaohua is
C.what we should do towards AIDS and AIDS patients D.how to help Xiaohua
5.From this passage ,we can infer that ____.
A.we should avoid any contact with AIDS patients
B.Xiaohua wants to give a hug to an AIDS patient
C.Xiaohua's life won't be as long as her clasmates' so she is unhappy
D.people should try to know about AIDS
(Check the students' answers)
T:OK, now I think you must have known the AIDS very well , so let's turn back to the quiz about AIDS. let's
check the answers together.
(Check the students' answers)
Step Ⅳ Language points
T: Now let's listen to the tape. While listening, try to find out the important language points and difficult points
that you don't understand. Are you clear?
T: Maybe the following language points can give you more help to understand the text. Now study by yourself ,
then do the exercises.
1.break down :使瓦解,毁坏
eg:Someone broke the door down.
2.die of 死于疾病、衰老、饥饿、情感等内部原因。
die from 死于自然灾害、意外事故、受伤等外部原因。
eg:Her grandmother died of hunger/Cancer.
He died from a wound.
3.a lack of 缺乏、短缺
a lack of water /money
4.persuade sb. to do sth=persuade sb. into doing sth 说服某人做..... (成功)
try to persuade sb to do sth.=advise sb to do sth. 劝说某人做.....(不一定成功)
eg: She finally persuaded her son to go to college.
I advised/tried to persuade him to start early,but he couldn't listen.
I wish I could remember more about my mum.
I wish that she were here with me and that we weren't sick.
1.It's no use trying to ___ him to give up smoking;he won't listen.
A.persuade B.advise C.discourage D.prevent
2.This computer doesn't work properly.because a certain virus has ___ the operating system.
A.broken up B.broken down C.broken out D.broken away
3.Our defeat was due to a lack ___ experience.
A.in B.for C.of D.to
4..The dog died ___ an accident .The cat died ____ a disease .
A.of,from B.from,of C.for ,from D.of .for
5.Nobody has become ___ HIV in this area.
A.infected with B.infecting on C.infected in D.infecting with
6.People __ HIV by having unprotected sex,by receiving infected blood transfusions or through birth.
A.gets B.receive C.accept D.transmit.
Step Ⅴ Summary
T: In this class, we've not only learned more about AIDS,but also learnt how to act towards people who have
AIDS. We should call on all the people to fight against AIDS. Besides,we've learned some useful words and
phrases .After class ,please read the text more times to make sure you've really understood it and master the
useful language points.
Step ⅥHomework
1.Try to tell your classmates something about AIDS.
2.Recite the key sentences in the text.




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