
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

I. 口语项目:Buying tickets
1. -I want to go to Shanghai by train. How can I buy a ticket?
-You can buy it at the train station or book a ticket on the phone.
2. -How much for a ticket from Ji'nan to Beijing, please?
-Let me see. Fifty yuan.
3. -How many tickets do you need?
-Four, please.
4. -I want to book a ticket for the next flight to Shijiazhuang.
-Here you are.
5. -How much is the round trip?
-Two thousand yuan.
II. 背景知识拾零
III. 口语聊吧
A: Good afternoon. Nanjing Airways. Can I help you?
B: Good afternoon. I'd like to book a seat on a flight from Nanjing to Hangzhou on February 7th, please.
A: Do you like morning or afternoon flight?
B: 8:30 flight, please.
A: I am sorry. The flight is fully booked at that moment.
B: Thank you anyway.



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