NSEFC 高一 Unit 17 famous women

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Unit 17 Famous women
Teaching goals
1. Talk about the reasons why we admire great women.
2. Learn to describe people.
3. Study the rules of Subject-verb agreement.
4. Write a fan letter
Period 1
Step 1 word study
Aims : to enlarge the students’ vocabulary and learn about word formation.
We were inspired by his speech.
The teacher inspired us to great efforts.
The father inspired courage into his son.( inspired his son with courage.)
The memory of his childhood inspired his first novel. (激起灵感)
2. Admire
I admired her for her bravery/courage/wisdom.(钦佩)
Visitors to Switzerland admire the Alps. (赞赏)
I’d admire to go there. (想去)
The girl looked at the beautiful dress with admiration. (羡慕)
He was admired as a hero.
2. mean
He is mean over / about money.
Let me go out for dinner; don’t be so mean to me.
What do you mean by saying that?
Do you mean him to read the letter too?
He is very generous to his friends. His is willing to help them within his ability.
4. threaten
Terrorism threatens the peace and security of the world.
The robber threatened me with a knife.
He threaten to kill her but she was not at all frightened.
He threatened to make these photos public.
a threatening letter
Somehow I came to be interested in geography.
I must get it finished somehow 我总得想办法把它做完才行。
He somehow fell behind. 他不晓得怎么落后了。
6. regret
We deeply regretted his death.(惋惜;哀悼)
He regretted his carelessness.(=He regretted having been careless.=He regretted that he had been careless.) (懊悔)
We regret that you have to sell your house.
I regret being unable to come today. (后悔)
I regret to say that I can’t help you.(遗憾)
We regret to tell you that you are to be dismissed next week.
7. promise
The news of the war brings little promise of peace.
There is every promise of economic recovery. 经济的复苏十分有望。
If you make a promise, you should keep it; you might not break a promise.
She promised her early return 她答应早回。
Promise is debt. 许愿要还。
Period 2
Step 1 Review the words
Step 2 Warming up
Talk about the four famous women in the book. Read about them on the screen.
Ask: Are there any other great women in Chinese history?
Who do you admire most? And Why?
Step 3. Listening
1. Introduction
2. Listen and check their answers.
True or false
1.Sandra used to be a good singer.
2.Rose used to be quite fat.
3.Rose was generous and honest.
4.Sandra was once a lazy student.
5.Lily is now a maths teacher in Sichuan.
6. Jane didn’t like Rose.
7. Jane is warm and kind.
8. Lily didn’t like Sandra.
Write a passage about a famous woman you admire.
1.What quality has she got?
2.What great achievements has she gained?
3.Why do you admire her?
4.What inspires you?
Found out the adjectives that tell about people’s qualities as many as possible.
Period 3
1. Revise the words.
2. Ask some students talk about the woman they admire in their life.
3. Tell the students how to describe a person.
1). Learn the useful sentences in the speaking part.
2) Learn some words that are used to describe people.
positive negative
strong smart honest friendly warm kind cheerful populargenerous hardworking warm-hearted helpful loyaldiligent wise weak stupid lazy dishonest mean tense cold unkind unfriendly miserable dull cruel foolish
4. Pre-reading: let the students discuss the pre-reading questions and then report their answers.
1) a warm coat, gloves, a cap, wool pants, long underwear; boots; dark sunglasses, rope, a backpack; skis or snowshoes; a tent; sled; a radio transmitter 发报机 a cellphone; dried food; compass, maps; a sleeping bag, a small stove; matches; cooking fuel; an ice pick; flag, ect. All of these items are needed to keep warm to provide shelter and food, to give directions and to explore safety on snow and ice. What does not need to be brought? (drinking water)
2) Countries that are part of the North Pole: Norway; Sweden; Russia; Finland; US; Canada; Greenland 格陵兰(which is part of Denmark).
Counties that are part of the South Pole: Chile; Argentina; South Africa; Australia; New Zealand.
3) Animals on the North Pole: polar bear; wolf; snow fox; seal; walrus海象; reindeer, mouse; killer whales.
Animals on the South Pole: penguin; seal; walrus; whales.
4). Polar bears live only on the North Pole while penguin live only on the South Pole.
Period 4
1. Revise the words.
2. Listen to the text. True or false
1.She spent her 50th and 60th birthdays in Antarctica.
2.During her expedition in Antarctica, the weather was good though the wind was icy.
3.Every November there was bright sunshine 24 hours a day.
4.Her birthday falls on the 22nd day when she began her journey to the South Pole.
5. She had got self-rescue training before the expedition.
6. She will never forget her solo travel in the South Pole.
3.Questions on the text:
1.What’s the weather like during the first few days of her expedition?
2.Where did she stay when the wind grew stronger?
3. How did she spend the of November 12?
4. What happened when she was moving forward over a slope?
5. What happened on the 22nd day of the expedition?
Understanding the text
1.Which season was it in Antarctica when Helen began her journey in 1997?
A. Spring B. Summer
C. Autumn D. Winter
2. What does “ around the corner” mean in the sentence “But changes were just around the corner”?
A. Very near.
B. Out of sight.
C. Position of the angle where two lines meet.
D. beyond the topic.
3. Which of the following is true according to the text?
A. The winds blew Helen and her tent away.
B. On the 22nd day of the expedition Helen had an accident.
C. Antarctica is another name for the North Pole.
D. Helen hadn’t had any training before.
4. Which can be used as another title for the text?
A. First woman to the North Pole.
B. Journey of Challenge And Danger to the South Pole.
C. Natural Disasters.
D. The 60th birthday in Antarctica.
5. From the text we can see that Helen is a person who is ____.
A. young and clever B. wise and healthy
C. brave and determined D. optimistic and generous
Suppose you are a reporter on a magazine named “Famous Women”. You are going to write a report about Helen Thayer. Write according to the following questions:
1. What kind of woman is Helen Thayer? Describe her in a few sentences.
2. Do you admire Helen Thayer? Why?
3. We should learn from Helen Thayer?
Language points
1.be about to do sth
The sun is about to ink in the west.
We were about to leave the classroom hen the teacher came in.
2. around the corner: very near
May Day is just around the corner.
The Midterm examination is around the corner.
3. struggle through 挣扎着度过(难关)
We struggled through the crowd.
The traveller struggled through the snow storm.
struggle against/with 同…作斗争
He has been struggling with/against his illness for many years.
The woman struggled with a thief for a while.
struggle for 为…挣扎/斗争
He has been struggling for success in his business.
struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来
4. find sb doing sth 发现…(在某个地方;某种状态)
5. put up 支撑起; 搭起
6. die down 减弱
7. increase to 增加到
7. at the top of one’s voice=in a loud voice 大声的
8. be thankful for=be grateful for 感激
9. in good/poor health 身体好/不好
10.be woozy from doing sth 由于….而晕眩
11. give up 放弃
12.in an extreme climate 在极端的气候里
13 value sth 估计某物的价值 He valued the house for me at 80000 yuan.
value sb/sth 重视 Te students value the teacher’s advice.
Do you value her as a friend? 你把他当好朋友吗?
Post reading
Helen Thayer is a special woman. To go on such difficult and dangerous journeys at her age proves that Helen Thayer has a strong will. She enjoys great challenges. She is brave and very active. She also knows that the people in her life, such as her family, are more important than her personal achievement.
Period 5
1. Check the homework
2. Dictate some sentences:
1) It has often been said that life is difficult as it is.
2) She seems to be the kind of woman who is honest.
3) The impression she makes on me is that she is friendly.
4) I think she is the kind of person who is hardworking.
5) She looks as if she is very stupid.
6) Another journey of challenge and danger was about to begin.
7) But changes were just around the corner.
8) I had traveled only two hours one day when the wind increased so much that I had to put my tent up before the winds became too strong.
9) I used to practise self-rescue many times in the mountains where I live and carefully began climbing out.
10) I struggled to my feet knowing that somehow I had to put up my tent for shelter.
11) It is an experience I shall never forget and shall value for the rest of my life.
3. Grammar study
4 .Homework
5. Finish the grammar exercise in the workbook.
Period 6
1. Revise the grammar and check the exercises in the workbook.
2. Introduce some information about Oprah Winfrey. (on the screen)
3. Read and listen to the text and check the reading comprehension. (on the screen)
4. Go thought the text carefully and learn the language points.
5. Do the post reading exercises.
6. Writing: Let the students to read the letter and make sure they know what to do.
7. Go through the writing tips and tell the students what and how to write a letter to their favorite stars as fans.
8. Homework
1) Written homework: Choose a person you admire and write about her or him, including his or her qualities, characteristics, life and success.
2) Exercise homework: write a fan letter to a famous person that you admire.
Period 7
Answers for Part 2:
1. Women may get the award when their ideas or work have helped to make life better in their village.
2. Mrs Adetona has helped women in her village (get loans) to start small businesses.
3. Mrs Adetona’s work was important because with her help now more than a thousand people can care of their families and send their children to school.
4. Mrs Zeng taught the villages 1) how to plant tomatoes. 2) how to take care of sheep. 3) how to take care of the environment by planting tress in the hills around the village.
5. In 2002 Mrs Zeng was chosen to be one of the village leaders.




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